

单词 crab


nounPlural crabs krabkræb
  • 1A crustacean, found chiefly on seashores, with a broad carapace, stalked eyes, and five pairs of legs, the first pair of which are modified as pincers.

    Many families in the order Decapoda, class Malacostraca

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Scientists found male fiddler crabs often aid their neighbors when intruders threaten to move in.
    • There really is something very unbecoming about grown men chasing crabs on beaches alone.
    • Eastern populations eat numerous horseshoe crabs during migration.
    • You should move to Florida and hunt crabs on the beach all day in the nude.
    • Without warning the stalks supporting the crab's beady black eyes shoot straight up at me.
    • Generic placement of fossil spider crabs is often difficult because definitive criteria are rarely available for study.
    • Will I be able to catch the mud crab?
    • Male horseshoe crabs have two mating tactics that are associated with phenotype.
    • The torch picked out a tiny red hermit crab as it climbed laboriously across the top of a sponge.
    • A large red crab scuttled across the metal, hoping to avoid the snapper.
    • Not so many people collect the crabs today as it's so labour-intensive.
    • Fishers in New Brunswick will disobey restrictions on crab fishing this spring.
    • We attributed the effect of predator exclusion primarily to juvenile green crabs and fish.
    • In fact, more tasty blue crabs are caught and sold than any other Hudson River species.
    • If we ate a crab with its shell, we would have pretty sore gums.
    • Young fish, young crabs and molting crabs have lost shelter and refuge from their predators.
    • Shining our torches onto the sand reveals thousands of hermit crabs scuttling from the light.
    • Several large edible crabs have burrowed under the mast and others live inside the hollow structure.
    • Large edible crabs are everywhere, mainly females that are here to spawn.
    • There are also sand crabs burrowing in the sand, which make good bait too.
    1. 1.1mass noun The flesh of a crab as food.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Start your evening with assorted cold meats, crab, and jasmine smoked chicken.
      • The menu included Pembrokeshire crab and roast fillet of Welsh Beef.
      • The buffet is a mountainous feast of crab, salmon, prawns and beef.
      • Fresh, unadulterated, chilled, lightly seasoned, fabulous crab is one of my most favourite foods.
      • The seasoning was an Old Bay seasoning which, I believe, usually goes with crab and other sea food.
      • The meats consisted of soft shelled crab covered in spices, tender roast beef and chicken.
      • Other foods high in zinc include oysters, crab, and fortified cereals.
      • Clean spanner crabs and break crab into portions.
      • He reported that freshwater crab was a popular food among many tribes of northeastern region.
      • It's a thin slice of veal with crab on top, topped with a sauce.
      • The salad included some very artificial crab.
      • Callaloo is a mixture of okra and puréed dasheen leaves, with either crab or salted pork added for flavor.
      • From Cornish Blue shark steaks to Scarborough fresh-dressed crab, the range of fish is bewildering and the quality peerless.
      • Sometimes salt beef or salt cod are used, or corned beef or crab.
      • I had dressed Cornish crab which was absolutely delicious and not too rich as crab can sometimes be.
      • Place the ring mould on top and fill about a third with dressed crab.
      • Esther is with Betsy when she gets food poisoning from eating crab.
      • Special occasions call for a gumbo and vegetable soup with crab or salted meat (calalou).
      • Sarah chose the east coast crab with dill and mustard sauce, while I opted for the seared pigeon breasts.
      • We also don't know anyone who eats crab and watermelon together.
    2. 1.2the Crab The zodiacal sign or constellation Cancer.
  • 2A louse that infests human body hair, especially in the genital region, causing extreme irritation.


    Phthirus pubis, family Pediculidae, order Anoplura

    Example sentencesExamples
    • People can be infested with three types of lice: body lice, head lice and crab or pubic lice.
    • I believe the first use of pubic wigs was in ancient Egypt as the only cure that they had at the time for crabs.
    • Pubic lice or crabs are unpleasant, but once diagnosed are thankfully easily treated.
    • Over the last two years she has been treated for gonorrhea and crab lice.
    • The third species is the pubic louse, Phthirus pubis, commonly known as the crab louse.
    • And in no other job will I catch crabs from innocently sitting in the staff lounge on an extremely festy couch… mmm.
    • Same recipe used externally for crabs, lice, and all external parasites.
    • I fear lung disease, heart disease, cancer, losing control of my bladder and bowels, paralysis and crabs in my underpants.
    • One way to test that possibility will be to look at the other species of lice that live on humans - crabs, or Pthirus pubis.
    • Commonly called crabs, these lice occur on the skin and hair of your pubic areas and on eyelashes.
    1. 2.1informal An infestation of crab lice.
      the time his friend had crabs
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I never had one girl come down with an STD, not even crabs.
      • Three weeks later, he had a healthy dose of crabs.
      • So I get pregnant and get the crabs to boot.
      • It seems that I have severe cases of genital warts, the clap, crabs, herpes and syphillis.
  • 3A machine for picking up and lifting heavy weights.


