A curve in space–time joining the positions of a particle throughout its existence.
Example sentencesExamples
It does possess conserved quantities, its world line does constitute a causal process, and it is not capable of moving faster than the speed of light.
Figure 4 shows the spacetime cylinder slit open along Albert's world line and flattened to a rectangle.
The proper time is not the same as the coordinate time, namely the time that would be measured for the same events along the world line by an ideal clock at the origin of the coordinate system.
But then we have a problem, because a string oscillates in space and time, and as it oscillates, it sweeps out a two-dimensional surface in spacetime that we call a world sheet (compared with the world line of a particle).
As in the classical twin paradox, an observer at rest relative to the preferred inertial frame measures the longest proper time between any two events on his or her world line; moving observers always measure less.
Definition of world line in US English:
world line
nounˈwərld ˌlīn
A curve in space-time joining the positions of a particle throughout its existence.
Example sentencesExamples
But then we have a problem, because a string oscillates in space and time, and as it oscillates, it sweeps out a two-dimensional surface in spacetime that we call a world sheet (compared with the world line of a particle).
Figure 4 shows the spacetime cylinder slit open along Albert's world line and flattened to a rectangle.
As in the classical twin paradox, an observer at rest relative to the preferred inertial frame measures the longest proper time between any two events on his or her world line; moving observers always measure less.
The proper time is not the same as the coordinate time, namely the time that would be measured for the same events along the world line by an ideal clock at the origin of the coordinate system.
It does possess conserved quantities, its world line does constitute a causal process, and it is not capable of moving faster than the speed of light.