

单词 conciliate

Definition of conciliate in English:


verb kənˈsɪlɪeɪtkənˈsɪliˌeɪt
[with object]
  • 1Stop (someone) being angry or discontented; placate.


    concessions were made to conciliate the peasantry


    Example sentencesExamples
    • But his promise to Inger demanded he put personal feelings aside and concentrate on conciliating her brother.
    • When she tracks him down at his office, she expects to be conciliated, to be appeased, but especially to be married.
    • To conciliate the soldiers, he raised their pay, creating financial problems.
    • Henry prepared for war by conciliating surviving Ricardians and renewing foreign alliances.
    • That meant conciliating those alienated in the meantime - Catholics and Royalists.
    • Governments have no more urgent task than to help to conciliate individuals, corporations, institutions, and society at large with the new frontierless Universe.
    • He conciliated the people by his affability, brought in Englishmen to teach various handicrafts and tried to help the farmers by improving the breed of Manx horses, and, at the same time, he restricted the exactions of the Church.
    • To conciliate the Church, Descartes tried to give the impression that the Meditations was another defence (albeit a novel and irrefutable one) of the truths of religion against atheists.
    • When Lloyd George made a somewhat defeatist speech in Parliament in May 1941, Churchill felt no need to conciliate him.
    • The Islamists on the council are said to have left angry, and it was up to Bremer to attempt to conciliate them.
    • The shared notion of caste honour by which they had conciliated the nobility eventually proved a fatal stumbling-block to any reasonable scheme of cooperative reform.
    • The strain of her heavy-drinking lifestyle, increased by having to conciliate her husband, Reeves, who hung around February House like a piece of driftwood, was taking its toll.
    • The combine strength of these Jathas was enough to persuade Zakriya Khan, who, on the transfer of his father to Multan, had become governor of Lahore, to try to conciliate the Sikhs.
    • The king was now indifferent to attempts to conciliate him: he gave all his attention to composing a defiant manifesto which he proposed to leave behind, denouncing all that had been done since October 1789, and much before that.
    • The Middle Ages last at least until Contarini's failure to conciliate the Protestants at the council of Ratisbon in 1540.
    • But this assertion too would deserve some criticism, since some Arab countries are presented by western governments and media as conciliating both.
    • After 1603 he visited Scotland only once, in 1617, but he conciliated the gentry and, through the ‘Scottish Council’, got his way in Parliament.
    • This was and remains the most difficult problem: how to conciliate both nationalists and unionists without provoking the breakdown of constitutional politics, a violent backlash, or both.
    • Treating Islam as an aberration because of its views on martyrdom is bound to antagonise rather than conciliate Muslims.
    • Their followers trust them and look up to them; sometimes, when the pack is on the loose, it is necessary to conciliate them.
    appease, placate, pacify, mollify, propitiate, assuage, calm down, soothe, humour, reconcile, disarm, win over, make peace with
    Australian square someone off
    informal sweeten
    1. 1.1no object Act as a mediator.
      he sought to conciliate in the dispute


