

单词 control

Definition of control in English:


nounPlural controls kənˈtrəʊlkənˈtroʊl
  • 1mass noun The power to influence or direct people's behaviour or the course of events.


    the whole operation is under the control of a production manager


    the situation was slipping out of her control


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Sailing is a sport in which circumstances beyond your control not only affect your performance but also your ability to perform at all.
    • The secretary who once thought that he was in total power and control now felt helpless and terrified.
    • When did any bureaucracy ever volunteer to give away authority, control or influence?
    • You have no control over the event - it has happened, it is past - but you can choose your reaction.
    • His Marlowe is always pushing buttons, probing people for weakness, wresting control of the situation.
    • The health authority will argue that other factors, beyond the hospital's control, were probably involved.
    • You retain a position of power and control despite all the changes in the work area.
    • Then, as is the case with many expeditions, variables beyond our control take over.
    • The parties have lost direct control over the nomination process as more candidates are being selected by the primary process.
    • The only independent control of the powers comes from the Home Secretary's supervision of authorisations.
    • Can we really hand over enormous power and control of our lives to anyone and expect them to act in our best interests?
    • The director would not have day-to-day control or financial power over the other agencies.
    • The fact that they failed to do so was dictated to some degree by events outside their direct control.
    • He exercised total control over every aspect of our lives.
    • The event also highlighted the advantages of the community groups having control of their own events.
    • Some men are like this because they want to have control and power over women.
    • The aim is then to weaken further the government's control in order to hasten its full collapse.
    • Off-campus, one gains complete control of their diet and food intake.
    • We must seize control of our own economic destinies as far as possible.
    • It is doubtful whether he had any particular control over the course of events.
    • They benefited from the efforts of the earlier pioneers, but still found state control too restrictive.
    jurisdiction, sway, power, authority, command, dominance, domination, government, mastery, leadership, rule, reign, sovereignty, supremacy, ascendancy, predominance, hegemony
    charge, management, direction, guidance, supervision, superintendence, oversight
    rare prepotence, prepotency, prepollency
    1. 1.1 The ability to manage a machine, vehicle, or other moving object.
      he lost control of his car
      improve your ball control
      Example sentencesExamples
      • A passing car lost control and ran into the telephone kiosk knocking it to the ground.
      • I spent a lot of time those two days shaking my head because he had so much control over the ball.
      • This cushions the impact of the pass and gives you better control of the ball.
      • Last December a car lost control and hit the wall near the village hall.
      • The woman attempted to escape by reversing the car, but lost control and ended up in a ditch at the side of the quiet country road close to Wistow Mine.
      • Once you have control of the ball with your left hand, increase your tempo as you make the first dribble.
      • Parked cars were damaged when the driver of a car lost control on a roundabout and collided with them yesterday.
      • He has a very soft grip, which properly allows for control of the ball to rest in the shooting hand.
      • It is understood that around 10 am, the driver of the car lost control after colliding with a lorry.
      • This was not due to a lack of ability as Tom had excellent ball control, could accurately score goals and easily hit a rounders' ball.
      • They are all worth closer investigation as they contribute to better control of the machine.
      • He had the fans on their feet all night long with his dazzling ball control and jaw dropping passes.
      • He amazed the crowd with his perfect driving skills and the control over the machine.
      • The car slows and veers: but I manage to keep control and the lorry pulls away again.
      • Police said the driver lost control as the car came over the brow of the hill near Hopton Industrial Estate.
      • I shouted so hard and punched the air with such delight I almost lost control of the car.
      • He then lost control and crashed into a huge tree that had fallen across the road.
      • His unerring control of whatever machine he was driving came into play in Indianapolis, too.
      • Seth tried with all of his ability to keep control over his car, but just couldn't handle it.
      • It made my engines cut out, leaving me without power, without control, and without vision.
    2. 1.2 The restriction of an activity, tendency, or phenomenon.
      crime control


      Example sentencesExamples
      • To continue, hunts would have to meet the twin tests of preventing cruelty and being necessary for pest control.
      • We have seen that neither uniformed patrol nor plainclothes investigation work is very successful in crime control.
      • Today I am going to talk about some of the new technologies which may be used for crime control.
      • For many years we have been told that chemicals are the only method of effective pest control.
      • Their fields of activity include soil conservation, gardening, and natural pest control.
      • Your plants will be more dependent on you for feed and water as well as pest control.
      • Farmers legitimately and legally use guns for pest control on their land.
      • A spokesperson for the Baptist church said on Monday they were aware of the situation and pest control had dealt with it.
      • Severely infested grains and cheese usually require fumigation to achieve control of these pests.
      • Some people, when they think of pest or weed control, think that it is either a job for experts or they have to use toxic sprays.
      • Not long ago, the New York City Police Department, with the support of the mayor, pushed for a new type of crime control.
      • Weed control is not especially difficult with ordinary double cropping.
      • Maintain strict aphid control at all times, especially in late spring and early summer when aphid populations are highest.
      • The recommendations also include sources of information on control of influenza.
      • Poorly maintained sprayers result in wastage of inputs and uneven control of pests, weeds and diseases.
      • The driving paradigm for police research now is clearly crime control.
      • The man was brought to safety while pest control dealt with his vermin.
      • It is neglecting the equally important role that physical activity plays in weight control.
      • He had literally begged his landlord to pay for the pest control and fumigation.
      • He applied his experimental design techniques to a wide range of problems such as control of pests.
      restraint, constraint, limitation, restriction, check, curb, brake, rein
    3. 1.3 The ability to restrain one's own emotions or actions.
      she was goaded beyond control


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Most patients will have increasing anxiety before losing control of their emotions.
      • It was a struggle to keep it that way, but he refused to lose control of his emotions in front of Jesse.
      • True freedom is about control; learn to exercise control and restraint when you must.
      • His eyes were wild and he still had not regained complete control of himself.
      • The rhetoric serves to perpetuate the myth that perpetrators have no control over their behaviour when they are drunk.
      • Once seated Kelly took a deep breath and fought to regain control of her emotions.
      • One answer that might come to mind is that these are just emotions, and I don't have complete control over my emotions.
      • Anger I could deal with, but I hated to be embarrassed and to lose control of my emotions.
      • Sometimes I think that it would be good to be one of those people who are in total control of their emotions.
      • She managed to regain control of herself for long enough to cry out in fear.
      • My mother nodded her head and wiped the tears from her face as she tried to keep control of her emotions.
      • She stumbled the next few steps, and then managed to take control of her coordination.
      • She knew she was losing control over her emotions.
      • When deciding this, bear in mind that the law expects people to exercise control over their emotions.
      • He wasn't sure how he was managing to keep control of his laughter, but he was very grateful for it.
      • She would return to the village in the morning, when she had control over her emotions again.
      • Sometimes there is a lack of control over aggressive tendencies.
      • She rubbed at her eyes with it, embarrassed to have lost control in such a manner.
      • He says that no matter how tough these guys appear there often comes a time when they lose control of their emotions.
      • She'd like more control over her emotions so as to appear immune to perceived insults and snubs.
      self-control, self-restraint, restraint, self-command, self-mastery, self-discipline
      self-possession, composure, calmness, coolness
      informal cool
      rare countenance
    4. 1.4often controlscount noun A means of limiting or regulating something.
      growing controls on local spending


