But at the same time, neither was he simply a wonder-worker who left people amazed yet bewildered.
The million dollars sits awaiting assignment to any of those thousands upon thousands of wonder-workers out there who Roll so admires and believes in; it cannot be used for any other purpose.
I had another inquiry about this wonder-worker from a ‘researcher’ for Granada TV, in the UK, and I suggested that she call me.
Cunningham maintains that up to this point the focus in Mark's Gospel has been on Jesus the wonder-worker who remains a mystery to all.
Who is this wonder-worker, and at which hospital did he work?
But he also knew that as ‘Son of David,’ Jesus was more than just a wonder-worker.
The wonder-workers of the 2003 Intermediate Championship endured their own ill-luck.
The Syrian commander, Naaman, visited the King of Israel's prophet / wonder-worker, Elisha (who had assumed the magic mantle of his teacher, Elijah).
And the Swiss wonder-worker himself, though not a member of the Notables, was a central figure in their deliberations from the very start.
wonder-working sages and Kabbalists
Example sentencesExamples
There is power - wonder-working power - in the goodness and idealism and faith of the American people.
Union organizers in the past had sometimes put political lyrics to gospel music, as when Industrial Workers of the World organizer Joe Hill sang of the wonder-working might of the union (rather than of the blood of the lamb).
Given enough time, with the wonder-working power of natural selection acting upon genetic mutations, even seemingly impossible things can happen.
The case containing these relics was said to have wonder-working powers.
We're not seeing the brilliance of Darwin and the immense wonder-working power of natural selection.