

单词 conclude

Definition of conclude in English:


verb kənˈkluːdkənˈklud
  • 1Bring or come to an end.


    with object they conclude their study with these words


    no object the talk concluded with slides


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Due to other commitments which largely include concluding his studies in International business, he will only be able to hold shows two or three times a year.
    • The martial beat of ‘Onward, Christian Soldiers’ (a hymn I stopped singing decades ago) concludes the service.
    • Father Charles Sweeney and Rev Bruce Hayes switch on Castletownshend Christmas lights at 6 p.m. and carol singing concludes a great day out for all the family.
    • Then, with a sigh, she concluded her duty by bringing Thatcher his tea and bread.
    • The study's concluding chapter concerns itself with the culminating philosophy of the Gurdjieff movement in Harlem.
    • It has promised a period of consultation once the study is concluded, with a view to introducing new weight structures for flat and jump racing next season.
    • It is often accompanied by the shaking of hands, concluded by bringing the right palm to one's chest.
    finish, end, come to an end, draw to a close, wind up, be over, stop, terminate, close, cease
    bring to an end, bring to a close, finish, close, wind up, terminate, dissolve
    round off
    informal wrap up
    dated put a period to
    1. 1.1with object Formally and finally settle or arrange (an agreement)
      an attempt to conclude a ceasefire


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Al Beshir said the peace agreement signed concluded Sudan's independence of 1956, which had been incomplete due to the war in the south.
      • At their summit in Tokyo, Goh and Mori are expected to announce the launch of negotiations for concluding a free-trade agreement.
      • Negotiations to conclude a new agreement failed.
      • The new shareholder has declared the intention to conclude agreements with the plant's creditors and restore the production.
      • Consultation and negotiation in good faith are required, not as a mere formality, but as a genuine attempt to conclude an agreement.
      • ‘We concluded a formal agreement when we created our coalition, setting down our relations if we took power jointly,’ said Tymoshenko.
      • The foreign minister said he is calling a meeting Tuesday among pertinent cabinet ministers on the presupposition that the two leaders might decide to enter negotiations on concluding an agreement.
      • Despite efforts to resolve the issues in dispute, no settlement was reached and no agreement was concluded.
      • The way they finally reversed that trend was to conclude an agreement with Castro that anybody hijacking planes to Cuba would be immediately arrested and put in jail for forty years.
      • In 1667, Milton finally concluded an agreement with a publisher for the printing of Paradise Lost.
      • So, more studies are needed before concluding the maximum amount of additives for each ingredient and deciding whether the foods qualify under the regulation.
      • A peace was finally concluded by which Spain received the island of Minorca in place of Gibraltar.
      • We are delighted to have concluded this manufacturing agreement with Tata Engineering.
      • Arab states - even the few that have concluded formal peace agreements - have refused to normalize relations with Israel.
      • He was about to conclude a peace agreement with Syria.
      • Russia recalled its forces but did not conclude a formal peace.
      • In 1997 Japanese prime minister Hashimoto Ryutaro and Boris Yeltsin set a goal of concluding a formal peace treaty, which would also resolve the status of the disputed islands, by the end of this year.
      • All of Edinburgh's contract negotiations for the coming season have now been concluded, bringing the squad to 27 players.
      • The narrative sources in particular are full of accounts of embassies and special meetings to arrange truces or conclude peace between warring bands.
      • Peace was finally concluded by the Treaty of Ryswick.
      negotiate, reach an agreement on, agree, come to terms on, reach terms on, broker, settle, seal, set the seal on, clinch, finalize, tie up, complete, shake hands on, close, bring about, arrange, effect, engineer, accomplish, establish, resolve, work out, pull off, bring off, thrash out, hammer out
      informal sew up, swing, button up
  • 2with clause Arrive at a judgement or opinion by reasoning.


    the doctors concluded that Esther had suffered a stroke


    what do you conclude from all this?


