

单词 credit

Definition of credit in English:


nounPlural credits ˈkrɛdɪtˈkrɛdət
  • 1mass noun The ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future.


    I've got unlimited credit


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Consumers want instant decisions on credit applications, and we have a statutory obligation to turn around requests for files quickly.
    • Essentially, the idea would be to let people have unlimited credit.
    • Anxious to make a sale, the dealer may grant you a loan based on preliminary credit checks.
    • In so doing, On Time enables dealers to take a chance on customers with bad credit.
    • We take into account the quality of their credit.
    • Overdraft charges are the big point of difference on otherwise free student accounts, the Financial Regulator said in its first examination of student credit.
    • And it has taken nearly three years, because issues as simple as whether a customer has enough credit to make a purchase have to be handled deftly.
    • The company that may lend you the money will rank your credit history is the main criteria of your loan rate.
    • The credit bureau will make available timely and reliable customer credit information to participating banks, Koh said.
    • If the customer's credit is good and its trading methods fair, the bank need have no worries.
    • Let things drift and you are likely to default and be blacklisted for future credit.
    • But students with poor credit records and student debts could fine it extremely tough to get a loan or mortgage on graduation.
    • The easy cash is also allowing people, even those with good credit, to plunk money down on more house than they can afford.
    • Capital One is targeting customers with better credit as a way to stem delinquencies and defaults.
    • Britain in the eighteenth century developed a culture of credit and commerce, based on trust and reputation.
    • Asset-based lenders look at other factors - your customers' credit, for example.
    • Those students are reportedly now dealing with damaged credit or difficulty obtaining financial aid, Nahmias said.
    • Antonio urges Bassanio to borrow money on his credit for this purpose.
    • It's important for businesses to realize a customer whose credit is being evaluated by outsiders can get irritated.
    • Many policyholders cannot afford to pay their annual motor insurance in one go and so avail of credit arrangements from insurers and brokers.
    financial standing, financial status, solvency
    1. 1.1 The money lent or borrowed under a credit arrangement.
      the bank refused to extend their credit


      as modifier he exceeded his credit limit
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Credit card spending can be very expensive if balances remain uncleared or if credit limits are breached because of penalty charges.
      • Car sales generally have been falling since May as government restrictions on credit took their toll.
      • Some of the computer manufacturers have arrangements with financial institutions to offer credit deals to their customers.
      • Make sure to check your credit limit before going abroad and arrange any payments needed to keep the account up to date.
      • Faced with such a situation, if the firm could not raise cash by obtaining more credit immediately, it would be insolvent.
      • Paying by credit card is normally the most secure method but this might not be possible if you are buying a boat whose price exceeds your credit limit.
      • Gold cards can give significantly higher credit limits.
      • An employee whose credit exceeds this limit would be sent a letter requiring them to explain when leave would be taken to maintain a balance below 30 days.
      • If you are a late payer or inclined to exceed your credit limit, Tusa does not impose any penalty charges and its standard rate is a competitive 17.5 per cent.
      • Many clients believe it is important to obtain as much credit as possible because these dollars would be available for unexpected events.
      • As I will explain later, these checks enable people to obtain easy credit at dangerously high levels.
      • I do my best to never exceed my credit limit, though there are months when it's been a close call.
      • This massive infusion of money and credit has yet to satisfy the appetites of airline executives.
      • Financial promoters leverage these rising values to create even more money, credit, and debt.
      • As they see it, all that is lacking is more money and credit.
      • The society added that abolishing the current system of debt recovery would discourage firms from advancing credit or lending money.
      • If you're worried about exceeding your credit limit, call your card issuer to ask for a small increase.
      • We always opt out when filling in forms for telephone services or credit as we don't really want tele-sales people contacting us.
      • However, to avoid the temptation of overspending you should ask for your credit limit to be cut on both cards.
      • After years of U.S. and global money and credit excess, the consequences are coming home to roost.
      credit, advance
  • 2An entry recording a sum received, listed on the right-hand side or column of an account.

    (账户右侧或右栏的)贷项。DEBIT 的反义词

    the columns should be added across and down and the total debits should equal the total credits
    The opposite of debit
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It is the first item on the debit side of the account, that is discharged, or reduced, by the first item on the credit side.
    • When he demanded £5,000 to cover the costs of his journey south, Cecil and Buckhurst ransacked the accounts and found no credits whatsoever.
    • The key for the individual is education - learning how to manage credits and debits.
    • Proceeds from sales were recorded on the credit side.
    • Not an exciting day, but I think the books balanced pretty well, a little on the debit side, and just about as much in the credit columns, so I'm pleased enough with it.
    • Distributors even disagreed about how they would go about calculating credits and debits.
    • For example, total charges must equal total credits.
    • After she recovered from her initial surprise, the teller gave him full access to Alex's account, checking the credits with slightly shaking hands.
    • Now I use taxis regularly, having shifted yet another lifelong principle from the credit to the debit side of my ethical account.
    • As his business is largely cash-based, he doesn't write a lot of cheques or have many debits and credits.
    • Now, that may give rise to a claim in debt or it may not, depending on the state of the loan account because there were other credits in the loan account.
    • Then as I understand it, your Honour, there are other credits in the loan account.
    • The real challenge is in identifying the best way of creating a market for emission debits and credits.
    1. 2.1 A payment received.
      you need to record debits or credits made to your account


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Under the new Code, your existing bank must provide your new bank with a list of all your regular debits and credits within three working days.
      • There are a wider variety of tax deductions and credits, plus the property earns a higher income flow and the usual equity increase.
      • Vivienne helps residents with a wide range of tasks, including making benefit appeals, helping to fill out forms, and advising them on tax and pension credits.
      • The $700,000 incentive package comprises tax refund credits and a grant payment program.
      • The landlord is then entitled to claim a credit for the income tax deducted at source from the rental income.
      • I have been lucky enough to receive payment of credits - but the payment was erratic.
      • About 20 percent provided additional retirement payments or credits.
      • In this case, naming a charity as a direct beneficiary will qualify as a donation credit on the final income tax return of the deceased.
      • For dividends, the credit is usually dollar for dollar.
      • Automated clearings are used for credit and debit transfers such as standing order payments, direct credits, and direct debits.
      • On Monday afternoon I received an email from Quip saying they couldn't add the credit to my account as it was temporarily blocked.
      • These accounts were debited for the expenses, with the corresponding credit to the cash account.
      • She had then received a credit into her bank account of £383.43, with no letter explaining exactly why she had received the payment.
      • The bank hid credits, falsified accounts and created dummy loans.
      • This money is recorded as a credit in the current account but, in reality, it is not a reliable source of financing.
      • I got rid of my TV months ago and informed them and they did send me a credit on my direct debit - since, as you doubtless know, they take the money in advance.
    2. 2.2mass noun Entitlement to a set amount of a particular company's goods or services, typically paid for in advance of use.
      in the middle of our conversation his phone ran out of credit
      she had £15 credit on her account
      Example sentencesExamples
      • You can use your US credit for calling your partner, booking restaurants, or other America-centric activities.
      • In March the company announced that it would start allowing customers to sell videogames for store credit or cash.
      • This "test" program will run for 5 days and will give consumers who trade in games an extra 20 percent in-store credit.
      • Not only will they buy less games a year, the lack of trade-in credit lowers their ability to buy new games even more.
      • Used games are a way for some consumers to monetize their games: they will buy a game, play it, and bring it back to their retailer to get credit for their next purchase.
      • Participants on pay-as-you-go tariffs received £50 worth of phone credit, which they topped up prior to the week of text-message questions.
      • Each of those plans also allows you to add on another 500MB of data for $5, and includes some credit for international and premium calls.
      • The $29 plan on the screenshot shows that it comes with $450 of call credit.
      • You'll have to use that credit before the end of 2013.
      • You can currently get up to $200 in-store credit when you buy online.
      • The decoders do not need to be topped up with credit every month to view local channels suchs ITV, Channel 10, Star TV, TBC etc.
  • 3mass noun Public acknowledgement or praise, given or received when a person's responsibility for an action or idea becomes apparent.


