

单词 breakdown

Definition of breakdown in English:


  • 1A mechanical failure.


    breakdowns could totally disrupt production
    Example sentencesExamples
    • We're back-after an absence of three weeks, due to a mechanical breakdown of the printing press and an industrial dispute involving chapels of the printing unions.
    • This lack of foresight caused numerous mechanical breakdowns.
    • Like most companies, Rambus backs up its e-mail servers as a hedge against a catastrophic system breakdown.
    • Most of the contenders in the JWRC suffered mechanical breakdowns, punctures or accidents.
    • There would be system breakdown, the business would lose direction, and employees would be overcome by lethargy.
    • The disadvantage is that the line between terminals and the computer centre is, of course, subject to mechanical disturbances and breakdowns.
    • With the weather on his side and no mechanical breakdowns, it will be a good harvest.
    • Some mechanical breakdowns could be avoided if drivers properly inspected the buses before they begin their routes, as required by federal law, Scanlon said.
    • He worked on the construction of the London Eye, and was also part of a retained team of rescuers who would have been called to the attraction in the event of a mechanical breakdown or terrorist threat.
    • In the harsh environment of space, however, satellites may fail prematurely because of mechanical breakdowns, damage from solar flares, or collisions with orbiting debris.
    • A computer systems breakdown was like the straw that broke the camel's back.
    • It is, after all, free information usable for blackmail, theft or provoking a crippling system breakdown.
    • The gravel began to gouge holes in the hard rubber tires of the trucks, and the bumpier rides that resulted led to an increase in the number of mechanical breakdowns.
    • There can be no guarantee, not least because mechanical breakdowns happen from time to time, and perhaps even gradually.
    • Trash dumps, space fights, or mechanical breakdowns could all leave various sized pieces of often-viable space junk floating around.
    • Our six-game block was starting earlier than usual because of a schedule change, but our day of bowling was delayed because of a mechanical breakdown.
    • Accidents result from breakdowns in the mechanisms that practitioners use to anticipate, detect, and bridge gaps.
    • But the diagram would also assume a lot: no stuck buttons or mechanical breakdowns, and no frustrated residents walking down the hall late at night and dumping all their waste without sorting it.
    • As a side note, beware of mechanical breakdowns this week, especially on Tuesday.
    • Clacton Leisure Centre cleared the swimming pool on Friday after a mechanical breakdown.
    malfunction, failure, seizing up
    informal conking out
  • 2A failure of a relationship or system.


    a breakdown in military discipline


    a communications breakdown
    mass noun some of these women will have experienced marital breakdown