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But aren't there export controls on these items?
      • U.S. government controls on technology exports could limit the Europeans' access to defense contracts.
      • But the government also promised to consider controls on air guns, blamed for causing injuries and distress to humans and animals.
      • The department, which is responsible for official controls on animal feed, did not disclose where the contaminated premixture was found.
      • But the court decided yesterday that the rules to tighten controls on the growing market in vitamins and minerals can come into force on August 1 as planned.
      • Mr Reilly said controls on food and feed will be structured so that they are integrated at all stages of production and in all sectors.
      • There was a need for tougher controls on meat imports.
      • Measures to introduce new EU-wide controls on feed for farmed livestock in England were announced this week by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
      • We must put pressure on legislators to introduce tighter controls on the sale of these products.
      • Dr Cullen also needs to bring in tighter controls on foreign investment, both to limit speculation on property and focus the inflow of foreign capital on new, productive investment.
      • The commission, which is responsible for ensuring standards of care in the NHS and the private sector, will also propose tougher controls on rogue cosmetic surgeons.
      • When the gems were discovered in 1930, the British colonial government tried in vain to slap strict controls on mining.
      • He said the bill would introduce controls on the manufacture, use, noise and sale of fireworks, as well as introduce penalties for breaking the rules if it became law.
      • We have stringent laws relating to censorship of films and videos but it would appear there are no such controls on games - and we are now beginning to see the consequences of that
      • But there are no controls on charges and they can also be varied by the bank with immediate effect.
      • The market will become unfettered by regulation - the modest controls on the internet to protect consumers, for example, are to be dumped on the grounds that they impose burdens on business.
      • Teachers called for tighter controls on home education yesterday with figures showing that parents were increasingly rejecting formal schooling and teaching children themselves.
      • Researchers at a Yorkshire university are calling for tighter controls on aviation in an attempt to reduce greenhouse gases and minimise the effects of climate change.
      • In the 1920s the state imposed controls on freight charges.
      • But a survey published today shows 85% of Britons believe there should be greater controls on the way fast foods are promoted to children.
    5. 1.5count noun A switch or other device by which a device or vehicle is regulated.
      he had the chance to take the controls and fly the glider
      the volume control


      Example sentencesExamples
      • They are frost-free, have individual humidity controls on each crisper drawer and the option of built-in water filters for water and crushed-ice dispensers.
      • You can run this camera in full automatic mode or switch to completely manual controls.
      • Unfortunately, she needed a code to work the controls, and her spies had failed to gather that particular piece of information.
      • Voice dialling and other key phone functions can be activated using the vehicles' steering wheel controls.
      • The low spec model which we drove still came with standard front electric windows, air conditioning and an integral CD and radio with controls on the column of the steering wheel.
      • The controls found inside this vehicle are fairly simple and straightforward.
      • I went up with the chief instructor and he was superb and let me take the controls so I actually flew the plane at around 240 mph.
      • When flying a helicopter the controls need to be manually held at all times.
      • The music fades in and out as if there was a kid at the controls playing with the volume knob.
      • He also gets behind the controls of several vehicles, including a tank and an armed helicopter.
      • He pressed a control on the device before him.
      • Most excavator operators find it easier to operate levers, switches, and other controls with their hands or fingers rather than the ball or heel of their foot.
      • His hands went over the radio controls and flicked some switches.
      • The controls allow you to switch between bass, treble and flat settings and quick-scan through tracks, but it can't fast forward or rewind.
      • She pressed one button and the controls, switches, and buttons all came to life around her.
      • They say devices that would allow air traffic controllers to override the controls of a hijacked plane are close to development.
      • The menu and controls of the device are done really properly: everything is very logical and intuitive.
      • Even the cheapest alarms have an on/off switch and a volume control, something that many people seem to forget.
      • Many complain that the modern car is home to a confusing and unnecessary multitude of buttons, switches and controls.
      • It also provides a central control to operate the other equipment in the room.
      switch, knob, button, dial, handle, lever
      (controls), console, instrument panel, dashboard
      informal dash
    6. 1.6with modifier The place from which a system or activity is directed or where a particular item is verified.
      passport control


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Then there is the routine stop and search and the rigmarole at airport passport control.
      • He was stopped at passport control at the airport.
      • Sets of parallel lines painted on the tarmac led him to the passport control kiosks and the customs sheds beyond.
      • We are not Customs we're not Police, we don't have the powers to enforce border control.
      • All this means is that passport control can verify that you are who you say you are.
      • In the shop after passport control, some goods were being sold at high-street prices.
      • If you get your visa in the UK before you go, you can skip this queue, go direct to passport control and be first in the baggage reclaim queue.
      • Already, talk has begun in some quarters about the need to tighten up on border controls to prevent illegal immigrants who might be potential terrorists getting into the country.
      • target: not reached
      • At the passport control desk, the officer holds your passport against a scanner which reads the code.
      headquarters, HQ, base, centre of operations, command post
    7. 1.7Computing
      note that Control plus various keys on the numeric keypad will move you around the text
      short for control key
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Later we can use CONTROL to remove colours and SHIFT to add them.
      • is there a way to disable the windows key (to the right of the left control) on the keyboard?
      • Now hit Control + E three times.
  • 2A person or thing used as a standard of comparison for checking the results of a survey or experiment.


    platelet activity was higher in patients with the disease than in the controls


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Total absence of care or health services cannot be considered a suitable control standard.
    • These control experiments confirmed that the antibody penetrated well in all the samples studied.
    • This study is a preliminary report of the case series without a control group for comparison.
    • Table 4 shows the relative mortality of this group of patients compared with the control group.
    • Statistical tests refer to differences between experiments and their corresponding controls.
    • Distilled water was used instead of the chemicals for the control experiments.
    • A further 932 were recruited from the public to act as a control group for comparison.
    • Compared with controls, significant results remained for deliberate self-harm in moderately and severely victimized individuals.
    • Mortality in the controls varied among all experiments in this study from 0 to 27%.
    • This type of experiment, by its very nature, does not provide long travel times to serve as controls, so conclusive results are difficult to obtain.
    • We wished to demonstrate the importance of these factors in a control experiment.
    • Patients in the control group received standard care delivered by the community mental health teams.
    • Being a scientist at heart, Gorman set up a control experiment with a man born at the same time and the same place as himself.
    • First, our sample was a clinical sample that did not include clinical controls or normal comparison families.
    • Intact leaves selected the evening before the experiments served as controls.
    • For the statistical evaluation the results were compared with the corresponding controls.
    • These rats and the normal controls were bred under standard conditions, approved by the University Animal Care Committee.
    • Negative and positive controls showed the expected results.
    • Hospital admissions for renal stone disease were compared between patients and controls.
    • Thirty six healthy resident doctors and staff members served as controls.
    • Dr Duncan found that only one of the groups, the third group, showed any apparent effect in comparison with the control group.
    standard of comparison, benchmark, standard, check
  • 3A member of an intelligence organization who personally directs the activities of a spy.