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The study concludes that while there might be quality teaching in individual classes in secondary schools, the disjointed approach does not serve pupils well.
    • The new leaflet draws on a number of international clinical studies and concludes that precautions must be taken when using mobile phones.
    • Research is still divided about the risk that mobile phones pose, with some studies concluding that microwave radiation can cause cancer, affect blood pressure and bring about memory problems.
    • The study concludes that an inter-hospital transfer service would be the most appropriate in an all-island context.
    • Of course it doesn't help arriving from England because everyone concludes that I've brought the weather with me.
    • The British, the author of this scholarly and objective study concludes, lost both the will and the ability to rule by force.
    • Numerous studies conclude that playing music to babies in the womb and in the early years helps build the neural bridges along which thoughts and information travel.
    • All studies on privatization always conclude that mere privatization is not enough.
    • For all those reasons, the judge concluded that the defendant had failed to show prejudice resulting from the delay.
    • This study concludes that the schools in the Southeast are totally unprepared for this wave of immigration.
    • The study concludes that over the nineteen-year period Australia's relative citation impact has declined, unlike other countries.
    • The changes will also lead to an increase in the number of problem gamblers, the study concludes.
    • The lesson for fashion outlets is to ensure that they really do provide customer service, the study concludes.
    • Scientists from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong University concluded in a study two years ago that bad air quality can be linked to increased hospital admissions and respiratory ailments.
    • The study concludes the only practical way to avoid those costs is to enforce the law, and reduce the number of illegal aliens in this country.
    • Indeed, Schwartz was also the primary author of a study concluding that obese people whose systems secrete insulin at high levels may be protected against further weight gain.
    • However a US government study has concluded armed terrorists could get at a nuclear cargo by using explosives to blow open the transport casks.
    • However, the study team concluded women who spent years trying to conceive were 2.7 times more likely to develop ovarian cancer.
    • A recent national study concludes that 25 percent of adult women have experienced violence from a romantic partner.
    • The study concluded, as the majority of mall traders already know, that most anti-social behaviour and criminal damage is carried out along the mall in hours of darkness.
    come to the conclusion, deduce, infer, draw the inference, gather, judge, decide
    assume, presume, suppose, conjecture, surmise
    North American figure
    informal reckon
    archaic collect
    1. 2.1with direct speech Say in conclusion.
      ‘It's a wicked old world,’ she concluded


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘All we can hope for is a better, more peaceful future for everyone but after this tragedy it will be even harder to achieve,’ he concluded.
      • ‘It's no one's fault,’ Harmony concluded, deciding to lay down.
      • ‘I hope I gave my teammates a boost with my performance,’ he concluded.
      • ‘Overall, the risk of treatment outweighed the benefits during 5.6 years of treatment,’ they concluded in their study.
      • This development is a tremendous example of what can be achieved, he concluded…
      • In China itself, the official Xinhua news agency gave a factual report on US missile test, quoting a Pentagon statement on its success, and concluded: "Arms control experts said the US missile defence plan will threaten world peace and security".
      • ‘There is an increasing belief that not having children is the ideal way of life,’ the authors of the study concluded.
      • ‘Therefore the trial may pose a threat to the environment,’ the study concludes, in contrast to the statements made by the Scottish Executive.
      • ‘The road will be hard but my government and I are confident of our success,’ he concluded.
      • Bennett considers the self-censoring effect of taste and concludes, ‘I have too much taste, find it hard to let go.’
      • The evening concluded with a performance by the Ceoltas Group while all who attended received a commemorative ornament, courtesy of Carlow County Council.
      • ‘These are extremely difficult times for the Company and it is essential that as successful a sale as possible is achieved,’ he concluded.
      • The Henley report concludes: ‘The effect of lottery funding on the UK as a whole has been profoundly positive.’
      • I would like to take this opportunity to thank Charles Meiklereid for the outstanding contribution he has made to the Newbridge Chamber and wish him every future success, Ms Ducas concluded.
      • An Age Concern report on older consumers concludes: ‘The era when older people saved their money for a rainy day is over.’
      • Reporting his study, he concluded, ‘The only outcome was, Hoechst became richer by a few million Deutsche Marks.’
      • One leg of the journey completed, the chapter concluded.
      • Devi's journey concluded safely when she reached Kirinda in the south, where she was married to the king, Kavantissa, and given the name Viharamahadevi.
    2. 2.2US dated with infinitive Decide to do something.
      we found some bread, which we concluded to eat


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Why the Impecunious Girl Concluded to Give Up Her Flat for the Summer.
      • After staying there for a while I concluded to go back to the Lake.
      • When I first concluded to print the book, I made an honest effort to construct it in the third person.
      • They Have Concluded to Have a Building of Their Own.


