‘The Audio Bullys‘aren't just great - they're chuffing fantastic!
Partly hidden though it was by a nearby apartment block, there's no mistaking it in silhouette: a chuffing great, perfectly symmetrical trapezoid, towering on the horizon and always, always far bigger than you expect it to be.
So being the polite chap I am, I had to get to the back of the chuffing queue
Obviously most people visit Windsor in chuffing big air-conditioned coaches, and - on the evidence of yesterday - most coach tours now seem to also insist on a uniform for all passengers.
The Day Job hangs over me like the sword of chuffing Damocles.
I'm included on this thing, although I haven't a chuffing clue what any of it means.
I can only study at home when Thomas has gone off to bed, and what with one thing and another I'm left with about an hour a night to work my way through these chuffing text books.
Mind you, the meal that resulted from my middle-class organic shopping spree was chuffing gorgeous.
‘We don't need any chuffing GPS’ he says in his distinctly upper-crust, yet man-of-the-world accent.
Of course, it still could be that when I get to the Arena no-one will know a chuffing thing, in which case there may be a retraction on Saturday…
Sorry to keep banging on about the same old subject, but is there any stopping chuffing Chelsea?