    Example sentencesExamples
    • After 2,600 words of this self-pity, Henderson is willing to take some blame for the breakdown in their relationship.
    • It is not a case of her not getting her own way at home, there is obviously a breakdown in her relationship with her mother because of her mother's new partner.
    • Sometimes it's simply a problem of a breakdown in communications or a lack of understanding about the systems.
    • This in turn can lead to prejudice and a breakdown in community relationships.
    • Professional disagreements can sometimes accentuate personal differences leading to a breakdown in working relationships - with a serious impact on patient care.
    • More specifically, the test is whether the employee's dishonesty gave rise to a breakdown in the employment relationship.
    • Do you feel responsible at all for the breakdown in the relationship with the media?
    • The town of Katima Mulilo was reported to have faced power failures and a breakdown in communications due to land lines having been affected by the rain.
    • The situation within the company is described as a complete breakdown in the relationship between the parties, a deadlock and a hostile environment.
    • ‘You formed a grudge as a result of the breakdown in the relationship,’ he said.
    • But even if the collection Scheme does become operational there is already a breakdown in the communication system that would have helped to make it more efficient.
    • The result is a pattern of estrangement that can lead to a damaging breakdown in relationships.
    • His father was furious to think that his son had been rated as his equal and this resulted in a breakdown in relationships between the two.
    • The breakdown in our relationship with God needs to be dealt with first.
    • If there's a breakdown in the parent-child relationship, an escalating game of cat and mouse involving the phone could escalate.
    • There was a complete systems failure, and a complete breakdown in relations and cooperation between the FBI and CIA.
    • If a sibling put me in this situation, I would be incredibly resentful and probably wouldn't care if my choices caused a breakdown in our relationship.
    • The course is designed to assist people who are separated and help them meet other people who have experienced a breakdown in a relationship.
    • So it is not just about a breakdown in the relationship causing questions of competence or questions of the value of the legal work that's being done, it's about predatory nature of lawyers.
    • It's wrong to let them off the hook altogether and only blame the managers, the systems and a breakdown in communications.
    failure, collapse, disintegration, foundering, falling through
    informal fizzling out
    1. 2.1 A sudden collapse in someone's mental health.
      Heather had a breakdown following the death of her sister
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This is what eventually led to his mental breakdown and the deaths of many of the heads of Britain.
      • The matching of two combatants with a history of cheating and mental breakdowns, however, just doesn't serve to fill anyone with much faith that a fair, clean finale will end matters on Friday evening.
      • Suicide, self-harm and mental breakdowns happen all the time.
      • I ended up having a mental breakdown about 9 hours before the exam and managed a C for that subject.
      • As one who has shot her mouth off while in the throes of a mental breakdown, I'm not sure I'm qualified to answer that truthfully.
      • Frontline troops are finding their tours of duty extended, causing huge morale problems and an epidemic of breakdowns and mental health problems.
      • I think my management and my lawyer are both having mental breakdowns.
      • Depression had a grip he admitted, and his problems were compounded by the stigma towards mental health and mental breakdown.
      • He's gotten over all the deaths, mental breakdowns, and abandonment he used to obsess over, and now the angst in his lyrics seems to be more a matter of commercial necessity than deeply felt personal expression.
      • Family and friends said that the past few years have been very troubling for her as she had suffered from many mental breakdowns and remained a virtual recluse.
      • It charts the decline and subsequent recovery of the then 19-year-old author, hospitalised in the late 1960s because of a mental breakdown.
      • When she disappeared for three years, rumours circulated that she had suffered a mental breakdown and her reputation as a mysterious recluse was forged.
      • Two mental breakdowns appeared to accelerate the decline in his one good eye, yet he has an awesome visual memory.
      • Though there was enough food and water on board to sustain her, she was on the verge of a mental breakdown and wouldn't eat.
      • For he presents evidence showing that emotional breakdown after a tragedy is the exception, not the rule.
      • And she had a basic breakdown of her nervous system.
      • He resigned because of ill health and in 1889 suffered a mental breakdown from which he never properly recovered.
      • I assume they wanted to see me have a mental breakdown.
      • I have wondered, with no small degree of guilt, if we contributed to her mental breakdown.
      • In fact, the house brought me close to a mental breakdown.
      nervous breakdown, (mental) collapse
      informal crack-up
  • 3The chemical or physical decomposition of something.


    the breakdown of ammonia to nitrites


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Decomposition is the breakdown of these organisms, and the release of nutrients back into the environment, and is one of the most important roles of the bacteria.
    • These fish suffer from immune system breakdown, infections, open sores, muscle loss and brain destruction.
    • But they slow mental deterioration by blocking the breakdown of the brain chemical acetylcholine.
    • A complete set of hydrolytic enzymes is designed for chemical processing and breakdown of most large molecules in the diet.
    • These are formed during the oxidative breakdown of food.
    • Over thousands to millions of years, the physical breakdown and chemical weathering of volcanic rocks have formed some of the most fertile soils on Earth.
    • Malondialdehyde, formed from the breakdown of polyunsaturated fatty acids, serves as a convenient index for determining the extent of the peroxidation reaction.
    • Some water supplies (mostly ponds and streams) contain some natural organic chemicals from the breakdown of plants and leaves.
    • The breakdown of polymeric sugars begins in the mouth.
    • The breakdown of the polymer coating is heat unit related, not triggered directly by temperature.
    • Such strong inbreeding depression could explain the maintenance of SI systems where breakdown would be expected.
    • The role of fermentative microbes is mainly in the partial breakdown of organic molecules that then serve as nutrients for the sulfate reducers and the methanogens.
    • Chemical degradation is the breakdown of pesticides by processes that do not involve living organisms.
    • Catabolism is the breakdown of complex molecules into simpler constituents, usually with the release of energy.
    • Where tobacco tissue was subjected to extended incubation in the dark, accumulated transgenic levan did not breakdown.
    • All of them block the breakdown of a brain chemical called acetylcholine that is important in memory and other intellectual functions.
    • Catabolic processes such as solubilization and breakdown of cell wall polymers dominate in this situation, although there are reports of new cell wall synthesis also occurring.
    • Holes in the ozone layer, or a global breakdown of stratospheric ozone would lead to increasing doses of ultraviolet radiation at the Earth's surface.
    • Micrite can precipitate from seawater or form from the breakdown of larger carbonate grains.
    • It can also be formed by oxidative deoxyribose breakdown or autoxidation of sugars, such as glucose, and it plays a role in the pathophysiology of diabetes and ageing.
    separation, division, break-up
    1. 3.1 An explanatory analysis, especially of statistics.
      a detailed cost breakdown