    he sat with his KGB control as the details of his new assignment were explained
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Blunt joined MI5, now allowing him to expand his services beyond recruiting and giving him opportunities to transmit secret documents to his KGB control.
    • He detests the amorality of his C.I.A. control.
    • The title refers to the time when an outside spy has to ‘come in from the cold’ and take a sedentary job as another spy's control or even some menial desk assignment until the mandatory age limit forces retirement.
  • 4Bridge
    A high card that will prevent the opponents from establishing a particular suit.


    he has controls in both minor suits
verbcontrols, controlling, controlled kənˈtrəʊlkənˈtroʊl
  • 1with object Determine the behaviour or supervise the running of.


    he was appointed to control the company's marketing strategy


    Example sentencesExamples
    • This is what is meant by span of control: the numbers of positions allocated to and controlled by a supervisor or manager.
    • We can now ask how genes are controlling cell behavior.
    • In the tobacco factory a supervisor controlled the quality of the cigars.
    • A small number of states could determine which party controls the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.
    • They relocate to another community after he unwittingly takes a job with a company controlled by a super-villain.
    • In addition to the presidential race, November's election will determine which party controls the next Congress.
    • The government is also planning to have a single authority for controlling venture capital funds.
    • The majority of the 2000-plus health and fitness clubs in the UK are still either operated independently or controlled by local authorities.
    • Rodney would stress that peasants controlled the agricultural process inside villages, and indeed even their own societies in a wider sense.
    • Those who are regulated usually end up controlling the process and warp the regulations to their own benefit.
    • The story is about a future society in which an authoritarian cult controls the vast reaches of Asia, but is then overthrown, leaving a pair of young lovers to experience the scary novelty of freedom.
    • If the scheme goes ahead, it could become the first in the country to follow the example of the Continent, where in some places prostitution is tolerated but actively controlled by the authorities.
    • They received a monthly salary and were charged with controlling the production process and recording the flow of tobacco leaves and products.
    • If the election is as tight as it promises to be, they could well determine who controls the US Senate.
    • They acted after the London Port Authority, which controls the waters, told Colin they would charge him up to £10,000 to move it.
    • At Tewkesbury School, which is not controlled by the education authority, the new system will be introduced gradually.
    • But what is sometimes overlooked is that the upcoming elections could determine who controls Congress for the next 10 years.
    • The army of 28 new-style traffic wardens was introduced this month, completely controlled by the authority.
    • Regional media are generally controlled by regional authorities.
    • Having local authorities controlling licensing certainly makes a lot of sense, because they are in the front line of the drinking culture in their particular communities.
    be in charge of, run, be in control of, manage, direct, administer, head, preside over, have authority over, supervise, superintend, oversee, guide, steer
    command, rule, govern, lead, dominate, reign over, hold sway over, hegemonize, be at the helm, be the boss
    informal head up, call the shots, call the tune, be in the driving seat, be in the saddle, run the show, pull the strings, rule the roost, hold the purse strings, have someone/something in the palm of one's hand, have someone eating out of one's hand
    British informal wear the trousers
    North American have someone in one's hip pocket
    1. 1.1 Maintain influence or authority over.
      there were never enough masters to control the unruly mobs of boys


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The more alcohol you take in, the less able you are to control your behaviour.
      • Focus your talents and energies on areas you can directly influence and control.
      • The offender had limited capacity to control her behaviour in this respect.
      • I feel like I'm on top of this huge mountain, screaming at the top of my lungs, my heart tearing open, and the state of my soul controlling what I'm saying.
      • It was an elite, skillfully and ruthlessly controlling demoralized and apathetic masses.
      • By controlling influential committees, the Prime Minister can also ensure that he drives the policies of these committees.
      • Secondly, it develops and maintains an animal that is easy to have around, has appropriate behaviour and is readily controlled in any environment.
      • How well you control your mind determines why you choke while others remain calm and focused.
      • I discovered the key to controlling their outrageous behaviour.
      • Many are drugged to control their behaviour because there are no proper therapies for their conditions.
      • Yet through all of this, I realized society's constructs were limiting me by controlling my body, mind, sex and sexuality.
      • In London, many people defied a request by police to avoid meeting in Trafalgar Square, where authorities often have trouble controlling the rowdier celebrants.
      • At one point, each soldier was responsible for controlling 75 prisoners.
      • It ruled that the union would face legal action if it failed to control the behaviour of those protesting.
      • The whole point of a blog is that its author controls its content.
    2. 1.2 Limit the level, intensity, or numbers of.
      he had to control his temper


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Exams can be nerve-wracking, and controlling your stress levels around this time can be difficult.
      • He also called upon the citizens to launch a green revolution to control increasing pollution levels in the City.
      • Mr Keaney said noise and dust generated by the quarry could be controlled by conditions limiting the hours of operation and the cleaning of the public roads.
      • The girls investigated agriculture and the best practice to control the nitrate levels in the soil.
      • Everything that can be done to stop the transmission of diseases like avian influenza is important in controlling it.
      • The Government has placed great emphasis on controlling the level of inflation but yet, a State body is being granted increases well above the rate of inflation.
      • It has long been credited with helping to control cholesterol levels.
      • They are also exploring the effects of social and legislative controls such as blood alcohol limits for driving and controlling the density of liquor outlets in neighborhoods.
      • Psychiatric supervision may help him control some of his feelings of anxiety and he has been offered this on an outpatient basis.
      • The body is then unable to control blood sugar levels and insulin must be injected daily.
      • Pain has to be controlled and adequate hydration maintained so that the abnormal proteins don't plug the kidneys.
      • Check out how to control your costs, how to keep accounts and how to manage employees.
      • To others this would look icy, but Aradia knew her best friend was barely controlling her temper.
      • Stella loves him dearly, as well, but he has trouble controlling his temper.
      • Use music prior to competition to help maintain focus by controlling negative thoughts.
      • By tightly controlling your blood sugar levels, intensive insulin therapy can help prevent long-term diabetes complications such as kidney damage.
      • The disease may be controlled with medications or through surgery or radiation treatments.
      • It is approved for organic as well as conventional use, and it keeps in check many serious pests not otherwise easily controlled.
      • Use pesticides only when necessary and only in amounts that will adequately control pests.
      • Mulching can effectively control weeds from seeds that germinate at or near the soil surface.
      restrain, keep in check, curb, check, contain, hold back, bridle, rein in, keep a tight rein on, subdue, suppress, repress, master, damp down
      informal keep a/the lid on
      limit, restrict, set/impose limits on, curb, cap, constrain
      informal put the brakes on
    3. 1.3control oneself Remain calm and reasonable despite provocation.
      her eyes flashed angrily, but she made an effort to control herself
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Some people might think, why can't you just control yourself?
      • About 8.5 per cent feel extremely frightened - almost beyond the point of controlling themselves.
      • Mary Roche who advocated the setting up of a Boot Camp where the perpetrators of serious crime would learn discipline, respect and how to control themselves.
      • Because of your medical condition you weren't able to control yourself properly.
      • You've got to learn to control yourself when you lose a match.
      • Section 3 requires that the accused should have made reasonable efforts to control himself within the limits of what he is reasonably able to do.
      • She normally should have been able to control herself, despite her fear.
      • Then he swung his arm back as if he were going to punch me in the face, but for some reason he controlled himself at the last second and lightly tapped my nose with his fist.
      • We believe it is possible for children to control themselves.
      • Despite my best efforts to control myself, I felt tears of guilt begin to well up in the corners of my eyes.
      • Whatever happens, we need to be conscious of restraining and controlling ourselves.
      • She was the only one who could calm him down and get him to control himself.
      • These players are meant to be professionals and should learn how to control themselves.
      • Visibly struggling to control himself, he finally calmed down somewhat and began to pace.
      • People are expected to control themselves even in the face of provocation.
      • We've already shown that we're incapable of controlling ourselves and using power wisely.
      • I can't stand politicians who can't control themselves.
      • If they can hate but control themselves and not kill, then that's a step forward.
      • I would prefer them to have controlled themselves and spared us all the drama.
      • I was walking away, thinking how silly I was to have reacted like that, next time I should be calmer, and control myself.
      compose oneself, recover one's composure, regain one's composure, control oneself, recover one's self-control, regain one's self-control, pull oneself together, keep one's head, simmer down, cool down, cool off, take it easy
    4. 1.4 Regulate (a mechanical or scientific process)
      the airflow is controlled by a fan