      Example sentencesExamples
      • This week he is visiting Europe to conciliate, but I have to wonder if we are really at the start of a new era of transatlantic harmony.
      • Privately, they are not so sure if the country is ready for this mild-mannered man, big on principles and always ready to conciliate, one who believes that one day the meek will inherit the earth.
      • As we have seen, it has a conciliation function through its conciliation officers with regard to cases brought in employment tribunals, but also seeks to conciliate in trade disputes.
      • It protected the union's interests, kept business running smoothly and conciliated in disputes.
      • Unlike Elizabeth, he saw no need to charm or conciliate.
      • Patricia LaMarche was even more open in conciliating with the Kerry campaign.
      • The employers want the service to try to broker a deal with the FBU rather than conciliate between the 40 per cent demand and a rejected four per cent offer.
      • He notes the instructions to governors to conciliate and protect the natives, and argues they did their best to temper the hostility of settlers.
      • I am too much swung by emotion face to face, and have a tendency to conciliate and conciliate and then suddenly get irritated and strike like a viper.
      • On the other hand, Hayes's efforts to conciliate, obtain domestic tranquility, and to restore the President's control of his own office left a legacy on which his successors built.
      • In such cases the CEC then has power to investigate, mediate, or conciliate between the parties to see whether a mutually satisfactory solution can be agreed.
      • They stand at a remove from the deceit and vulgarity growing at the heart of the novel, embodied by Maryna's passion for lying and display, her willingness to flatter, conciliate and compromise.
      • I will give you just an example - I mean, there are some words to avoid when you are mediating or conciliating.
      • Firstly he legislated to restrict the Commission's power to arbitrate and, in doing so, its capacity to conciliate.
      • All states were obligated to submit their conflicts to arbitration, judicial settlement, or to the League Council which could investigate, conciliate, and recommend terms of settlement.
      • At the same time the European governments seek to conciliate with Washington, they pursue their own imperialist projects.
      • At the same time, Camejo conciliated with Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante, the leading Democratic replacement candidate in the recall election.
      • I don't count on him to fix every problem that I see, to make the changes I would make, to discipline and conciliate and comfort and honor where I would.
      • Once more, trying to define a problem of women, Bemberg offered Argentine society an excuse to conciliate with itself and to be blind to its own political responsibilities.
      • They will desperately seek to conciliate with Bush and the Republicans, try to don religious trappings, and present themselves as a more ‘moderate’ version of their bourgeois rivals.
      mediate, act as a peacemaker, act as a mediator, arbitrate, make peace, restore harmony, reconcile differences, clear the air
      pour oil on troubled waters
    2. 1.2formal Reconcile; make compatible.
      all complaints about charges will be conciliated if possible


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In another important aspect of the decision, the full bench said that Commissioner John Elder erred when he decided that the matter was beyond jurisdiction before attempting to conciliate it.
      • This is one of the fundamental problems that we're all facing, especially in the federal jurisdiction: the commission doesn't have the power to conciliate matters outside of the award.
      • Wearing one of my mother's favourite dresses in hopes to conciliate the tensions of the previous day, I walked with a light step down the creaking staircase.
      • In 2003, of 2,393 investigations completed, only 242 were upheld while 75 were conciliated and 879 rejected.
      • Catholic Ireland repudiated further parleying with the British political system from within and, in effect, gave up on conciliating Irish unionist opinion.
      • Here the intention of the Prophet was not to follow the Torah but to implement from it what was conciliating with the Qur'an. i.e. the Punishment for adultery.
      • You are all the time trying to conciliate rival claims.
      • Hanna also worked with the National Civic Federation to conciliate labor strife.
      • The BGAO had tried to conciliate growing Landmark sentiment by eliminating most of the organization's financial requirements for membership.
      • This suggests that the government hopes to be able to conciliate GM crops with organic farming by including specified separation distances (still undecided) between the new and conventional organic crops.
      • And racism is conciliated if not actively promoted by the Democratic focus on winning more white voters by moving to the right while taking voters of color virtually for granted.
      • There is also talk of a different form of legal logic, one more tolerant of difference, more ‘fuzzy’ (non-Aristotelian) and capable of conciliating different particular European laws in a larger European cadre.
      reconcile, make up, settle
  • 2archaic Gain (esteem or goodwill)


    the arts which conciliate popularity


    Example sentencesExamples
    • For an urban environment, where you're trying to conciliate goodwill from the population, I could certainly see the resentment that not putting people on the street would cause.
    • Though this was hardly likely to conciliate Louis' goodwill, it gave him at least the status of belonging to a definite party.
    • Their function is, to prepare the minds of the young, "to conciliate goodwill, so that they will readily accept the prescriptions of the law."


  • conciliative

  • adjective kənˈsɪlɪətɪvkənˈsɪliədɪv
    • An immersion experience at the Irish School of Ecumenics offers theological study, a European view of ecumenism, and insight into the possibilities and pitfalls of conciliative efforts.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • They offer both wranglers a conciliative solution, which combines the best of both worlds and seemingly has only advantages for everybody.
      • It would be difficult to imagine a more moderate and conciliative proposal than this.
      • Our recent conciliative posture towards our employer calls for ongoing support for us to do what we do best: thoughtfully service the public with the highest standards achievable, from wherever they may have originated.
      • The system of arbitral and conciliative intervention was seen from the outset of last century to be a revolutionary measure imbedded by the Australian Constitution in the Commonwealth Federation.
  • conciliatoriness

