

单词 trunk

Definition of trunk in English:


noun trʌŋktrəŋk
  • 1The main woody stem of a tree as distinct from its branches and roots.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In the latter sampling period, the stem was further divided into the main trunk and branches.
    • Scaling studies of other species have suggested that the entire tree, including the trunk, may bend in response to wind.
    • These gray or gray-green plants live on the branches and trunks of the trees, but they are not parasitic.
    • As it puts down roots, the trunk shoots up and branches spread out.
    • Both have woody trunks and woody roots as well as stipulate leaf bases.
    • Regeneration occurs from the branches or the trunk of fallen trees that root into the underlying soil.
    • Archaeopteris was a true tree, with a woody trunk, xylem, secondary cambium, and leaves.
    • Paris admired him from behind the trunk of a deciduous tree.
    • Subsequently, poplar trees were divided into leaves, trunk and roots.
    • The steel columns holding up the roof will resemble the trunks and branches of trees.
    • Again, if we expose some surface roots at the base of the trunk as in old trees, an appearance of age can be achieved.
    • The distance travelled by fruits after their dispersal was measured from the base of the trunk of respective trees.
    • In woody plants, the cambial layer in the trunk, branches and roots also retains proliferative capacity.
    • Whether the tree is large or small, the key is to prune the unwanted branch while protecting the stem or trunk wood of the tree.
    • Trees with large trunks and deep anchoring roots represent the ultimate challenge in withstanding oxygen-deprivation in wetland habitats.
    • He then sat down with his back to Hunter and Jason and began rooting through the fallen trunk of a tree.
    • The nest is typically located in dense foliage on a horizontal branch near the trunk of a tree, or in a vertical fork.
    • With age, the trunk of the tree gets thicker while the root base remains stunted inside the concrete pavements.
    • The trunk and branches of trees can be used as mulch for gardens, park or animal stalls.
    • Many plants have a number of distinct organs: roots, stems or trunks, leaves, fertile parts.
    main stem, bole, stock
    1. 1.1 The main part of an artery, nerve, or other anatomical structure from which smaller branches arise.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The main trunk of the stapedial artery atrophies and its origin from the internal carotid disappears.
      • A lateral internal thoracic artery may arise from the thyrocervical trunk.
      • The posterior communicating artery is sometimes joined with the middle cerebral artery instead of the trunk of the internal carotid.
      • These plaques can extend to the great veins, coronary sinus, pulmonary trunk, and main pulmonary arteries.
      • The facial artery may arise by a common trunk with the lingual.
    2. 1.2 An enclosed shaft or conduit for cables or ventilation.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Workers cleaned and repaired the Baghdad trunk sewer line and its associated manholes and pumping stations.
      • Over the last 25 years work has been carried out on upgrading and refurbishing the old drainage system and providing new trunk sewers.
      • The scheme comprised the construction of a low-level 1200 mm. diameter tunnel connected into the Thames Water trunk sewer.
      • We have also strange and artificial echoes and we have means to convey sounds in trunks and pipes in strange lines and distances.
      • Tailor-welded blanks are used in the doors, but the trunk is laser welded and built with two sets of tools.
  • 2A person's or animal's body apart from the limbs and head.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • This was in her right face, trunk and limbs for the pins and needles, and just mild problems swallowing.
    • You can extend one arm beyond the other and keep them both straight by twisting the trunk of your body, and rolling at the shoulders.
    • The rash usually starts on the trunk of the body in red bumps.
    • The second stage ensues one to four days later with an erythematous maculopapular rash on the trunk and limbs, which may spread to involve large areas.
    • They may move their trunk and limbs in meaningless ways.
    • Cross-unders can be quick and precise because the legs have less mass than the trunk of the body.