    the Prime Minister was quick to claim the credit for abolishing the tax


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The board, often criticised in the past for taking too long to settle claims, deserves credit for its swift response in this case.
    • But he stressed the department is not claiming credit for this.
    • James deserves full credit for his enormous contribution to the Irish entertainment scene and in particular in the North West.
    • I can't claim credit for them, they were taken by a photographer for one of the two student papers here.
    • Several diary writers have claimed credit for the idea, which could even derive from the First World War trenches.
    • Well done to all the lads who deserve great credit for their achievements.
    • These people would claim credit for the good weather and deny responsibility for their own signature if they thought they could get away with it.
    • As ludicrous as it is, people often take credit for the natural abilities they are born with.
    • He has suddenly trebled the size of the police force by bringing the whole taxi industry into the blue uniforms, and for that the public gives him no credit and no thanks.
    • It can also claim credit for many ‘firsts’ in the field of entertainment and cultural exploration.
    • However, the one thing we can be sure is that no single group or any one individual can really claim sole credit for its arrival.
    • ‘I don't think he gets enough credit for his ability to drive and his strength,’ Doherty says.
    • If you claim credit when it's not due, you must take the blame too.
    • But his trick was to attack a supposed cultural elite while claiming credit for economic success.
    • You wanted to steal my ideas and claim credit for them.
    • In India, nice children are a dime a dozen, and parents receive no special credit or praise for their children's behavior.
    • I claim no credit for this notion, having just suggested the obvious.
    • Yet at the same time the government was claiming credit for the successes of the private sector.
    • Still, that wasn't going to stop the Government from taking credit for this partial achievement.
    • He received much credit and praise for a major economic reform program he introduced in 1965.
    praise, commendation, acclaim, approval, approbation, acknowledgement, recognition, kudos, hat tip, glory, merit, regard, esteem, respect, admiration, adulation, veneration, tributes
    thanks, gratitude, appreciation
    informal bouquets, brownie points
    rare laudation, extolment, eulogium
    1. 3.1in singular A source of pride.
      the fans are a credit to the club


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Willie spoke of his great pride in Clonegal and said the village is a credit to the people who reside there.
      • She is a remarkable young lady, who is a credit to her family and school.
      • The children who were a credit to their parents and teachers joined in all aspects of the Mass including the readings, Prayers of the Faithful and offertory procession.
      • He congratulated and complimented Josie, Jim and James and said they were a credit to their families.
      • This is a credit to the hard work of those employees who have skilfully planned and carried out the project from start to finish.
      • The building is now a credit to all those involved.
      • ‘David is a credit to the school and department,’ he said.
      • It was a lovely pub and a prominent landmark - a credit to the area.
      • Described as calm, conscientious, confident and professional, he was hailed as ‘a credit to the police force’ by one woman.
      • She always took great pride in her garden which was a credit to her.
      • Forty five children represented our area with pride and were a credit to themselves and their families.
      • They were a credit to themselves and their coaches.
      • It is unique and a credit to the craftsmen and volunteers who have worked on it.
      • Since then the place has been well kept, the grass cut and it is always neat and tidy and a credit to the local community which take pride in their place.
      • Andrea said: ‘The pupils have been a credit to the school with their behaviour, manner and determination.’
      • But readers liked Emma, both novel and character, and this admiration is a credit to the author's skill.
      • I am very proud of their hard work, they are a credit to the school.
      • He is a creative thinker and a credit to his field.
      • It is also a credit to the authors' skill that the content is kept utterly accessible.
      • It is a credit to the authors, the publisher, and the museum that sponsored it.
      source of honour, source of pride, feather in the cap, asset, proud boast, glory, flower, gem, treasure
    2. 3.2usually creditscount noun An item in a list displayed at the beginning or end of a film or television programme, acknowledging a contributor's role.
      the closing credits finished rolling


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Imagine the thrill of watching your name flow by hurriedly on television and film credits…
      • While it is true that credits now roll pretty quickly on film, the reason has less to do with studios trying to keep the running time on films down and more with the proliferation of the number of credits in a film.
      • High Sierra was the last time Bogart's name would not be listed first in film credits.
      • These shows were screened with the complete end credits and another Associated Television Production caption at the very end - a rare treat indeed these days.
      • I've always wondered what key-grip meant in film credits.
      • Co-incidentally, the programme credits list the same name for ‘Camera’ and ‘Assistant Producer’.
      • The end and beginning credits, punctuated with outtakes, dancing, and singing, seem to last roughly the length of time it took for the Titanic to sink.
      • Si, who hails from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, is a first assistant director and locations manager for film and television whose credits include the Harry Potter movies.
      • The effects are top notch, especially the early scenes before the opening credits; and the film is shot with techniques more commonly employed in war films, giving a real battle struggle quality.
      • The film's end credits include the names of all those lost with the ship.
      • This was an era when most of the audience naturally stayed to see film end credits - it being thought disrespectful to the producers not to do so.
      • Extra content consists of production credits, filmographies, and a behind the scenes photo gallery.
      • In the programme's opening credits, a cameraman on a large pulley produced a brilliant camera angle.
      • When they open their programmes, the film's credits are revealed, printed inside.
      • It's in rough cut form, which means there are no beginning and end credits.
      • In fact, the nearest the film had to a reaction was the sigh of relief that swept through the audience when the credits started to roll.
      • At the beginning of the film, the opening credits roll as the camera pans down what appears to be a blue, white, and red Eiffel Tower.
      • The final two tracks comprise the film's end credits, beginning with ‘May It Be,’ as sung by Enya.
      • While I'm mentioning crewmembers, you'll see Joel Coen listed in the credits as Assistant Film Editor.
      • Aside from David's eclectic array of television credits, he has an equally impressive number of theatre roles to his name.
  • 4North American mass noun The acknowledgement of a student's completion of a course or activity that counts towards a degree or diploma as maintained in a school's records.


    a student can earn one unit of academic credit


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Students in an Introductory Psychology course were offered extra credit if they would agree to hand in their notes at the end of a specified class.
    • The college students received course credit for their participation.
    • Students should talk with a school counselor about the possibility of earning credit toward your intended degree or certificate.
    • Personal identification questions were used only to verify that the students received appropriate credit for completing the activity.
    • Many colleges and universities offer the opportunity to earn credit through taking online courses.
    • Students receive some course credit for participating.
    • Participants enrolled in specific psychology courses received extra credit upon completion of the study.
    • Courses offered for credit and sessions on time management at the student recreation centers and residence halls could enhance efficiency.
    • Increasingly, advanced high school students receive both high school and college credit by taking college distance learning courses.
    • Participants were 154 undergraduate students who received partial course credit for their participation.
    • Students received academic credit for their involvement in the research.
    • Many of the sites offered community college credit for courses taken as part of a high school diploma.
    • Another unique feature of this program is that students get academic credit for their participation in the conference.
    • Since many of the training courses were done for credit, each program saw the immediate benefit of increased program enrollment.
    • Students enrolled in these courses usually receive academic credit on both their high school and college transcripts.
    • Most programs utilize transcript reviews to determine if a student has received credit for a similar course from another academic institution.
    • Also, many high schools offer advanced placement courses that count for college credit.
    • Students receive credit for completing four online quizzes during the semester.
    • Twenty-four male and 29 female first-year psychology students participated to earn credit for their course.
    • A video documenting the project, made by a student for independent-study credit, was shown at the event and was available for purchase.
    1. 4.1count noun A unit of study counting towards a degree or diploma.
      the National Certificate consists of twelve credits