  • noun-ˈsɪlɪət(ə)rɪnɪs
    • And given the passion for the game on the subcontinent, it was the Indian government's willingness to let the cricketers tour Pakistan that convinced Pakistanis that Delhi's apparent conciliatoriness was sincere.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In the eighties and nineties the Narodniks adopted a policy of conciliatoriness to tsarism, expressed the interests of the kulak class, and waged a persistent fight against Marxism.
      • If in single-handed combat one smiles at an awesome enemy, his enmity will be changed to conciliatoriness; his hostility will become a mere joke, will shrink and disappear.
      • Tolerance, conciliatoriness and forgiveness are not held in sufficiently high regard.
      • The moral rules in the Sermon on the Mount are concerned with dispositional attitudes - conciliatoriness, self-discipline, restraint, forgiveness and so on.


Mid 16th century (in sense 2): from Latin conciliat- 'combined, gained', from the verb conciliare, from concilium (see council).


affiliate, ciliate, humiliate

Definition of conciliate in US English:


[with object]
  • 1Stop (someone) from being angry or discontented; placate; pacify.


    concessions were made to conciliate the peasantry


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The shared notion of caste honour by which they had conciliated the nobility eventually proved a fatal stumbling-block to any reasonable scheme of cooperative reform.
    • When Lloyd George made a somewhat defeatist speech in Parliament in May 1941, Churchill felt no need to conciliate him.
    • Treating Islam as an aberration because of its views on martyrdom is bound to antagonise rather than conciliate Muslims.
    • He conciliated the people by his affability, brought in Englishmen to teach various handicrafts and tried to help the farmers by improving the breed of Manx horses, and, at the same time, he restricted the exactions of the Church.
    • But this assertion too would deserve some criticism, since some Arab countries are presented by western governments and media as conciliating both.
    • That meant conciliating those alienated in the meantime - Catholics and Royalists.
    • After 1603 he visited Scotland only once, in 1617, but he conciliated the gentry and, through the ‘Scottish Council’, got his way in Parliament.
    • To conciliate the Church, Descartes tried to give the impression that the Meditations was another defence (albeit a novel and irrefutable one) of the truths of religion against atheists.
    • To conciliate the soldiers, he raised their pay, creating financial problems.
    • But his promise to Inger demanded he put personal feelings aside and concentrate on conciliating her brother.
    • Henry prepared for war by conciliating surviving Ricardians and renewing foreign alliances.
    • The strain of her heavy-drinking lifestyle, increased by having to conciliate her husband, Reeves, who hung around February House like a piece of driftwood, was taking its toll.
    • Their followers trust them and look up to them; sometimes, when the pack is on the loose, it is necessary to conciliate them.
    • The Middle Ages last at least until Contarini's failure to conciliate the Protestants at the council of Ratisbon in 1540.
    • When she tracks him down at his office, she expects to be conciliated, to be appeased, but especially to be married.
    • Governments have no more urgent task than to help to conciliate individuals, corporations, institutions, and society at large with the new frontierless Universe.
    • This was and remains the most difficult problem: how to conciliate both nationalists and unionists without provoking the breakdown of constitutional politics, a violent backlash, or both.
    • The king was now indifferent to attempts to conciliate him: he gave all his attention to composing a defiant manifesto which he proposed to leave behind, denouncing all that had been done since October 1789, and much before that.
    • The Islamists on the council are said to have left angry, and it was up to Bremer to attempt to conciliate them.
    • The combine strength of these Jathas was enough to persuade Zakriya Khan, who, on the transfer of his father to Multan, had become governor of Lahore, to try to conciliate the Sikhs.
    appease, placate, pacify, mollify, propitiate, assuage, calm down, soothe, humour, reconcile, disarm, win over, make peace with
    1. 1.1no object Act as a mediator.
      he sought to conciliate in the dispute