  • conclude missives

    • (of a buyer) sign a contract with the vendor of a property or piece of land to signify change of ownership.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • However, even if the seller does otherwise like the offer, he will not conclude missives with such a condition as part of the contract.
      • When you have concluded missives, you are on your way to getting the keys for your new home.
      • In the event that the landlords would not have agreed to such a request, the pursuers would not have concluded missives and entered into the lease.
      • Once an acceptable offer is received for your property, our policy is to conclude missives and make the contract binding without delay.
      • Professionals, however would be required to conclude missives and do all conveyancing.


Middle English (in the sense 'convince'): from Latin concludere, from con- 'completely' + claudere 'to shut'.


allude, brood, collude, crude, delude, dude, elude, étude, exclude, extrude, exude, feud, food, illude, include, intrude, Jude, lewd, mood, nude, obtrude, occlude, Oudh, preclude, protrude, prude, pseud, pultrude, rood, rude, seclude, shrewd, snood, transude, unglued, unsubdued, who'd, you'd

Definition of conclude in US English:


  • 1with object Bring (something) to an end.


    they conclude their study with these words


    no object we concluded by singing carols


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Due to other commitments which largely include concluding his studies in International business, he will only be able to hold shows two or three times a year.
    • It has promised a period of consultation once the study is concluded, with a view to introducing new weight structures for flat and jump racing next season.
    • It is often accompanied by the shaking of hands, concluded by bringing the right palm to one's chest.
    • Then, with a sigh, she concluded her duty by bringing Thatcher his tea and bread.
    • Father Charles Sweeney and Rev Bruce Hayes switch on Castletownshend Christmas lights at 6 p.m. and carol singing concludes a great day out for all the family.
    • The martial beat of ‘Onward, Christian Soldiers’ (a hymn I stopped singing decades ago) concludes the service.
    • The study's concluding chapter concerns itself with the culminating philosophy of the Gurdjieff movement in Harlem.
    finish, end, come to an end, draw to a close, wind up, be over, stop, terminate, close, cease
    bring to an end, bring to a close, finish, close, wind up, terminate, dissolve
    1. 1.1no object Come to an end.
      the talk concluded with slides


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Meanwhile, the four-day Pickering Traction Engine Rally which concluded on Sunday, was another huge success, with enthusiasts flocking from all over the country.
      • I conclude by once again bringing the debate back to the real people.
      • Love Fifteen will tour nationwide until the end of July, concluding with a performance at the annual Riding Lights Summer Theatre School in Pocklington School's new Tom Stoppard Performing Arts Centre.
      • After a short break the boys returned to treat the audience for a little longer with the encore concluding with an explosive performance of This Fire.
      • The process has some way to go, and we'll see what concludes at the completion of that process.
      • The evening concluded with a rare performance of Oliver Messiaen's ‘Quartet for the End of Time’ as Mary Stein, cello, joined the three other musicians.
      • Wang concludes by bringing her argument up to the present and focussing on the historiography of the Cold War period.
      • The study concluded with a host of recommendations for travel operators and training providers to encourage more Asian people to work in the industry and use the agents.
      • The serial concludes with Thyagaraja attaining samadhi on January 6, 1847, on Pushya Bahula Panchami day.
      • Indeed, not so very long ago it chose to open up for business with Dancer in the Dark, where the audience slogged through a two hour indulgence that concluded with the execution of the heroine.
      • In the 99 lead-laps before the race concluded Andy had brought the car from 35th to 17th - a remarkable average of advancing one position every 5.5 laps.
      • The book concludes with chapters which bring together many results from Sneddon's own papers on boundary value problems in elasticity.
      • Financial commitments are fulfilled and business transactions concluded satisfactorily today.
      • Lucy's performance concludes with what has been dubbed her death aria, in which she is shaken like a rag doll and has her neck ‘broken’.
      • The exciting four-day cultural festival concluded with a scintillating performance by the ‘Hind Rock’ band ‘Euphoria’.
      • It concluded with two performances and a rousing top-class show that proved 2002 as another successful year for the course.
      • The night concluded with a sing along led by our President, Mrs Marie Grubb, and Mrs Phil Healy.
      • After a punt by Maryland, Whitehurst directed a 61-yard drive that concluded on Merriweather's winning carry around right end.
      • He concluded by wishing every success to the company on its recent expansion and particularly on its Shannon-Brussels service.
      • After this it could easily have concluded with either Dunfermline completing a remarkable comeback or the hosts extending their advantage.
      finish, end, come to an end, draw to a close, wind up, be over, stop, terminate, close, cease
      bring to an end, bring to a close, finish, close, wind up, terminate, dissolve
    2. 1.2 Formally and finally settle or arrange (a treaty or agreement)
      an attempt to conclude a ceasefire