      Example sentencesExamples
      • This aspect of the process was controlled through separate instrumentation.
      • Scientists believe they will be able to develop treatments for deafness due to the discovery of the gene they believe controls the process that enables us to hear.
      • He was such a bad pilot, having trouble controlling and landing the aircraft, that they would not let him rent the plane without a rental company employee to accompany him!
      • The researchers' initial goal was to learn what controls this process.
      • Fingerprint recognition can be used in access control for opening doors, controlling burglar alarms and supervising working hours.
      • My wife Amy sings and I read from the texts of my poems, as music plays which Stan controls at a soundboard.
      • The receiver can be accessed and controlled remotely using Internet browsers or company software.
      regulate, modulate, adjust
      affect, determine, govern
  • 2control forno object Take into account (an extraneous factor that might affect the results of an experiment)


    no attempt was made to control for variations


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Overall, the frail group was eight times more likely to be dependent than those who died suddenly, even after controlling for age and other factors.
    • We were able to control statistically for differences in clutch initiation date.
    • After controlling for other factors, individuals who were older or had higher baseline weight showed less weight gain.
    • However, dialect was not a significant predictor of male mating success when controlling for other factors that might affect paternity.
    • The results were controlled for age, gender and presence of physical or mental illness.
    • In some studies that have controlled for social factors and parity, such children do better at school than those of very young parents.
    • Multiple regression analysis examines the effect of each variable after controlling for other variables.
    • Perhaps if we could control for certain variables, the gender difference would disappear.
    • The within-subjects design of this experiment controls for any differences in sex and age.
    • The order of the treatments was randomized to control for a time effect.
    • The following section describes the treatment outcome findings after controlling for relevant factors.
    • The findings held true even after controlling for risk factors such as smoking, having diabetes or weighing too much.
    • Virtually everywhere men tend to be more active than women, even after controlling for other factors such as education.
    • Efforts to control for initial differences among the groups were made through a matching procedure.
    • When researchers controlled for socioeconomic factors, the differences were more subtle but still there.
    • These effects on bone mineral density remained significant even when controlling for demographic factors and smoking.
    • When controlling for other factors, lean body mass was the most significant predictor of bone mineral density at most sites.
    • Even if such an age effect were present in our material it would not have influenced our results since we controlled for age.
    • Study designs with community comparisons must adequately control for potential confounding factors.


  • in control

    • Able to direct a situation, person, or activity.


      from the beginning he has been in control of his own destiny
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I feel much more in control of my life though, and I feel on track to sort that little problem out now.
      • It's all very efficient but strange for me to not be in control of a situation for the first time.
      • They are rarely in control of all that goes on in front of and behind the camera and thus have to leave a great deal to fate.
      • Waiting too long can leave you feeling that you're not in control of other aspects of your life.
      • It all takes place when the patient is in a relaxed state of mind, but still in control of their actions.
      • People need to feel that they are in control of their health and that what they do directly impinges on it.
      • His letter confirmed that the council knows what it is doing and is in control.
      • So, are these people who appear to be totally in control and know exactly what they want any happier?
      • When someone thinks they are in control they will take enormous risks without flinching.
      • He can decide on the spur of the moment whether to do a concert or not and is totally in control of his life.
      in charge, in command, in control, responsible, at the top, in authority, in the seat of authority, at the wheel, in the driving seat, in the saddle
  • out of control

    • No longer possible to manage.


      the fire gets out of control
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Some sort of rules must be put in place or the problem will continue to spiral out of control.
      • As the car spun out of control, a bystander was struck and thrown up against a parked car.
      • I remember reading a story about a bickering argument that got out of control.
      • Health service chiefs were accused today of allowing hospital superbugs to run out of control.
      • The decision was taken purely and simply because the costs got out of control.
      • A motorist whose car spun out of control and smashed into a tree on a country road near York has died in hospital.
      • They also attended the larger organised events to make sure the fires were not burning out of control.
      • She wants to warn others how easy it is to let debts spiral out of control.
      • Pensioners worry not just about going out at night, but during the day because crime is out of control.
      • One of the fires, underneath flats at Angel Mill, threatened to blaze out of control.
      uncontrollable, unmanageable, ungovernable, wild, unruly, disorderly, recalcitrant, refractory, obstreperous, turbulent, intractable, incorrigible, disobedient, delinquent, insubordinate, defiant, non-compliant, undisciplined
  • under control

    • (of a danger or emergency) such that people are able to deal with it successfully.


      it took two hours to bring the blaze under control


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Have those charged with our security genuinely got the problem under control?
      • Her husband attempted to battle the flames but was forced back and wasn't able to bring it under control.
      • Police were again called out and quickly brought the incident under control.
      • This situation has to be brought under control, if the group wants to grow earnings in the future.
      • Even the police who were there seemed at a loss as to how to bring the situation back under control.
      • The fire was under control within two hours, and officers then continued to search the building.
      • The fire brigade soon had the blaze under control and were able to extinguish it swiftly.
      • This government is starting to bring this under control but has not committed to do anything long term.
      • It took two hours to bring the fire under control and yet more time to damp down.
      • If tax rises are to be avoided, Government spending needs to be brought under control.


Late Middle English (as a verb in the sense 'check or verify accounts', especially by referring to a duplicate register): from Anglo-Norman French contreroller 'keep a copy of a roll of accounts', from medieval Latin contrarotulare, from contrarotulus 'copy of a roll', from contra- 'against' + rotulus 'a roll'. The noun is perhaps via French contrôle.