      Example sentencesExamples
      • None of it would earn you a college credit from a mathematics department.
      • Students who complete all five courses offered so far in 2000 will have earned 15 semester credits.
      • By earning credits at a community college, they can attain the baccalaureate more quickly and less expensively than if they only studied at a four-year school.
      • I've already earned enough credits to graduate high school, so I'm skipping grade 12 to take a year to work, and to figure some things out.
      • The geography department is also counting the project as credits towards Rogers' degree.
      • Participants earn continuing education credits for these workshops.
      • Many students now graduate from high school having already completed many credits toward college.
      • One in five of those engineers earned at least 10 credits at a community college before earning a degree at a four-year school, according to the report.
      • The credits she's earning count toward her high school diploma.
      • Also, on completion I can use the credits towards a distance learning degree if I so choose.
      • It counts as a full credit despite being only three months long.
      • He was denied the salary increment given to teachers who have attained a master's degree plus 30 credits.
      • At the beginning of each academic quarter, students participated in a screening process for several studies offering research participation credits.
      • Students not admitted at first try often go into liberal arts where they can work on their prerequisites and accumulate credits toward their degree.
      • It earned me two credits for college, but I don't know if it was really worth it.
      • In addition to the two credits she received for the trip, she and other students have the option of doing an independent study for two additional credits.
      • The packaged 15 - credit course is geared towards students motivated to change their world.
      • She will find a way to squeeze in the continuing education credits required for maintaining her certification as a registered dietitian.
      • Excelling in mathematics and computer studies, he earned 77 college credits, an Associates degree and a paralegal certificate.
      • That means classes are taught in English, and students earn degrees by accruing credits.
    2. 4.2British count noun A grade above a pass in an examination.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In 2003 pupils were awarded a credit at Standard grade English with only 42%.
      • There, he had taken a computer course, which he passed with very high credits.
      • In my opinion, they passed the examination with credit in the school of life.
      • Like many good photographers, his career began in newspapers, passing with credits his National Council for the Training of Photojournalists exams.
      • Of the 27 pupils tested, 25 passed at credit, the highest award level, despite sitting the exam a year early.
    3. 4.3 Acknowledgement of merit in an examination which is reflected in the marks awarded.
      candidates will receive credit for accuracy and style


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Students will be given credit for effective work habits.
      • Another teacher gave extra credit to students who spoke up in class.
      • But he added that universities had a responsibility to make clear to markers ‘what gives credit for a mark’.
      • Although this was not an evidence based question, credit was given to candidates who supported their arguments from current literature.
      • Extra credit was awarded to any monitor that had some feature of significant value or excellence beyond what was covered in the normal evaluation process.
  • 5archaic mass noun The quality of being believed or credited.


    the abstract philosophy of Cicero has lost its credit


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He dissembled with one or the other, and by so doing lost his credit with both.
    • I think the government has lost its credit on the question of human rights.
    credibility, reliability, plausibility, believability
    1. 5.1 Good reputation.
      John Gilpin was a citizen of credit and renown


      Example sentencesExamples
      • She was a woman of great credit and reputation on all accounts.
      • Then he asked me, whether he was a man of credit? I answered, I thought he was.
      reputation, repute, character, image, name, good name, prestige, influence, standing, status, regard, esteem, estimation
      credibility, acceptability
      Indian izzat
      informal clout
      North American informal rep, rap
      archaic honour, report
      rare reputability
verbcredits, credited, crediting ˈkrɛdɪtˈkrɛdət
[with object]
  • 1Publicly acknowledge a contributor's role in the production of (something published or broadcast)


    the screenplay is credited to one American and two Japanese writers


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The two lines from a poem quoted on the fourth page should have been credited to Dylan Thomas.
    • If you are able to help in any way, you will, of course, be fully credited, and your contribution will be greatly appreciated.
    • It was an error on our part that the beautiful photographs accompanying the article were not credited to the photographer, Jeffrey Chock.
    • Wilson is credited as producer/director of the Channel 4 series.
    • The earliest mythological stories are credited to the blind bard Homer, to whom The Iliad and The Odyssey are attributed.
    • Include your name and city and I'll list the information to credit your contribution.
    • The follow-up album, Santa Barbara, was just credited to The High Llamas.
    • The lean direction is credited to Christian Nyby, but producer Howard Hawks' fingerprints are everywhere.
    • The song was always credited to an ‘author unknown’.
    • At least, those works appearing in this collection will be credited to Balan's name.
    • Last Sunday we published a correction crediting the Journal of Commerce for the seven paragraphs.
    • This tribute dates back to 1926 and is credited to a Harvard scholar named Carter G. Woodson.
    • This should, in fact, be credited to the 18th-century scholar Edmond Malone.
    • There's probably plenty of good material in the archives here to fill several issues, but I'd hate the job of collating and editing it into some coherent form and crediting contributors.
    • He is credited to have written the South Indian History in 1919.
    • It allows documents to be modified, with all contributors being credited.
    • Any photos or clips that are selected for the final production will be credited to the sender at the end of the film.
    • Oddly, on the cover Midge Ure's solo effort is credited to Ultravox.
    • So if you'd like to see your name in print - all contributed episodes will be credited and the author will receive free books worth £20.
    • If any of the material is used it must be credited to BBC Radio 4 Broadcasting House.
    ascribe, attribute, assign, accredit, chalk up, put down, set down, impute
    lay at the door of, connect with, associate with
    informal stick something on
    1. 1.1credit someone with Ascribe (an achievement or good quality) to someone.
      he is credited with painting one hundred and twenty-five canvases


      Example sentencesExamples
      • She might sound like any other devoted dog owner, but Abby insists their story is different: she credits Mungo with bringing her back from the abyss of clinical depression.
      • Thales is also credited with the discovery of calculating distance for ships at sea.
      • He is widely credited with reforming the office from his predecessor's days.
      • Hollywood is often credited as popularising swing dancing through its films of the 1930's.
      • She credits her success to hard work, good teachers and supportive parents.
      • He credits Britain with a long tradition of caring for animals, which made people receptive to his message.
      • He is credited with the invention of moveable type in China some four hundred years earlier.
      • Julia Pike, the museum's new curator/director, credits Gould with pushing to have the plaque restored, the wood refurnished and the glass replaced.
      • Brenda Maddox, who had written a biography of Thatcher to accompany the programme, credits Dennis Thatcher with liberating his wife from her repressive background.
      • Queen Victoria is generally credited with having started the white wedding dress craze.
      • But our Founding Fathers crafted and drafted a better Constitution than they have been credited with.
      • He credits the fashion designer with opening his eyes and developing his taste for art and photography.
      • Mr Walsh is credited with saving the life of one treasured friend, Tiger the dog, by his nominator.
      • She credits him with saving the life of her then eight-year-old
      • Serving as the Czech prime minister from 1993 to 1997, he was credited with successfully transforming the Czech economy.
      • History credits Mary Pickford as being the first major Hollywood star.
      • It is not known when the mighty dogs first started to rescue people, but they are credited with saving some 2,000 travellers over the past 200 years on the Saint Bernard Pass on the border with Italy.
      • When he died at sixty-five in 1750 he was credited with well over 200 hours of music.
      • He credits Will Femia with much of the research.
      • Jonathan credits Hugh Hewitt with getting the ball rolling.
      be accredited with, be recognized as, be given the credit for, be held responsible for
  • 2Add (an amount of money) to an account.


    this deferred tax can be credited to the profit and loss account


    Example sentencesExamples
    • With a daily mortgage, any repayments are credited to your account immediately, whereas with annual interest, they only hit your bill at the end of the year.
    • Subscribers could apply via their phones and have the loans credited to their cell-phone accounts.
    • The payment of a cheque credited to the bank account is a cash payment.
    • Letters will go out in March informing customers of the size of any refund and the money will be credited to accounts in June.
    • The balance indicated that salaries had already been credited to our accounts.
    • One account is debited for the amount involved in any transaction and another account is credited.
    • More than two months ago I paid £800 in cash into my local branch of Abbey to be credited to my Abbey Visa card.
    • Payments are made directly to residents' gas suppliers or paid in cards, which are then credited to their meters.
    • But the problem arises only where an amount is credited to a wrong account as a result of an error in decoding or of the insertion of inaccurate details in the bank giro credit.
    • I completed the form two months ago, sent it off and a month latter got a letter back telling me it had been accepted and my wife's bank account would be credited.
    • The proceeds will then be credited to the Capital Works Reserve Fund.
    • Furthermore, these dividend accounts are being credited with interest.
    • The pupils will be provided with their own pin number to credit their account when they pay the money into a till linked to a computer in the school kitchen.
    • Benefits would be paid according to the amounts credited to each account.
    • It is a low-cost pension scheme in which you can put in up to £3,600 per annum gross - which means, Gerry says, that by paying in just £2,808 a year, you are credited with £3,600.
    • These ‘loyalty bonuses’ are only credited to your account after twelve months.
    • His Hong Kong remittance company sends a text message to Jane's phone, crediting the money to her account.
    • It was not credited to our account by the bank until the following day which made it a late payment and his electricity was cut.
    • And it just got better when I went online and checked my account and saw that they credited my allowance for June!
    • All associated fees have been credited to your account.
  • 3British often with modal Believe (something surprising or unlikely)