    • They are quadriplegics, whose injuries or illnesses affect all four limbs and the trunk.
    • Gradually, the patient developed dystonic posturing of limbs and trunks, had difficulty in walking, dysarthria, drooling of saliva with tremor of limbs.
    • Most of the children have burns to the trunk and limbs and therefore find it fairly easy to hide their scars and pressure garments under tracksuits and high collared, long sleeved shirts.
    • They are most often found on the trunk of the body and on the arms and legs.
    • These effects of microgravity can be reduced by special regimes which exercise the muscles, especially those of the trunk and lower limbs.
    • Approximately 80% occur on the head and neck, with the rest mainly on the trunk and lower limbs, particularly in women.
    • Furthermore, this winding and unwinding of power in the trunk of the body requires fairly strong legs as well to stabilize the swing.
    • They are unlike chickenpox, which develops first on the trunk of the body and is seen in various stages of development.
    • The somites, now positioned on either side of the neural tube, give rise to the vertebrae and ribs, to the muscles of the trunk and limbs, and also contribute to the dermis of the skin.
    • Pressure ulcers were located either on the trunk or nontrunk areas of the body.
    • The rash starts on the face and ears and gradually spreads to the trunk and limbs.
    • It typically starts as one large spot, usually on the trunk of the body, and then spreads.
    • A core-focused routine exercises the muscles that support and align the spine, and the stabilizer muscles of the body trunk.
    • Dry skin occurs most commonly on the arms and legs, but can also affect the trunk of the body.
    torso, body
  • 3The elongated, prehensile nose of an elephant.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Initially, the mahout guides the elephant's trunk over the canvas and offers rewards for good performance.
    • The trunk is actually an elongation of the nose and has nostrils on the tip.
    • The elephants nosed their trunks toward the stream, taking sips with two finger-like appendages.
    • The tip of the Asian elephant trunk contains both Pacinian and Meissner corpuscles.
    • Its trunk allows an elephant to lift a log weighing a ton or more, shell a peanut, and detect odors up to five miles away.
    • The trunk of an Asian elephant is so exquisitely prehensile that it can pick up a dime from a concrete floor.
    • Elephant trunks and tongues are other examples of a muscular hydrostat.
    • Elephant trunks are so powerful, they can kill a person with one swipe, Fay said.
    • The first man felt the trunk of the elephant, the second the leg, the third the ear.
    • The mammals investigate remains with their feet and trunks, paying special attention to the skulls and tusks of even long-dead elephants.
    • The cameras also showed the elephants standing with their trunks to the ground, as though they were listening, which is probably what they were doing, given that the trunk is also packed with vibration sensors.
    • As this was going on, a clown dressed in a prisoner uniform was led out by two baby elephants, their tiny trunks holding him by his powder white gloves.
    • It was a mosaic of an elephant, his trunk raised to the sky, head tilted back, tusks raised.
    • The mucus inside the male elephant's trunk helps deliver a concentrated whiff of the seductive scent.
    • The bones belong to an animal in the order Proboscidea - large mammals with trunks - the same order that includes living elephants.
    • It uses its trunk, or proboscis, to gather food and water and also to play, fight, feel its surroundings and detect smells.
    • The White Elephant waved his trunk around at the village.
    proboscis, nose, snout
  • 4A large box with a hinged lid for storing or transporting clothes and other articles.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • She set her clothes inside her trunk and closed the door.
    • Rolling onto her feet, she walked to her dresser and began to lay her clothes into an old trunk.
    • Two trunks with property are stored under the bed, and also two TVs, one on a fold-out desk, the other on a shelf for the top bunk.
    • Krystal showed the girls to her trunk full of clothes and she gave everyone an outfit, which they put on without hesitating.
