

单词 broadside

Definition of broadside in English:


noun ˈbrɔːdsʌɪdˈbrɔdˌsaɪd
  • 1A fierce verbal attack.

    he launched a broadside against the economic reforms
    Example sentencesExamples
    • This time Catholic conservatives who have celebrated Donohue's tactics when employed against liberal targets took umbrage at his broadsides against Hastert.
    • In fact, Stern's ratings surged this year after he began leveling his broadsides against the Bush administration.
    • In an apparent bid to save the crumbling alliance, the two men met yesterday at an undisclosed venue in Cape Town after firing public broadsides at each other for over a week.
    • For the moment, the Democrats are too busy firing broadsides to pay much attention to the complexities of the issues they are distilling into sound-bites.
    • Breyer's style would prove far more hospitable to O'Connor than Brennan's broadsides; like her, he was attuned to the particularities of each case and searched for common ground.
    • I had been told to expect such treatment, and while it certainly did not outweigh the positive responses, something about the abusive tone and inaccuracies of these broadsides was disturbing.
    • The US government in its own inimitable fashion has been firing broadsides against everyone opposed to its continuation.
    • Contemporary journalists described Reagan's address as an anti-Communist broadside, almost wholly ignoring the President's positive agenda of promoting human freedom.
    • Recently, President Bush's Federal Appeals Court Nominee, California's Supreme Court Justice Janice Brown, repeated the same broadside at her Senate hearing.
    • There is, one supposes, a certain pre-emptive logic to Kerry campaign broadsides against the ‘GOP smear machine.’
    • Mainly, his moral broadside is delivered against Australian refugee policy, which holds refugees in indeterminate detention, as if they had committed crimes against humanity.
    • But Berkovic refused to go without a firing a broadside at O'Neill, claiming the Hoops boss ‘did not even speak’ to the former club record signing.
    • Atkins' public broadsides against ‘regulatory overreach’ have made him a hero in business and conservative circles.
    • The round table also agreed that Hillary Clinton's comments this week about abuse of power and timid press coverage were simply silly little broadsides designed to get her elected in 2006 and 2008 and nothing more.
    • Though Michael Moore has many critics, none have called him a terrorist for his broadsides against the U.S. government.
    • In an early version of what now arrives in the form of neoconservative broadsides against political correctness, he went so far as to equate the pressure of nineteenth-century progressive criticism with the censorship of the Tsars.
    • One of the Hearst's first broadsides against Pulitzer was to pinch Richard Outcault, the Yellow Kid's creator.
    • It's a lot harder to love his gratuitous broadsides against Norman Mailer for being ‘an old pile of bones.’
    • He furiously pointed at Powell and launched a broadside of obscenities at the Secretary.
    • He has blown onto the scene in a torrent of invective, firing broadside after broadside at the crumbling bastions of public morality.
    • Vallandigham eventually made his way to Canada, where he spent the rest of the war writing broadsides against Lincoln and the Republicans.
    • At this point, Rupert was going through a strongly republican phase and his newspapers contained frequent broadsides against the Royal Family, long before they became fair game for all comers.
    • Having set up the basic characters and situation, Lear and his co-writers followed the logic of the characters how real people would react in these circumstances - rather than just delivering cheap political broadsides.
    criticism, censure, denunciation, harangue, rant, polemic, diatribe, tirade, philippic
    attack, assault, onslaught, abuse, battering
    informal flak, brickbat
    British informal slating
  • 2historical A firing of all the guns from one side of a warship.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Without hesitating La Buse sailed straight in, fired a broadside at the galleon, then boarded it, almost without resistance.
    • To do this they would have to come up alongside our ships leaving them exposed to a broadside from English cannons on our ships.
    • The Monitor proved impervious to the Virginia's broadsides and captured the imaginations of naval officials and the public.
    • The English drove in hard and close, pouring broadsides into the Armada, though they still could not break its formation.
    • HMS Duke of York fired 80 broadsides; and the Allied ships fired a total of 2,195 shells during the engagement.
    salvo, volley, cannonade, barrage, blast, bombardment, fusillade, hail of bullets
    1. 2.1 The set of guns which can fire on each side of a warship.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The Confederate broadsides contained fewer guns with each shot and fewer missiles were launched from the attackers.
      • The battleships opened up their broadsides, and half the alien ships were crushed before their element command could react.
      • The Virginia carried ten major guns (four in each broadside, one bow and one stern gun) and an iron ram.
      • Now within cannon range, the Hurricane and her consorts unmasked their broadsides and hurled a firestorm of plasma cannon fire at the Asp and the remaining corvettes.
      • While the Roma may be quick, she only has two Class-Two forward mounts and two on each broadside.
    2. 2.2 The side of a ship above the water between the bow and quarter.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • As the missiles bore in, the Confederate vessels turned as one and presented their heavily armored broadsides to the incoming fire.
      • Lining up your shot while not giving your foe a chance at your broadside is a challenge, and having the biggest ship doesn't always ensure victory.
      • A mere five gun ports open across their broadside.
      • Finally… he swooped down, raking the cruiser's starboard broadside with his guns, destroying three of the seven turrets placed there.
      • Because warships mounted almost all their guns on the broadside, and were vulnerable to fire from ahead or astern, actions were usually fought in line ahead.
  • 3A sheet of paper printed on one side only, forming one large page.


