

单词 conduct

Definition of conduct in English:


noun ˈkɒndʌktˈkɑnˌdəkt
mass noun
  • 1The manner in which a person behaves, especially in a particular place or situation.


    they were arrested for disorderly conduct
    a code of conduct for directors of listed companies


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The Act prohibits anti-competitive conduct of various kinds.
    • Childhood conduct problems continued to be significantly associated with risk for young adult antisocial personality disorder.
    • Unethical testimony also can be considered unprofessional conduct for purposes of licensure discipline.
    • Up to this time the appellant's conduct in relation to the fire was not open to criticism.
    • They are not a second-order discussion of what constitutes ethical conduct.
    • There will be cases of maladministration which do not involve unlawful conduct.
    • Because he does not know the code of conduct in these situations, he does what comes naturally.
    • The order is for payment of costs thrown away or lost because of the conduct complained of.
    • I would submit the claimant's conduct has been reasonable throughout.
    • Dani is remanded to the juvenile correctional facility for conduct unbecoming a minor.
    • There are unwritten conventions governing professional bar conduct.
    • The conduct complained of in this case therefore occurred in the United Kingdom.
    • He could be charged with home invasion, kidnapping and criminal sexual conduct.
    • And we can't fail to ignore possible negligent conduct from these manufacturers.
    • The point was inconsistent with the applicant's conduct of his case at trial.
    • The Statement of Claim does not identify what was done by any individual defendant to constitute tortious conduct.
    • Victims have to show that but for the defendant's negligent conduct they would not have been injured.
    • First, it broadens the classes of conduct amounting to crimes against humanity.
    • Thus, child conduct problems were uniquely and negatively related to maternal Responsiveness.
    • What the Trade Practices Act does is make unconscionable conduct unacceptable to the law.
    behaviour, way of behaving, performance, comportment, demeanour, bearing, deportment
    actions, acts, activities, deeds, doings, handiwork, exploits, ways, habits, practices, manners
  • 2The manner in which an organization or activity is managed or directed.

    the conduct of the elections


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Policies exist to provide the rule of law in an organization and to standardize the conduct of the organization's activities.
    • Since then, many wasted costs orders have been made as a result of the negligent conduct of legal proceedings.
    • Indeed the anti-war movement internationally did affect the conduct of the war even if it could not prevent it.
    • If you have costs sought on one basis, that can affect the conduct of the litigation in that respect.
    • Politics, meaning political objectives, therefore, still influences the conduct of wars.
    • Sometimes government agencies, in their conduct of space activities, are viewed as competing with industry.
    • We are talking about legislation that was directed to the conduct of the litigation itself.
    • The cahiers of all three orders in the spring of 1789 were full of suggestions for improving and rationalizing the organization and conduct of religious life.
    • Generally the rules govern the conduct of civil litigation.
    • The war encompassed all spheres of State activity, while its conduct required tremendous outlays.
    • In recent years, organization and conduct of TE have been influenced by a number of main factors.
    • A similar timidity seems to have characterized the administration's conduct of military operations during the occupation.
    • The Soviet military art attached much importance to organization and conduct of warfare with reliance on underground service lines.
    • The commission, comprising three international and two East Timorese commissioners, was responsible for the organization and conduct of the elections.
    • Such observance did not hamper, and may have positively assisted, the efficient professional conduct of operations.
    • A data coordinating center at the University of California, San Francisco oversees the study conduct and will manage the resulting data.
    • Mankind has attempted to regulate his conduct of warfare since earliest written history.
    • Experience in combat action shows that this has brought about a number of specifics in the organization and conduct of effective engagement.
    • Again the problems were not with the organisation and conduct of the elections, but the results.
    • All these innovations in organization and conduct of PsyOps were used on a smaller or greater scale in the U.S. military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.
    management, managing, running, direction, control, controlling, overseeing, supervision, regulation, leadership, masterminding, administration, organization, coordination, orchestration, handling, guidance, carrying out, carrying on
    formal prosecution
    1. 2.1archaic The action of leading; guidance.
      travelling through the world under the conduct of chance