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It also gives a detailed breakdown of costs to distributors and compares this to the selling prices.
      • If you look at the authoritative breakdown of the casualty figures produced by the International Policy Institute for Counter Terrorism in Herzliya, a rather different picture emerges.
      • Like a naturopath taking a strand of hair and doing a complete cellular, system breakdown you have taken this tawdry, endless, episode and have done a fair and complete diagnosis.
      • A breakdown of the statistics by police division shows that Port-of-Spain remains the most dangerous district in the country.
      • The figures published by the Office for National Statistics give details of the total populations with age and gender breakdowns for all local authorities.
      • Ask for a detailed breakdown of programme costs.
      • In the five chapters which have tables showing the incidence of consumer or producer goods, however, the authors only allow breakdown by wealth in one of them.
      • The zoo's annual report, published yesterday, did not give a detailed breakdown of the €5 million running costs incurred during the year.
      • Under another new directive, all products containing any allergens must include details of their chemical breakdown.
      • The task group also want a breakdown and analysis of how many ethnic minority workers have been successful after applying for jobs at the council.
      • The developers have not provided a breakdown of the restoration costs which would enable a conventional assessment to be made.
      • Without categorizing attacks through all possible demographic breakdowns, the analysis of terrorism in general remains flawed.
      • The costing section provides the solicitor with a final MLSS invoice with a detailed breakdown of costs in respect of the work undertaken by the claims manger when a case settles.
      • The report from the Office for National Statistics gave a detailed breakdown of population trends using statistics taken from the 2001 Census.
      • The country-by-country breakdown clearly shows how widespread missile proliferation has become.
      • We'll offer analysis and statistical breakdowns, more photos, more of everything.
      • To support this premise, the following analysis looks at a breakdown of logistics costs as they relate to wholesale cost.
      • Only 1 other investigator provided a more comprehensive analysis of cost breakdown per cost center.
      • We establish open book costing right from the get-go and ask suppliers to provide detailed cost breakdowns.
      • Howard provides details of the 1945 manifestos of the three main parties, and a breakdown of electoral statistics.
      analysis, classification, categorization, itemization, dissection
      examination, investigation
      rare anatomization, fractionation


shakedown, takedown

Definition of breakdown in US English:


  • 1A mechanical failure.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Some mechanical breakdowns could be avoided if drivers properly inspected the buses before they begin their routes, as required by federal law, Scanlon said.
    • We're back-after an absence of three weeks, due to a mechanical breakdown of the printing press and an industrial dispute involving chapels of the printing unions.
    • Our six-game block was starting earlier than usual because of a schedule change, but our day of bowling was delayed because of a mechanical breakdown.
    • There can be no guarantee, not least because mechanical breakdowns happen from time to time, and perhaps even gradually.
    • It is, after all, free information usable for blackmail, theft or provoking a crippling system breakdown.
    • He worked on the construction of the London Eye, and was also part of a retained team of rescuers who would have been called to the attraction in the event of a mechanical breakdown or terrorist threat.
    • The gravel began to gouge holes in the hard rubber tires of the trucks, and the bumpier rides that resulted led to an increase in the number of mechanical breakdowns.
    • The disadvantage is that the line between terminals and the computer centre is, of course, subject to mechanical disturbances and breakdowns.
    • There would be system breakdown, the business would lose direction, and employees would be overcome by lethargy.
    • Most of the contenders in the JWRC suffered mechanical breakdowns, punctures or accidents.
    • In the harsh environment of space, however, satellites may fail prematurely because of mechanical breakdowns, damage from solar flares, or collisions with orbiting debris.
    • But the diagram would also assume a lot: no stuck buttons or mechanical breakdowns, and no frustrated residents walking down the hall late at night and dumping all their waste without sorting it.
    • A computer systems breakdown was like the straw that broke the camel's back.
    • Trash dumps, space fights, or mechanical breakdowns could all leave various sized pieces of often-viable space junk floating around.
    • With the weather on his side and no mechanical breakdowns, it will be a good harvest.
    • Accidents result from breakdowns in the mechanisms that practitioners use to anticipate, detect, and bridge gaps.
    • Clacton Leisure Centre cleared the swimming pool on Friday after a mechanical breakdown.
    • Like most companies, Rambus backs up its e-mail servers as a hedge against a catastrophic system breakdown.
    • As a side note, beware of mechanical breakdowns this week, especially on Tuesday.
    • This lack of foresight caused numerous mechanical breakdowns.
    malfunction, failure, seizing up
  • 2A failure of a relationship or system.