    a broadside of Lee's farewell address


    Example sentencesExamples
    • They printed a broadside in two colors on an early nineteenth-century Columbian handpress in an edition sufficient for all participants in the workshops to have one.
    • A ready market thus opened up for political propaganda - in the form of pamphlets, newspapers, broadsides, squibs, and caricatures - and the print trade rushed to meet it.
    • And at the same time Dave Haselwood printed up a broadside poem of mine that later appeared in Memoirs of an Interglacial Age, so I could go on a trip with Michael McClure to New York to do readings at colleges and stuff.
    • From the floods of pamphlets and broadsides of the period, we see newspapers and popular journals, as we will know them, beginning to emerge and to differentiate functions and audiences.
    • Randall's first publications in 1965 were literally broadsides - single poems printed on large sheets of paper that sold for fifty cents.
    • There was a free brochure, done in French fold, with a text pamphlet and, on the verso, a souvenir broadside printed in willow branches like those that appeared in a stretch of wallpaper marking the entrance to the show.
    • Nathan reports that no-one saw them after they'd dispersed into the crowd to distribute the Committee's broadside condemning Reverend Owings's capitalistic dogma.
    • Dali responded by printing a broadside, detailing his repudiation of the pavilion.
    • No other property gets taken away after 10 or 20 years, they wrote in a broadside, so why should books?
    • One of the ways in which the ballad was disseminated was through public performance in the streets by balladeers, who might also sell copies of the songs, printed on broadsides.
    • Thus the broadside - generally a single sheet printed on one side - gained popularity and usefulness.
    • Most of these were in print and available as broadsides, but that is not the point here: they were ‘traditional’ in the sense of having been in circulation time out of mind, and had not been made up by ballad-mongers between 1800 and 1850.
    • The story was printed as a broadside - a single sheet of paper about 2ft x 3ft - with high-quality paper and elegant typography.
    • Throughout the collection is an assortment of rare books and contemporary works including novels, short stories, poetry, plays, essays, literary historical and critical texts, literary broadsides, and the like.
    • In three cases, words were added from broadsides or other printed sources.
    • Cheap tracts and single sheet broadsides fed an apparently insatiable popular appetite for novelty, sensation and titillation.
    • They printed their broadsides in a sufficient edition so that all participants in the program could have one.
    • This illustration appeared on an 1835 broadside illustrating John Greenleaf Whittier's poem, ‘My countrymen in Chains.’
    • Both his mastery of the irascible and unpredictable George II and his control of a previously unmanageable Parliament were portrayed in countless broadsides and prints as the arts of a veritable political conjuror.
    • This odd broadside concluded by proclaiming, ‘We speak in this forum because it is the only one you have put at our disposal.’
  • 1With the side turned in a particular direction.


