

单词 crease

Definition of crease in English:


noun kriːskris
  • 1A line or ridge produced on paper or cloth by folding, pressing, or crushing.


    khaki trousers with knife-edge creases


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Remove the paper backing, refold along the pressed creases and fuse.
    • It had been folded into quarters; heavy creases down the middle and center were proof of this.
    • Summer smoothed out the creases in the paper and began to read what it said.
    • Because the paintings are folded when they travel, they bear gridlike patterns of creases.
    • The key is to fold the item, but avoid creating a sharp crease.
    • It's now been several weeks since I've had to lock him in his room for failing to put a crease in my pyjama trousers.
    • Not only did the colors have to be mixed just right, but creases and folds had to be shown in a natural manner.
    • I took my seat and placed my napkin in my lap, folding all the creases while a few people took their seats.
    • From the agency that brought you permanent-press cotton and permanent creases in wool trousers in the 1960s comes an exciting new breakthrough.
    • A leaf of paper lined with creases from years of unfolding was clutched tightly in his right hand with its yellow and wrinkled envelope held in his left.
    • He folded the map up once again, its old creases and textures feeling strange on his hand, like crinkled bark almost.
    • He reached forth, smoothing the creases out of the front of his robe.
    • Folding clothes gives a sharp crease along the fold line.
    • Jared unfolded the sheet, the creases set from years of staying folded.
    • Due to the plastic used in the pad, if the pad were folded in half, there would be a permanent crease, which would effectively ruin it.
    • Make a crease in the center of each triangle by folding in half.
    • If pressing doesn't remove the crease, use an alternate layout.
    • This includes the creases, folds, dents and crevices.
    • Once in a while, try to alternate the way you fold your garments in order to prevent creases from setting in permanently.
    fold, groove, ridge, furrow, line, ruck, pleat, tuck, corrugation
    British rare ruckle
    1. 1.1 A wrinkle or furrow in the skin, especially of the face, caused by age or a particular facial expression.
      stubble lines the creases of his face
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She looked across her desk at me, and I could see that the creases around her eyes were deepening with her skeptical expression.
      • Tiny wrinkles morphed into deep creases in his skin, by his eyes and near his mouth.
      • Her eyes furrowed in deep crease, as she gingerly tapped the bridge of her nose.
      • She looked middle-aged, with only slight creases around her eyes, and along the corners of her mouth.
      • The old innkeeper smiled, the creases around her eyes multiplying.
      • The rash is worse under the arms and in skin creases.
      • Creases around mouths can increase the appearance of a mouth.
      • The deep creases under my eyes stand in noteworthy contrast to my pale skin.
      • There was a crease of worry across her brow as well.
      • The creases around his mouth deepened and he unconsciously drummed his fingers on the table.
      • The creases in my forehead disappeared when I heard music coming from the back.
      • He liked the way sometimes a little crease wrinkled the side of her nose when she laughed.
      • He peered at the screen, a vertical crease appearing on his forehead.
      • A slight crease appeared between Kel's brows, and her eyes narrowed as a new thought struck her.
      • A small crease appeared between his eyebrows while he continued to watch her, his retreat momentarily forgotten.
      • Deep, vertical creases run from nose to forehead and press outward from her frowning mouth.
      • The crease of worry in his forehead only deepened.
      • Most of the scars are hidden within the hair and in the normal creases of the skin.
      • In fact, he seemed rather amiable, if rather animated with a worried crease between his brows.
      wrinkle, line, crinkle, pucker, laughter line
      (creases) informalcrow's feet
  • 2Cricket
    Any of a number of lines marked on the pitch at specified places.