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Moreover, I think that our wisdom itself, and our wisest consultations, for the most part commit themselves to the conduct of chance.
      • It is scarcely possible that two travelling through the world under the conduct of chance should have been both directed to the same path, and it will not often happen that either will quit the track which custom has made pleasing.
verb kənˈdʌktkənˈdəkt
[with object]
  • 1Organize and carry out.


    in the second trial he conducted his own defence


    surveys conducted among students


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The telephone poll of 1,004 residents was conducted by the North West Regional Assembly.
    • Do you have any criticism of the way she's conducted this process, though?
    • However, he said that it was intended to conduct a survey and carry out improvements in consultation with residents.
    • Both had proved to work equally well in keeping the heathens at bay while the business of civilised men was conducted.
    • Well, I don't have time to conduct an objective character evaluation of every judge some people find questionable.
    • From February 1998 until June 2000 we conducted an anonymous survey among these patients.
    • We did conduct a couple of seances; during one I giggled hysterically throughout, much to my embarrassment.
    • If at all possible, conduct a small pilot study to determine how well your research instruments work.
    • The Catholic University of Australia conducts teacher training for indigenous students on several of its campuses.
    • Students conduct surveys and even produce 30-second TV spots.
    • Student surveys will be conducted each year to assess their satisfaction with the course.
    • And they're on the run, and I don't think they're going to be spending a lot of time thinking about how to conduct new terrorist acts.
    • ‘This manual suggests how students can organize and conduct school walkouts and demonstrations,’ wrote Leaver.
    • How they love to conduct their expensive witch hunt.
    • Now Councillor Nigel Francis is conducting a survey among businesses in the town to gauge reaction to options open to them.
    • Siena College was sparked by noting this belief among their students to conduct a poll of 354 historians to rank the most trying times.
    • It's unlikely that local radical groups have the capability to conduct mass casualty attacks.
    • We can do prudent things to make it more difficult for terrorists to conduct major terrorist attacks, and that ought to be the focus of our efforts.
    • At trial the law student conducting the case was other than the one involved in the drafting of the pleading.
    • A call was made to the police, the teacher gave a statement and a search for the man was conducted.
    manage, direct, run, be in control of, control, oversee, supervise, be in charge of, preside over, regulate, mastermind, administer, organize, coordinate, orchestrate, handle, guide, govern, lead, carry out, carry on
  • 2 Lead or guide (someone) to or around a particular place.


    he conducted us through his personal gallery of the Civil War


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Next, one of the ‘lucky’ males already living in the flat conducts him to his new room, which happens to have a balcony overlooking what looks like Old Trafford.
    • The master of ceremony bows to the guest of honor and conducts him to a place on the east side of the hall not far from, but opposite to where the host is standing.
    • That evening, Simone brought another meal and a guide, Marcel Queinnec, to conduct us on the next step of our journey.
    • With one other, I was commissioned to conduct him from Melbourne's splendid old Menzies Hotel to a banquet tendered in his honour by the Victorian Rationalist Society.
    • She was conducted on a tour of the stud by General Manager John Clarke.
    • The opening shot conducts us through the corridors of Rémy's hospital.
    • Thus it is that I have an appointment at the showroom at 2.30 this afternoon when he will personally conduct me on a guided tour of all the goodies he has to offer automobile wise.
    • Those leaderships conduct us to the border of the precipice. The only way to avoid it is to wipe out the national borders, the imperialist ruling and the capitalist private property.
    • It must involve getting hold of a member of the park staff - not always an easy task - and conducting him or her to the spot.
    • Taking each house in turn, Gordon conducts the reader on a visit, assisted by ninety-two half-tone plates and by six plans printed on a fold-out sheet inside the rear cover.
    • The patron conducted us to a little back room where our table was reserved.
    • This characteristic of life may be likened to the effect of a force which governs our development and conducts us from birth to death.
    • Mumbling distractedly, she conducts me through the hundreds of exhibits.
    • He conducted us to an open rail car attached to an ancient, rusting electric engine.
    • At the first village he came across he could easily find a guide to conduct him to Germelshausen, and then he could not miss the road again.
    • Though the Amish generally do not meet visitors, nor allow their houses to be visited, we met an Amish gentleman who conducts visitors around the farm in his horse drawn cart.
    • The local guide conducts us to another thatched-roof hut.
    • He conducts us through the spaces of an altogether typical small American city as if it were the spook house at an abandoned amusement park.
    • Far from me and from my friends, be such frigid philosophy as may conduct us indifferent and unmoved over any ground which has been dignified by wisdom, bravery, or virtue.
    • Finally on behalf of the group they wish to thank Peter Connolly who conducted the tour as guide and driver.
    escort, guide, lead, usher, pilot, accompany, show, show someone the way
    shepherd, herd, drive, convoy
    see, bring, take, help, assist
  • 3Physics
    Transmit (a form of energy such as heat or electricity) by conduction.