    • Waking up and stretching everything that happened last night came back to her and she shook in off and went to the garage to get her clothes out of her trunk.
    • I dragged in the trunk filled with clothes that Annie and Katie had selected on that big shopping trip we had gone on before I left.
    • She simply nodded, and then began to walk, not even bothering to take any clothes out of the trunk to take with them.
    • Mike put his old clothes in the trunk, and put on his new ones.
    • She was glad she kept an extra change of clothes in her trunk.
    • Instead she rummaged through the trunk to find some clothes.
    • And to make matters even more interesting, their emperor has found a whole trunk of new clothes.
    • These tiny documents were purchased by a flea market trader in a trunk stored in the attic of a prominent Savannah family during the dispersal of an estate.
    • I was allowed to follow her into the tiny rectangular storeroom where everyone's clothes and certificates were kept in many sized boxes, trunks, cartons and files.
    • I had a huge trunk with my clothes and other personal items closed safely inside.
    • Sighing, she grabbed her trunk full of clothes and a canvas bag full of other miscellaneous items, and trudged out the door.
    • She looked through the trunk of clothes kept at the hotel.
    • She took her few clothes from her trunk and walked to the wardrobe with them.
    • I yelled as I opened the door and saw Annette, who was throwing clothes into her trunk.
    • So, I went next door to help her get out of her evening gown and fold some of her day things and store them in her trunk.
    • I had no other choice though; no change of clothes in the trunk, and even if there were, I doubt it'd be acceptable.
    chest, box, storage box, crate, coffer
    suitcase, case, portmanteau
    South African kist
    1. 4.1North American An enclosed space at the back of a car for carrying luggage and other goods; a boot.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Finally, I chugged the last piece of luggage into the trunk of the car, and slammed it shut.
      • He lifted my luggage out of the trunk and carried it up the stairs, hardly granting me a look as he passed us and went inside.
      • The right amount of trunk space in a rental car is crucial to getting your golf trip started right.
      • We three burst out of the car, grabbed the luggage from the trunk, and just as the bus came up behind us, said our quick good byes even while jogging towards the bus.
      • Kim sighed and opened the car door, not bothering to unpack the luggage from the trunk.
      • Both the rear seat and trunk get decent space, and sliding in and out of the car is considerably easier.
      • Eli put Fiona's entire luggage in the trunk and instructed her to get in the car.
      • The luggage went in the trunk, the suits were hung from the hook in the backseat and the console was filled with CDs.
      • Right now we don't generate enough to have a car with a very heavy frame, trunk space, glove compartment, cup holders and air conditioning.
      • They walked into the warehouse and left their luggage in the car trunk.
      • We got my luggage in the trunk, and when the driver got into his seat, I was left standing awkwardly with my mom, not knowing what to say.
      • Finally we pulled into the garage and we each grabbed some luggage from the trunk.
      • He reached our car and threw the last of our luggage into the trunk.
      • Cat tried to pull their luggage out of the trunk of the car, all the while arguing with Peter on the cell phone.
      • I slid my brother's ring on and off my fingers as I leaned against the passenger seat of my car, waiting for Kes to put the last of her luggage in the trunk.
      • My parents were suddenly relegated to the back seat of our station wagon and my brother and I were stuffed in the trunk with the luggage.
      • After they loaded their luggage into the trunk everyone climbed into the car and followed the directions to the hotel they'd be staying at.
      • Dominic turned around in his seat to look behind him - all their luggage was in the trunk, but the backseat was filled with little odds and ends.
      • We both got out of the car and pulled her luggage from the trunk.
      • After I parked my car in the garage, I took my luggage from the trunk and searched for my house key.
      luggage compartment