  • The early sense of this was ‘check or verify accounts’: usually by making reference to a duplicate register. It is from Anglo-Norman French contreroller ‘keep a copy of a roll of accounts’, from Latin contrarotulus ‘copy of a roll’.


barcarole, bole, bowl, cajole, coal, Cole, condole, console, dhole, dole, droll, enrol (US enroll), extol, foal, goal, hole, Joel, knoll, kohl, mol, mole, Nicole, parol, parole, patrol, pole, poll, prole, rôle, roll, scroll, Seoul, shoal, skoal, sole, soul, stole, stroll, thole, Tirol, toad-in-the-hole, toll, troll, vole, whole

Definition of control in US English:


  • 1The power to influence or direct people's behavior or the course of events.


    the whole operation is under the control of a production manager


    the situation was slipping out of her control


    Example sentencesExamples
    • We must seize control of our own economic destinies as far as possible.
    • He exercised total control over every aspect of our lives.
    • The fact that they failed to do so was dictated to some degree by events outside their direct control.
    • You have no control over the event - it has happened, it is past - but you can choose your reaction.
    • The director would not have day-to-day control or financial power over the other agencies.
    • The event also highlighted the advantages of the community groups having control of their own events.
    • Some men are like this because they want to have control and power over women.
    • The health authority will argue that other factors, beyond the hospital's control, were probably involved.
    • You retain a position of power and control despite all the changes in the work area.
    • The only independent control of the powers comes from the Home Secretary's supervision of authorisations.
    • The secretary who once thought that he was in total power and control now felt helpless and terrified.
    • The parties have lost direct control over the nomination process as more candidates are being selected by the primary process.
    • His Marlowe is always pushing buttons, probing people for weakness, wresting control of the situation.
    • The aim is then to weaken further the government's control in order to hasten its full collapse.
    • Can we really hand over enormous power and control of our lives to anyone and expect them to act in our best interests?
    • Off-campus, one gains complete control of their diet and food intake.
    • Then, as is the case with many expeditions, variables beyond our control take over.
    • Sailing is a sport in which circumstances beyond your control not only affect your performance but also your ability to perform at all.
    • They benefited from the efforts of the earlier pioneers, but still found state control too restrictive.
    • It is doubtful whether he had any particular control over the course of events.
    • When did any bureaucracy ever volunteer to give away authority, control or influence?
    jurisdiction, sway, power, authority, command, dominance, domination, government, mastery, leadership, rule, reign, sovereignty, supremacy, ascendancy, predominance, hegemony
    1. 1.1 The ability to manage a machine, vehicle, or other moving object.
      he lost control of his car
      improve your ball control
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Once you have control of the ball with your left hand, increase your tempo as you make the first dribble.
      • I shouted so hard and punched the air with such delight I almost lost control of the car.
      • He has a very soft grip, which properly allows for control of the ball to rest in the shooting hand.
      • Parked cars were damaged when the driver of a car lost control on a roundabout and collided with them yesterday.
      • He had the fans on their feet all night long with his dazzling ball control and jaw dropping passes.
      • His unerring control of whatever machine he was driving came into play in Indianapolis, too.
      • A passing car lost control and ran into the telephone kiosk knocking it to the ground.
      • I spent a lot of time those two days shaking my head because he had so much control over the ball.
      • This was not due to a lack of ability as Tom had excellent ball control, could accurately score goals and easily hit a rounders' ball.
      • The car slows and veers: but I manage to keep control and the lorry pulls away again.
      • Last December a car lost control and hit the wall near the village hall.
      • It is understood that around 10 am, the driver of the car lost control after colliding with a lorry.
      • This cushions the impact of the pass and gives you better control of the ball.
      • Seth tried with all of his ability to keep control over his car, but just couldn't handle it.
      • Police said the driver lost control as the car came over the brow of the hill near Hopton Industrial Estate.
      • He then lost control and crashed into a huge tree that had fallen across the road.
      • He amazed the crowd with his perfect driving skills and the control over the machine.
      • They are all worth closer investigation as they contribute to better control of the machine.
      • The woman attempted to escape by reversing the car, but lost control and ended up in a ditch at the side of the quiet country road close to Wistow Mine.
      • It made my engines cut out, leaving me without power, without control, and without vision.
    2. 1.2 The restriction of an activity, tendency, or phenomenon.
      pest control


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Farmers legitimately and legally use guns for pest control on their land.
      • It is neglecting the equally important role that physical activity plays in weight control.
      • A spokesperson for the Baptist church said on Monday they were aware of the situation and pest control had dealt with it.
      • The driving paradigm for police research now is clearly crime control.
      • Some people, when they think of pest or weed control, think that it is either a job for experts or they have to use toxic sprays.
      • He applied his experimental design techniques to a wide range of problems such as control of pests.
      • Poorly maintained sprayers result in wastage of inputs and uneven control of pests, weeds and diseases.
      • To continue, hunts would have to meet the twin tests of preventing cruelty and being necessary for pest control.
      • The recommendations also include sources of information on control of influenza.
      • Your plants will be more dependent on you for feed and water as well as pest control.
      • Severely infested grains and cheese usually require fumigation to achieve control of these pests.
      • The man was brought to safety while pest control dealt with his vermin.
      • Today I am going to talk about some of the new technologies which may be used for crime control.
      • He had literally begged his landlord to pay for the pest control and fumigation.
      • Not long ago, the New York City Police Department, with the support of the mayor, pushed for a new type of crime control.
      • Their fields of activity include soil conservation, gardening, and natural pest control.
      • Maintain strict aphid control at all times, especially in late spring and early summer when aphid populations are highest.
      • We have seen that neither uniformed patrol nor plainclothes investigation work is very successful in crime control.
      • Weed control is not especially difficult with ordinary double cropping.
      • For many years we have been told that chemicals are the only method of effective pest control.
      restraint, constraint, limitation, restriction, check, curb, brake, rein
    3. 1.3 The power to restrain something, especially one's own emotions or actions.
      give children time to get control of their emotions
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He says that no matter how tough these guys appear there often comes a time when they lose control of their emotions.
      • She rubbed at her eyes with it, embarrassed to have lost control in such a manner.
      • She stumbled the next few steps, and then managed to take control of her coordination.
      • My mother nodded her head and wiped the tears from her face as she tried to keep control of her emotions.
      • Sometimes there is a lack of control over aggressive tendencies.
      • True freedom is about control; learn to exercise control and restraint when you must.
      • Sometimes I think that it would be good to be one of those people who are in total control of their emotions.
      • Most patients will have increasing anxiety before losing control of their emotions.
      • Once seated Kelly took a deep breath and fought to regain control of her emotions.
      • She managed to regain control of herself for long enough to cry out in fear.
      • His eyes were wild and he still had not regained complete control of himself.
      • One answer that might come to mind is that these are just emotions, and I don't have complete control over my emotions.
      • It was a struggle to keep it that way, but he refused to lose control of his emotions in front of Jesse.
      • When deciding this, bear in mind that the law expects people to exercise control over their emotions.
      • The rhetoric serves to perpetuate the myth that perpetrators have no control over their behaviour when they are drunk.
      • She'd like more control over her emotions so as to appear immune to perceived insults and snubs.
      • She knew she was losing control over her emotions.
      • He wasn't sure how he was managing to keep control of his laughter, but he was very grateful for it.
      • Anger I could deal with, but I hated to be embarrassed and to lose control of my emotions.
      • She would return to the village in the morning, when she had control over her emotions again.
      self-control, self-restraint, restraint, self-command, self-mastery, self-discipline
    4. 1.4often controls A means of limiting or regulating something.
      growing controls on local spending