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The way they finally reversed that trend was to conclude an agreement with Castro that anybody hijacking planes to Cuba would be immediately arrested and put in jail for forty years.
      • The narrative sources in particular are full of accounts of embassies and special meetings to arrange truces or conclude peace between warring bands.
      • Arab states - even the few that have concluded formal peace agreements - have refused to normalize relations with Israel.
      • ‘We concluded a formal agreement when we created our coalition, setting down our relations if we took power jointly,’ said Tymoshenko.
      • Peace was finally concluded by the Treaty of Ryswick.
      • He was about to conclude a peace agreement with Syria.
      • The new shareholder has declared the intention to conclude agreements with the plant's creditors and restore the production.
      • The foreign minister said he is calling a meeting Tuesday among pertinent cabinet ministers on the presupposition that the two leaders might decide to enter negotiations on concluding an agreement.
      • Consultation and negotiation in good faith are required, not as a mere formality, but as a genuine attempt to conclude an agreement.
      • A peace was finally concluded by which Spain received the island of Minorca in place of Gibraltar.
      • In 1997 Japanese prime minister Hashimoto Ryutaro and Boris Yeltsin set a goal of concluding a formal peace treaty, which would also resolve the status of the disputed islands, by the end of this year.
      • Negotiations to conclude a new agreement failed.
      • Despite efforts to resolve the issues in dispute, no settlement was reached and no agreement was concluded.
      • Russia recalled its forces but did not conclude a formal peace.
      • So, more studies are needed before concluding the maximum amount of additives for each ingredient and deciding whether the foods qualify under the regulation.
      • We are delighted to have concluded this manufacturing agreement with Tata Engineering.
      • All of Edinburgh's contract negotiations for the coming season have now been concluded, bringing the squad to 27 players.
      • At their summit in Tokyo, Goh and Mori are expected to announce the launch of negotiations for concluding a free-trade agreement.
      • Al Beshir said the peace agreement signed concluded Sudan's independence of 1956, which had been incomplete due to the war in the south.
      • In 1667, Milton finally concluded an agreement with a publisher for the printing of Paradise Lost.
      negotiate, reach an agreement on, agree, come to terms on, reach terms on, broker, settle, seal, set the seal on, clinch, finalize, tie up, complete, shake hands on, close, bring about, arrange, effect, engineer, accomplish, establish, resolve, work out, pull off, bring off, thrash out, hammer out
  • 2Arrive at a judgment or opinion by reasoning.


    the doctors concluded that Esther had suffered a stroke


    what do you conclude from all this?