verbcrabs, crabbed, crabbing krabkræb
  • 1no object, with adverbial of direction Move sideways or obliquely.


    he began crabbing sideways across the roof


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Their forwards were absolutely dominant, crabbing down the pitch, albeit at a tortuously slow rate.
    • Each time the aircraft is forced to crab into the wind the groundspeed is reduced.
    • They crabbed their way down the pitch before No.8 forced his way over for the winning try.
    • I tried to escape, crabbing sideways in an effort to crawl away.
    • We set out to stage 6 with a car that was crabbing badly.
    • By crabbing into the wind, we can stay lined up with the runway centerline, but we'll actually come in at an angle to the runway.
    • He has retained the tendency to crab a bit across the field.
    • This old car has had a decent hit on the right rear quarter and crabs its way down the road.
    • I'd had enough and leveled off, because the winds were causing us to crab significantly.
    • One of them was on his back and was rapidly crabbing backwards away from the patrol car.
    illegible, hard to read, indecipherable, unintelligible
    1. 1.1with object Steer (an aircraft or ship) slightly sideways to compensate for a crosswind or current.
      George crabbed the plane into the wind
      Example sentencesExamples
      • At low speed, this system will let you crab the boat completely sideways.
      • As opposed to crabbing into the wind on final, use aileron to lean the aircraft into the wind.
      • I had to crab north and east to stay near the north road and to keep from being blown into the desert to the west.
  • 2no object Fish for crabs.


    watermen were crabbing on the bay
    Example sentencesExamples
    • North Korea emphasizes the importance of crabbing to bring in much-needed foreign currency.
    • We went fishing, crabbing, and looked for the occasional pigeon and bat.
    • The dinghies are great for the river and they are excellent for things like crabbing in the sea.
    • They took note that it was crabbing season over here and they went crabbing in a major way.
    • She went crabbing and stayed cheerful even though the catch came to a grand total of one crab.
    • Virginia refused to comply with its quota, and now faces a complete ban on horseshoe crabbing.
    • When they come to the door, you're gonna ask them to come crabbing with us.
    • In 2001, the Texas Legislature approved a bill creating the first brief closed season for crabbing in Texas waters.
    • When he was a boy, he had gone crabbing with his father on the Hudson River.
    • They learnt everything there is to know about crabbing from Marco's father, Emilio's grandfather.
    • He loved things like going crabbing as a boy, seaside activities, and the tightknit community of the 1950s.
    • They used to go duck hunting and crabbing and fishing and that's how they survived and raised all the family.
    • I know the area well, having fished and crabbed their for many years.
    • When I asked him what he liked most about crabbing, his short response said it all, ‘the freedom.’
    • My biggest concern for crabbing is the inability of DNR to regulate crab pots.
    • We spent many happy days fishing and crabbing there.
    • There were several people down there doing some crabbing.
    • When I was a young boy in the 1930s, I had three loving uncles that took me fishing, crabbing and hunting.
    • More than 70 children came out of their shells to take part in a crabbing competition.
    • And the season ends early, in October - they no longer can crab in November.


  • catch a crab

    • Make a faulty stroke in which the oar is jammed under water or misses the water altogether.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The South Africans then caught a crab just metres before the line which dropped them out of qualifying position.
      • In a very unusual display at this level of rowing, Kucharski caught a crab with 200 metres to go pushing them further back.
      • With less than 100 metres to go Great Britain had a slight lead in the first of two repechages when bow, Alison Mowbray, caught a crab.
      • Just strokes before the line, Great Britain's second crew caught a crab which slowed them down to a crawl.
      • Coles caught a crab midway through their Olympic heat, sending both of the rowers flying out of the boat.
      • There was still some way to go; to catch a crab now might slow the boat down and hand it to them.
      • Under threat for the lead with 600 metres to go, Lithuania caught a crab and Argentina was able to push past and finish first.
      • Australia caught a crab and dropped to third while the United States slipped out of the qualification spots.
      • The two continued to press each other and nerves must have been affecting Raduenzel when she caught a crab with 600 metres to go.
  • draw the crabs