    the yacht was drifting broadside to the wind


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Animals don't come off assembly lines, nor do they obligingly stand around broadside while the hunter finds a solid rest and manipulates the power ring.
    • While our wingman searched another sector, we decided to search for the raft upwind, figuring a barge broadside to the wind would blow farther than a small raft with a sea anchor.
    • He stands broadside to the road's line of travel, his front feet at the bottom of the cutbank where the road is in a trough sliced through a low hill to ease the grade.
    • At around 50 yards I had placed a 325-grain.50 AE bullet into that pig standing broadside.
    • He was standing broadside at what I would estimate to be the second-closest shot I have ever made in the field, about 35 yards.
    • In my experience it seldom happens this way, but suddenly there was a magnificent Kudu bull standing broadside at about 50 yards, with a clear lane through the bush to him.
    • Any ill-advised surfer who turns a 9-or 10-foot longboard broadside into the tumble of a small wave knows the incredible power of moving water.
    • The first rank of four turreted monitors could fire head-on; then seven warships could fire broadside at the fort as they steered sharply to port into the bay.
    • Both were also lauded - Mary for her beauty and grace, the Mary Rose because as one of the first warships equipped to fire broadside, she was a marvel of her time.
    • I lowered the rifle and saw that he had stopped and was standing broadside looking at us.
    • As the waiting travellers watched in frozen horror, it slewed crazily to one side as it carried on towards them, wrecking the parapets and heading broadside for the station.
    • Asteroid brightnesses change every few hours as they spin, first brightening when they are broadside to us and fading when end-on.
    • What makes jack crevalle difficult to land is their tendency while resting to turn broadside to the angler.
    • The lead doe minced into an opening and paused broadside at 140 yards.
    • The ram was standing broadside at about 125 yards.
    • A nice buck stepped out of the bush maybe 100 yards to my left and posed broadside, just like a picture in a magazine.
    • Because the surveyor must be able to view the length of a log through the angle gauge, it should be observed that as one views the log more end-on instead of broadside, the likelihood of sampling the log vanishes.
    • While the two ships were lying almost broadside to each other, gun crews of both sides kept blasting away.
    • Of course, in theory, the game animal is standing broadside, giving the hunter plenty of time to size it properly, select the correct aiming point, and press the trigger.
    • If they must, they could turn the wagons broadside to the wind and use them for cover, and their felted tents and sleeping sacks would keep them from freezing to death.
    1. 1.1 On the side.
      her car was hit broadside by another vehicle


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Really, it was headed west on the Route 30 Interstate and it negotiated a lane change without signaling and it struck me broadside.
      • A purplish, long, vaguely cylindrical ship shot up into the air, and rammed him full broadside.
      • One tank barely ten meters from Blaine had taken a shot full broadside.
[with object]North American
  • Collide with the side of (a vehicle)


    I had to skid my bike sideways to avoid broadsiding her


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Caleb Kwan was in a rather serious car accident tonight when his BMW was broadsided by a large truck.
    • Khosa's truck struck two pedestrians on Marine Drive, broadsided a sport utility truck, sending it and its driver flying, and hit a parked car.
    • But all of that changed on November 5, 1983 when a drunk driver broadsided the Fisher's car one block away from their house.
    • This one I missed seeing until it was nearly too late, and as I took evasive action I nearly broadsided another car that I was not even aware was there!
    • The vehicle driven by Erin Brockovich, an unemployed single mother of three, is broadsided by a speeding car at an intersection.
    • Three years ago, in Arlington Heights, Illinois, Police Officer Chuck Tiedge's squad car was broadsided by a hearse that ran a red light.
    • We were southbound on a major interstate, completely oblivious to the fact that, within a matter of seconds, another vehicle nearly would broadside us.
    • A woman backing out of her driveway was broadsided on the driver's side of her car by another vehicle heading south on 131st Avenue SE in east Snohomish.
    • Ever since I was broadsided in a hit and run incident, my door and lock just don't function as they should all the time.
    • Anyone who was broadsided because they forgot to look left before entering an intersection will tell you how they wished they could turn back the clock.
    • But Marry Houston's truck hit the outside wall and caromed into Gaughan, who was broadsided by Bryan Refiner after spinning toward the infield.
    • Rhode's craft was suddenly broadsided by a direct hit as it took a defensive position in front of Porter's smoking craft.


  • broadside on

    • Sideways on.


