When she first got hooked on ciggies there were no health warnings on the packets.
I find her, a ciggy in one hand and a bottle of Vodka alcopop in the other.
As it happens, a great deal of what we spent went on buying vast quantities of cheap booze and ciggies.
I found myself standing in a queue a couple of days ago at my local garage to buy some ciggies.
Most people don't need hospitals until old age, but some bring it on themselves through poor diet and ciggies, or drug and alcohol abuse.
I gave up smoking last May and decided I needed an incentive to keep off the ciggies and took up running.
Candice picked up her crushed ciggy and threw it over the railing.
We first went to Cavendish because I wanted some ciggies but they didn't have any.
I am sure non-smokers do not know the feeling of desperation after having gone without a ciggy for three or four hours.
Save the money from your ciggies and buy yourself something at the end of two weeks.
I haven't smoked anything for ages, and that includes ordinary ciggies.
Now I don't have ciggies and I don't go for smokes.
We watched for a while with a brew and a ciggy to calm our nerves.
The Good Health Brigade would rather see elderly people huddled on a cold street corner sharing an illicit ciggy than accept that smokers have a right to their own bad habits.
Obviously, I'm giving up my ciggies for health reasons.
Priests puff in churches, doctors on hospital wards - and to ask somebody to put out their ciggy would be deemed absurd.
I wish they'd charge 60 quid for a packet of ciggies and ban them completely.
If you smoke sixty ciggies a day and are ten stone overweight, don't tell your life insurer that you're a fit non-smoker.
For a couple of years now I've trotted down to Soho every fortnight to pick up cheap ciggies from an air hostess who regularly brings back cartons from France.
It was like a really good party: everyone was mingling, dancing and smoking ciggies.