    • 1military slang Attract enemy fire.

      a lone tank drew the crabs on them
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Great was the annoyance of the Australian engineers preparing the crossing when this lone tank 'drew the crabs' on them.
      • He reckoned it made him stand out when he got out into the jungle, and 'draw the crabs'.
      • The sergeant believed local treachery was brewing and that my white skin would draw the crabs.
      • He and his men no longer cared, however, now that Murdoch's struggles could not draw the crabs on them.
      • Footsloggers had a rooted dislike for civilian vehicles advancing with them—"they drew the crabs".
      • As you might imagine these draw the “crabs” and the enemy shelled us for a week.
      1. 1.1informal Attract unwanted attention.
        once a complaint is made it has to be investigated, thereby drawing the crabs
        Example sentencesExamples
        • Its inherited job is to 'keep the media barons happy with government while drawing the crabs of public opinion away from making the government accountable'.
        • The women are pretty ratty on Daph for drawing the crabs, and so is her boss for that matter.
        • Public killing 'draws the crabs'; kill a few men, and suddenly the constabulary is all over you.


  • crabber

  • noun
    • These untended traps and the ‘ghost fishing’ they produce cost commercial crabbers considerable potential income.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This brought them in conflict with stone crabbers.
      • A crabber from the Isle of Mann has landed a lorry load of live crabs for distribution to the UK.
      • Even hard-working crabbers lose the devices regularly.
      • The same instances would be true for recreational crabbers.
  • crablike

  • adjective & adverb
    • Rather than trying to hug the seafloor, crablike robots could punt along, relaxing and saving the precious energy in their batteries.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • For two decades, his career movements were crablike, sidewise.
      • Now his frail hand moved across it with crablike speed.
      • The creature's most distinctive features were its six crablike legs and its rather large fangs and claws.
      • The scorpion is crablike in appearance and has claw-like pinchers.


Old English crabba, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch krabbe, and more distantly to Dutch kreeft and German Krebs; also to crab3.


blab, cab, confab, Crabbe, dab, drab, fab, flab, gab, grab, jab, kebab, lab, nab, scab, slab, smash-and-grab, stab, tab


nounPlural crabs krabkræb
  • short for crab apple


verbcrabs, crabbed, crabbing krabkræb
  • 1no object Grumble about something petty.


    on picnics, I would crab about sand in my food


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Yes, usually we crab when a strike puts us out.
    • We sure don't need any more songs crabbing about how superficial the entertainment industry is.
    • I'm going to finish this little pity party and get all my crabbing out at once.
    • The President crabbed about the leak in his Monday press conference.
    • Even if you were that man himself, you have no reason to be crabbed at because I'm having a bad morning.
    • She crabbed again when he didn't take advantage of the multi-laned road.
    • The city is crabbing today about clock management, and there was an onside kick late in the game.
    • I knew she was catching up on day's worth of missed sleep, so I didn't blame her for crabbing at me.
    • I have chattering and squealing, screeching and cooing, crabbing and carping.
    • I had everything under control until you started crabbing about which books you hadn't read.
  • 2dated with object Act so as to spoil (something)


    you're trying to crab my act



Late 16th century (referring to hawks, meaning 'claw or fight each other'): from Low German krabben; related to crab1.


  • 1A crustacean with a broad carapace, stalked eyes, and five pairs of legs, the first pair of which are modified as pincers. Crabs are abundant on many shores, especially in the tropics, where some have become adapted to life on land.