  • trunkful

  • nounPlural trunkfuls ˈtrʌŋkfʊlˈtrəŋkˌfʊl
    • The elephants are shovelling great trunkfuls of fruit into their mouths.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Find ideas in these pages, then gather an armload of blazing branches or bring home a trunkful of gourds or pumpkins for decorating.
      • He'd driven there from Denver a few days earlier with a trunkful of books and a whole lot of clothes.
      • Much of the fashion is museum quality eighteenth and nineteenth century costumes, including trunkfuls of grand Russian court ball gowns.
      • You won't catch us sniggering at the idea of someone packing a trunkful of jeans for different leg-size days.
  • trunkless

  • adjective
    • But this tapirlike animal seems to have been trunkless.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Sporadically interspersed with the trees are stands of trunkless Attalea palms, from which the brown capuchins forage for the palm nuts - an unlikely habitat to find monkeys at all, let alone capuchins.


Late Middle English: from Old French tronc, from Latin truncus.

  • Trunk comes via Old French from Latin truncus ‘the main stem of a tree’. The word has branched out in several directions. The meaning ‘a tree's main stem’ is behind the sense ‘the human body’ and others with the notion of a central connection, such as trunk road. The ‘chest, box’ meaning arose because early trunks were made out of tree trunks. The circular shape of a tree trunk prompted another branch referring to cylindrical hollow objects, including, in the 16th century, the elephant's trunk. In the 16th and early 17th centuries men wore trunk-hose, full breeches extending to the upper thighs and sometimes padded, worn over tights. The style went out of fashion, but in the theatre actors wore short light breeches over tights, which they called trunks. In late 19th-century America men's shorts for swimming or boxing took over the name. Truncheon (Middle English) comes from the same root. In early use this referred to a piece broken off from, for example, a spear and was also a word for a cudgel. The word came to refer to a staff carried as a symbol of office from the late 16th century and eventually (late 19th century) to a short club carried by a police officer. Truncate (Late Middle English) is unconnected, being from Latin truncare ‘maim’.


bunk, chunk, clunk, drunk, dunk, flunk, funk, gunk, hunk, Monck, monk, plunk, shrunk, skunk, slunk, stunk, sunk, thunk

Definition of trunk in US English:


