

单词 tarnish

Definition of tarnish in English:


verb ˈtɑːnɪʃˈtɑrnɪʃ
  • 1Lose or cause to lose lustre, especially as a result of exposure to air or moisture.


    no object silver tarnishes too easily


    with object lemon juice would tarnish the gilded metal


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Platinum is a relatively inactive metal that does not corrode or tarnish in air.
    • All of the crockery was chipped, and what little silver they possessed was tarnished to a dull black.
    • The paintings are made so that, as the silver tarnishes, certain aspects of expression are revealed that would not originally have been seen.
    • Where I come from, the silver tarnishes when it is exposed to the air.
    • Suddenly, another tarnished piece of silver came into view, identical to the other one.
    • The jewelers recommend storing your plated pieces in a jewelry box, away from heat and moisture, which can cause tarnishing.
    • It was more tarnished metal than glass, and was covered in a sheen of dried soap.
    • The still waters have lost their clarity, tarnished by the ominous clouds that overhang the harbour.
    • The platinum jewellery has a lustre which is unique and does not fade or get tarnished.
    • When fresh, some acanthite is brilliant and lustrous but tarnishes to a relatively dull black upon exposure.
    • He knew it couldn't actually be silver, it would have tarnished, but he didn't think it was steel or aluminum either.
    • It can tarnish silverware and discolor copper and brass utensils.
    • Readers reminded us that gold, which does not tarnish or corrode, is used in contacts and connectors in telephones, computers, and other electronic products.
    • He seldom applied surface decoration other than subtly toned lacquers to protect the metal against tarnishing.
    • Metals tarnish when their surface atoms react with gaseous substances in the air.
    • Once upon a time it had been gilded, but now the gilding seemed to be tarnishing and flaking - evidently no one came in here to touch up these days.
    • The metal is tarnished, so I get the toothpaste from the bathroom and put some on my finger.
    • Blackened lead white can be treated by oxidizing but oxygen will tarnish any silver.
    • The sawed surfaces were coated with an epoxy sealer to keep the copper from tarnishing and to enhance their appearance.
    • The chain was silver and tarnished in some places, from it hung a small stone.
    become discoloured, discolour, stain, rust, oxidize, corrode, deteriorate
    become dull, lose its shine, lose its lustre, blacken, become black
    dull, make dull, dim, blacken, make black, discolour, stain, rust, oxidize, corrode
    1. 1.1 Make or become less valuable or respected.
      with object his regime had not been tarnished by human rights abuses