    heat is conducted to the surface


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Arctic Silver 3 was formulated to conduct heat, not electricity.
    • Materials that conduct electricity without resistance continue to surprise physicists.
    • The tubes are made of copper because copper conducts electricity and magnetism very well.
    • In theory, high-temperature superconductors conduct electricity with no resistance.
    • Once it turns to plasma, the air can easily conduct electricity with the free electrons, and the bolt of lightning shoots to the ground through the plasma conductor.
    • Unlike most metals, they conduct electricity without losing any energy as heat.
    • Copper is valued for strength, malleability, ductility, and ability to conduct electricity and heat.
    • This variation suggests there could be a large amount of material beneath Europa's surface that conducts electricity.
    • New measurements show that their surfaces can conduct electricity, even though the bulk material cannot.
    • By constantly pumping water over the surface of the processor, you conduct the heat away.
    • Copper conducts heat and electricity extremely efficiently and is less expensive at the present.
    • In gases, atoms may become ionized, so that the resultant free electrons and ions are free to conduct electricity.
    • They conduct electricity and heat, have high densities, and boil and melt at high temperatures.
    • We found out that the metal that we used to conduct heat to the water inside the endcap was not aluminium.
    • Low-cost, easily manufactured polymers that conduct electricity could revolutionize electronics, they say.
    • These impurities modulate the silicon's ability to conduct electricity (conductivity).
    • A laser beam, by itself, cannot conduct electricity because it contains no charge carriers such as electrons to produce a current flow.
    • Salts conduct electricity well when melted or when dissolved in water or some other solvents but not when they are solid.
    • Such randomly shaking atoms could be key to developing materials that conduct electricity, but not heat.
    • They conduct heat and electricity almost as well as pure copper, but are stronger, harder, and more resistant to fatigue and corrosion.
    transmit, convey, carry, transfer, pass on, hand on, communicate, impart, channel, bear, relay, dispatch, mediate
    disseminate, spread, circulate, diffuse, radiate
  • 4Direct the performance of (a piece of music or an orchestra, choir, etc.)


    the concert is to be conducted by Sir Simon Rattle
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Sullivan was given a 98-piece orchestra to conduct at the premiere, and he makes good use of it.
    • Michael Boder conducts the responsive orchestra with detailed insight as well as concern for stage/pit balance.
    • The broadcast is packed with Christmas music, as John Rutter conducts the choir and the orchestra.
    • Will you conduct a choir differently than an orchestra?
    • Sebastian conducts the music from Coppélia; the orchestra is the RIAS Symphony Orchestra.
    • Leonard Slatkin conducts the National Symphony Orchestra at Carnegie Hall.
    • Isn't it painful for Ashkenazy, who himself was a keyboard tyro and winner of the Tchaikovsky piano competition in 1962, to conduct another person in a work he once made his own?
    • John Beanhoven, a famous orchestra player and composer, was conducting the music.
    • Carter was never content to merely arrange the music and conduct his stellar orchestra.
    • It staged classical music concerts, one conducted by Sir Adrian Boult.
    • In February 2005, he returns to Halle to conduct massed choirs from around the world with the Orchestra of the Opera House.
    • He should be invited back to conduct our major orchestras as soon as possible.
    • Bernstein conducts this music as if it represented an afternoon of joy - which in fact it is.
    • As long as Masur is here, why not let him conduct the music he does best?
    • Downes conducts the orchestra and chorus like a true Italian, and he restores some of the traditional cuts, both large and small.
    • Sandy will be conducting a small orchestra and choir at the free performance, and collecting for the St Mary's Convent appeal.
    • Botstein conducts this music warmly and with loving patience.
    • Alexexander Lazarev conducts the orchestra in performances of works by MacMillan, Shostakovich and Mahler.
    • Hard graft and study of the score allowed him to master a wide repertoire without nationality kinships questioning his ability to conduct music from all periods.
    • The choir was conducted by director of music Haydn James, accompanied at the piano by Sian Gwawr.
  • 5conduct oneselfBehave in a specified way.