      the ship swung broadside on to the current of the river


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Any cyclist crossing the roundabout from Stockton Lane to Heworth Green is in danger of being hit broadside on.
      • The lighters had not been moored and were drifting away from the beach on a fast current, coming broadside on to the shore.
      • When the Sun, Earth, and Mercury are aligned, the orbital motion appears fast, because the Mercury is seen broadside on, like a vehicle passing an observer at the roadside.
      • Suddenly, Asedrisean heard a sword clatter to the earth and felt it land broadside on his chest.
      • Thousands of people flocked to the beachfront to watch last night's drama as heavy seas pounded the Oranjeland lying broadside on the beachfront.
      • He turned the animal broadside on to act as an anchor, and started to strip off his clothes.
      • She was 135 days out from Tacoma on the west coast of the United States, loaded with grain bound for Falmouth when, in a south-westerly gale, she hit the rock broadside on, her mainyard smashing into the tower.
      • And when they were actually engaged and one ship was making for another in order to ram it, it would swerve from its course and receive a side-blow from the other's beak, whilst the one which was coming broadside on would suddenly be swung round and present its prow.
      • There was a technical issue between the experts as to whether if the vessel had been manoeuvred by tugs back to the shore, either stern on or broadside on, it would have capsized as its hull came into contact with the shelving seabed.
      • Weighill stayed at 1000-ft and watched five of the Naval vessels, which were about a mile from the beach and turned broadside on, proceeding to belch flame and destruction.
      • A Thai coastal patrol boat caught broadside on by the waves had been tumbled over and over and finished hundreds of yards inshore.
      • The ‘Symphonie’ was now broadside on the rocks with an ebbing tide.

Definition of broadside in US English:


  • 1A strongly worded critical attack.


    broadsides against political correctness
    Example sentencesExamples
    • In fact, Stern's ratings surged this year after he began leveling his broadsides against the Bush administration.
    • The round table also agreed that Hillary Clinton's comments this week about abuse of power and timid press coverage were simply silly little broadsides designed to get her elected in 2006 and 2008 and nothing more.
    • There is, one supposes, a certain pre-emptive logic to Kerry campaign broadsides against the ‘GOP smear machine.’
    • Mainly, his moral broadside is delivered against Australian refugee policy, which holds refugees in indeterminate detention, as if they had committed crimes against humanity.
    • Breyer's style would prove far more hospitable to O'Connor than Brennan's broadsides; like her, he was attuned to the particularities of each case and searched for common ground.
    • In an apparent bid to save the crumbling alliance, the two men met yesterday at an undisclosed venue in Cape Town after firing public broadsides at each other for over a week.
    • One of the Hearst's first broadsides against Pulitzer was to pinch Richard Outcault, the Yellow Kid's creator.
    • Atkins' public broadsides against ‘regulatory overreach’ have made him a hero in business and conservative circles.
    • Recently, President Bush's Federal Appeals Court Nominee, California's Supreme Court Justice Janice Brown, repeated the same broadside at her Senate hearing.
    • For the moment, the Democrats are too busy firing broadsides to pay much attention to the complexities of the issues they are distilling into sound-bites.
    • At this point, Rupert was going through a strongly republican phase and his newspapers contained frequent broadsides against the Royal Family, long before they became fair game for all comers.
    • Contemporary journalists described Reagan's address as an anti-Communist broadside, almost wholly ignoring the President's positive agenda of promoting human freedom.
    • Though Michael Moore has many critics, none have called him a terrorist for his broadsides against the U.S. government.
    • The US government in its own inimitable fashion has been firing broadsides against everyone opposed to its continuation.
    • But Berkovic refused to go without a firing a broadside at O'Neill, claiming the Hoops boss ‘did not even speak’ to the former club record signing.
    • This time Catholic conservatives who have celebrated Donohue's tactics when employed against liberal targets took umbrage at his broadsides against Hastert.
    • He has blown onto the scene in a torrent of invective, firing broadside after broadside at the crumbling bastions of public morality.
    • I had been told to expect such treatment, and while it certainly did not outweigh the positive responses, something about the abusive tone and inaccuracies of these broadsides was disturbing.
    • In an early version of what now arrives in the form of neoconservative broadsides against political correctness, he went so far as to equate the pressure of nineteenth-century progressive criticism with the censorship of the Tsars.
    • It's a lot harder to love his gratuitous broadsides against Norman Mailer for being ‘an old pile of bones.’
    • Vallandigham eventually made his way to Canada, where he spent the rest of the war writing broadsides against Lincoln and the Republicans.
    • He furiously pointed at Powell and launched a broadside of obscenities at the Secretary.
    • Having set up the basic characters and situation, Lear and his co-writers followed the logic of the characters how real people would react in these circumstances - rather than just delivering cheap political broadsides.
    criticism, censure, denunciation, harangue, rant, polemic, diatribe, tirade, philippic
  • 2historical A nearly simultaneous firing of all the guns from one side of a warship.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The English drove in hard and close, pouring broadsides into the Armada, though they still could not break its formation.
    • The Monitor proved impervious to the Virginia's broadsides and captured the imaginations of naval officials and the public.
    • HMS Duke of York fired 80 broadsides; and the Allied ships fired a total of 2,195 shells during the engagement.
    • To do this they would have to come up alongside our ships leaving them exposed to a broadside from English cannons on our ships.
    • Without hesitating La Buse sailed straight in, fired a broadside at the galleon, then boarded it, almost without resistance.
    salvo, volley, cannonade, barrage, blast, bombardment, fusillade, hail of bullets
    1. 2.1 The set of guns which can fire on each side of a warship.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The battleships opened up their broadsides, and half the alien ships were crushed before their element command could react.
      • Now within cannon range, the Hurricane and her consorts unmasked their broadsides and hurled a firestorm of plasma cannon fire at the Asp and the remaining corvettes.
      • The Confederate broadsides contained fewer guns with each shot and fewer missiles were launched from the attackers.
      • The Virginia carried ten major guns (four in each broadside, one bow and one stern gun) and an iron ram.
      • While the Roma may be quick, she only has two Class-Two forward mounts and two on each broadside.
    2. 2.2 The side of a ship above the water between the bow and quarter.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Finally… he swooped down, raking the cruiser's starboard broadside with his guns, destroying three of the seven turrets placed there.
      • A mere five gun ports open across their broadside.
      • Lining up your shot while not giving your foe a chance at your broadside is a challenge, and having the biggest ship doesn't always ensure victory.
      • As the missiles bore in, the Confederate vessels turned as one and presented their heavily armored broadsides to the incoming fire.
      • Because warships mounted almost all their guns on the broadside, and were vulnerable to fire from ahead or astern, actions were usually fought in line ahead.
  • 3A sheet of paper printed on one side only, forming one large page.