    you would hardly credit it—but it was true


    Example sentencesExamples
    • So startling is the divergence that you can barely credit the evidence before your eyes.
    • Most conservative commentators are either unwilling even to credit the debate or approach it only in the most polemical fashion.
    • I've been so busy I haven't even checked my email, to find out if he said yes or not - can you credit it?
    • The legendary blues singer may have just turned 72 but you would hardly credit it as the star hits the road for a new six-leg European tour.
    • As a former broadcasting journalist of some 17 years or so experience, I cannot credit that anyone actually believes that.
    believe, accept, give credence to, have confidence in, trust, have faith in, rely on, depend on, count on
    informal go for, fall for, buy, swallow, {swallow something hook, line, and sinker}, take something as gospel


  • be in credit

    • (of an account) have money in it.


      your statement shows your account to be in credit
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It's good to be able to walk through shopping centres financially unscathed, it's good not to be taken in by feeble marketing campaigns, and it's good to be in credit and credit-card-free.
      • The banks stress they only exercise this right in extreme circumstances and would only take money from an account that was in credit.
      • In August 2001, the account was in credit to the tune of nearly $270,000.
      • Debit cards are cheaper than credit cards as long as your account is in credit.
      • This was the last in a series of bounced cheques on an account that had always been in credit, and about which you had written a stream of letters.
      • The bank did make a quarterly charge of £45 for current accounts which was payable irrespective of whether the account was in credit or debit.
      • It is also worth considering which bank accounts will pay you interest when your account is in credit - these rates can vary considerably.
      • All the time your bank account is in credit, or you have savings, this money can be used to cut your mortgage balance and slash your interest bill.
      • Our conversation began with me mentioning that 2004 could be the first year of my adult life during which I've been in credit for an entire year.
      • However, no cash advance fee applies if your account is in credit.
  • credit where credit is due

    • Praise given when it is deserved, even if one is reluctant to give it.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In this day and age, it's all too easy to criticise service-based industries, rather than give them credit where credit is due.
      • Of course, to give credit where credit is due, I wouldn't have been out there at all if it hadn't been for Tracy.
      • I suggest to all similar-minded people: please learn to give credit where credit is due, and show a bit of respect and humility to others.
      • However, you must give credit where credit is due.
      • I'm a big believer in always giving credit where credit is due, and one of the best things a person can do is remind someone that they have the power to take something and make it better.
      • The New York Times gives credit where credit is due.
      • I think it's very important to give credit where credit is due.
      • He believed in giving credit where credit is due and I will continue that.
      • It gives credit where credit is due, whether it be in the sciences or in philosophy or even in the theologies of other traditions.
      • That said, it's only right and proper to give credit where credit is due, and the crucially important area of housing is one where our Council can hold its head high.
  • do someone credit (or do credit to someone)

    • Make someone worthy of praise or respect.


      your concern does you credit


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Yet Green's awareness of the need to provide detailed readings of individual works, an awareness that does him credit, obliges him to undertake that task separately, in a discrete section of the book.
      • They were real, and indignation at injustice does credit to us.
      • Such humility does him credit as a person but not as manager.
      • His stated regret at bringing embarrassment to the bank and its staff, and his willingness to match his words with actions, do him credit at the darkest hour of his career.
      • Your prudence is rare and does you credit, but you may be taking things a tad too far.
      • His fluency and polish in his new role do him credit, although it remains to be seen if this is sufficient.
      • This is the first novel for the Canadian author, but his previous work as a journalist does him credit here - he knows just how much of a yarn to unravel for the reader that will always leave them eager for more.
      • ‘They've been over-generous really, which does them credit,’ said one.
      • Your inclination to see the best in people does you credit.
      • For 45 minutes last night old faces and new responded to the challenge with a combination of passion and pragmatism that did credit to themselves and to their manager.
  • give someone credit for

    • Commend someone for (a quality or achievement), especially with reluctance or surprise.


      please give me credit for some sense


      Example sentencesExamples
      • York City are a better team than they are given credit for.
      • I think the populace is a lot more astute than they are given credit for.
      • More important, it should be obvious that children are far more resilient than they are given credit for.
      • Elliott is a much better defender than most people give him credit for, as well as being a quality perimeter shooter.
      • Obviously, they are a much better side than they have been given credit for and they dismissed the suggestion, in no uncertain terms, that the team revolves around a number of key players.
  • have something to one's credit

    • Have achieved something notable.


      he has 65 Tournament wins to his credit


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He has many books to his credit and we are all looking forward to his latest.
      • The two lads have many successful recordings to their credit.
      • She has many short stories to her credit and had plans for a second book.
      • He was an active member of the badminton club and had many trophies to his credit.
      • Though young, he has many achievements to his credit.
      • What adds to his versatility is the fact that he has several publications to his credit, including school and college course books and newspaper articles.
      • But a dwindling band of reform-minded supporters say the prime minister does have some successes to his credit.
      • He has a gold medal to his credit in the same season.
      • In his lifetime, he had several books to his credit.
      • John Lloyd was engaged to build the church to a design by architect Benjamin Ferrey who had several churches to his credit.
  • on credit

    • With an arrangement to pay later.


      people believed that buying on credit was wrong
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Whitegoods and consumer sundries are all paid for on credit.
      • The motoring bills are on a separate computer system - which does not acknowledge payments on credit.
      • Nowadays I do not buy anything on credit, I save for it.
      • For the next six years I learned to live the way the rest of the world lives, on credit and a precariously balanced checkbook.
      • She bought it on credit by claiming she was still on pregnancy leave.
      • We have gone from being a nation who never accepted credit to being one which has no hang-ups about borrowing very considerable amounts on credit.
      • However, try not to buy anything else on credit while you still have this debt, otherwise you'll be back to square one.
      • It is easy to forget the danger of living on credit.
      • Don't be tempted to buy on credit if you can't pay it back.
      • The party has financed much of its high-spending campaign on credit.
      on hire purchase, on hp, on the hp, by instalments, by deferred payment, on account
  • on the credit side

    • As a good aspect of the situation.


      on the credit side, the text is highly readable


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Poor decisions cost the Town a Mid-Ulster Cup final place but on the credit side, Newry's battling performance augurs well for their hopes of staying in the Premier league.
      • Let's balance up the ledger because drug companies seem to evoke irrational responses despite the fact that, on the credit side of the ledger, modern medicines have led a revolution in improving the health of millions.
      • In fact White made seven unforced errors by this writer's count, but on the credit side he hit eight nicks in the first game, six in the second and six in the third.
      • Cork have yet to produce their best form, Cunningham agrees, but, on the credit side, the team has shown in different games that they are still capable of reaching the heights.
      • This accomplishment is ever so much on the credit side of his ledger.
      • There is one thing that without a doubt belongs on the credit side.
      • Dunlavin were short one of the stars of the All-Ireland JFC win, Stephen Miley, but on the credit side Paul Allen came on in the second half to play his first championship football of the year.
      • Farrelly will be out for another fortnight with a hamstring injury but, on the credit side, Ricardo Gardner returned to action as a sub on Saturday.
      • On the credit side of the balance sheet, the main difference is in the recognition of anticipated liabilities.
      • The last item on the credit side of the ledger requires some blunt talk.
  • to one's credit

    • Used to indicate that something praiseworthy has been achieved, especially despite difficulties.


      to his credit, he'd made a real effort with the carving
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Scotland, to their credit in the circumstances, have become difficult to beat at Hampden.
      • It is to their credit then that City battled through, stuck to their task and came back to claim a point and very nearly all three.
      • His mum was desperate to keep him out of trouble and to her credit she achieved that.
      • But, to their credit, they kept in touch and fought bravely to get back on terms.
      • It is true that, to their credit, many similarly-deprived children did not and do not fall by the wayside.
      • The home players certainly did not throw in the towel, to their credit.
      • It is to your credit that you have surrounded yourself with such vibrant young talent at the Weekender.
      • United, to their credit, never stopped trying but they struggled to create real openings.
      • It is to your credit that while in prison you have addressed your drug problem.
      • However the organisers have, to their credit, made efforts to ensure its validity.