    Many families in the order Decapoda, class Malacostraca

    Example sentencesExamples
    • The torch picked out a tiny red hermit crab as it climbed laboriously across the top of a sponge.
    • Large edible crabs are everywhere, mainly females that are here to spawn.
    • There are also sand crabs burrowing in the sand, which make good bait too.
    • Several large edible crabs have burrowed under the mast and others live inside the hollow structure.
    • Fishers in New Brunswick will disobey restrictions on crab fishing this spring.
    • We attributed the effect of predator exclusion primarily to juvenile green crabs and fish.
    • Without warning the stalks supporting the crab's beady black eyes shoot straight up at me.
    • If we ate a crab with its shell, we would have pretty sore gums.
    • Scientists found male fiddler crabs often aid their neighbors when intruders threaten to move in.
    • Will I be able to catch the mud crab?
    • Not so many people collect the crabs today as it's so labour-intensive.
    • Eastern populations eat numerous horseshoe crabs during migration.
    • Generic placement of fossil spider crabs is often difficult because definitive criteria are rarely available for study.
    • Shining our torches onto the sand reveals thousands of hermit crabs scuttling from the light.
    • There really is something very unbecoming about grown men chasing crabs on beaches alone.
    • A large red crab scuttled across the metal, hoping to avoid the snapper.
    • Young fish, young crabs and molting crabs have lost shelter and refuge from their predators.
    • In fact, more tasty blue crabs are caught and sold than any other Hudson River species.
    • You should move to Florida and hunt crabs on the beach all day in the nude.
    • Male horseshoe crabs have two mating tactics that are associated with phenotype.
    1. 1.1 The flesh of a crab as food.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I had dressed Cornish crab which was absolutely delicious and not too rich as crab can sometimes be.
      • It's a thin slice of veal with crab on top, topped with a sauce.
      • Clean spanner crabs and break crab into portions.
      • The meats consisted of soft shelled crab covered in spices, tender roast beef and chicken.
      • The menu included Pembrokeshire crab and roast fillet of Welsh Beef.
      • Special occasions call for a gumbo and vegetable soup with crab or salted meat (calalou).
      • The buffet is a mountainous feast of crab, salmon, prawns and beef.
      • Sarah chose the east coast crab with dill and mustard sauce, while I opted for the seared pigeon breasts.
      • Place the ring mould on top and fill about a third with dressed crab.
      • Callaloo is a mixture of okra and puréed dasheen leaves, with either crab or salted pork added for flavor.
      • The salad included some very artificial crab.
      • Fresh, unadulterated, chilled, lightly seasoned, fabulous crab is one of my most favourite foods.
      • Start your evening with assorted cold meats, crab, and jasmine smoked chicken.
      • He reported that freshwater crab was a popular food among many tribes of northeastern region.
      • The seasoning was an Old Bay seasoning which, I believe, usually goes with crab and other sea food.
      • From Cornish Blue shark steaks to Scarborough fresh-dressed crab, the range of fish is bewildering and the quality peerless.
      • Esther is with Betsy when she gets food poisoning from eating crab.
      • Sometimes salt beef or salt cod are used, or corned beef or crab.
      • Other foods high in zinc include oysters, crab, and fortified cereals.
      • We also don't know anyone who eats crab and watermelon together.
    2. 1.2the Crab The zodiacal sign or constellation Cancer.
  • 2A louse that infests human body hair, especially in the genital region, causing extreme irritation.


    Phthirus pubis, family Pediculidae, order Anoplura

    Also called pubic louse
    Example sentencesExamples
    • People can be infested with three types of lice: body lice, head lice and crab or pubic lice.
    • Commonly called crabs, these lice occur on the skin and hair of your pubic areas and on eyelashes.
    • I fear lung disease, heart disease, cancer, losing control of my bladder and bowels, paralysis and crabs in my underpants.
    • One way to test that possibility will be to look at the other species of lice that live on humans - crabs, or Pthirus pubis.
    • Same recipe used externally for crabs, lice, and all external parasites.
    • And in no other job will I catch crabs from innocently sitting in the staff lounge on an extremely festy couch… mmm.
    • The third species is the pubic louse, Phthirus pubis, commonly known as the crab louse.
    • I believe the first use of pubic wigs was in ancient Egypt as the only cure that they had at the time for crabs.
    • Pubic lice or crabs are unpleasant, but once diagnosed are thankfully easily treated.
    • Over the last two years she has been treated for gonorrhea and crab lice.
    1. 2.1informal An infestation of crab lice.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Three weeks later, he had a healthy dose of crabs.
      • It seems that I have severe cases of genital warts, the clap, crabs, herpes and syphillis.
      • I never had one girl come down with an STD, not even crabs.
      • So I get pregnant and get the crabs to boot.
  • 3A machine for picking up and lifting heavy weights.


  • 1no object, with adverbial of direction Move sideways or obliquely.