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But all the gold and the glory will be tarnished if basic rights - including free speech - are lacking.
      • The disqualification of Greece's two top sprinters hardly tarnishes the Olympic gold standard as some seem to think.
      • Ibrahim, an Egyptian-American democracy activist and academic, was jailed in July for tarnishing Egypt's image abroad and misappropriating funds.
      • Musharraf told a press conference Saturday that he succeeded in selling a positive image of Pakistan abroad and that the attack might have been aimed at tarnishing the gains of his tour.
      • In science, reputation is all and it is easily tarnished.
      • I truly hope that those who were in the wrong feel the guilt they should for tarnishing the school's good name and making the end of the 2005 class's school career so negative.
      • The thing about pure causes - that glorious end that justifies despicable means - is that they tarnish so easily in the heat of battle.
      • Such companies face an increased risk of tarnishing their image by igniting privacy concerns.
      • But it's nonsense to suggest that they tarnish the lustre of the work that they're following.
      • But if the governor proposes anything short of that, he could see his efforts fail in the legislature, tarnishing his image with moderates, even in his own party.
      • Pasiya threatened legal action against those individuals who are tarnishing the image of his club by associating them with the match-fixing allegations.
      • He's managed to alienate allies with his foreign policy, tarnishing America's image in the world, punting our claims to moral leadership.
      • Canis lupus represented the only native species missing from Yellowstone, tarnishing the conservation record of America's ‘crown jewel’.
      • The final possibility is that Nike wants to improve Converse shoes and sell higher volumes through discount retailers, instead of tarnishing the Nike image by selling low end Nikes.
      • With money well invested and his health fine, the 36-year-old champion is considering going out on top rather than fighting until his skills fade and tarnishing his legacy.
      • But that also might be a result of canny marketing: no sponsor would wish her to tarnish her image by playing in - and perhaps losing - too many tournaments.
      • Only sheer audacity would enable an author to rewrite the history of a nation's seminal figures, tarnishing the name of Judaism's noble ancestors.
      • He complained that some aspiring candidates at the forth-coming elections were only bent on tarnishing the image of rugby in Zambia when the sport had gained ground in corporate relationships.
      • He also notes that unofficial appeals often conflate issues of legality and religion, inevitably tarnishing Amnesty's more measured approach.
      • And those who were seemingly immortal in their event, like Moses, probably have the most to lose in that being beaten will tarnish the public's memories of their greatness.
      sully, besmirch, blacken, smirch, stain, blemish, blot, taint, soil, befoul, spoil, ruin, dirty, disgrace, mar, damage, defame, calumniate, injure, harm, hurt, undermine, debase, degrade, denigrate, dishonour, stigmatize, vitiate, drag through the mud
noun ˈtɑːnɪʃˈtɑrnɪʃ
mass noun
  • 1Dullness of colour; loss of brightness.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Yet sometimes the occasional tarnish can be a pleasing taint.
    • That'll take the tarnish off any glamorous finish!
    • I held my memories like treasures in a vault and polished them well, terrified that unless I tended them daily they would disappear under the tarnish of time.
    • Any scale, tarnish, dirt, oil or grease acquired during handling, storage or fabrication must be removed.
    • Many modern owners see the coloration as tarnish and clean the surface, but it was probably intended to imitate the Japanese dark-colored alloys shibuichi and shakudo.
    • Silver can be oxidized to give the effect of tarnish, and this coloration was popular in Europe and North America during the 19th century, when it was also produced by using sulphurs.
    • The crystals are perched on quartz along with rosin-colored sphalerite showing the black tarnish reported by him.
    • The 2cm chalcopyrite crystals are striated but quite clean, with no tarnish or coating.
    • Much of the chalcopyrite known to be from the replacement ore bodies of the Argentine vein displays either a dark gray tarnish or a thin coating of another mineral.
    • Even with its faded gray tarnish, it was hard to tell what it was.
    1. 1.1 A film or stain formed on an exposed surface of a mineral or metal.
      he was removing tarnish from the candlesticks
      Example sentencesExamples
      • To remove tarnish from silverware, sprinkle baking soda on a damp cloth and rub it on the silverware until tarnish is gone.
      • Store metal jewellery in resealable plastic or jewellery bags with silica-gel sachets to prevent tarnish.
      • Remove tarnish on silver items by adding some baking soda and a small piece of aluminum foil to boiling water.