Mid 16th century (originally in the senses 'belief', 'credibility'): from French crédit, probably via Italian credito from Latin creditum, neuter past participle of credere 'believe, trust'.

  • People first used the word credit (ultimately from Latin credere ‘to believe or trust’) to mean ‘belief’ and ‘trustworthiness’. The modern sense developed from the idea of, say, a shopkeeper's trust that a customer will pay for goods at a later time. Credere also gave us creed (Old English), credence (Middle English) , credential (Late Middle English), credible (Late Middle English), and incredulous (late 16th century). You can give credit where credit is due to show that you think someone deserves to be given praise. The earlier form of the saying was ‘honour where honour is due’, a phrase from the Bible, from the Epistle to the Romans: ‘Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.’


accredit, edit, subedit

Definition of credit in US English:


  • 1The ability of a customer to obtain goods or services before payment, based on the trust that payment will be made in the future.


    I've got unlimited credit


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Let things drift and you are likely to default and be blacklisted for future credit.
    • Britain in the eighteenth century developed a culture of credit and commerce, based on trust and reputation.
    • Capital One is targeting customers with better credit as a way to stem delinquencies and defaults.
    • Those students are reportedly now dealing with damaged credit or difficulty obtaining financial aid, Nahmias said.
    • The company that may lend you the money will rank your credit history is the main criteria of your loan rate.
    • And it has taken nearly three years, because issues as simple as whether a customer has enough credit to make a purchase have to be handled deftly.
    • The credit bureau will make available timely and reliable customer credit information to participating banks, Koh said.
    • The easy cash is also allowing people, even those with good credit, to plunk money down on more house than they can afford.
    • But students with poor credit records and student debts could fine it extremely tough to get a loan or mortgage on graduation.
    • We take into account the quality of their credit.
    • In so doing, On Time enables dealers to take a chance on customers with bad credit.
    • Anxious to make a sale, the dealer may grant you a loan based on preliminary credit checks.
    • Essentially, the idea would be to let people have unlimited credit.
    • Consumers want instant decisions on credit applications, and we have a statutory obligation to turn around requests for files quickly.
    • Overdraft charges are the big point of difference on otherwise free student accounts, the Financial Regulator said in its first examination of student credit.
    • Many policyholders cannot afford to pay their annual motor insurance in one go and so avail of credit arrangements from insurers and brokers.
    • It's important for businesses to realize a customer whose credit is being evaluated by outsiders can get irritated.
    • If the customer's credit is good and its trading methods fair, the bank need have no worries.
    • Asset-based lenders look at other factors - your customers' credit, for example.
    • Antonio urges Bassanio to borrow money on his credit for this purpose.
    financial standing, financial status, solvency
    1. 1.1 The money lent or made available under a credit arrangement.
      the bank refused to extend their credit


      as modifier he was exceeding his credit limit


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Car sales generally have been falling since May as government restrictions on credit took their toll.
      • I do my best to never exceed my credit limit, though there are months when it's been a close call.
      • After years of U.S. and global money and credit excess, the consequences are coming home to roost.
      • If you are a late payer or inclined to exceed your credit limit, Tusa does not impose any penalty charges and its standard rate is a competitive 17.5 per cent.
      • Financial promoters leverage these rising values to create even more money, credit, and debt.
      • Gold cards can give significantly higher credit limits.
      • Credit card spending can be very expensive if balances remain uncleared or if credit limits are breached because of penalty charges.
      • Faced with such a situation, if the firm could not raise cash by obtaining more credit immediately, it would be insolvent.
      • Some of the computer manufacturers have arrangements with financial institutions to offer credit deals to their customers.
      • Make sure to check your credit limit before going abroad and arrange any payments needed to keep the account up to date.
      • However, to avoid the temptation of overspending you should ask for your credit limit to be cut on both cards.
      • As they see it, all that is lacking is more money and credit.
      • As I will explain later, these checks enable people to obtain easy credit at dangerously high levels.
      • If you're worried about exceeding your credit limit, call your card issuer to ask for a small increase.
      • Many clients believe it is important to obtain as much credit as possible because these dollars would be available for unexpected events.
      • The society added that abolishing the current system of debt recovery would discourage firms from advancing credit or lending money.
      • This massive infusion of money and credit has yet to satisfy the appetites of airline executives.
      • We always opt out when filling in forms for telephone services or credit as we don't really want tele-sales people contacting us.
      • An employee whose credit exceeds this limit would be sent a letter requiring them to explain when leave would be taken to maintain a balance below 30 days.
      • Paying by credit card is normally the most secure method but this might not be possible if you are buying a boat whose price exceeds your credit limit.
      credit, advance
  • 2An entry recording a sum received, listed on the right-hand side or column of an account.

    (账户右侧或右栏的)贷项。DEBIT 的反义词

    The opposite of debit
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Distributors even disagreed about how they would go about calculating credits and debits.
    • Proceeds from sales were recorded on the credit side.
    • When he demanded £5,000 to cover the costs of his journey south, Cecil and Buckhurst ransacked the accounts and found no credits whatsoever.
    • It is the first item on the debit side of the account, that is discharged, or reduced, by the first item on the credit side.
    • For example, total charges must equal total credits.
    • Then as I understand it, your Honour, there are other credits in the loan account.
    • After she recovered from her initial surprise, the teller gave him full access to Alex's account, checking the credits with slightly shaking hands.
    • As his business is largely cash-based, he doesn't write a lot of cheques or have many debits and credits.
    • The real challenge is in identifying the best way of creating a market for emission debits and credits.
    • Now, that may give rise to a claim in debt or it may not, depending on the state of the loan account because there were other credits in the loan account.
    • Not an exciting day, but I think the books balanced pretty well, a little on the debit side, and just about as much in the credit columns, so I'm pleased enough with it.
    • Now I use taxis regularly, having shifted yet another lifelong principle from the credit to the debit side of my ethical account.
    • The key for the individual is education - learning how to manage credits and debits.
    1. 2.1 A payment received.
      you need to record debits or credits made to your account


      Example sentencesExamples
      • For dividends, the credit is usually dollar for dollar.
      • These accounts were debited for the expenses, with the corresponding credit to the cash account.
      • The landlord is then entitled to claim a credit for the income tax deducted at source from the rental income.
      • On Monday afternoon I received an email from Quip saying they couldn't add the credit to my account as it was temporarily blocked.
      • Automated clearings are used for credit and debit transfers such as standing order payments, direct credits, and direct debits.
      • About 20 percent provided additional retirement payments or credits.
      • The bank hid credits, falsified accounts and created dummy loans.
      • She had then received a credit into her bank account of £383.43, with no letter explaining exactly why she had received the payment.
      • The $700,000 incentive package comprises tax refund credits and a grant payment program.
      • Vivienne helps residents with a wide range of tasks, including making benefit appeals, helping to fill out forms, and advising them on tax and pension credits.
      • I have been lucky enough to receive payment of credits - but the payment was erratic.
      • There are a wider variety of tax deductions and credits, plus the property earns a higher income flow and the usual equity increase.
      • In this case, naming a charity as a direct beneficiary will qualify as a donation credit on the final income tax return of the deceased.
      • I got rid of my TV months ago and informed them and they did send me a credit on my direct debit - since, as you doubtless know, they take the money in advance.
      • This money is recorded as a credit in the current account but, in reality, it is not a reliable source of financing.
      • Under the new Code, your existing bank must provide your new bank with a list of all your regular debits and credits within three working days.
    2. 2.2 Entitlement to a set amount of a particular company's goods or services, typically paid for in advance of use.
      in the middle of our conversation his phone ran out of credit
      she had $15 credit on her account
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In March the company announced that it would start allowing customers to sell videogames for store credit or cash.
      • You can currently get up to $200 in-store credit when you buy online.
      • You'll have to use that credit before the end of 2013.
      • You can use your US credit for calling your partner, booking restaurants, or other America-centric activities.
      • The $29 plan on the screenshot shows that it comes with $450 of call credit.
      • Each of those plans also allows you to add on another 500MB of data for $5, and includes some credit for international and premium calls.
      • Not only will they buy less games a year, the lack of trade-in credit lowers their ability to buy new games even more.
      • The decoders do not need to be topped up with credit every month to view local channels suchs ITV, Channel 10, Star TV, TBC etc.
      • This "test" program will run for 5 days and will give consumers who trade in games an extra 20 percent in-store credit.
      • Participants on pay-as-you-go tariffs received £50 worth of phone credit, which they topped up prior to the week of text-message questions.
      • Used games are a way for some consumers to monetize their games: they will buy a game, play it, and bring it back to their retailer to get credit for their next purchase.
  • 3Public acknowledgment or praise, typically that given or received when a person's responsibility for an action or idea becomes or is made apparent.