    a breakdown in military discipline


    some of these women will have experienced marital breakdown


    the breakdown of their marriage
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The result is a pattern of estrangement that can lead to a damaging breakdown in relationships.
    • The course is designed to assist people who are separated and help them meet other people who have experienced a breakdown in a relationship.
    • ‘You formed a grudge as a result of the breakdown in the relationship,’ he said.
    • It's wrong to let them off the hook altogether and only blame the managers, the systems and a breakdown in communications.
    • Sometimes it's simply a problem of a breakdown in communications or a lack of understanding about the systems.
    • If a sibling put me in this situation, I would be incredibly resentful and probably wouldn't care if my choices caused a breakdown in our relationship.
    • But even if the collection Scheme does become operational there is already a breakdown in the communication system that would have helped to make it more efficient.
    • The situation within the company is described as a complete breakdown in the relationship between the parties, a deadlock and a hostile environment.
    • Professional disagreements can sometimes accentuate personal differences leading to a breakdown in working relationships - with a serious impact on patient care.
    • This in turn can lead to prejudice and a breakdown in community relationships.
    • More specifically, the test is whether the employee's dishonesty gave rise to a breakdown in the employment relationship.
    • If there's a breakdown in the parent-child relationship, an escalating game of cat and mouse involving the phone could escalate.
    • Do you feel responsible at all for the breakdown in the relationship with the media?
    • There was a complete systems failure, and a complete breakdown in relations and cooperation between the FBI and CIA.
    • The town of Katima Mulilo was reported to have faced power failures and a breakdown in communications due to land lines having been affected by the rain.
    • It is not a case of her not getting her own way at home, there is obviously a breakdown in her relationship with her mother because of her mother's new partner.
    • So it is not just about a breakdown in the relationship causing questions of competence or questions of the value of the legal work that's being done, it's about predatory nature of lawyers.
    • After 2,600 words of this self-pity, Henderson is willing to take some blame for the breakdown in their relationship.
    • The breakdown in our relationship with God needs to be dealt with first.
    • His father was furious to think that his son had been rated as his equal and this resulted in a breakdown in relationships between the two.
    failure, collapse, disintegration, foundering, falling through
    1. 2.1 A sudden collapse in someone's mental health.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • As one who has shot her mouth off while in the throes of a mental breakdown, I'm not sure I'm qualified to answer that truthfully.
      • Two mental breakdowns appeared to accelerate the decline in his one good eye, yet he has an awesome visual memory.
      • In fact, the house brought me close to a mental breakdown.
      • For he presents evidence showing that emotional breakdown after a tragedy is the exception, not the rule.
      • I think my management and my lawyer are both having mental breakdowns.
      • And she had a basic breakdown of her nervous system.
      • Suicide, self-harm and mental breakdowns happen all the time.
      • This is what eventually led to his mental breakdown and the deaths of many of the heads of Britain.
      • The matching of two combatants with a history of cheating and mental breakdowns, however, just doesn't serve to fill anyone with much faith that a fair, clean finale will end matters on Friday evening.
      • I have wondered, with no small degree of guilt, if we contributed to her mental breakdown.
      • I assume they wanted to see me have a mental breakdown.
      • Family and friends said that the past few years have been very troubling for her as she had suffered from many mental breakdowns and remained a virtual recluse.
      • I ended up having a mental breakdown about 9 hours before the exam and managed a C for that subject.
      • He's gotten over all the deaths, mental breakdowns, and abandonment he used to obsess over, and now the angst in his lyrics seems to be more a matter of commercial necessity than deeply felt personal expression.
      • Frontline troops are finding their tours of duty extended, causing huge morale problems and an epidemic of breakdowns and mental health problems.
      • Though there was enough food and water on board to sustain her, she was on the verge of a mental breakdown and wouldn't eat.
      • It charts the decline and subsequent recovery of the then 19-year-old author, hospitalised in the late 1960s because of a mental breakdown.
      • When she disappeared for three years, rumours circulated that she had suffered a mental breakdown and her reputation as a mysterious recluse was forged.
      • He resigned because of ill health and in 1889 suffered a mental breakdown from which he never properly recovered.
      • Depression had a grip he admitted, and his problems were compounded by the stigma towards mental health and mental breakdown.
      nervous breakdown, collapse, mental collapse
  • 3The chemical or physical decomposition of something.