    he conducted himself with the utmost propriety


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He behaves, acts and conducts himself like a real actor.
    • He wants Timothy to know and to be able to teach others how to behave and conduct themselves in the church.
    • But if British politics is to be rehabilitated it is going to take a great deal of hard thinking about how this government conducts itself.
    • But the only way to judge whether someone has learned the lessons of his mistakes is how he conducts himself thereafter.
    • He preferred observing people, watching the way they conducted themselves, the way they behaved towards their environment.
    • But I am critical of most aspects of the EU as it now conducts itself.
    • ‘A business that conducts itself in this way is no longer one I could be bothered dealing with’.
    • An organisation which conducts itself in this manner can have no real aspirations to engage with the political mainstream.
    • The threat of intimidation and violence to those exercising this right is the antithesis of how a law-abiding and civilized nation conducts itself.
    • It is surely an unanswerable case that the future status and governance of the organisation - of any organisation - should be determined precisely by how it conducts itself.
    • The way Battier carries and conducts himself also stands apart.
    • We are often proud of our humaneness and the complex way China conducts itself in the management of human resources.
    • A Scottish Labour spokesman said: ‘Big donations have no effect whatsoever on how the Labour party conducts itself.’
    • Oh, I agree with Diane in that regard, that I think it's going to be a lot shorter than people think because of the way Melville conducts himself.
    • They carry out their job with greater commitment and responsibility and conduct themselves much better in spite of having seen fewer summers.
    • I think Joe helps the vice president and Democrats in one very important way, which is he combines his spirituality with how he conducts himself in public office.
    • Your players and management team can also take great credit; not only on their performance on the pitch but also on the way they conducted themselves throughout the day.
    • ‘Bode is a great guy and I've learned so much just from being around him and the way he conducts himself,’ adds Mickel.
    • Perhaps more than the success or failure of any given intervention is the way in which the United States conducts itself abroad.
    • They receive points along the way for the manner in which they conduct themselves and carry out their duties.
    behave, perform, act, acquit oneself, bear oneself, carry oneself
    rare comport oneself, deport oneself


  • conductibility

  • noun kənˌdʌktəˈbɪlətikənˌdəktəˈbɪlədi
    • Prof. Annemarie Pucci's research group will be demonstrating the operation of a simplified set-up for measuring the conductibility of nanometre film.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Nanocomposites based upon fluorinated and sulphonated polymers will be prepared with the aim to study the protonic conductibility.
      • Its conductibility was so extremely small that one end of a fragment could be held in the hand while the other end was heated indefinitely in the flame of a blow-pipe.
      • The conductibility of a fluid is expressed in Siemens/cenimetre.
      • The low values of electric conductibility confirm that this mineral water is extremely pure and light.
  • conductible

  • adjective kənˈdʌktɪb(ə)l
    • There might exist some natural foods or minerals that could help to make the body more conductible.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This conductible metal will mostly be found in the base surface only, or in other cases you will find it back all over the body surface, which we call multilayer material.
      • An important prerequisite for direct printing of conductible structures is the possibility to have downstream function checks.
      • As long as the material is electrically conductible the machine can work with it.
      • Some pans have a plate or base core of the conductible metal, as opposed to the entire core.