    the president claims credit for each accomplishment
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It can also claim credit for many ‘firsts’ in the field of entertainment and cultural exploration.
    • James deserves full credit for his enormous contribution to the Irish entertainment scene and in particular in the North West.
    • He has suddenly trebled the size of the police force by bringing the whole taxi industry into the blue uniforms, and for that the public gives him no credit and no thanks.
    • I claim no credit for this notion, having just suggested the obvious.
    • He received much credit and praise for a major economic reform program he introduced in 1965.
    • These people would claim credit for the good weather and deny responsibility for their own signature if they thought they could get away with it.
    • Well done to all the lads who deserve great credit for their achievements.
    • You wanted to steal my ideas and claim credit for them.
    • Still, that wasn't going to stop the Government from taking credit for this partial achievement.
    • I can't claim credit for them, they were taken by a photographer for one of the two student papers here.
    • The board, often criticised in the past for taking too long to settle claims, deserves credit for its swift response in this case.
    • However, the one thing we can be sure is that no single group or any one individual can really claim sole credit for its arrival.
    • Yet at the same time the government was claiming credit for the successes of the private sector.
    • Several diary writers have claimed credit for the idea, which could even derive from the First World War trenches.
    • As ludicrous as it is, people often take credit for the natural abilities they are born with.
    • ‘I don't think he gets enough credit for his ability to drive and his strength,’ Doherty says.
    • In India, nice children are a dime a dozen, and parents receive no special credit or praise for their children's behavior.
    • But his trick was to attack a supposed cultural elite while claiming credit for economic success.
    • But he stressed the department is not claiming credit for this.
    • If you claim credit when it's not due, you must take the blame too.
    praise, commendation, acclaim, approval, approbation, acknowledgement, recognition, kudos, hat tip, glory, merit, regard, esteem, respect, admiration, adulation, veneration, tributes
    1. 3.1in singular A source of pride, typically someone or something that reflects well on another person or organization.
      he's a credit to his mother
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is unique and a credit to the craftsmen and volunteers who have worked on it.
      • Since then the place has been well kept, the grass cut and it is always neat and tidy and a credit to the local community which take pride in their place.
      • Forty five children represented our area with pride and were a credit to themselves and their families.
      • ‘David is a credit to the school and department,’ he said.
      • He is a creative thinker and a credit to his field.
      • It is a credit to the authors, the publisher, and the museum that sponsored it.
      • He congratulated and complimented Josie, Jim and James and said they were a credit to their families.
      • It was a lovely pub and a prominent landmark - a credit to the area.
      • She is a remarkable young lady, who is a credit to her family and school.
      • Described as calm, conscientious, confident and professional, he was hailed as ‘a credit to the police force’ by one woman.
      • Andrea said: ‘The pupils have been a credit to the school with their behaviour, manner and determination.’
      • She always took great pride in her garden which was a credit to her.
      • But readers liked Emma, both novel and character, and this admiration is a credit to the author's skill.
      • They were a credit to themselves and their coaches.
      • The building is now a credit to all those involved.
      • Willie spoke of his great pride in Clonegal and said the village is a credit to the people who reside there.
      • The children who were a credit to their parents and teachers joined in all aspects of the Mass including the readings, Prayers of the Faithful and offertory procession.
      • This is a credit to the hard work of those employees who have skilfully planned and carried out the project from start to finish.
      • It is also a credit to the authors' skill that the content is kept utterly accessible.
      • I am very proud of their hard work, they are a credit to the school.
      source of honour, source of pride, feather in the cap, asset, proud boast, glory, flower, gem, treasure
    2. 3.2usually credits An acknowledgment of a contributor's services to a movie or a television program, typically one of a list that is scrolled down the screen at the beginning or end of a movie or program.
      the closing credits finished rolling


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Imagine the thrill of watching your name flow by hurriedly on television and film credits…
      • The final two tracks comprise the film's end credits, beginning with ‘May It Be,’ as sung by Enya.
      • Aside from David's eclectic array of television credits, he has an equally impressive number of theatre roles to his name.
      • When they open their programmes, the film's credits are revealed, printed inside.
      • It's in rough cut form, which means there are no beginning and end credits.
      • The film's end credits include the names of all those lost with the ship.
      • This was an era when most of the audience naturally stayed to see film end credits - it being thought disrespectful to the producers not to do so.
      • At the beginning of the film, the opening credits roll as the camera pans down what appears to be a blue, white, and red Eiffel Tower.
      • The effects are top notch, especially the early scenes before the opening credits; and the film is shot with techniques more commonly employed in war films, giving a real battle struggle quality.
      • Extra content consists of production credits, filmographies, and a behind the scenes photo gallery.
      • The end and beginning credits, punctuated with outtakes, dancing, and singing, seem to last roughly the length of time it took for the Titanic to sink.
      • These shows were screened with the complete end credits and another Associated Television Production caption at the very end - a rare treat indeed these days.
      • Co-incidentally, the programme credits list the same name for ‘Camera’ and ‘Assistant Producer’.
      • While it is true that credits now roll pretty quickly on film, the reason has less to do with studios trying to keep the running time on films down and more with the proliferation of the number of credits in a film.
      • Si, who hails from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, is a first assistant director and locations manager for film and television whose credits include the Harry Potter movies.
      • In the programme's opening credits, a cameraman on a large pulley produced a brilliant camera angle.
      • I've always wondered what key-grip meant in film credits.
      • In fact, the nearest the film had to a reaction was the sigh of relief that swept through the audience when the credits started to roll.
      • High Sierra was the last time Bogart's name would not be listed first in film credits.
      • While I'm mentioning crewmembers, you'll see Joel Coen listed in the credits as Assistant Film Editor.
  • 4North American The acknowledgment of a student's completion of a course or activity that counts toward a degree or diploma as maintained in a school's records.