    See popping crease, bowling crease, return crease
    Example sentencesExamples
    • So can you please do us a favour and sweep the pitch and remake the creases?
    • We plan to keep him at the crease so the scoring-rate slows down.
    • Just have a look at where some of the Aussies take strike and you will see them well in front of their creases and looking to play forward.
    • He is standing almost at the edge of the crease, the closest you'd ever see anyone field in that position.
    • After arriving at the batting crease on the fourth evening, he made a cautious start, scoring only six runs off his first 35 balls.
    1. 2.1the crease The position of a batsman during their innings.
      England were 15 for 3 overnight, with Stewart and Russell at the crease


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Suddenly, with two new batsmen at the crease, the runs began to dry up.
      • The best one-day batsmen have a remarkable ability to use the crease as a means of creating space for themselves.
      • Most of the batsmen need more time at the crease, and the position of the third pace bowler is undecided.
      • The batsmen had to stay at the crease for a while before upping the scoring.
      • Throughout the commentary there will be interviews with batsmen just before they head to the crease and fielders on the boundary edge.
  • 3the creaseAn area around the goal in ice hockey or lacrosse which the players may not enter unless the puck or the ball has already done so.


    he was caught in the crease without the puck
    Example sentencesExamples
    • If a player catches a goalie in the crease it'll be a penalty and the goal will be disallowed.
    • They go to the top of the crease - with and without the puck - harder than any team in the league.
    • That plays into the hands of the Europeans, who love to make deep crossing passes to draw the goalie out of the crease.
    • You never want to fire a pass through traffic or slide that puck across the crease - because you'll pay for it.
    • They'll shoot from the blue line and sweep in pucks around the crease.
verb kriːskris
[with object]
  • 1Make a crease in (cloth or paper)


    he sank into the chair, careful not to crease his dinner jacket


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Be sure to fold the paper loosely and not crease it at the folds.
    • The paperback stubbornly fought to stay closed because it was new and the binding had yet to be creased.
    • Now crease the paper template along both sides and cut out the opening.
    • As we crossed the Baltic in a shared ship's cabin, my mother watched to make sure I brushed my hair and teeth morning and night and chastised me for wearing clothes that were too creased or skirts that were too short.
    • As you place your paper tile in position, crease the paper (as you push it into the corner or curve) as tightly as you can possibly get it.
    • Open the paper and crease the folds back and forth to make the pages easier to form.
    • he pulled a creased scrap of paper out of the back pocket of his jeans and squinted at it, finally taking a pair of store bought half glasses out of his shirt pocket.
    • Opening the book slowly to pages that barely have been creased, the student sheepishly begins the Invention.
    • Why didn't he crease his paper or write on a piece of foil or something so he could tell them apart?
    • I clutched the black and purple booklet to my chest, before flicking through the pages, making sure nothing was creased and every page was still in its place.
    • He dug in the pocket of his jeans for a few seconds, and I waited for him to finish, curious, as he managed to yank out a piece of carefully folded, yet creased, paper.
    • I began flattening the creased and grimy paper, all my attention focused upon it.
    • The paper is then pushed down into the gutter using a straight-edge ruler attached to the robotic arm, and the gutter closes on the paper to crease it.
    • He wore a suit that looked to have several years' creases embedded in the cloth.
    • It definitely was a downer, but Tyson creased the paper and shrugged it off nonetheless, with the reminder that he would see his father again.
    • On the other side of the table, Katelyn finished shuffling through her disorganized folders, and she removed one creased paper from the bunch.
    • To decorate the front and back panels, place a sheet of decorative paper on the front panel of the box and crease the paper along the edges.
    • The cloth is creased, the day's newspaper is folded neatly, and an unopened letter to Monsieur Ph. Rousseau awaits its reader.
    • After all, won't meditation lead to a very creased Armani suit?
    • It wrinkles easily and should not be creased excessively to avoid wear and breakage of the fibers.
    crumple, wrinkle, crinkle, scrunch up, rumple, line, pucker, crimp, ruck up, gather, furrow
    British rare ruckle
    press, iron, put a crease in, fold
    corrugate, pleat, tuck
    1. 1.1 Cause a crease to appear temporarily in (the face or its features), typically as a result of the expression of an emotion or feeling.
      a small frown creased her forehead


