

单词 communication

Definition of communication in English:


noun kəmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)nkəˌmjunəˈkeɪʃ(ə)n
  • 1mass noun The imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium.


    television is an effective means of communication
    at the moment I am in communication with London


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Because I'm currently in communication with some producers about being on one.
    • An agent, who I have been in communication with for a while now, managed to come and see the play and is considering signing me onto his books.
    • Strangely she's the only one who isn't in communication with the rest of us.
    • Languages were flawless and they were just mediums of interaction and communication, he added.
    • She said that with regard to the recent bird flu cases in Thailand, Hong Kong needed to be on the alert, aware and in communication with the mainland and other neighbouring countries.
    • Thus it is possible to protect the intellectual property of online material and to support confidential exchange of communication between students.
    • I have recently done some traveling and every day I am in communication with people from all over the world.
    • We can confirm that we have been in communication with the applicant and have responded fully to any concerns raised by her.
    • Obviously, we're in communication with the London authorities and trying to understand what the facts are.
    • He expected a decision in the matter shortly and would be in communication with the school authorities as soon as possible.
    • Effective communication encourages routine exchange of data and information.
    • Therefore, physicians must provide more time for these patients to enhance communication and foster information exchange.
    • ‘We firmly believe that theatre is an effective medium of communication,’ said the spokesperson of the organisation.
    • If there were survivors on the raft, why haven't we heard from them, and what relationship do they have with Elian and his family, and are they in communication with each other?
    • We are in communication with the museum quite regularly and are hoping the application will be passed.
    • Sure, we've not only sent out letters as I've said, we visit them, we're in communication with them.
    • Simple improvements such as good direct communication between the receiving hospital and the ambulance crew have yet to be achieved.
    • Fong said the foreigners must now be able to understand or speak either one of the two languages in order to help in communication with local employers.
    • I shall use the same medium of communication as I believe that the information I give will reach the wider public.
    • We are in communication with owners, prospective purchasers and the local community.
    transmission, imparting, conveying, reporting, presenting, passing on, handing on, relay, conveyance, divulgence, divulgation, disclosure
    spreading, dissemination, promulgation, broadcasting, circulation, circulating
    1. 1.1count noun A letter or message containing information or news.
      a telephone communication


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The tenor of these personal communications was reflected in letters to newspapers and by the anchor men on call back radio who invited their listeners to take sides over Dr. Ashrawi's selection.
      • Such messages may be brief notes, communications like traditional letters, or electronic files.
      • Voters receive frequent campaign communications during the closing days of the campaign.
      • By working over distributed areas, IT can bring remote offices back into the content fold and make sure to produce consistent messages and communications.
      • Mary told the meeting she had also received a lot of communications about this planning application and confirmed that there were many people very much against the proposed mast.
      • But Downing Street last night insisted any communications received by him had no bearing on his appointments to the government benches, which were made on merit.
      • If you fail to respond to this letter and the pending communications from my legal representatives, you have one other option.
      • Fourth, they won unusually complete access to sources of information, including e-mail communications among major participants.
      • Businesses depend upon e-mail for basic communications and transfer of information.
      • ‘We do communications, messaging and distribution,’ said Moloney.
      • In an email communication he quoted to me the following.
      • Finally, I get very few postal mail communications from merchants.
      • News, views and communications can be interesting and revealing.
      • The intensive sessions are focused around special themes, including official letters, administrative reports, and professional communications.
      • Make certain a communication is genuine and information accurate before using it in a story.
      • While it will be relatively straightforward to inform employees of monitoring, it will be more difficult to inform those sending communications from outside.
      • At an earlier hearing he pleaded guilty to sending an electronic communication with intent to cause distress.
      • He began communicating a year ago sending packages and communications to local media and to the police.
      • They received several communications from the alleged person.
      • Important visitors, messages and communications from overseas can be expected.
      message, statement, announcement, report, dispatch, communiqué, letter, bulletin, correspondence, news, word, information, intelligence, instruction
      informal info, gen, low-down, dirt
      literary tidings
    2. 1.2 The successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings.
      there was a lack of communication between Pamela and her parents