    a student can earn one unit of academic credit


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Participants enrolled in specific psychology courses received extra credit upon completion of the study.
    • The college students received course credit for their participation.
    • Students received academic credit for their involvement in the research.
    • Personal identification questions were used only to verify that the students received appropriate credit for completing the activity.
    • Twenty-four male and 29 female first-year psychology students participated to earn credit for their course.
    • Most programs utilize transcript reviews to determine if a student has received credit for a similar course from another academic institution.
    • Students enrolled in these courses usually receive academic credit on both their high school and college transcripts.
    • Students receive credit for completing four online quizzes during the semester.
    • Another unique feature of this program is that students get academic credit for their participation in the conference.
    • Students receive some course credit for participating.
    • Increasingly, advanced high school students receive both high school and college credit by taking college distance learning courses.
    • Many of the sites offered community college credit for courses taken as part of a high school diploma.
    • Many colleges and universities offer the opportunity to earn credit through taking online courses.
    • Participants were 154 undergraduate students who received partial course credit for their participation.
    • A video documenting the project, made by a student for independent-study credit, was shown at the event and was available for purchase.
    • Students should talk with a school counselor about the possibility of earning credit toward your intended degree or certificate.
    • Also, many high schools offer advanced placement courses that count for college credit.
    • Since many of the training courses were done for credit, each program saw the immediate benefit of increased program enrollment.
    • Courses offered for credit and sessions on time management at the student recreation centers and residence halls could enhance efficiency.
    • Students in an Introductory Psychology course were offered extra credit if they would agree to hand in their notes at the end of a specified class.
    1. 4.1 A unit of study counting toward a degree or diploma.
      in his first semester he earned 17 credits
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He was denied the salary increment given to teachers who have attained a master's degree plus 30 credits.
      • None of it would earn you a college credit from a mathematics department.
      • One in five of those engineers earned at least 10 credits at a community college before earning a degree at a four-year school, according to the report.
      • The credits she's earning count toward her high school diploma.
      • I've already earned enough credits to graduate high school, so I'm skipping grade 12 to take a year to work, and to figure some things out.
      • It counts as a full credit despite being only three months long.
      • Participants earn continuing education credits for these workshops.
      • Many students now graduate from high school having already completed many credits toward college.
      • It earned me two credits for college, but I don't know if it was really worth it.
      • Also, on completion I can use the credits towards a distance learning degree if I so choose.
      • Excelling in mathematics and computer studies, he earned 77 college credits, an Associates degree and a paralegal certificate.
      • At the beginning of each academic quarter, students participated in a screening process for several studies offering research participation credits.
      • She will find a way to squeeze in the continuing education credits required for maintaining her certification as a registered dietitian.
      • That means classes are taught in English, and students earn degrees by accruing credits.
      • In addition to the two credits she received for the trip, she and other students have the option of doing an independent study for two additional credits.
      • Students not admitted at first try often go into liberal arts where they can work on their prerequisites and accumulate credits toward their degree.
      • By earning credits at a community college, they can attain the baccalaureate more quickly and less expensively than if they only studied at a four-year school.
      • Students who complete all five courses offered so far in 2000 will have earned 15 semester credits.
      • The packaged 15 - credit course is geared towards students motivated to change their world.
      • The geography department is also counting the project as credits towards Rogers' degree.
    2. 4.2 Acknowledgment of merit in an examination which is reflected in the grades awarded.
      students will receive credit for accuracy and style


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Another teacher gave extra credit to students who spoke up in class.
      • But he added that universities had a responsibility to make clear to markers ‘what gives credit for a mark’.
      • Although this was not an evidence based question, credit was given to candidates who supported their arguments from current literature.
      • Extra credit was awarded to any monitor that had some feature of significant value or excellence beyond what was covered in the normal evaluation process.
      • Students will be given credit for effective work habits.
  • 5archaic The quality of being believed or credited.


    the abstract philosophy of Cicero has lost its credit


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I think the government has lost its credit on the question of human rights.
    • He dissembled with one or the other, and by so doing lost his credit with both.
    credibility, reliability, plausibility, believability
    1. 5.1 Favorable estimation; good reputation.
      John Gilpin was a citizen of credit and renown


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Then he asked me, whether he was a man of credit? I answered, I thought he was.
      • She was a woman of great credit and reputation on all accounts.
      reputation, repute, character, image, name, good name, prestige, influence, standing, status, regard, esteem, estimation
[with object]
  • 1Publicly acknowledge someone as a participant in the production of (something published or broadcast)


    the screenplay is credited to one American and two Japanese writers


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It was an error on our part that the beautiful photographs accompanying the article were not credited to the photographer, Jeffrey Chock.
    • This should, in fact, be credited to the 18th-century scholar Edmond Malone.
    • Oddly, on the cover Midge Ure's solo effort is credited to Ultravox.
    • Last Sunday we published a correction crediting the Journal of Commerce for the seven paragraphs.
    • The song was always credited to an ‘author unknown’.
    • Include your name and city and I'll list the information to credit your contribution.
    • So if you'd like to see your name in print - all contributed episodes will be credited and the author will receive free books worth £20.
    • The follow-up album, Santa Barbara, was just credited to The High Llamas.
    • If you are able to help in any way, you will, of course, be fully credited, and your contribution will be greatly appreciated.
    • If any of the material is used it must be credited to BBC Radio 4 Broadcasting House.
    • The lean direction is credited to Christian Nyby, but producer Howard Hawks' fingerprints are everywhere.
    • Any photos or clips that are selected for the final production will be credited to the sender at the end of the film.
    • He is credited to have written the South Indian History in 1919.
    • Wilson is credited as producer/director of the Channel 4 series.
    • It allows documents to be modified, with all contributors being credited.
    • At least, those works appearing in this collection will be credited to Balan's name.
    • The earliest mythological stories are credited to the blind bard Homer, to whom The Iliad and The Odyssey are attributed.
    • There's probably plenty of good material in the archives here to fill several issues, but I'd hate the job of collating and editing it into some coherent form and crediting contributors.
    • The two lines from a poem quoted on the fourth page should have been credited to Dylan Thomas.
    • This tribute dates back to 1926 and is credited to a Harvard scholar named Carter G. Woodson.
    ascribe, attribute, assign, accredit, chalk up, put down, set down, impute
    1. 1.1credit someone with Ascribe (an achievement or good quality) to someone.
      he is credited with painting one hundred and twenty-five canvases


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He credits the fashion designer with opening his eyes and developing his taste for art and photography.
      • Hollywood is often credited as popularising swing dancing through its films of the 1930's.
      • Mr Walsh is credited with saving the life of one treasured friend, Tiger the dog, by his nominator.
      • Thales is also credited with the discovery of calculating distance for ships at sea.
      • Brenda Maddox, who had written a biography of Thatcher to accompany the programme, credits Dennis Thatcher with liberating his wife from her repressive background.
      • She credits him with saving the life of her then eight-year-old
      • He credits Britain with a long tradition of caring for animals, which made people receptive to his message.
      • Julia Pike, the museum's new curator/director, credits Gould with pushing to have the plaque restored, the wood refurnished and the glass replaced.
      • It is not known when the mighty dogs first started to rescue people, but they are credited with saving some 2,000 travellers over the past 200 years on the Saint Bernard Pass on the border with Italy.
      • But our Founding Fathers crafted and drafted a better Constitution than they have been credited with.
      • She credits her success to hard work, good teachers and supportive parents.
      • He is widely credited with reforming the office from his predecessor's days.
      • History credits Mary Pickford as being the first major Hollywood star.
      • Queen Victoria is generally credited with having started the white wedding dress craze.
      • He is credited with the invention of moveable type in China some four hundred years earlier.
      • Jonathan credits Hugh Hewitt with getting the ball rolling.
      • She might sound like any other devoted dog owner, but Abby insists their story is different: she credits Mungo with bringing her back from the abyss of clinical depression.
      • Serving as the Czech prime minister from 1993 to 1997, he was credited with successfully transforming the Czech economy.
      • He credits Will Femia with much of the research.
      • When he died at sixty-five in 1750 he was credited with well over 200 hours of music.
      be accredited with, be recognized as, be given the credit for, be held responsible for
  • 2Add (an amount of money) to an account.