Middle English: from Old French, from Latin conduct- 'brought together', from the verb conducere. The term originally denoted a provision for safe passage, surviving in safe conduct; later the verb sense 'lead, guide' arose, hence 'manage' and 'management' (late Middle English), later 'management of oneself, behaviour' (mid 16th century). The original form of the word was conduit, which was preserved only in the sense 'channel' (see conduit); in other uses the spelling was influenced by Latin.

  • duct from mid 17th century:

    Duct comes from Latin ductus meaning both ‘leading’ and ‘aqueduct’ formed from ducere ‘to lead’. The verb has produced numerous words in English including abduct (early 17th century) to lead away; conduct (Middle English) lead with; conduit (Middle English); deduce (Late Middle English) draw a conclusion from something; duke; educate (Late Middle English) ‘lead out’; induce (Late Middle English) lead in; introduce (Late Middle English) bring into (a group etc); produce (Late Middle English) ‘lead forward’; reduce (Late Middle English) bring back; seduce (Late Middle English) lead away (originally from duty, with the sexual sense developing in the M16th); subdue (Late Middle English) ‘draw from below’.



abduct, adduct, construct, destruct, duct, instruct, misconduct, obstruct

Definition of conduct in US English:


  • 1The manner in which a person behaves, especially on a particular occasion or in a particular context.


    the conduct of the police during the riot


    members are bound by a code of conduct
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The order is for payment of costs thrown away or lost because of the conduct complained of.
    • The point was inconsistent with the applicant's conduct of his case at trial.
    • They are not a second-order discussion of what constitutes ethical conduct.
    • The Statement of Claim does not identify what was done by any individual defendant to constitute tortious conduct.
    • Victims have to show that but for the defendant's negligent conduct they would not have been injured.
    • Unethical testimony also can be considered unprofessional conduct for purposes of licensure discipline.
    • The conduct complained of in this case therefore occurred in the United Kingdom.
    • There will be cases of maladministration which do not involve unlawful conduct.
    • Up to this time the appellant's conduct in relation to the fire was not open to criticism.
    • There are unwritten conventions governing professional bar conduct.
    • The Act prohibits anti-competitive conduct of various kinds.
    • Dani is remanded to the juvenile correctional facility for conduct unbecoming a minor.
    • And we can't fail to ignore possible negligent conduct from these manufacturers.
    • Childhood conduct problems continued to be significantly associated with risk for young adult antisocial personality disorder.
    • I would submit the claimant's conduct has been reasonable throughout.
    • He could be charged with home invasion, kidnapping and criminal sexual conduct.
    • What the Trade Practices Act does is make unconscionable conduct unacceptable to the law.
    • Because he does not know the code of conduct in these situations, he does what comes naturally.
    • Thus, child conduct problems were uniquely and negatively related to maternal Responsiveness.
    • First, it broadens the classes of conduct amounting to crimes against humanity.
    behaviour, way of behaving, performance, comportment, demeanour, bearing, deportment
  • 2The action or manner of managing an activity or organization.


    his conduct of the campaign
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Mankind has attempted to regulate his conduct of warfare since earliest written history.
    • The commission, comprising three international and two East Timorese commissioners, was responsible for the organization and conduct of the elections.
    • We are talking about legislation that was directed to the conduct of the litigation itself.
    • In recent years, organization and conduct of TE have been influenced by a number of main factors.
    • Policies exist to provide the rule of law in an organization and to standardize the conduct of the organization's activities.
    • Again the problems were not with the organisation and conduct of the elections, but the results.
    • Politics, meaning political objectives, therefore, still influences the conduct of wars.
    • A similar timidity seems to have characterized the administration's conduct of military operations during the occupation.
    • Indeed the anti-war movement internationally did affect the conduct of the war even if it could not prevent it.
    • Generally the rules govern the conduct of civil litigation.
    • If you have costs sought on one basis, that can affect the conduct of the litigation in that respect.
    • The Soviet military art attached much importance to organization and conduct of warfare with reliance on underground service lines.
    • Experience in combat action shows that this has brought about a number of specifics in the organization and conduct of effective engagement.
    • The cahiers of all three orders in the spring of 1789 were full of suggestions for improving and rationalizing the organization and conduct of religious life.
    • Such observance did not hamper, and may have positively assisted, the efficient professional conduct of operations.
    • A data coordinating center at the University of California, San Francisco oversees the study conduct and will manage the resulting data.
    • Since then, many wasted costs orders have been made as a result of the negligent conduct of legal proceedings.
    • Sometimes government agencies, in their conduct of space activities, are viewed as competing with industry.
    • All these innovations in organization and conduct of PsyOps were used on a smaller or greater scale in the U.S. military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.
    • The war encompassed all spheres of State activity, while its conduct required tremendous outlays.
    management, managing, running, direction, control, controlling, overseeing, supervision, regulation, leadership, masterminding, administration, organization, coordination, orchestration, handling, guidance, carrying out, carrying on
    1. 2.1archaic The action of leading; guidance.
      traveling through the world under the conduct of chance