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Hannah glanced over at Tyler, a frown creasing her features as she watched him a moment before closing her eyes and losing herself in her thoughts.
      • With a heavy frown creasing his face, he turned back to his meal and the room went silent.
      • Immediately, a frown creased a face that, at least so far, has displayed only relaxed confidence.
      • He focused on Rob, who had a curious, dazed expression creasing his face.
      • Arnold stood again, a worried frown creasing his features.
      • A frown creased his face and he surveyed me with a look.
      • A frown creased his perfect features as he glanced up at the sky to see dark clouds rolling in.
      • A worried frown creased the cook's face as soon as little Alissa was gone.
      • The King slowly sat back down, lines creasing his face as if he were suffering a horrible headache.
      • He sighed a little and shut it quickly, locking it, then lifting it and carrying it outside; Marietta followed him, her arms crossed, a deep frown creasing her face.
      • Nathan brought his head up sharply at her question and glanced at her, a frown creasing his features.
      • A dark frowned creased her face with half-forgotten woes.
      • The coach looked up self-importantly from his clipboard, a frown creasing his face before he realized who we were.
      • The first and last serious emotion that creases this weathered face is agony at a headache.
      • A frown creased my face as I turned to find Loren sitting next to George.
      • A small frown creased her face in minor aggravation as she tried to push her way out of the crowded sanctuary.
      • Her words came back to him suddenly, a frown creasing his perfect features as he remembered her words.
      • Then a grin stretches across his face, lifting and creasing his pale features.
      • Heavy lines creased her face into a sad expression.
      • ‘Alright,’ said the Queen, a frown creasing her face.
  • 2crease up" or "crease someone upBritish informal Burst out or cause to burst out laughing.


    no object Jo could imitate anybody and always made him crease up


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I ask the mild-looking septuagenarian who is creasing up with laughter at the memory.
    • It had me creased up laughing, and, although it's well past its sell-by date now, it's getting stuck up here anyway.
    • I have had buses pull up in front of the house and everybody who sees the gnomes creases up laughing.
    • One morning, my swimming teacher (actually a rather bored history master who'd been drafted in to help out), who had been watching me doggedly ploughing along in this manner, unexpectedly creased up with helpless laughter.
    • And it did leave me creased up with laughter on one point.
    • It is a giant boost, one I'm sure everyone has felt on a smaller scale whenever we make our friends crease up with laughter.
    entertain, make laugh, delight, divert, gladden, cheer, cheer up, please, charm, tickle, convulse, beguile, enliven, regale
  • 3British informal Hit or punch (someone) hard.


    clap or I'll crease you


  • 4(of a bullet) graze (someone or something)


    a bullet creased his thigh


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I felt a sharp tug on my left temple as the bullet creased me before it splat into the armor plate by my head.
    • Another bullet creased my skull on the other side of my forehead.


Late 16th century: probably a variant of crest.

  • crest from Middle English:

    Crest comes from Latin crista, meaning ‘a tuft or plume’. Crestfallen (late 16th century), meaning ‘dejected’, is an extension of its original use to describe an animal or bird with a drooping crest. Crease (late 16th century) is probably an alternative form of crest, the idea being that a fold in a length of cloth forms a ridge or crest.


anis, apiece, Berenice, caprice, cassis, cease, coulisse, Dumfries, fils, fleece, geese, grease, Greece, kris, lease, Lucrece, MacNeice, Matisse, McAleese, Nice, niece, obese, peace, pelisse, police, Rees, Rhys, set piece, sublease, surcease, two-piece, underlease

Definition of crease in US English:


  • 1A line or ridge produced on paper or cloth by folding, pressing, or crushing.