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We have stringent laws relating to censorship of films and videos but it would appear there are no such controls on games - and we are now beginning to see the consequences of that
      • In the 1920s the state imposed controls on freight charges.
      • There was a need for tougher controls on meat imports.
      • But there are no controls on charges and they can also be varied by the bank with immediate effect.
      • The commission, which is responsible for ensuring standards of care in the NHS and the private sector, will also propose tougher controls on rogue cosmetic surgeons.
      • Measures to introduce new EU-wide controls on feed for farmed livestock in England were announced this week by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
      • But a survey published today shows 85% of Britons believe there should be greater controls on the way fast foods are promoted to children.
      • When the gems were discovered in 1930, the British colonial government tried in vain to slap strict controls on mining.
      • But aren't there export controls on these items?
      • But the court decided yesterday that the rules to tighten controls on the growing market in vitamins and minerals can come into force on August 1 as planned.
      • Mr Reilly said controls on food and feed will be structured so that they are integrated at all stages of production and in all sectors.
      • Dr Cullen also needs to bring in tighter controls on foreign investment, both to limit speculation on property and focus the inflow of foreign capital on new, productive investment.
      • But the government also promised to consider controls on air guns, blamed for causing injuries and distress to humans and animals.
      • He said the bill would introduce controls on the manufacture, use, noise and sale of fireworks, as well as introduce penalties for breaking the rules if it became law.
      • U.S. government controls on technology exports could limit the Europeans' access to defense contracts.
      • The department, which is responsible for official controls on animal feed, did not disclose where the contaminated premixture was found.
      • Researchers at a Yorkshire university are calling for tighter controls on aviation in an attempt to reduce greenhouse gases and minimise the effects of climate change.
      • The market will become unfettered by regulation - the modest controls on the internet to protect consumers, for example, are to be dumped on the grounds that they impose burdens on business.
      • Teachers called for tighter controls on home education yesterday with figures showing that parents were increasingly rejecting formal schooling and teaching children themselves.
      • We must put pressure on legislators to introduce tighter controls on the sale of these products.
    5. 1.5 A switch or other device by which a machine is regulated.
      the volume control


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Even the cheapest alarms have an on/off switch and a volume control, something that many people seem to forget.
      • They say devices that would allow air traffic controllers to override the controls of a hijacked plane are close to development.
      • His hands went over the radio controls and flicked some switches.
      • Most excavator operators find it easier to operate levers, switches, and other controls with their hands or fingers rather than the ball or heel of their foot.
      • He pressed a control on the device before him.
      • When flying a helicopter the controls need to be manually held at all times.
      • The menu and controls of the device are done really properly: everything is very logical and intuitive.
      • The low spec model which we drove still came with standard front electric windows, air conditioning and an integral CD and radio with controls on the column of the steering wheel.
      • You can run this camera in full automatic mode or switch to completely manual controls.
      • The controls found inside this vehicle are fairly simple and straightforward.
      • The music fades in and out as if there was a kid at the controls playing with the volume knob.
      • It also provides a central control to operate the other equipment in the room.
      • He also gets behind the controls of several vehicles, including a tank and an armed helicopter.
      • Many complain that the modern car is home to a confusing and unnecessary multitude of buttons, switches and controls.
      • She pressed one button and the controls, switches, and buttons all came to life around her.
      • Unfortunately, she needed a code to work the controls, and her spies had failed to gather that particular piece of information.
      • The controls allow you to switch between bass, treble and flat settings and quick-scan through tracks, but it can't fast forward or rewind.
      • Voice dialling and other key phone functions can be activated using the vehicles' steering wheel controls.
      • I went up with the chief instructor and he was superb and let me take the controls so I actually flew the plane at around 240 mph.
      • They are frost-free, have individual humidity controls on each crisper drawer and the option of built-in water filters for water and crushed-ice dispensers.
      switch, knob, button, dial, handle, lever
    6. 1.6 The place where a particular item is verified.
      passport control


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Then there is the routine stop and search and the rigmarole at airport passport control.
      • All this means is that passport control can verify that you are who you say you are.
      • If you get your visa in the UK before you go, you can skip this queue, go direct to passport control and be first in the baggage reclaim queue.
      • Sets of parallel lines painted on the tarmac led him to the passport control kiosks and the customs sheds beyond.
      • We are not Customs we're not Police, we don't have the powers to enforce border control.
      • At the passport control desk, the officer holds your passport against a scanner which reads the code.
      • In the shop after passport control, some goods were being sold at high-street prices.
      • target: not reached
      • Already, talk has begun in some quarters about the need to tighten up on border controls to prevent illegal immigrants who might be potential terrorists getting into the country.
      • He was stopped at passport control at the airport.
      headquarters, hq, base, centre of operations, command post
    7. 1.7 The base from which a system or activity is directed.
      communications could be established with central control


      mission control
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Someone from mission control ran to the press conference to whisper the news to him.
      • Our reporter is at mission control in Houston.
      • The transmissions were sent at the speed of light through the air to the distant mission control.
      • People on the ground heard every word of the pilot's conversation with control via a PA system.
      • How do you stay calm in mission control when the lives of human beings rest on the decisions you will make next?
      • All the monitors in mission control blacked out.
    8. 1.8Computing
      short for control key
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Now hit Control + E three times.
      • Later we can use CONTROL to remove colours and SHIFT to add them.
      • is there a way to disable the windows key (to the right of the left control) on the keyboard?
  • 2A group or individual used as a standard of comparison for checking the results of a survey or experiment.


    they saw no difference between the cancer patients and the controls
    Example sentencesExamples
    • For the statistical evaluation the results were compared with the corresponding controls.
    • These control experiments confirmed that the antibody penetrated well in all the samples studied.
    • Intact leaves selected the evening before the experiments served as controls.
    • Patients in the control group received standard care delivered by the community mental health teams.
    • Statistical tests refer to differences between experiments and their corresponding controls.
    • First, our sample was a clinical sample that did not include clinical controls or normal comparison families.
    • We wished to demonstrate the importance of these factors in a control experiment.
    • This study is a preliminary report of the case series without a control group for comparison.
    • Being a scientist at heart, Gorman set up a control experiment with a man born at the same time and the same place as himself.
    • Hospital admissions for renal stone disease were compared between patients and controls.
    • Dr Duncan found that only one of the groups, the third group, showed any apparent effect in comparison with the control group.
    • Thirty six healthy resident doctors and staff members served as controls.
    • This type of experiment, by its very nature, does not provide long travel times to serve as controls, so conclusive results are difficult to obtain.
    • Table 4 shows the relative mortality of this group of patients compared with the control group.
    • A further 932 were recruited from the public to act as a control group for comparison.
    • Mortality in the controls varied among all experiments in this study from 0 to 27%.
    • Distilled water was used instead of the chemicals for the control experiments.
    • These rats and the normal controls were bred under standard conditions, approved by the University Animal Care Committee.
    • Compared with controls, significant results remained for deliberate self-harm in moderately and severely victimized individuals.
    • Total absence of care or health services cannot be considered a suitable control standard.
    • Negative and positive controls showed the expected results.
    standard of comparison, benchmark, standard, check
  • 3A member of an intelligence organization who personally directs the activities of a spy.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Blunt joined MI5, now allowing him to expand his services beyond recruiting and giving him opportunities to transmit secret documents to his KGB control.
    • He detests the amorality of his C.I.A. control.
    • The title refers to the time when an outside spy has to ‘come in from the cold’ and take a sedentary job as another spy's control or even some menial desk assignment until the mandatory age limit forces retirement.
  • 4Bridge
    A high card that will prevent the opponents from establishing a particular suit.