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Moreover, I think that our wisdom itself, and our wisest consultations, for the most part commit themselves to the conduct of chance.
      • It is scarcely possible that two travelling through the world under the conduct of chance should have been both directed to the same path, and it will not often happen that either will quit the track which custom has made pleasing.
[with object]
  • 1Organize and carry out.


    in the second trial he conducted his own defense


    surveys conducted among students


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Well, I don't have time to conduct an objective character evaluation of every judge some people find questionable.
    • We can do prudent things to make it more difficult for terrorists to conduct major terrorist attacks, and that ought to be the focus of our efforts.
    • If at all possible, conduct a small pilot study to determine how well your research instruments work.
    • Now Councillor Nigel Francis is conducting a survey among businesses in the town to gauge reaction to options open to them.
    • And they're on the run, and I don't think they're going to be spending a lot of time thinking about how to conduct new terrorist acts.
    • A call was made to the police, the teacher gave a statement and a search for the man was conducted.
    • The telephone poll of 1,004 residents was conducted by the North West Regional Assembly.
    • From February 1998 until June 2000 we conducted an anonymous survey among these patients.
    • Siena College was sparked by noting this belief among their students to conduct a poll of 354 historians to rank the most trying times.
    • However, he said that it was intended to conduct a survey and carry out improvements in consultation with residents.
    • Students conduct surveys and even produce 30-second TV spots.
    • It's unlikely that local radical groups have the capability to conduct mass casualty attacks.
    • Both had proved to work equally well in keeping the heathens at bay while the business of civilised men was conducted.
    • Student surveys will be conducted each year to assess their satisfaction with the course.
    • The Catholic University of Australia conducts teacher training for indigenous students on several of its campuses.
    • We did conduct a couple of seances; during one I giggled hysterically throughout, much to my embarrassment.
    • Do you have any criticism of the way she's conducted this process, though?
    • ‘This manual suggests how students can organize and conduct school walkouts and demonstrations,’ wrote Leaver.
    • At trial the law student conducting the case was other than the one involved in the drafting of the pleading.
    • How they love to conduct their expensive witch hunt.
    manage, direct, run, be in control of, control, oversee, supervise, be in charge of, preside over, regulate, mastermind, administer, organize, coordinate, orchestrate, handle, guide, govern, lead, carry out, carry on
  • 2Lead or guide (someone) to or around a particular place.