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The officer must have experience that demonstrates possession of the skills necessary for successful communication across cultural boundaries.
      • I believe that I have said on this medium that communication between human beings is one of the world's biggest problems.
      • I will not share any private communication I've had with my friend Katie.
      • Indeed good communication skills can help successful endeavors while poor communication can stifle and hamper progress.
      • There were also a number of communications by letter and fax, and telephone discussions.
      • Their communication by letters had been strong until he had gotten out of prison last year.
      • A decade on, they're still active feminists concerned with challenging hierarchies, disseminating ideas and opening the channels of communication between women.
      • The letter itself is a good communication about the purpose and the goals of ACT, and why people should rejoin.
      • Deb says family meeting is a vital component of successful communication, but I don't know what that means.
      • You are gifted on all levels of communication and express brilliant ideas and plans to achieve professional success today.
    3. 1.3 Social contact.
      she gave him some hope of her return, or at least of their future communication


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The interests of the two countries have been intertwined, based on frequent communication and contacts among their people.
      • Man does not stand in awe of man, nor is his genius admonished to stay at home, to put itself in communication with the internal ocean, but it goes abroad to beg a cup of water of the urns of other men.
      • I also created it to improve contact and communication within this group of female artists.
      • To be fair, had I been in possession of my PowerBook I might have propped it up on the bar and avoided all communication and eye contact with the bartender.
      • Meaning and knowledge are seen as being created through social communication with others.
      • Children in welfare homes living in a group usually find it hard to form such an attachment so they will possibly have emotional barriers in social communication and self-control.
      • Social bonding and communication also occurs through touch.
      • Broadcasting, after all, is an essential vehicle for social communication.
      • We can't live in a world void of contact or communication.
      contact, dealings, relations, connection, association, communion, socializing, intercourse, social intercourse, social relations, interface, interchange, correspondence, dialogue, talk, conversation, discussion, speaking, talking, chatting, meeting, getting in touch
      dated commerce
      archaic traffic
  • 2communicationsMeans of sending or receiving information, such as telephone lines or computers.


    satellite communications


    as modifier a communications network


    Example sentencesExamples
    • However, as soon as computer to computer communications became important, the rigidity and expense of circuit switched voice networks became apparent.
    • Technical security mechanisms to guard data transmitted over a communications network so that it cannot easily be intercepted or accessed.
    • According to him, all communications and emergency phone lines have been inspected and prepared for a large number of calls.
    • I had to get hold of the other satellite communications radio, which is on the right side of the vehicle closest to the enemy fire.
    • The fallen tree pulled down electricity and telephone lines, plunging the entire area into darkness and cutting off land line communications.
    • Sparks received radio communications from the supply ship that they would be at least sixteen hours late due to high seas.
    • All communications went down and roads were blocked.
    • This extensive effort to keep communications lines open is one thing that is a major difference from the storms that happened earlier this year.
    • Businesses increasingly rely upon mission-critical information, financial and other data services being delivered through their computer and communications networks.
    • Whether they could do so through Sweden depended on the state of the railways, roads, and telegraph communications.
    • Also, some satellites send and receive telephone, fax, and computer communications.
    • All conferences use exclusively closed communications lines.
    • They lost control of the south, their supply and communications lines were cut, and they even lost control of most of the capital for a while.
    • All communications including phone lines to and from Punjab are cut.
    • They are expected to be used when satellite communications go down, computer links are broken or the enemy is thought to be intercepting radio conversations.
    • Roads became impassable, communications were cut off and life in rural districts came to a standstill.
    • Also they ‘promote computer communications as a medium for strengthening and building organised labour’.
    • In an emergency, reliance on digital communications or even telephone lines is unacceptable.
    • He controls a worldwide satellite network, as well as radio and phone communications.
    • Shaw has been working on building computer communications for the oil industry.
    1. 2.1treated as singular The field of study concerned with the transmission of information.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In 1999, she left there and began studying communications at Montreal's John Abbott College.
      • I thought that studying communications would lead me to a career in journalism.
      • These include fields such as marketing, finance, management, information systems, communications and environmental studies
      • In the course, we learned communications and computer skills, as well as business skills needed to run a successful eco-tourism business.
      • In his opening remarks, Kolev said it was of paramount importance for Bulgaria to have an infusion of the latest technology in the fields of IT and communications as quickly as possible.
      • She will study communications at university this fall.
      • Most of the articles are drawn from the field of communications, and while the work includes a range of theoretical approaches, most of the authors draw from their work.
      • He pursued his doctoral studies in development and communications at the University of the Philippines at Los Banos.
      • She graduates with a joint major in communications and Latin American studies.
      • She has taken courses in maths, English, computers, gardening and communications, which involved 30 hours of studying.
      • After the course, Lewis is going to the University of Gloucester to do media communications and film studies.
      • Miss Mayo stated that her future goals are for attending graduate school in the field of communications.
      • She stated that her future goals are to attend graduate school, and study in the field of communications.
      • He currently serves on the board of directors for the Canadian Institute for Telecommunications, a network of centres for research in the field of communications.
      • We give them a practical grounding in subjects like computers, maths and communications as well as workshops related to the transition to third level.
      • Having been rejected by Glasgow School of Art, the then teenager briefly studied communications in Falkirk.
      • After studying communications and political science, he was soon ready for more wanderings.
  • 3communicationsMeans of travelling or of transporting goods, such as roads or railways.