    a broadside of Lee's farewell address


    Also called broadsheet
    Example sentencesExamples
    • They printed their broadsides in a sufficient edition so that all participants in the program could have one.
    • Most of these were in print and available as broadsides, but that is not the point here: they were ‘traditional’ in the sense of having been in circulation time out of mind, and had not been made up by ballad-mongers between 1800 and 1850.
    • Dali responded by printing a broadside, detailing his repudiation of the pavilion.
    • There was a free brochure, done in French fold, with a text pamphlet and, on the verso, a souvenir broadside printed in willow branches like those that appeared in a stretch of wallpaper marking the entrance to the show.
    • Both his mastery of the irascible and unpredictable George II and his control of a previously unmanageable Parliament were portrayed in countless broadsides and prints as the arts of a veritable political conjuror.
    • Cheap tracts and single sheet broadsides fed an apparently insatiable popular appetite for novelty, sensation and titillation.
    • A ready market thus opened up for political propaganda - in the form of pamphlets, newspapers, broadsides, squibs, and caricatures - and the print trade rushed to meet it.
    • Nathan reports that no-one saw them after they'd dispersed into the crowd to distribute the Committee's broadside condemning Reverend Owings's capitalistic dogma.
    • In three cases, words were added from broadsides or other printed sources.
    • This illustration appeared on an 1835 broadside illustrating John Greenleaf Whittier's poem, ‘My countrymen in Chains.’
    • This odd broadside concluded by proclaiming, ‘We speak in this forum because it is the only one you have put at our disposal.’
    • No other property gets taken away after 10 or 20 years, they wrote in a broadside, so why should books?
    • One of the ways in which the ballad was disseminated was through public performance in the streets by balladeers, who might also sell copies of the songs, printed on broadsides.
    • Thus the broadside - generally a single sheet printed on one side - gained popularity and usefulness.
    • Throughout the collection is an assortment of rare books and contemporary works including novels, short stories, poetry, plays, essays, literary historical and critical texts, literary broadsides, and the like.
    • They printed a broadside in two colors on an early nineteenth-century Columbian handpress in an edition sufficient for all participants in the workshops to have one.
    • From the floods of pamphlets and broadsides of the period, we see newspapers and popular journals, as we will know them, beginning to emerge and to differentiate functions and audiences.
    • Randall's first publications in 1965 were literally broadsides - single poems printed on large sheets of paper that sold for fifty cents.
    • And at the same time Dave Haselwood printed up a broadside poem of mine that later appeared in Memoirs of an Interglacial Age, so I could go on a trip with Michael McClure to New York to do readings at colleges and stuff.
    • The story was printed as a broadside - a single sheet of paper about 2ft x 3ft - with high-quality paper and elegant typography.
  • 1With the side turned to a particular thing.