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I am too much swung by emotion face to face, and have a tendency to conciliate and conciliate and then suddenly get irritated and strike like a viper.
      • Patricia LaMarche was even more open in conciliating with the Kerry campaign.
      • I will give you just an example - I mean, there are some words to avoid when you are mediating or conciliating.
      • On the other hand, Hayes's efforts to conciliate, obtain domestic tranquility, and to restore the President's control of his own office left a legacy on which his successors built.
      • The employers want the service to try to broker a deal with the FBU rather than conciliate between the 40 per cent demand and a rejected four per cent offer.
      • All states were obligated to submit their conflicts to arbitration, judicial settlement, or to the League Council which could investigate, conciliate, and recommend terms of settlement.
      • At the same time, Camejo conciliated with Lieutenant Governor Cruz Bustamante, the leading Democratic replacement candidate in the recall election.
      • As we have seen, it has a conciliation function through its conciliation officers with regard to cases brought in employment tribunals, but also seeks to conciliate in trade disputes.
      • Privately, they are not so sure if the country is ready for this mild-mannered man, big on principles and always ready to conciliate, one who believes that one day the meek will inherit the earth.
      • I don't count on him to fix every problem that I see, to make the changes I would make, to discipline and conciliate and comfort and honor where I would.
      • This week he is visiting Europe to conciliate, but I have to wonder if we are really at the start of a new era of transatlantic harmony.
      • Unlike Elizabeth, he saw no need to charm or conciliate.
      • Once more, trying to define a problem of women, Bemberg offered Argentine society an excuse to conciliate with itself and to be blind to its own political responsibilities.
      • In such cases the CEC then has power to investigate, mediate, or conciliate between the parties to see whether a mutually satisfactory solution can be agreed.
      • They will desperately seek to conciliate with Bush and the Republicans, try to don religious trappings, and present themselves as a more ‘moderate’ version of their bourgeois rivals.
      • He notes the instructions to governors to conciliate and protect the natives, and argues they did their best to temper the hostility of settlers.
      • At the same time the European governments seek to conciliate with Washington, they pursue their own imperialist projects.
      • They stand at a remove from the deceit and vulgarity growing at the heart of the novel, embodied by Maryna's passion for lying and display, her willingness to flatter, conciliate and compromise.
      • Firstly he legislated to restrict the Commission's power to arbitrate and, in doing so, its capacity to conciliate.
      • It protected the union's interests, kept business running smoothly and conciliated in disputes.
      mediate, act as a peacemaker, act as a mediator, arbitrate, make peace, restore harmony, reconcile differences, clear the air
    2. 1.2formal Reconcile; make compatible.
      all complaints about charges will be conciliated if possible


      Example sentencesExamples
      • And racism is conciliated if not actively promoted by the Democratic focus on winning more white voters by moving to the right while taking voters of color virtually for granted.
      • The BGAO had tried to conciliate growing Landmark sentiment by eliminating most of the organization's financial requirements for membership.
      • Catholic Ireland repudiated further parleying with the British political system from within and, in effect, gave up on conciliating Irish unionist opinion.
      • You are all the time trying to conciliate rival claims.
      • In another important aspect of the decision, the full bench said that Commissioner John Elder erred when he decided that the matter was beyond jurisdiction before attempting to conciliate it.
      • In 2003, of 2,393 investigations completed, only 242 were upheld while 75 were conciliated and 879 rejected.
      • This is one of the fundamental problems that we're all facing, especially in the federal jurisdiction: the commission doesn't have the power to conciliate matters outside of the award.
      • Wearing one of my mother's favourite dresses in hopes to conciliate the tensions of the previous day, I walked with a light step down the creaking staircase.
      • Hanna also worked with the National Civic Federation to conciliate labor strife.
      • There is also talk of a different form of legal logic, one more tolerant of difference, more ‘fuzzy’ (non-Aristotelian) and capable of conciliating different particular European laws in a larger European cadre.
      • Here the intention of the Prophet was not to follow the Torah but to implement from it what was conciliating with the Qur'an. i.e. the Punishment for adultery.
      • This suggests that the government hopes to be able to conciliate GM crops with organic farming by including specified separation distances (still undecided) between the new and conventional organic crops.
      reconcile, make up, settle
  • 2archaic Gain (esteem or goodwill)


    the arts which conciliate popularity


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Though this was hardly likely to conciliate Louis' goodwill, it gave him at least the status of belonging to a definite party.
    • For an urban environment, where you're trying to conciliate goodwill from the population, I could certainly see the resentment that not putting people on the street would cause.
    • Their function is, to prepare the minds of the young, "to conciliate goodwill, so that they will readily accept the prescriptions of the law."


Mid 16th century (in conciliate (sense 2)): from Latin conciliat- ‘combined, gained’, from the verb conciliare, from concilium (see council).





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