  • 1The main woody stem of a tree as distinct from its branches and roots.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In woody plants, the cambial layer in the trunk, branches and roots also retains proliferative capacity.
    • Whether the tree is large or small, the key is to prune the unwanted branch while protecting the stem or trunk wood of the tree.
    • Paris admired him from behind the trunk of a deciduous tree.
    • In the latter sampling period, the stem was further divided into the main trunk and branches.
    • Regeneration occurs from the branches or the trunk of fallen trees that root into the underlying soil.
    • Archaeopteris was a true tree, with a woody trunk, xylem, secondary cambium, and leaves.
    • As it puts down roots, the trunk shoots up and branches spread out.
    • Trees with large trunks and deep anchoring roots represent the ultimate challenge in withstanding oxygen-deprivation in wetland habitats.
    • Many plants have a number of distinct organs: roots, stems or trunks, leaves, fertile parts.
    • The steel columns holding up the roof will resemble the trunks and branches of trees.
    • Scaling studies of other species have suggested that the entire tree, including the trunk, may bend in response to wind.
    • With age, the trunk of the tree gets thicker while the root base remains stunted inside the concrete pavements.
    • Subsequently, poplar trees were divided into leaves, trunk and roots.
    • Again, if we expose some surface roots at the base of the trunk as in old trees, an appearance of age can be achieved.
    • He then sat down with his back to Hunter and Jason and began rooting through the fallen trunk of a tree.
    • These gray or gray-green plants live on the branches and trunks of the trees, but they are not parasitic.
    • The distance travelled by fruits after their dispersal was measured from the base of the trunk of respective trees.
    • The nest is typically located in dense foliage on a horizontal branch near the trunk of a tree, or in a vertical fork.
    • The trunk and branches of trees can be used as mulch for gardens, park or animal stalls.
    • Both have woody trunks and woody roots as well as stipulate leaf bases.
    main stem, bole, stock
    1. 1.1 The main part of an artery, nerve, or other anatomical structure from which smaller branches arise.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • These plaques can extend to the great veins, coronary sinus, pulmonary trunk, and main pulmonary arteries.
      • A lateral internal thoracic artery may arise from the thyrocervical trunk.
      • The main trunk of the stapedial artery atrophies and its origin from the internal carotid disappears.
      • The posterior communicating artery is sometimes joined with the middle cerebral artery instead of the trunk of the internal carotid.
      • The facial artery may arise by a common trunk with the lingual.
    2. 1.2
      short for trunk line
    3. 1.3 An enclosed shaft or conduit for cables or ventilation.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Workers cleaned and repaired the Baghdad trunk sewer line and its associated manholes and pumping stations.
      • The scheme comprised the construction of a low-level 1200 mm. diameter tunnel connected into the Thames Water trunk sewer.
      • Over the last 25 years work has been carried out on upgrading and refurbishing the old drainage system and providing new trunk sewers.
      • We have also strange and artificial echoes and we have means to convey sounds in trunks and pipes in strange lines and distances.
      • Tailor-welded blanks are used in the doors, but the trunk is laser welded and built with two sets of tools.
  • 2A person's or animal's body apart from the limbs and head.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Most of the children have burns to the trunk and limbs and therefore find it fairly easy to hide their scars and pressure garments under tracksuits and high collared, long sleeved shirts.
    • A core-focused routine exercises the muscles that support and align the spine, and the stabilizer muscles of the body trunk.
    • Gradually, the patient developed dystonic posturing of limbs and trunks, had difficulty in walking, dysarthria, drooling of saliva with tremor of limbs.
    • The rash starts on the face and ears and gradually spreads to the trunk and limbs.
    • The rash usually starts on the trunk of the body in red bumps.
    • They may move their trunk and limbs in meaningless ways.
    • They are unlike chickenpox, which develops first on the trunk of the body and is seen in various stages of development.
    • You can extend one arm beyond the other and keep them both straight by twisting the trunk of your body, and rolling at the shoulders.
    • Furthermore, this winding and unwinding of power in the trunk of the body requires fairly strong legs as well to stabilize the swing.
    • Dry skin occurs most commonly on the arms and legs, but can also affect the trunk of the body.
    • Pressure ulcers were located either on the trunk or nontrunk areas of the body.
    • This was in her right face, trunk and limbs for the pins and needles, and just mild problems swallowing.
    • It typically starts as one large spot, usually on the trunk of the body, and then spreads.
    • The second stage ensues one to four days later with an erythematous maculopapular rash on the trunk and limbs, which may spread to involve large areas.
    • Approximately 80% occur on the head and neck, with the rest mainly on the trunk and lower limbs, particularly in women.
    • Cross-unders can be quick and precise because the legs have less mass than the trunk of the body.
    • They are quadriplegics, whose injuries or illnesses affect all four limbs and the trunk.
    • They are most often found on the trunk of the body and on the arms and legs.
    • The somites, now positioned on either side of the neural tube, give rise to the vertebrae and ribs, to the muscles of the trunk and limbs, and also contribute to the dermis of the skin.
    • These effects of microgravity can be reduced by special regimes which exercise the muscles, especially those of the trunk and lower limbs.
    torso, body
  • 3The elongated, prehensile nose of an elephant.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The mammals investigate remains with their feet and trunks, paying special attention to the skulls and tusks of even long-dead elephants.
    • The trunk is actually an elongation of the nose and has nostrils on the tip.
    • The first man felt the trunk of the elephant, the second the leg, the third the ear.
