The minimum amount of time needed to stimulate a muscle or nerve fiber, using an electric current twice the strength required to elicit a threshold response.
Example sentencesExamples
The repeated detection of stimulus threshold values and the chronaxie contributes to adapting the pulse delivery and thus the energy delivery to the changing needs of the patient.
Ganglion cells would be expected to have a chronaxie of less than 1 millisecond like other central nervous system neurons, whereas non-spiking deeper cells have longer chronaxies.
The chronaxies of the directly stimulated elements mediating the delay ranged from 0.13 to 0.24 ms.
There were no regular changes revealed in the rheobase of the muscle chronaxie and chronaxie of the defensive reflex after the introduction of Br/sup 82/.
The following diagram will assist you in calculating rheobase and chronaxie for your nerve.
Definition of chronaxie in US English:
The minimum amount of time needed to stimulate a muscle or nerve fiber, using an electric current twice the strength required to elicit a threshold response.
Example sentencesExamples
The chronaxies of the directly stimulated elements mediating the delay ranged from 0.13 to 0.24 ms.
The following diagram will assist you in calculating rheobase and chronaxie for your nerve.
There were no regular changes revealed in the rheobase of the muscle chronaxie and chronaxie of the defensive reflex after the introduction of Br/sup 82/.
The repeated detection of stimulus threshold values and the chronaxie contributes to adapting the pulse delivery and thus the energy delivery to the changing needs of the patient.
Ganglion cells would be expected to have a chronaxie of less than 1 millisecond like other central nervous system neurons, whereas non-spiking deeper cells have longer chronaxies.