      • They help dissolve hard water deposits from shower doors, mild rust stains and soap film and remove tarnish from brass and copper.
      • To remove tarnish from copper pots, rub with lemon halves dipped in salt.
      • Acids dissolve gummy buildup and eat away tarnish.
      • Remove tarnish with a commercial pewter polish or a paste made of rotten-stone and boiled linseed oil or olive oil.
      • In addition to its many uses in cooking, cream of tartar is one ingredient in an electrochemical method to remove tarnish from silver jewelry and cutlery.
      • The polish removes light rust, tarnish and carbon build-up and leaves a thin protective barrier to prevent smudges and powder fouling from sticking to the finish.
      • The salt lifts the grime and the lemon juice cuts through the tarnish.
      • The metal polish comes in a bottle or pre-moistened towelettes, contains no ammonia or abrasives and removes tarnish, rust, water stains, fingerprints and oxidation.
      • I am assuming of course, that the reasoning behind the polish was to inhibit any tarnish that typically forms with copper heatsinks.
      • They physically scratch off dirt, stains and tarnish via friction as you rub the surface.
      • A few minutes later the tarnish on the sword is gone and the markings both written and accidental reflect white into his eyes from the sun gleaming through the top of the window.
      • The metal is quickly corroded by sulphur compounds in vegetables and egg yolks, forming a black tarnish of silver sulphide.
      • Neither flammable or easily corroded, it had the advantage that any tarnish could be easily polished off, keeping the graduations highly visible.
      • Slightly battered and worn down, it was quite obvious that some of them had been reforged and repaired, judging by the varying degrees of tarnish upon them.
      • To remove heavy tarnish, difficult stains and corrosion: wash in hot, soapy water or a weak ammonia and water solution and rinse.
      discoloration, oxidation, rust, tarnishing, blackening, film, patina
    2. 1.2 Damage or harm done to something.
      the tarnish on Alan's personal reputation
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Slowly but surely, with this influence, Jeanne begins to gain some prestige and some of the tarnish of her name begins to fade away.
      • Although this bodes well for him, it doesn't chip away at the tarnish the troubled superstar brings to professional basketball.
      • "They already have to remove the tarnish this incident has left on them," she says.
      • As your article points out, any tarnish of Bangalore's image is not just a blemish on the city, but also a loss of opportunity for our nation at large.
      • To him there remains plenty of time for the Spurs to get it right, to cleanse the tarnish of an uneven regular season.
      • Admittedly, there's nothing wrong with her performance - it's heartfelt and appealing - but this kind of work is unlikely to remove the tarnish on her reputation.
      • You weren't put off by the tarnish on the Revlon brand or the troubled organization?
      • Nothing will wash away the tarnish of sleaze and secrecy that council has fashioned for itself.
      • My test car didn't, and if Alfa's new German management succeeds in its aim, the lingering tarnish of unreliability will finally be erased from the glamorous serpent-and-cross badge.
      • Through them it was possible to portray the spiritual qualities of man's nature, cleansed of the tarnish of everyday life, and to fix the eternal values of love and beauty in a world that was far removed from the present.
      • It brings a tarnish, obviously, to the claims by the United States that it is the home of diversity and the haven for pluralism.
      • I'm very confident that nothing will take place - anything that will hinder this game, or put a tarnish on this game.
      • Despite the tarnish of corruption from the Oil-for-Food programme in Iraq and the constant criticism of its aid work, there is simply no other organisation with the capacity or mandate to lead in times of international crisis.
      • In respect of the latter, there is a slight tarnish: he fixed a door for his stepfather and charged him for his expenses and his stepfather thought he was over-charged and complained about it to anyone who would listen to him about it.
      • Will the tarnish of this film ever wipe off his movie career?
      • Back now to the U.N. ‘oil for food’ flap and the tarnish it's threatening to leave on Kofi Annan's leadership.
      • But by then, the police were a living joke, the punch line to a thousand donut jokes and a grafting, bribe taking tarnish on the notion of civil service.
      • Will he ask the World Economic Forum to release the tape to help clear the air and remove the unfair tarnish?
      • With considerable fanfare, but without any captains of industry, the president enacted a crackdown intended to take some of the tarnish off the blue chips.
      • Well, the black stones will no longer be dug from Longannet, Scotland's last deep mine, and that fringe of gold now fears the tarnish of economic inactivity and community depression.
      smear, black mark, slur, stain, blemish, blot, taint, stigma, smirch, flaw