    • Initially, the mahout guides the elephant's trunk over the canvas and offers rewards for good performance.
    • The trunk of an Asian elephant is so exquisitely prehensile that it can pick up a dime from a concrete floor.
    • It uses its trunk, or proboscis, to gather food and water and also to play, fight, feel its surroundings and detect smells.
    • Its trunk allows an elephant to lift a log weighing a ton or more, shell a peanut, and detect odors up to five miles away.
    • It was a mosaic of an elephant, his trunk raised to the sky, head tilted back, tusks raised.
    • The tip of the Asian elephant trunk contains both Pacinian and Meissner corpuscles.
    • The mucus inside the male elephant's trunk helps deliver a concentrated whiff of the seductive scent.
    • The elephants nosed their trunks toward the stream, taking sips with two finger-like appendages.
    • The bones belong to an animal in the order Proboscidea - large mammals with trunks - the same order that includes living elephants.
    • The White Elephant waved his trunk around at the village.
    • Elephant trunks are so powerful, they can kill a person with one swipe, Fay said.
    • The cameras also showed the elephants standing with their trunks to the ground, as though they were listening, which is probably what they were doing, given that the trunk is also packed with vibration sensors.
    • As this was going on, a clown dressed in a prisoner uniform was led out by two baby elephants, their tiny trunks holding him by his powder white gloves.
    • Elephant trunks and tongues are other examples of a muscular hydrostat.
    proboscis, nose, snout
  • 4A large box with a hinged lid for storing or transporting clothes and other articles.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Mike put his old clothes in the trunk, and put on his new ones.
    • Instead she rummaged through the trunk to find some clothes.
    • Two trunks with property are stored under the bed, and also two TVs, one on a fold-out desk, the other on a shelf for the top bunk.
    • Krystal showed the girls to her trunk full of clothes and she gave everyone an outfit, which they put on without hesitating.
    • She simply nodded, and then began to walk, not even bothering to take any clothes out of the trunk to take with them.
    • I was allowed to follow her into the tiny rectangular storeroom where everyone's clothes and certificates were kept in many sized boxes, trunks, cartons and files.
    • She took her few clothes from her trunk and walked to the wardrobe with them.
    • So, I went next door to help her get out of her evening gown and fold some of her day things and store them in her trunk.
    • These tiny documents were purchased by a flea market trader in a trunk stored in the attic of a prominent Savannah family during the dispersal of an estate.
    • And to make matters even more interesting, their emperor has found a whole trunk of new clothes.
    • Sighing, she grabbed her trunk full of clothes and a canvas bag full of other miscellaneous items, and trudged out the door.
    • She looked through the trunk of clothes kept at the hotel.
    • She set her clothes inside her trunk and closed the door.
    • She was glad she kept an extra change of clothes in her trunk.
    • I yelled as I opened the door and saw Annette, who was throwing clothes into her trunk.
    • I had a huge trunk with my clothes and other personal items closed safely inside.
    • I dragged in the trunk filled with clothes that Annie and Katie had selected on that big shopping trip we had gone on before I left.
    • Waking up and stretching everything that happened last night came back to her and she shook in off and went to the garage to get her clothes out of her trunk.
    • I had no other choice though; no change of clothes in the trunk, and even if there were, I doubt it'd be acceptable.
    • Rolling onto her feet, she walked to her dresser and began to lay her clothes into an old trunk.
    chest, box, storage box, crate, coffer
    1. 4.1North American An enclosed space at the back of a car for carrying luggage and other goods.
      British term boot
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He lifted my luggage out of the trunk and carried it up the stairs, hardly granting me a look as he passed us and went inside.
      • Right now we don't generate enough to have a car with a very heavy frame, trunk space, glove compartment, cup holders and air conditioning.
      • Both the rear seat and trunk get decent space, and sliding in and out of the car is considerably easier.
      • The luggage went in the trunk, the suits were hung from the hook in the backseat and the console was filled with CDs.
      • After I parked my car in the garage, I took my luggage from the trunk and searched for my house key.
      • Cat tried to pull their luggage out of the trunk of the car, all the while arguing with Peter on the cell phone.
      • I slid my brother's ring on and off my fingers as I leaned against the passenger seat of my car, waiting for Kes to put the last of her luggage in the trunk.
      • After they loaded their luggage into the trunk everyone climbed into the car and followed the directions to the hotel they'd be staying at.
      • Kim sighed and opened the car door, not bothering to unpack the luggage from the trunk.
      • They walked into the warehouse and left their luggage in the car trunk.
      • My parents were suddenly relegated to the back seat of our station wagon and my brother and I were stuffed in the trunk with the luggage.
      • He reached our car and threw the last of our luggage into the trunk.
      • We got my luggage in the trunk, and when the driver got into his seat, I was left standing awkwardly with my mom, not knowing what to say.
      • Dominic turned around in his seat to look behind him - all their luggage was in the trunk, but the backseat was filled with little odds and ends.
      • The right amount of trunk space in a rental car is crucial to getting your golf trip started right.
      • We both got out of the car and pulled her luggage from the trunk.
      • We three burst out of the car, grabbed the luggage from the trunk, and just as the bus came up behind us, said our quick good byes even while jogging towards the bus.
      • Finally, I chugged the last piece of luggage into the trunk of the car, and slammed it shut.
      • Finally we pulled into the garage and we each grabbed some luggage from the trunk.
      • Eli put Fiona's entire luggage in the trunk and instructed her to get in the car.
      luggage compartment


Late Middle English: from Old French tronc, from Latin truncus.





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