  • 1with object Determine the behavior or supervise the running of.


    he was appointed to control the company's marketing strategy


    Example sentencesExamples
    • They received a monthly salary and were charged with controlling the production process and recording the flow of tobacco leaves and products.
    • We can now ask how genes are controlling cell behavior.
    • In addition to the presidential race, November's election will determine which party controls the next Congress.
    • The army of 28 new-style traffic wardens was introduced this month, completely controlled by the authority.
    • Having local authorities controlling licensing certainly makes a lot of sense, because they are in the front line of the drinking culture in their particular communities.
    • But what is sometimes overlooked is that the upcoming elections could determine who controls Congress for the next 10 years.
    • Regional media are generally controlled by regional authorities.
    • If the scheme goes ahead, it could become the first in the country to follow the example of the Continent, where in some places prostitution is tolerated but actively controlled by the authorities.
    • At Tewkesbury School, which is not controlled by the education authority, the new system will be introduced gradually.
    • A small number of states could determine which party controls the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.
    • They relocate to another community after he unwittingly takes a job with a company controlled by a super-villain.
    • Those who are regulated usually end up controlling the process and warp the regulations to their own benefit.
    • The majority of the 2000-plus health and fitness clubs in the UK are still either operated independently or controlled by local authorities.
    • The story is about a future society in which an authoritarian cult controls the vast reaches of Asia, but is then overthrown, leaving a pair of young lovers to experience the scary novelty of freedom.
    • This is what is meant by span of control: the numbers of positions allocated to and controlled by a supervisor or manager.
    • If the election is as tight as it promises to be, they could well determine who controls the US Senate.
    • The government is also planning to have a single authority for controlling venture capital funds.
    • Rodney would stress that peasants controlled the agricultural process inside villages, and indeed even their own societies in a wider sense.
    • They acted after the London Port Authority, which controls the waters, told Colin they would charge him up to £10,000 to move it.
    • In the tobacco factory a supervisor controlled the quality of the cigars.
    be in charge of, run, be in control of, manage, direct, administer, head, preside over, have authority over, supervise, superintend, oversee, guide, steer
    1. 1.1 Maintain influence or authority over.
      you shouldn't have dogs if you can't control them
      Example sentencesExamples
      • By controlling influential committees, the Prime Minister can also ensure that he drives the policies of these committees.
      • I discovered the key to controlling their outrageous behaviour.
      • At one point, each soldier was responsible for controlling 75 prisoners.
      • How well you control your mind determines why you choke while others remain calm and focused.
      • Many are drugged to control their behaviour because there are no proper therapies for their conditions.
      • Secondly, it develops and maintains an animal that is easy to have around, has appropriate behaviour and is readily controlled in any environment.
      • Focus your talents and energies on areas you can directly influence and control.
      • It was an elite, skillfully and ruthlessly controlling demoralized and apathetic masses.
      • It ruled that the union would face legal action if it failed to control the behaviour of those protesting.
      • In London, many people defied a request by police to avoid meeting in Trafalgar Square, where authorities often have trouble controlling the rowdier celebrants.
      • The whole point of a blog is that its author controls its content.
      • I feel like I'm on top of this huge mountain, screaming at the top of my lungs, my heart tearing open, and the state of my soul controlling what I'm saying.
      • Yet through all of this, I realized society's constructs were limiting me by controlling my body, mind, sex and sexuality.
      • The more alcohol you take in, the less able you are to control your behaviour.
      • The offender had limited capacity to control her behaviour in this respect.
    2. 1.2 Limit the level, intensity, or numbers of.
      he had to control his temper


      Example sentencesExamples
      • They are also exploring the effects of social and legislative controls such as blood alcohol limits for driving and controlling the density of liquor outlets in neighborhoods.
      • It has long been credited with helping to control cholesterol levels.
      • Psychiatric supervision may help him control some of his feelings of anxiety and he has been offered this on an outpatient basis.
      • Stella loves him dearly, as well, but he has trouble controlling his temper.
      • The body is then unable to control blood sugar levels and insulin must be injected daily.
      • It is approved for organic as well as conventional use, and it keeps in check many serious pests not otherwise easily controlled.
      • By tightly controlling your blood sugar levels, intensive insulin therapy can help prevent long-term diabetes complications such as kidney damage.
      • The Government has placed great emphasis on controlling the level of inflation but yet, a State body is being granted increases well above the rate of inflation.
      • He also called upon the citizens to launch a green revolution to control increasing pollution levels in the City.
      • The girls investigated agriculture and the best practice to control the nitrate levels in the soil.
      • Exams can be nerve-wracking, and controlling your stress levels around this time can be difficult.
      • Mulching can effectively control weeds from seeds that germinate at or near the soil surface.
      • Mr Keaney said noise and dust generated by the quarry could be controlled by conditions limiting the hours of operation and the cleaning of the public roads.
      • Use pesticides only when necessary and only in amounts that will adequately control pests.
      • Use music prior to competition to help maintain focus by controlling negative thoughts.
      • The disease may be controlled with medications or through surgery or radiation treatments.
      • To others this would look icy, but Aradia knew her best friend was barely controlling her temper.
      • Check out how to control your costs, how to keep accounts and how to manage employees.
      • Pain has to be controlled and adequate hydration maintained so that the abnormal proteins don't plug the kidneys.
      • Everything that can be done to stop the transmission of diseases like avian influenza is important in controlling it.
      restrain, keep in check, curb, check, contain, hold back, bridle, rein in, keep a tight rein on, subdue, suppress, repress, master, damp down
      limit, restrict, impose limits on, set limits on, curb, cap, constrain
    3. 1.3control oneself Remain calm and reasonable despite provocation.
      he made an effort to control himself
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Whatever happens, we need to be conscious of restraining and controlling ourselves.
      • Despite my best efforts to control myself, I felt tears of guilt begin to well up in the corners of my eyes.
      • I would prefer them to have controlled themselves and spared us all the drama.
      • These players are meant to be professionals and should learn how to control themselves.
      • People are expected to control themselves even in the face of provocation.
      • Because of your medical condition you weren't able to control yourself properly.
      • We've already shown that we're incapable of controlling ourselves and using power wisely.
      • She was the only one who could calm him down and get him to control himself.
      • Section 3 requires that the accused should have made reasonable efforts to control himself within the limits of what he is reasonably able to do.
      • Visibly struggling to control himself, he finally calmed down somewhat and began to pace.
      • About 8.5 per cent feel extremely frightened - almost beyond the point of controlling themselves.
      • I was walking away, thinking how silly I was to have reacted like that, next time I should be calmer, and control myself.
      • Then he swung his arm back as if he were going to punch me in the face, but for some reason he controlled himself at the last second and lightly tapped my nose with his fist.
      • Mary Roche who advocated the setting up of a Boot Camp where the perpetrators of serious crime would learn discipline, respect and how to control themselves.
      • She normally should have been able to control herself, despite her fear.
      • I can't stand politicians who can't control themselves.
      • We believe it is possible for children to control themselves.
      • You've got to learn to control yourself when you lose a match.
      • Some people might think, why can't you just control yourself?
      • If they can hate but control themselves and not kill, then that's a step forward.
      compose oneself, recover one's composure, regain one's composure, control oneself, recover one's self-control, regain one's self-control, pull oneself together, keep one's head, simmer down, cool down, cool off, take it easy
    4. 1.4 Regulate (a mechanical or scientific process)
      the airflow is controlled by a fan