  • tarnishable

  • adjectiveˈtɑːnɪʃəb(ə)lˈtɑrnəʃəb(ə)l
    • Optionally, and particularly when a tarnishable metal or alloy is used, for example silver, a tarnish inhibiting composition is included in the mixture of metallic and plastics particles.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Cadmium is a silvery-white, lustrous, but tarnishable metal; it is soft and ductile and has a relatively high vapour pressure.
      • The biologist offered her back yard as a charnel house, where the remains would have plenty of company, including the bones of a very large hound named Horatio (names may have been changed to protect those of tarnishable reputation), and the skull of a penguin (name, as yet, undetermined).
      • Zinc is a white, lustrous, tarnishable metal which has a relatively low abundance in nature.
      • Of course any band name is tarnishable if the quality control goes.


Late Middle English (as a verb): from French terniss-, lengthened stem of ternir, from terne 'dark, dull'.

  • Silver that is not polished will tarnish, losing its lustre. The word goes back to French terne ‘dark, dull’. The metaphorical use, ‘to make less valuable or respected’, has been established since the 17th century. In 1805, on the eve of the Battle of Trafalgar, Lord Nelson prayed that God might grant them ‘a great and glorious victory; and may no misconduct in anyone tarnish it’.


garnish, varnish

Definition of tarnish in US English:


  • 1Lose or cause to lose luster, especially as a result of exposure to air or moisture.


    no object silver tarnishes too easily


    with object lemon juice would tarnish the gilded metal


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Once upon a time it had been gilded, but now the gilding seemed to be tarnishing and flaking - evidently no one came in here to touch up these days.
    • The platinum jewellery has a lustre which is unique and does not fade or get tarnished.
    • Readers reminded us that gold, which does not tarnish or corrode, is used in contacts and connectors in telephones, computers, and other electronic products.
    • It was more tarnished metal than glass, and was covered in a sheen of dried soap.
    • He knew it couldn't actually be silver, it would have tarnished, but he didn't think it was steel or aluminum either.
    • It can tarnish silverware and discolor copper and brass utensils.
    • The paintings are made so that, as the silver tarnishes, certain aspects of expression are revealed that would not originally have been seen.
    • Platinum is a relatively inactive metal that does not corrode or tarnish in air.
    • The metal is tarnished, so I get the toothpaste from the bathroom and put some on my finger.
    • Suddenly, another tarnished piece of silver came into view, identical to the other one.
    • The still waters have lost their clarity, tarnished by the ominous clouds that overhang the harbour.
    • Blackened lead white can be treated by oxidizing but oxygen will tarnish any silver.
    • Where I come from, the silver tarnishes when it is exposed to the air.
    • The sawed surfaces were coated with an epoxy sealer to keep the copper from tarnishing and to enhance their appearance.
    • The chain was silver and tarnished in some places, from it hung a small stone.
    • When fresh, some acanthite is brilliant and lustrous but tarnishes to a relatively dull black upon exposure.
    • All of the crockery was chipped, and what little silver they possessed was tarnished to a dull black.
    • The jewelers recommend storing your plated pieces in a jewelry box, away from heat and moisture, which can cause tarnishing.
    • Metals tarnish when their surface atoms react with gaseous substances in the air.
    • He seldom applied surface decoration other than subtly toned lacquers to protect the metal against tarnishing.
    become discoloured, discolour, stain, rust, oxidize, corrode, deteriorate
    dull, make dull, dim, blacken, make black, discolour, stain, rust, oxidize, corrode
    1. 1.1 Make or become less valuable or respected.
      with object his regime had not been tarnished by human rights abuses