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Numerous studies conclude that playing music to babies in the womb and in the early years helps build the neural bridges along which thoughts and information travel.
    • The changes will also lead to an increase in the number of problem gamblers, the study concludes.
    • However a US government study has concluded armed terrorists could get at a nuclear cargo by using explosives to blow open the transport casks.
    • This study concludes that the schools in the Southeast are totally unprepared for this wave of immigration.
    • The study concluded, as the majority of mall traders already know, that most anti-social behaviour and criminal damage is carried out along the mall in hours of darkness.
    • The study concludes the only practical way to avoid those costs is to enforce the law, and reduce the number of illegal aliens in this country.
    • The lesson for fashion outlets is to ensure that they really do provide customer service, the study concludes.
    • Scientists from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong University concluded in a study two years ago that bad air quality can be linked to increased hospital admissions and respiratory ailments.
    • The British, the author of this scholarly and objective study concludes, lost both the will and the ability to rule by force.
    • The study concludes that an inter-hospital transfer service would be the most appropriate in an all-island context.
    • For all those reasons, the judge concluded that the defendant had failed to show prejudice resulting from the delay.
    • All studies on privatization always conclude that mere privatization is not enough.
    • The study concludes that over the nineteen-year period Australia's relative citation impact has declined, unlike other countries.
    • The new leaflet draws on a number of international clinical studies and concludes that precautions must be taken when using mobile phones.
    • The study concludes that while there might be quality teaching in individual classes in secondary schools, the disjointed approach does not serve pupils well.
    • However, the study team concluded women who spent years trying to conceive were 2.7 times more likely to develop ovarian cancer.
    • A recent national study concludes that 25 percent of adult women have experienced violence from a romantic partner.
    • Indeed, Schwartz was also the primary author of a study concluding that obese people whose systems secrete insulin at high levels may be protected against further weight gain.
    • Research is still divided about the risk that mobile phones pose, with some studies concluding that microwave radiation can cause cancer, affect blood pressure and bring about memory problems.
    • Of course it doesn't help arriving from England because everyone concludes that I've brought the weather with me.
    come to the conclusion, deduce, infer, draw the inference, gather, judge, decide
    1. 2.1 Say in conclusion.
      “It's a wicked old world,” she concluded


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Reporting his study, he concluded, ‘The only outcome was, Hoechst became richer by a few million Deutsche Marks.’
      • I would like to take this opportunity to thank Charles Meiklereid for the outstanding contribution he has made to the Newbridge Chamber and wish him every future success, Ms Ducas concluded.
      • One leg of the journey completed, the chapter concluded.
      • ‘Therefore the trial may pose a threat to the environment,’ the study concludes, in contrast to the statements made by the Scottish Executive.
      • This development is a tremendous example of what can be achieved, he concluded…
      • ‘I hope I gave my teammates a boost with my performance,’ he concluded.
      • ‘All we can hope for is a better, more peaceful future for everyone but after this tragedy it will be even harder to achieve,’ he concluded.
      • Bennett considers the self-censoring effect of taste and concludes, ‘I have too much taste, find it hard to let go.’
      • In China itself, the official Xinhua news agency gave a factual report on US missile test, quoting a Pentagon statement on its success, and concluded: "Arms control experts said the US missile defence plan will threaten world peace and security".
      • ‘These are extremely difficult times for the Company and it is essential that as successful a sale as possible is achieved,’ he concluded.
      • The evening concluded with a performance by the Ceoltas Group while all who attended received a commemorative ornament, courtesy of Carlow County Council.
      • ‘Overall, the risk of treatment outweighed the benefits during 5.6 years of treatment,’ they concluded in their study.
      • The Henley report concludes: ‘The effect of lottery funding on the UK as a whole has been profoundly positive.’
      • An Age Concern report on older consumers concludes: ‘The era when older people saved their money for a rainy day is over.’
      • ‘The road will be hard but my government and I are confident of our success,’ he concluded.
      • ‘There is an increasing belief that not having children is the ideal way of life,’ the authors of the study concluded.
      • ‘It's no one's fault,’ Harmony concluded, deciding to lay down.
      • Devi's journey concluded safely when she reached Kirinda in the south, where she was married to the king, Kavantissa, and given the name Viharamahadevi.
    2. 2.2US dated with infinitive Decide to do something.
      I concluded to go without his knowledge
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Why the Impecunious Girl Concluded to Give Up Her Flat for the Summer.
      • They Have Concluded to Have a Building of Their Own.
      • When I first concluded to print the book, I made an honest effort to construct it in the third person.
      • After staying there for a while I concluded to go back to the Lake.


Middle English (in the sense ‘convince’): from Latin concludere, from con- ‘completely’ + claudere ‘to shut’.





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