    he conducted us through his personal gallery of the Civil War


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It must involve getting hold of a member of the park staff - not always an easy task - and conducting him or her to the spot.
    • Taking each house in turn, Gordon conducts the reader on a visit, assisted by ninety-two half-tone plates and by six plans printed on a fold-out sheet inside the rear cover.
    • The patron conducted us to a little back room where our table was reserved.
    • Mumbling distractedly, she conducts me through the hundreds of exhibits.
    • This characteristic of life may be likened to the effect of a force which governs our development and conducts us from birth to death.
    • She was conducted on a tour of the stud by General Manager John Clarke.
    • With one other, I was commissioned to conduct him from Melbourne's splendid old Menzies Hotel to a banquet tendered in his honour by the Victorian Rationalist Society.
    • Far from me and from my friends, be such frigid philosophy as may conduct us indifferent and unmoved over any ground which has been dignified by wisdom, bravery, or virtue.
    • Next, one of the ‘lucky’ males already living in the flat conducts him to his new room, which happens to have a balcony overlooking what looks like Old Trafford.
    • Those leaderships conduct us to the border of the precipice. The only way to avoid it is to wipe out the national borders, the imperialist ruling and the capitalist private property.
    • The local guide conducts us to another thatched-roof hut.
    • At the first village he came across he could easily find a guide to conduct him to Germelshausen, and then he could not miss the road again.
    • The opening shot conducts us through the corridors of Rémy's hospital.
    • That evening, Simone brought another meal and a guide, Marcel Queinnec, to conduct us on the next step of our journey.
    • He conducted us to an open rail car attached to an ancient, rusting electric engine.
    • Though the Amish generally do not meet visitors, nor allow their houses to be visited, we met an Amish gentleman who conducts visitors around the farm in his horse drawn cart.
    • Finally on behalf of the group they wish to thank Peter Connolly who conducted the tour as guide and driver.
    • The master of ceremony bows to the guest of honor and conducts him to a place on the east side of the hall not far from, but opposite to where the host is standing.
    • Thus it is that I have an appointment at the showroom at 2.30 this afternoon when he will personally conduct me on a guided tour of all the goodies he has to offer automobile wise.
    • He conducts us through the spaces of an altogether typical small American city as if it were the spook house at an abandoned amusement park.
    escort, guide, lead, usher, pilot, accompany, show, show someone the way
  • 3Physics
    Transmit (a form of energy such as heat or electricity) by conduction.


    heat is conducted to the surface


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The tubes are made of copper because copper conducts electricity and magnetism very well.
    • They conduct heat and electricity almost as well as pure copper, but are stronger, harder, and more resistant to fatigue and corrosion.
    • Once it turns to plasma, the air can easily conduct electricity with the free electrons, and the bolt of lightning shoots to the ground through the plasma conductor.
    • This variation suggests there could be a large amount of material beneath Europa's surface that conducts electricity.
    • Arctic Silver 3 was formulated to conduct heat, not electricity.
    • Materials that conduct electricity without resistance continue to surprise physicists.
    • Copper conducts heat and electricity extremely efficiently and is less expensive at the present.
    • Such randomly shaking atoms could be key to developing materials that conduct electricity, but not heat.
    • Copper is valued for strength, malleability, ductility, and ability to conduct electricity and heat.
    • A laser beam, by itself, cannot conduct electricity because it contains no charge carriers such as electrons to produce a current flow.
    • By constantly pumping water over the surface of the processor, you conduct the heat away.
    • In theory, high-temperature superconductors conduct electricity with no resistance.
    • They conduct electricity and heat, have high densities, and boil and melt at high temperatures.
    • Unlike most metals, they conduct electricity without losing any energy as heat.
    • Low-cost, easily manufactured polymers that conduct electricity could revolutionize electronics, they say.
    • In gases, atoms may become ionized, so that the resultant free electrons and ions are free to conduct electricity.
    • New measurements show that their surfaces can conduct electricity, even though the bulk material cannot.
    • We found out that the metal that we used to conduct heat to the water inside the endcap was not aluminium.
    • Salts conduct electricity well when melted or when dissolved in water or some other solvents but not when they are solid.
    • These impurities modulate the silicon's ability to conduct electricity (conductivity).
    transmit, convey, carry, transfer, pass on, hand on, communicate, impart, channel, bear, relay, dispatch, mediate
  • 4Direct the performance of (a piece of music or a musical ensemble)