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Such companies face an increased risk of tarnishing their image by igniting privacy concerns.
      • Ibrahim, an Egyptian-American democracy activist and academic, was jailed in July for tarnishing Egypt's image abroad and misappropriating funds.
      • Musharraf told a press conference Saturday that he succeeded in selling a positive image of Pakistan abroad and that the attack might have been aimed at tarnishing the gains of his tour.
      • But all the gold and the glory will be tarnished if basic rights - including free speech - are lacking.
      • I truly hope that those who were in the wrong feel the guilt they should for tarnishing the school's good name and making the end of the 2005 class's school career so negative.
      • But that also might be a result of canny marketing: no sponsor would wish her to tarnish her image by playing in - and perhaps losing - too many tournaments.
      • With money well invested and his health fine, the 36-year-old champion is considering going out on top rather than fighting until his skills fade and tarnishing his legacy.
      • He's managed to alienate allies with his foreign policy, tarnishing America's image in the world, punting our claims to moral leadership.
      • Only sheer audacity would enable an author to rewrite the history of a nation's seminal figures, tarnishing the name of Judaism's noble ancestors.
      • But it's nonsense to suggest that they tarnish the lustre of the work that they're following.
      • In science, reputation is all and it is easily tarnished.
      • He complained that some aspiring candidates at the forth-coming elections were only bent on tarnishing the image of rugby in Zambia when the sport had gained ground in corporate relationships.
      • He also notes that unofficial appeals often conflate issues of legality and religion, inevitably tarnishing Amnesty's more measured approach.
      • The thing about pure causes - that glorious end that justifies despicable means - is that they tarnish so easily in the heat of battle.
      • Pasiya threatened legal action against those individuals who are tarnishing the image of his club by associating them with the match-fixing allegations.
      • The final possibility is that Nike wants to improve Converse shoes and sell higher volumes through discount retailers, instead of tarnishing the Nike image by selling low end Nikes.
      • The disqualification of Greece's two top sprinters hardly tarnishes the Olympic gold standard as some seem to think.
      • And those who were seemingly immortal in their event, like Moses, probably have the most to lose in that being beaten will tarnish the public's memories of their greatness.
      • But if the governor proposes anything short of that, he could see his efforts fail in the legislature, tarnishing his image with moderates, even in his own party.
      • Canis lupus represented the only native species missing from Yellowstone, tarnishing the conservation record of America's ‘crown jewel’.
      sully, besmirch, blacken, smirch, stain, blemish, blot, taint, soil, befoul, spoil, ruin, dirty, disgrace, mar, damage, defame, calumniate, injure, harm, hurt, undermine, debase, degrade, denigrate, dishonour, stigmatize, vitiate, drag through the mud
  • 1Dullness of color; loss of brightness.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The crystals are perched on quartz along with rosin-colored sphalerite showing the black tarnish reported by him.
    • Even with its faded gray tarnish, it was hard to tell what it was.
    • Yet sometimes the occasional tarnish can be a pleasing taint.
    • That'll take the tarnish off any glamorous finish!
    • I held my memories like treasures in a vault and polished them well, terrified that unless I tended them daily they would disappear under the tarnish of time.
    • Many modern owners see the coloration as tarnish and clean the surface, but it was probably intended to imitate the Japanese dark-colored alloys shibuichi and shakudo.
    • Much of the chalcopyrite known to be from the replacement ore bodies of the Argentine vein displays either a dark gray tarnish or a thin coating of another mineral.
    • Silver can be oxidized to give the effect of tarnish, and this coloration was popular in Europe and North America during the 19th century, when it was also produced by using sulphurs.
    • The 2cm chalcopyrite crystals are striated but quite clean, with no tarnish or coating.
    • Any scale, tarnish, dirt, oil or grease acquired during handling, storage or fabrication must be removed.
    1. 1.1 A film or stain formed on an exposed surface of a mineral or metal.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • They physically scratch off dirt, stains and tarnish via friction as you rub the surface.
      • A few minutes later the tarnish on the sword is gone and the markings both written and accidental reflect white into his eyes from the sun gleaming through the top of the window.
      • Remove tarnish on silver items by adding some baking soda and a small piece of aluminum foil to boiling water.
      • Neither flammable or easily corroded, it had the advantage that any tarnish could be easily polished off, keeping the graduations highly visible.