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Fingerprint recognition can be used in access control for opening doors, controlling burglar alarms and supervising working hours.
      • The receiver can be accessed and controlled remotely using Internet browsers or company software.
      • This aspect of the process was controlled through separate instrumentation.
      • The researchers' initial goal was to learn what controls this process.
      • He was such a bad pilot, having trouble controlling and landing the aircraft, that they would not let him rent the plane without a rental company employee to accompany him!
      • Scientists believe they will be able to develop treatments for deafness due to the discovery of the gene they believe controls the process that enables us to hear.
      • My wife Amy sings and I read from the texts of my poems, as music plays which Stan controls at a soundboard.
      regulate, modulate, adjust
  • 2control forno object Take into account (an extraneous factor that might affect results) when performing an experiment.


    no attempt was made to control for variations


    Example sentencesExamples
    • We were able to control statistically for differences in clutch initiation date.
    • When controlling for other factors, lean body mass was the most significant predictor of bone mineral density at most sites.
    • The following section describes the treatment outcome findings after controlling for relevant factors.
    • Study designs with community comparisons must adequately control for potential confounding factors.
    • Perhaps if we could control for certain variables, the gender difference would disappear.
    • Multiple regression analysis examines the effect of each variable after controlling for other variables.
    • Overall, the frail group was eight times more likely to be dependent than those who died suddenly, even after controlling for age and other factors.
    • However, dialect was not a significant predictor of male mating success when controlling for other factors that might affect paternity.
    • Efforts to control for initial differences among the groups were made through a matching procedure.
    • The within-subjects design of this experiment controls for any differences in sex and age.
    • Even if such an age effect were present in our material it would not have influenced our results since we controlled for age.
    • The findings held true even after controlling for risk factors such as smoking, having diabetes or weighing too much.
    • These effects on bone mineral density remained significant even when controlling for demographic factors and smoking.
    • After controlling for other factors, individuals who were older or had higher baseline weight showed less weight gain.
    • The order of the treatments was randomized to control for a time effect.
    • When researchers controlled for socioeconomic factors, the differences were more subtle but still there.
    • Virtually everywhere men tend to be more active than women, even after controlling for other factors such as education.
    • The results were controlled for age, gender and presence of physical or mental illness.
    • In some studies that have controlled for social factors and parity, such children do better at school than those of very young parents.
    1. 2.1 Check; verify.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This is also the third year that we rigorously controlled the results to check and verify that every vote, totaling more than 20,000, was legitimate.


  • in control

    • Able to direct a situation, person, or activity.


      I felt calm and in control
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Waiting too long can leave you feeling that you're not in control of other aspects of your life.
      • His letter confirmed that the council knows what it is doing and is in control.
      • People need to feel that they are in control of their health and that what they do directly impinges on it.
      • They are rarely in control of all that goes on in front of and behind the camera and thus have to leave a great deal to fate.
      • It all takes place when the patient is in a relaxed state of mind, but still in control of their actions.
      • I feel much more in control of my life though, and I feel on track to sort that little problem out now.
      • He can decide on the spur of the moment whether to do a concert or not and is totally in control of his life.
      • It's all very efficient but strange for me to not be in control of a situation for the first time.
      • When someone thinks they are in control they will take enormous risks without flinching.
      • So, are these people who appear to be totally in control and know exactly what they want any happier?
      in charge, in command, in control, responsible, at the top, in authority, in the seat of authority, at the wheel, in the driving seat, in the saddle
  • out of control

    • No longer possible to manage.


      fires burning out of control
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She wants to warn others how easy it is to let debts spiral out of control.
      • One of the fires, underneath flats at Angel Mill, threatened to blaze out of control.
      • Health service chiefs were accused today of allowing hospital superbugs to run out of control.
      • Pensioners worry not just about going out at night, but during the day because crime is out of control.
      • They also attended the larger organised events to make sure the fires were not burning out of control.
      • Some sort of rules must be put in place or the problem will continue to spiral out of control.
      • As the car spun out of control, a bystander was struck and thrown up against a parked car.
      • I remember reading a story about a bickering argument that got out of control.
      • A motorist whose car spun out of control and smashed into a tree on a country road near York has died in hospital.
      • The decision was taken purely and simply because the costs got out of control.
      uncontrollable, unmanageable, ungovernable, wild, unruly, disorderly, recalcitrant, refractory, obstreperous, turbulent, intractable, incorrigible, disobedient, delinquent, insubordinate, defiant, non-compliant, undisciplined
  • under control

    • (of a danger or emergency) being dealt with successfully and competently.


      it took two hours to bring the blaze under control


      Example sentencesExamples
      • This government is starting to bring this under control but has not committed to do anything long term.
      • If tax rises are to be avoided, Government spending needs to be brought under control.
      • Even the police who were there seemed at a loss as to how to bring the situation back under control.
      • The fire brigade soon had the blaze under control and were able to extinguish it swiftly.
      • This situation has to be brought under control, if the group wants to grow earnings in the future.
      • It took two hours to bring the fire under control and yet more time to damp down.
      • Have those charged with our security genuinely got the problem under control?
      • Police were again called out and quickly brought the incident under control.
      • Her husband attempted to battle the flames but was forced back and wasn't able to bring it under control.
      • The fire was under control within two hours, and officers then continued to search the building.


Late Middle English (as a verb in the sense ‘check or verify accounts’, especially by referring to a duplicate register): from Anglo-Norman French contreroller ‘keep a copy of a roll of accounts’, from medieval Latin contrarotulare, from contrarotulus ‘copy of a roll’, from contra- ‘against’ + rotulus ‘a roll’. The noun is perhaps via French contrôle.





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