Apart from tasting traditional Xhosa food - from kudu steaks to samp and beans and stywe pap - the Canadians will be licking their fingers as they tuck into specially made Springbok wors.
In one of his letters, he said he saved the dried wors that we sent to him to eat a piece with his supper every night.
Other items include a finger lunch of meat dishes, vegetables and salads or a braai menu of chicken peri-peri, rump steak, traditional wors served with pap, rolls, roasted potato and tomato gravy.
She's in charge of catering at the World Summit, making sure delegates get putu and wors instead of the caviar served at the last gathering of heads of state concerned about world hunger.
Hope you've managed to place your order by now Johan and that you're enjoying the chops and wors with a bit of the spice over it.
If Her Royal Highness wants to hold a worsbraai at Buckingham Palace, she can easily find out if your wors really is fit for royalty.