    my first attempt to conduct a great work


    no object Toscanini is coming to conduct


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He should be invited back to conduct our major orchestras as soon as possible.
    • Sullivan was given a 98-piece orchestra to conduct at the premiere, and he makes good use of it.
    • Sebastian conducts the music from Coppélia; the orchestra is the RIAS Symphony Orchestra.
    • Will you conduct a choir differently than an orchestra?
    • Bernstein conducts this music as if it represented an afternoon of joy - which in fact it is.
    • Downes conducts the orchestra and chorus like a true Italian, and he restores some of the traditional cuts, both large and small.
    • In February 2005, he returns to Halle to conduct massed choirs from around the world with the Orchestra of the Opera House.
    • Carter was never content to merely arrange the music and conduct his stellar orchestra.
    • John Beanhoven, a famous orchestra player and composer, was conducting the music.
    • Leonard Slatkin conducts the National Symphony Orchestra at Carnegie Hall.
    • Isn't it painful for Ashkenazy, who himself was a keyboard tyro and winner of the Tchaikovsky piano competition in 1962, to conduct another person in a work he once made his own?
    • Alexexander Lazarev conducts the orchestra in performances of works by MacMillan, Shostakovich and Mahler.
    • Botstein conducts this music warmly and with loving patience.
    • Sandy will be conducting a small orchestra and choir at the free performance, and collecting for the St Mary's Convent appeal.
    • It staged classical music concerts, one conducted by Sir Adrian Boult.
    • The choir was conducted by director of music Haydn James, accompanied at the piano by Sian Gwawr.
    • Hard graft and study of the score allowed him to master a wide repertoire without nationality kinships questioning his ability to conduct music from all periods.
    • As long as Masur is here, why not let him conduct the music he does best?
    • The broadcast is packed with Christmas music, as John Rutter conducts the choir and the orchestra.
    • Michael Boder conducts the responsive orchestra with detailed insight as well as concern for stage/pit balance.
  • 5conduct oneselfBehave in a specified way.


    he conducted himself with the utmost propriety


    Example sentencesExamples
    • ‘A business that conducts itself in this way is no longer one I could be bothered dealing with’.
    • But the only way to judge whether someone has learned the lessons of his mistakes is how he conducts himself thereafter.
    • Your players and management team can also take great credit; not only on their performance on the pitch but also on the way they conducted themselves throughout the day.
    • A Scottish Labour spokesman said: ‘Big donations have no effect whatsoever on how the Labour party conducts itself.’
    • He behaves, acts and conducts himself like a real actor.
    • He wants Timothy to know and to be able to teach others how to behave and conduct themselves in the church.
    • We are often proud of our humaneness and the complex way China conducts itself in the management of human resources.
    • Perhaps more than the success or failure of any given intervention is the way in which the United States conducts itself abroad.
    • Oh, I agree with Diane in that regard, that I think it's going to be a lot shorter than people think because of the way Melville conducts himself.
    • They carry out their job with greater commitment and responsibility and conduct themselves much better in spite of having seen fewer summers.
    • The threat of intimidation and violence to those exercising this right is the antithesis of how a law-abiding and civilized nation conducts itself.
    • The way Battier carries and conducts himself also stands apart.
    • But I am critical of most aspects of the EU as it now conducts itself.
    • They receive points along the way for the manner in which they conduct themselves and carry out their duties.
    • But if British politics is to be rehabilitated it is going to take a great deal of hard thinking about how this government conducts itself.
    • I think Joe helps the vice president and Democrats in one very important way, which is he combines his spirituality with how he conducts himself in public office.
    • It is surely an unanswerable case that the future status and governance of the organisation - of any organisation - should be determined precisely by how it conducts itself.
    • ‘Bode is a great guy and I've learned so much just from being around him and the way he conducts himself,’ adds Mickel.
    • He preferred observing people, watching the way they conducted themselves, the way they behaved towards their environment.
    • An organisation which conducts itself in this manner can have no real aspirations to engage with the political mainstream.
    behave, perform, act, acquit oneself, bear oneself, carry oneself


Middle English: from Old French, from Latin conduct- ‘brought together’, from the verb conducere. The term originally denoted a provision for safe passage, surviving in safe conduct; later the verb sense ‘lead, guide’ arose, hence ‘manage’ and ‘management’ ( late Middle English), later ‘management of oneself, behavior’ (mid 16th century). The original form of the word was conduit, which was preserved only in the sense ‘channel’ (see conduit); in other uses the spelling was influenced by Latin.





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