    the breakdown of ammonia to nitrites


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Decomposition is the breakdown of these organisms, and the release of nutrients back into the environment, and is one of the most important roles of the bacteria.
    • But they slow mental deterioration by blocking the breakdown of the brain chemical acetylcholine.
    • It can also be formed by oxidative deoxyribose breakdown or autoxidation of sugars, such as glucose, and it plays a role in the pathophysiology of diabetes and ageing.
    • The breakdown of the polymer coating is heat unit related, not triggered directly by temperature.
    • Micrite can precipitate from seawater or form from the breakdown of larger carbonate grains.
    • Over thousands to millions of years, the physical breakdown and chemical weathering of volcanic rocks have formed some of the most fertile soils on Earth.
    • Catabolic processes such as solubilization and breakdown of cell wall polymers dominate in this situation, although there are reports of new cell wall synthesis also occurring.
    • Holes in the ozone layer, or a global breakdown of stratospheric ozone would lead to increasing doses of ultraviolet radiation at the Earth's surface.
    • The role of fermentative microbes is mainly in the partial breakdown of organic molecules that then serve as nutrients for the sulfate reducers and the methanogens.
    • The breakdown of polymeric sugars begins in the mouth.
    • Such strong inbreeding depression could explain the maintenance of SI systems where breakdown would be expected.
    • These are formed during the oxidative breakdown of food.
    • Some water supplies (mostly ponds and streams) contain some natural organic chemicals from the breakdown of plants and leaves.
    • Chemical degradation is the breakdown of pesticides by processes that do not involve living organisms.
    • Catabolism is the breakdown of complex molecules into simpler constituents, usually with the release of energy.
    • Malondialdehyde, formed from the breakdown of polyunsaturated fatty acids, serves as a convenient index for determining the extent of the peroxidation reaction.
    • All of them block the breakdown of a brain chemical called acetylcholine that is important in memory and other intellectual functions.
    • Where tobacco tissue was subjected to extended incubation in the dark, accumulated transgenic levan did not breakdown.
    • These fish suffer from immune system breakdown, infections, open sores, muscle loss and brain destruction.
    • A complete set of hydrolytic enzymes is designed for chemical processing and breakdown of most large molecules in the diet.
    separation, division, break-up
    1. 3.1 An explanatory analysis, especially of statistics.
      a detailed cost breakdown


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It also gives a detailed breakdown of costs to distributors and compares this to the selling prices.
      • In the five chapters which have tables showing the incidence of consumer or producer goods, however, the authors only allow breakdown by wealth in one of them.
      • The costing section provides the solicitor with a final MLSS invoice with a detailed breakdown of costs in respect of the work undertaken by the claims manger when a case settles.
      • Without categorizing attacks through all possible demographic breakdowns, the analysis of terrorism in general remains flawed.
      • The task group also want a breakdown and analysis of how many ethnic minority workers have been successful after applying for jobs at the council.
      • The zoo's annual report, published yesterday, did not give a detailed breakdown of the €5 million running costs incurred during the year.
      • The figures published by the Office for National Statistics give details of the total populations with age and gender breakdowns for all local authorities.
      • Like a naturopath taking a strand of hair and doing a complete cellular, system breakdown you have taken this tawdry, endless, episode and have done a fair and complete diagnosis.
      • The developers have not provided a breakdown of the restoration costs which would enable a conventional assessment to be made.
      • Only 1 other investigator provided a more comprehensive analysis of cost breakdown per cost center.
      • The country-by-country breakdown clearly shows how widespread missile proliferation has become.
      • If you look at the authoritative breakdown of the casualty figures produced by the International Policy Institute for Counter Terrorism in Herzliya, a rather different picture emerges.
      • To support this premise, the following analysis looks at a breakdown of logistics costs as they relate to wholesale cost.
      • We'll offer analysis and statistical breakdowns, more photos, more of everything.
      • Under another new directive, all products containing any allergens must include details of their chemical breakdown.
      • Ask for a detailed breakdown of programme costs.
      • The report from the Office for National Statistics gave a detailed breakdown of population trends using statistics taken from the 2001 Census.
      • We establish open book costing right from the get-go and ask suppliers to provide detailed cost breakdowns.
      • Howard provides details of the 1945 manifestos of the three main parties, and a breakdown of electoral statistics.
      • A breakdown of the statistics by police division shows that Port-of-Spain remains the most dangerous district in the country.
      analysis, classification, categorization, itemization, dissection
  • 4A lively, energetic American country dance.





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