    this deferred tax can be credited to the profit and loss account


    Example sentencesExamples
    • But the problem arises only where an amount is credited to a wrong account as a result of an error in decoding or of the insertion of inaccurate details in the bank giro credit.
    • Benefits would be paid according to the amounts credited to each account.
    • One account is debited for the amount involved in any transaction and another account is credited.
    • And it just got better when I went online and checked my account and saw that they credited my allowance for June!
    • The proceeds will then be credited to the Capital Works Reserve Fund.
    • Payments are made directly to residents' gas suppliers or paid in cards, which are then credited to their meters.
    • It was not credited to our account by the bank until the following day which made it a late payment and his electricity was cut.
    • The pupils will be provided with their own pin number to credit their account when they pay the money into a till linked to a computer in the school kitchen.
    • The payment of a cheque credited to the bank account is a cash payment.
    • With a daily mortgage, any repayments are credited to your account immediately, whereas with annual interest, they only hit your bill at the end of the year.
    • It is a low-cost pension scheme in which you can put in up to £3,600 per annum gross - which means, Gerry says, that by paying in just £2,808 a year, you are credited with £3,600.
    • I completed the form two months ago, sent it off and a month latter got a letter back telling me it had been accepted and my wife's bank account would be credited.
    • His Hong Kong remittance company sends a text message to Jane's phone, crediting the money to her account.
    • Subscribers could apply via their phones and have the loans credited to their cell-phone accounts.
    • These ‘loyalty bonuses’ are only credited to your account after twelve months.
    • More than two months ago I paid £800 in cash into my local branch of Abbey to be credited to my Abbey Visa card.
    • Furthermore, these dividend accounts are being credited with interest.
    • Letters will go out in March informing customers of the size of any refund and the money will be credited to accounts in June.
    • All associated fees have been credited to your account.
    • The balance indicated that salaries had already been credited to our accounts.
  • 3British Believe (something surprising or unlikely)


    you would hardly credit it—but it was true


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Most conservative commentators are either unwilling even to credit the debate or approach it only in the most polemical fashion.
    • The legendary blues singer may have just turned 72 but you would hardly credit it as the star hits the road for a new six-leg European tour.
    • As a former broadcasting journalist of some 17 years or so experience, I cannot credit that anyone actually believes that.
    • So startling is the divergence that you can barely credit the evidence before your eyes.
    • I've been so busy I haven't even checked my email, to find out if he said yes or not - can you credit it?
    believe, accept, give credence to, have confidence in, trust, have faith in, rely on, depend on, count on


  • credit where credit is due

    • Praise given when it is deserved, even if one is reluctant to give it.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I suggest to all similar-minded people: please learn to give credit where credit is due, and show a bit of respect and humility to others.
      • Of course, to give credit where credit is due, I wouldn't have been out there at all if it hadn't been for Tracy.
      • I'm a big believer in always giving credit where credit is due, and one of the best things a person can do is remind someone that they have the power to take something and make it better.
      • It gives credit where credit is due, whether it be in the sciences or in philosophy or even in the theologies of other traditions.
      • I think it's very important to give credit where credit is due.
      • He believed in giving credit where credit is due and I will continue that.
      • The New York Times gives credit where credit is due.
      • That said, it's only right and proper to give credit where credit is due, and the crucially important area of housing is one where our Council can hold its head high.
      • In this day and age, it's all too easy to criticise service-based industries, rather than give them credit where credit is due.
      • However, you must give credit where credit is due.
  • do someone credit (or do credit to someone)

    • Make someone worthy of praise or respect.


      your concern does you credit


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Such humility does him credit as a person but not as manager.
      • They were real, and indignation at injustice does credit to us.
      • Your inclination to see the best in people does you credit.
      • His stated regret at bringing embarrassment to the bank and its staff, and his willingness to match his words with actions, do him credit at the darkest hour of his career.
      • ‘They've been over-generous really, which does them credit,’ said one.
      • His fluency and polish in his new role do him credit, although it remains to be seen if this is sufficient.
      • Your prudence is rare and does you credit, but you may be taking things a tad too far.
      • This is the first novel for the Canadian author, but his previous work as a journalist does him credit here - he knows just how much of a yarn to unravel for the reader that will always leave them eager for more.
      • For 45 minutes last night old faces and new responded to the challenge with a combination of passion and pragmatism that did credit to themselves and to their manager.
      • Yet Green's awareness of the need to provide detailed readings of individual works, an awareness that does him credit, obliges him to undertake that task separately, in a discrete section of the book.
  • give someone credit for

    • Commend someone for (a quality or achievement), especially with reluctance or surprise.


      please give me credit for some sense


      Example sentencesExamples
      • More important, it should be obvious that children are far more resilient than they are given credit for.
      • I think the populace is a lot more astute than they are given credit for.
      • Elliott is a much better defender than most people give him credit for, as well as being a quality perimeter shooter.
      • York City are a better team than they are given credit for.
      • Obviously, they are a much better side than they have been given credit for and they dismissed the suggestion, in no uncertain terms, that the team revolves around a number of key players.
  • have something to one's credit

    • Have achieved something notable.


      he has 65 Tournament wins to his credit


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In his lifetime, he had several books to his credit.
      • What adds to his versatility is the fact that he has several publications to his credit, including school and college course books and newspaper articles.
      • He has a gold medal to his credit in the same season.
      • He has many books to his credit and we are all looking forward to his latest.
      • He was an active member of the badminton club and had many trophies to his credit.
      • But a dwindling band of reform-minded supporters say the prime minister does have some successes to his credit.
      • The two lads have many successful recordings to their credit.
      • John Lloyd was engaged to build the church to a design by architect Benjamin Ferrey who had several churches to his credit.
      • Though young, he has many achievements to his credit.
      • She has many short stories to her credit and had plans for a second book.
  • on credit

    • With an arrangement to pay later.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Nowadays I do not buy anything on credit, I save for it.
      • We have gone from being a nation who never accepted credit to being one which has no hang-ups about borrowing very considerable amounts on credit.
      • The motoring bills are on a separate computer system - which does not acknowledge payments on credit.
      • She bought it on credit by claiming she was still on pregnancy leave.
      • Don't be tempted to buy on credit if you can't pay it back.
      • For the next six years I learned to live the way the rest of the world lives, on credit and a precariously balanced checkbook.
      • Whitegoods and consumer sundries are all paid for on credit.
      • It is easy to forget the danger of living on credit.
      • However, try not to buy anything else on credit while you still have this debt, otherwise you'll be back to square one.
      • The party has financed much of its high-spending campaign on credit.
      on hire purchase, on hp, on the hp, by instalments, by deferred payment, on account
  • on the credit side

    • As a good aspect of the situation.


      on the credit side, the text is highly readable


      Example sentencesExamples
      • This accomplishment is ever so much on the credit side of his ledger.
      • Poor decisions cost the Town a Mid-Ulster Cup final place but on the credit side, Newry's battling performance augurs well for their hopes of staying in the Premier league.
      • Farrelly will be out for another fortnight with a hamstring injury but, on the credit side, Ricardo Gardner returned to action as a sub on Saturday.
      • The last item on the credit side of the ledger requires some blunt talk.
      • There is one thing that without a doubt belongs on the credit side.
      • On the credit side of the balance sheet, the main difference is in the recognition of anticipated liabilities.
      • In fact White made seven unforced errors by this writer's count, but on the credit side he hit eight nicks in the first game, six in the second and six in the third.
      • Let's balance up the ledger because drug companies seem to evoke irrational responses despite the fact that, on the credit side of the ledger, modern medicines have led a revolution in improving the health of millions.
      • Cork have yet to produce their best form, Cunningham agrees, but, on the credit side, the team has shown in different games that they are still capable of reaching the heights.
      • Dunlavin were short one of the stars of the All-Ireland JFC win, Stephen Miley, but on the credit side Paul Allen came on in the second half to play his first championship football of the year.
  • to one's credit

    • Used to indicate that something praiseworthy has been achieved, especially despite difficulties.


      to her credit, she had never betrayed a confidence
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is to their credit then that City battled through, stuck to their task and came back to claim a point and very nearly all three.
      • However the organisers have, to their credit, made efforts to ensure its validity.
      • His mum was desperate to keep him out of trouble and to her credit she achieved that.
      • The home players certainly did not throw in the towel, to their credit.
      • But, to their credit, they kept in touch and fought bravely to get back on terms.
      • Scotland, to their credit in the circumstances, have become difficult to beat at Hampden.
      • It is true that, to their credit, many similarly-deprived children did not and do not fall by the wayside.
      • It is to your credit that you have surrounded yourself with such vibrant young talent at the Weekender.
      • It is to your credit that while in prison you have addressed your drug problem.
      • United, to their credit, never stopped trying but they struggled to create real openings.


Mid 16th century (originally in the senses ‘belief’, ‘credibility’): from French crédit, probably via Italian credito from Latin creditum, neuter past participle of credere ‘believe, trust’.





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