    he began crabbing sideways across the roof


    Example sentencesExamples
    • We set out to stage 6 with a car that was crabbing badly.
    • They crabbed their way down the pitch before No.8 forced his way over for the winning try.
    • One of them was on his back and was rapidly crabbing backwards away from the patrol car.
    • By crabbing into the wind, we can stay lined up with the runway centerline, but we'll actually come in at an angle to the runway.
    • He has retained the tendency to crab a bit across the field.
    • This old car has had a decent hit on the right rear quarter and crabs its way down the road.
    • I tried to escape, crabbing sideways in an effort to crawl away.
    • I'd had enough and leveled off, because the winds were causing us to crab significantly.
    • Each time the aircraft is forced to crab into the wind the groundspeed is reduced.
    • Their forwards were absolutely dominant, crabbing down the pitch, albeit at a tortuously slow rate.
    illegible, hard to read, indecipherable, unintelligible
    1. 1.1with object Steer (an aircraft or ship) slightly sideways to compensate for a crosswind or current.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • At low speed, this system will let you crab the boat completely sideways.
      • As opposed to crabbing into the wind on final, use aileron to lean the aircraft into the wind.
      • I had to crab north and east to stay near the north road and to keep from being blown into the desert to the west.
  • 2no object Fish for crabs.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • North Korea emphasizes the importance of crabbing to bring in much-needed foreign currency.
    • When he was a boy, he had gone crabbing with his father on the Hudson River.
    • More than 70 children came out of their shells to take part in a crabbing competition.
    • The dinghies are great for the river and they are excellent for things like crabbing in the sea.
    • In 2001, the Texas Legislature approved a bill creating the first brief closed season for crabbing in Texas waters.
    • They used to go duck hunting and crabbing and fishing and that's how they survived and raised all the family.
    • She went crabbing and stayed cheerful even though the catch came to a grand total of one crab.
    • There were several people down there doing some crabbing.
    • And the season ends early, in October - they no longer can crab in November.
    • We went fishing, crabbing, and looked for the occasional pigeon and bat.
    • They learnt everything there is to know about crabbing from Marco's father, Emilio's grandfather.
    • When they come to the door, you're gonna ask them to come crabbing with us.
    • When I asked him what he liked most about crabbing, his short response said it all, ‘the freedom.’
    • I know the area well, having fished and crabbed their for many years.
    • He loved things like going crabbing as a boy, seaside activities, and the tightknit community of the 1950s.
    • We spent many happy days fishing and crabbing there.
    • Virginia refused to comply with its quota, and now faces a complete ban on horseshoe crabbing.
    • They took note that it was crabbing season over here and they went crabbing in a major way.
    • When I was a young boy in the 1930s, I had three loving uncles that took me fishing, crabbing and hunting.
    • My biggest concern for crabbing is the inability of DNR to regulate crab pots.


  • catch a crab

    • Make a faulty stroke in which the oar is under water too long or misses the water altogether.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In a very unusual display at this level of rowing, Kucharski caught a crab with 200 metres to go pushing them further back.
      • Under threat for the lead with 600 metres to go, Lithuania caught a crab and Argentina was able to push past and finish first.
      • The two continued to press each other and nerves must have been affecting Raduenzel when she caught a crab with 600 metres to go.
      • With less than 100 metres to go Great Britain had a slight lead in the first of two repechages when bow, Alison Mowbray, caught a crab.
      • Australia caught a crab and dropped to third while the United States slipped out of the qualification spots.
      • Coles caught a crab midway through their Olympic heat, sending both of the rowers flying out of the boat.
      • Just strokes before the line, Great Britain's second crew caught a crab which slowed them down to a crawl.
      • There was still some way to go; to catch a crab now might slow the boat down and hand it to them.
      • The South Africans then caught a crab just metres before the line which dropped them out of qualifying position.


Old English crabba, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch krabbe, and more distantly to Dutch kreeft and German Krebs; also to crab.


  • short for crab apple


  • An irritable person.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • I snickered, and asked, ‘Did you at least manage to blast that old crab into smithereens?’
    • The girl started scuttling backward, mindful of the fact that she probably looked like a crusty old crab.
  • 1no object Grumble, typically about something petty.


    on picnics, I would crab about sand in my food


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I knew she was catching up on day's worth of missed sleep, so I didn't blame her for crabbing at me.
    • The President crabbed about the leak in his Monday press conference.
    • I had everything under control until you started crabbing about which books you hadn't read.
    • Yes, usually we crab when a strike puts us out.
    • She crabbed again when he didn't take advantage of the multi-laned road.
    • I'm going to finish this little pity party and get all my crabbing out at once.
    • I have chattering and squealing, screeching and cooing, crabbing and carping.
    • We sure don't need any more songs crabbing about how superficial the entertainment industry is.
    • Even if you were that man himself, you have no reason to be crabbed at because I'm having a bad morning.
    • The city is crabbing today about clock management, and there was an onside kick late in the game.
  • 2dated with object Act so as to spoil.


    you're trying to crab my act



Late 16th century (referring to hawks, meaning ‘claw or fight each other’): from Low German krabben; related to crab.





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更新时间:2024/10/19 14:45:32