    khaki trousers with knife-edge creases


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Make a crease in the center of each triangle by folding in half.
    • A leaf of paper lined with creases from years of unfolding was clutched tightly in his right hand with its yellow and wrinkled envelope held in his left.
    • He reached forth, smoothing the creases out of the front of his robe.
    • From the agency that brought you permanent-press cotton and permanent creases in wool trousers in the 1960s comes an exciting new breakthrough.
    • Because the paintings are folded when they travel, they bear gridlike patterns of creases.
    • Once in a while, try to alternate the way you fold your garments in order to prevent creases from setting in permanently.
    • It had been folded into quarters; heavy creases down the middle and center were proof of this.
    • This includes the creases, folds, dents and crevices.
    • Not only did the colors have to be mixed just right, but creases and folds had to be shown in a natural manner.
    • It's now been several weeks since I've had to lock him in his room for failing to put a crease in my pyjama trousers.
    • I took my seat and placed my napkin in my lap, folding all the creases while a few people took their seats.
    • Summer smoothed out the creases in the paper and began to read what it said.
    • Folding clothes gives a sharp crease along the fold line.
    • Remove the paper backing, refold along the pressed creases and fuse.
    • Jared unfolded the sheet, the creases set from years of staying folded.
    • If pressing doesn't remove the crease, use an alternate layout.
    • He folded the map up once again, its old creases and textures feeling strange on his hand, like crinkled bark almost.
    • Due to the plastic used in the pad, if the pad were folded in half, there would be a permanent crease, which would effectively ruin it.
    • The key is to fold the item, but avoid creating a sharp crease.
    fold, groove, ridge, furrow, line, ruck, pleat, tuck, corrugation
    1. 1.1 A wrinkle or furrow in the skin, especially of the face, caused by age or a particular facial expression.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He peered at the screen, a vertical crease appearing on his forehead.
      • Deep, vertical creases run from nose to forehead and press outward from her frowning mouth.
      • In fact, he seemed rather amiable, if rather animated with a worried crease between his brows.
      • The old innkeeper smiled, the creases around her eyes multiplying.
      • A slight crease appeared between Kel's brows, and her eyes narrowed as a new thought struck her.
      • He liked the way sometimes a little crease wrinkled the side of her nose when she laughed.
      • A small crease appeared between his eyebrows while he continued to watch her, his retreat momentarily forgotten.
      • The creases around his mouth deepened and he unconsciously drummed his fingers on the table.
      • Tiny wrinkles morphed into deep creases in his skin, by his eyes and near his mouth.
      • The rash is worse under the arms and in skin creases.
      • Most of the scars are hidden within the hair and in the normal creases of the skin.
      • She looked middle-aged, with only slight creases around her eyes, and along the corners of her mouth.
      • She looked across her desk at me, and I could see that the creases around her eyes were deepening with her skeptical expression.
      • Creases around mouths can increase the appearance of a mouth.
      • Her eyes furrowed in deep crease, as she gingerly tapped the bridge of her nose.
      • The creases in my forehead disappeared when I heard music coming from the back.
      • The crease of worry in his forehead only deepened.
      • The deep creases under my eyes stand in noteworthy contrast to my pale skin.
      • There was a crease of worry across her brow as well.
      wrinkle, line, crinkle, pucker, laughter line
  • 2Cricket
    Any of a number of lines marked on the pitch at specified places, especially the position of a batsman.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • We plan to keep him at the crease so the scoring-rate slows down.
    • He is standing almost at the edge of the crease, the closest you'd ever see anyone field in that position.
    • After arriving at the batting crease on the fourth evening, he made a cautious start, scoring only six runs off his first 35 balls.
    • So can you please do us a favour and sweep the pitch and remake the creases?
    • Just have a look at where some of the Aussies take strike and you will see them well in front of their creases and looking to play forward.
  • 3usually the creaseAn area around the goal in ice hockey or lacrosse that attacking players may not normally enter unless the puck or ball has already done so.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • They'll shoot from the blue line and sweep in pucks around the crease.
    • That plays into the hands of the Europeans, who love to make deep crossing passes to draw the goalie out of the crease.
    • You never want to fire a pass through traffic or slide that puck across the crease - because you'll pay for it.
    • They go to the top of the crease - with and without the puck - harder than any team in the league.
    • If a player catches a goalie in the crease it'll be a penalty and the goal will be disallowed.
[with object]
  • 1Make a crease in (cloth or paper)