      • The salt lifts the grime and the lemon juice cuts through the tarnish.
      • Store metal jewellery in resealable plastic or jewellery bags with silica-gel sachets to prevent tarnish.
      • The metal is quickly corroded by sulphur compounds in vegetables and egg yolks, forming a black tarnish of silver sulphide.
      • To remove heavy tarnish, difficult stains and corrosion: wash in hot, soapy water or a weak ammonia and water solution and rinse.
      • I am assuming of course, that the reasoning behind the polish was to inhibit any tarnish that typically forms with copper heatsinks.
      • Acids dissolve gummy buildup and eat away tarnish.
      • They help dissolve hard water deposits from shower doors, mild rust stains and soap film and remove tarnish from brass and copper.
      • Slightly battered and worn down, it was quite obvious that some of them had been reforged and repaired, judging by the varying degrees of tarnish upon them.
      • To remove tarnish from silverware, sprinkle baking soda on a damp cloth and rub it on the silverware until tarnish is gone.
      • The polish removes light rust, tarnish and carbon build-up and leaves a thin protective barrier to prevent smudges and powder fouling from sticking to the finish.
      • The metal polish comes in a bottle or pre-moistened towelettes, contains no ammonia or abrasives and removes tarnish, rust, water stains, fingerprints and oxidation.
      • In addition to its many uses in cooking, cream of tartar is one ingredient in an electrochemical method to remove tarnish from silver jewelry and cutlery.
      • To remove tarnish from copper pots, rub with lemon halves dipped in salt.
      • Remove tarnish with a commercial pewter polish or a paste made of rotten-stone and boiled linseed oil or olive oil.
      discoloration, oxidation, rust, tarnishing, blackening, film, patina
    2. 1.2 Damage or harm done to something.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Through them it was possible to portray the spiritual qualities of man's nature, cleansed of the tarnish of everyday life, and to fix the eternal values of love and beauty in a world that was far removed from the present.
      • To him there remains plenty of time for the Spurs to get it right, to cleanse the tarnish of an uneven regular season.
      • It brings a tarnish, obviously, to the claims by the United States that it is the home of diversity and the haven for pluralism.
      • Back now to the U.N. ‘oil for food’ flap and the tarnish it's threatening to leave on Kofi Annan's leadership.
      • You weren't put off by the tarnish on the Revlon brand or the troubled organization?
      • As your article points out, any tarnish of Bangalore's image is not just a blemish on the city, but also a loss of opportunity for our nation at large.
      • Slowly but surely, with this influence, Jeanne begins to gain some prestige and some of the tarnish of her name begins to fade away.
      • My test car didn't, and if Alfa's new German management succeeds in its aim, the lingering tarnish of unreliability will finally be erased from the glamorous serpent-and-cross badge.
      • But by then, the police were a living joke, the punch line to a thousand donut jokes and a grafting, bribe taking tarnish on the notion of civil service.
      • Nothing will wash away the tarnish of sleaze and secrecy that council has fashioned for itself.
      • Although this bodes well for him, it doesn't chip away at the tarnish the troubled superstar brings to professional basketball.
      • Despite the tarnish of corruption from the Oil-for-Food programme in Iraq and the constant criticism of its aid work, there is simply no other organisation with the capacity or mandate to lead in times of international crisis.
      • Will the tarnish of this film ever wipe off his movie career?
      • In respect of the latter, there is a slight tarnish: he fixed a door for his stepfather and charged him for his expenses and his stepfather thought he was over-charged and complained about it to anyone who would listen to him about it.
      • Well, the black stones will no longer be dug from Longannet, Scotland's last deep mine, and that fringe of gold now fears the tarnish of economic inactivity and community depression.
      • Will he ask the World Economic Forum to release the tape to help clear the air and remove the unfair tarnish?
      • I'm very confident that nothing will take place - anything that will hinder this game, or put a tarnish on this game.
      • Admittedly, there's nothing wrong with her performance - it's heartfelt and appealing - but this kind of work is unlikely to remove the tarnish on her reputation.
      • With considerable fanfare, but without any captains of industry, the president enacted a crackdown intended to take some of the tarnish off the blue chips.
      • "They already have to remove the tarnish this incident has left on them," she says.
      smear, black mark, slur, stain, blemish, blot, taint, stigma, smirch, flaw


Late Middle English (as a verb): from French terniss-, lengthened stem of ternir, from terne ‘dark, dull’.





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