    the yacht was drifting broadside to the wind


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The ram was standing broadside at about 125 yards.
    • While the two ships were lying almost broadside to each other, gun crews of both sides kept blasting away.
    • Any ill-advised surfer who turns a 9-or 10-foot longboard broadside into the tumble of a small wave knows the incredible power of moving water.
    • Because the surveyor must be able to view the length of a log through the angle gauge, it should be observed that as one views the log more end-on instead of broadside, the likelihood of sampling the log vanishes.
    • Animals don't come off assembly lines, nor do they obligingly stand around broadside while the hunter finds a solid rest and manipulates the power ring.
    • If they must, they could turn the wagons broadside to the wind and use them for cover, and their felted tents and sleeping sacks would keep them from freezing to death.
    • He stands broadside to the road's line of travel, his front feet at the bottom of the cutbank where the road is in a trough sliced through a low hill to ease the grade.
    • Of course, in theory, the game animal is standing broadside, giving the hunter plenty of time to size it properly, select the correct aiming point, and press the trigger.
    • The first rank of four turreted monitors could fire head-on; then seven warships could fire broadside at the fort as they steered sharply to port into the bay.
    • A nice buck stepped out of the bush maybe 100 yards to my left and posed broadside, just like a picture in a magazine.
    • He was standing broadside at what I would estimate to be the second-closest shot I have ever made in the field, about 35 yards.
    • I lowered the rifle and saw that he had stopped and was standing broadside looking at us.
    • In my experience it seldom happens this way, but suddenly there was a magnificent Kudu bull standing broadside at about 50 yards, with a clear lane through the bush to him.
    • As the waiting travellers watched in frozen horror, it slewed crazily to one side as it carried on towards them, wrecking the parapets and heading broadside for the station.
    • Asteroid brightnesses change every few hours as they spin, first brightening when they are broadside to us and fading when end-on.
    • While our wingman searched another sector, we decided to search for the raft upwind, figuring a barge broadside to the wind would blow farther than a small raft with a sea anchor.
    • At around 50 yards I had placed a 325-grain.50 AE bullet into that pig standing broadside.
    • Both were also lauded - Mary for her beauty and grace, the Mary Rose because as one of the first warships equipped to fire broadside, she was a marvel of her time.
    • What makes jack crevalle difficult to land is their tendency while resting to turn broadside to the angler.
    • The lead doe minced into an opening and paused broadside at 140 yards.
    1. 1.1 On the side.
      her car was hit broadside by another vehicle


      Example sentencesExamples
      • One tank barely ten meters from Blaine had taken a shot full broadside.
      • A purplish, long, vaguely cylindrical ship shot up into the air, and rammed him full broadside.
      • Really, it was headed west on the Route 30 Interstate and it negotiated a lane change without signaling and it struck me broadside.
[with object]North American
  • Collide with the side of (a vehicle)


    I had to skid my bike sideways to avoid broadsiding her


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Rhode's craft was suddenly broadsided by a direct hit as it took a defensive position in front of Porter's smoking craft.
    • We were southbound on a major interstate, completely oblivious to the fact that, within a matter of seconds, another vehicle nearly would broadside us.
    • Anyone who was broadsided because they forgot to look left before entering an intersection will tell you how they wished they could turn back the clock.
    • Ever since I was broadsided in a hit and run incident, my door and lock just don't function as they should all the time.
    • A woman backing out of her driveway was broadsided on the driver's side of her car by another vehicle heading south on 131st Avenue SE in east Snohomish.
    • The vehicle driven by Erin Brockovich, an unemployed single mother of three, is broadsided by a speeding car at an intersection.
    • But all of that changed on November 5, 1983 when a drunk driver broadsided the Fisher's car one block away from their house.
    • Khosa's truck struck two pedestrians on Marine Drive, broadsided a sport utility truck, sending it and its driver flying, and hit a parked car.
    • Caleb Kwan was in a rather serious car accident tonight when his BMW was broadsided by a large truck.
    • This one I missed seeing until it was nearly too late, and as I took evasive action I nearly broadsided another car that I was not even aware was there!
    • But Marry Houston's truck hit the outside wall and caromed into Gaughan, who was broadsided by Bryan Refiner after spinning toward the infield.
    • Three years ago, in Arlington Heights, Illinois, Police Officer Chuck Tiedge's squad car was broadsided by a hearse that ran a red light.




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更新时间:2024/10/19 14:38:19