    he sank into the chair, careful not to crease his dinner jacket


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Be sure to fold the paper loosely and not crease it at the folds.
    • It definitely was a downer, but Tyson creased the paper and shrugged it off nonetheless, with the reminder that he would see his father again.
    • To decorate the front and back panels, place a sheet of decorative paper on the front panel of the box and crease the paper along the edges.
    • Why didn't he crease his paper or write on a piece of foil or something so he could tell them apart?
    • I began flattening the creased and grimy paper, all my attention focused upon it.
    • He wore a suit that looked to have several years' creases embedded in the cloth.
    • The paperback stubbornly fought to stay closed because it was new and the binding had yet to be creased.
    • I clutched the black and purple booklet to my chest, before flicking through the pages, making sure nothing was creased and every page was still in its place.
    • Open the paper and crease the folds back and forth to make the pages easier to form.
    • As we crossed the Baltic in a shared ship's cabin, my mother watched to make sure I brushed my hair and teeth morning and night and chastised me for wearing clothes that were too creased or skirts that were too short.
    • Now crease the paper template along both sides and cut out the opening.
    • The paper is then pushed down into the gutter using a straight-edge ruler attached to the robotic arm, and the gutter closes on the paper to crease it.
    • Opening the book slowly to pages that barely have been creased, the student sheepishly begins the Invention.
    • he pulled a creased scrap of paper out of the back pocket of his jeans and squinted at it, finally taking a pair of store bought half glasses out of his shirt pocket.
    • It wrinkles easily and should not be creased excessively to avoid wear and breakage of the fibers.
    • As you place your paper tile in position, crease the paper (as you push it into the corner or curve) as tightly as you can possibly get it.
    • He dug in the pocket of his jeans for a few seconds, and I waited for him to finish, curious, as he managed to yank out a piece of carefully folded, yet creased, paper.
    • The cloth is creased, the day's newspaper is folded neatly, and an unopened letter to Monsieur Ph. Rousseau awaits its reader.
    • On the other side of the table, Katelyn finished shuffling through her disorganized folders, and she removed one creased paper from the bunch.
    • After all, won't meditation lead to a very creased Armani suit?
    crumple, wrinkle, crinkle, scrunch up, rumple, line, pucker, crimp, ruck up, gather, furrow
    press, iron, put a crease in, fold
    1. 1.1 Cause a crease to appear temporarily in (the face or its features), typically as a result of the expression of an emotion or feeling.
      a small frown creased her forehead


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A frown creased my face as I turned to find Loren sitting next to George.
      • A small frown creased her face in minor aggravation as she tried to push her way out of the crowded sanctuary.
      • The coach looked up self-importantly from his clipboard, a frown creasing his face before he realized who we were.
      • Immediately, a frown creased a face that, at least so far, has displayed only relaxed confidence.
      • Nathan brought his head up sharply at her question and glanced at her, a frown creasing his features.
      • The King slowly sat back down, lines creasing his face as if he were suffering a horrible headache.
      • Hannah glanced over at Tyler, a frown creasing her features as she watched him a moment before closing her eyes and losing herself in her thoughts.
      • A worried frown creased the cook's face as soon as little Alissa was gone.
      • Her words came back to him suddenly, a frown creasing his perfect features as he remembered her words.
      • The first and last serious emotion that creases this weathered face is agony at a headache.
      • A frown creased his face and he surveyed me with a look.
      • With a heavy frown creasing his face, he turned back to his meal and the room went silent.
      • Heavy lines creased her face into a sad expression.
      • A frown creased his perfect features as he glanced up at the sky to see dark clouds rolling in.
      • He focused on Rob, who had a curious, dazed expression creasing his face.
      • He sighed a little and shut it quickly, locking it, then lifting it and carrying it outside; Marietta followed him, her arms crossed, a deep frown creasing her face.
      • A dark frowned creased her face with half-forgotten woes.
      • ‘Alright,’ said the Queen, a frown creasing her face.
      • Then a grin stretches across his face, lifting and creasing his pale features.
      • Arnold stood again, a worried frown creasing his features.
  • 2(of a bullet) graze (someone or something), causing little damage.


    a bullet creased his thigh


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Another bullet creased my skull on the other side of my forehead.
    • I felt a sharp tug on my left temple as the bullet creased me before it splat into the armor plate by my head.


Late 16th century: probably a variant of crest.





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