    a city providing excellent road and rail communications


    Example sentencesExamples
    • They has won a five-year government contract to fly to the Christmas and Cocos Islands maintaining vital communications and transport links with the two territories.
    • Beijing is planning to invest billions of yuan in three major railway projects to boost communications and trade along the coast and strengthen economic links with its neighbours.
    • By the first week in June, French rail and road communications had been seriously degraded.
    • Because of the isolation of Almeria, with its lack of road and railway communications, economic and demographic growth was based on the natural resources of the province.
    • Amongst these was overmanning, poor marketing knowledge, poor communications by road and rail and lack of modern manufacturing methods.
    • Southampton also has almost unrivalled transport communications providing a hub for road, rail and air travel together with the cruise port which welcomes visitors from around the world.
    • There is no road communications and the only way to stay with the race is by push aeroplane or a snow machine.
    • And York, he said, was also the natural choice of venue for the north not just because of its high tech credentials, but also because it was nationally central, with good road communications.
    • Furthermore a new transportation ministry replaced the previous communications and railway ministries.
    • In times of dearth, body snatchers would try other sources: country churchyards further afield would be raided if they were on good communications routes - road, canal, or sea.
    • The former German capital had been left deep in the heart of the Soviet zone of occupation, and in June 1948 Stalin sought to resolve its status by severing road and rail communications.
    • Rail, road and river communications came to a halt during the strike and businesses, schools were closed.
    • Air attacks wreaked havoc on German road and rail communications, though in such a way that the invasion sector was not especially favoured.
    • This is related to the improvement of road communications with its nearest and most important rival, and the as yet unimproved condition of the main roads.
    • In the rest of Alberta, highways and private transportation using automobiles and trucks began to challenge the older communications network based on railways.
    links, connections, services, routes


  • communicational

  • adjective
    • In this process, pre-existing communicational purposes and procedures are adapted to the new environment, but basically there does not seem to be any radical change.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Interested parties must be reliable, with good organisational and communicational skills.
      • Gandhi, however, perceived the credibility gap of the Congress as the sign of not just a communicational problem, but of a philosophical and a strategic error.
      • Since the research was aimed at analysing the changes in the usage of communication services, I chose to do the research on chat as explicitly communicational.
      • Sure a bit of academic learning would improve the place but we need good communicational skills as well, you know for job interviews and things like that.


Late Middle English: from Old French comunicacion, from Latin communicatio(n-), from the verb communicare 'to share' (see communicate).

Definition of communication in US English:


  • 1The imparting or exchanging of information or news.


    at the moment I am in communication with London


    direct communication between the two countries will produce greater understanding


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Strangely she's the only one who isn't in communication with the rest of us.
    • Thus it is possible to protect the intellectual property of online material and to support confidential exchange of communication between students.
    • Fong said the foreigners must now be able to understand or speak either one of the two languages in order to help in communication with local employers.
    • Therefore, physicians must provide more time for these patients to enhance communication and foster information exchange.
    • Sure, we've not only sent out letters as I've said, we visit them, we're in communication with them.
    • Languages were flawless and they were just mediums of interaction and communication, he added.
    • Because I'm currently in communication with some producers about being on one.
    • ‘We firmly believe that theatre is an effective medium of communication,’ said the spokesperson of the organisation.
    • If there were survivors on the raft, why haven't we heard from them, and what relationship do they have with Elian and his family, and are they in communication with each other?
    • We can confirm that we have been in communication with the applicant and have responded fully to any concerns raised by her.
    • We are in communication with owners, prospective purchasers and the local community.
    • Obviously, we're in communication with the London authorities and trying to understand what the facts are.
    • We are in communication with the museum quite regularly and are hoping the application will be passed.
    • An agent, who I have been in communication with for a while now, managed to come and see the play and is considering signing me onto his books.
    • He expected a decision in the matter shortly and would be in communication with the school authorities as soon as possible.
    • I have recently done some traveling and every day I am in communication with people from all over the world.
    • She said that with regard to the recent bird flu cases in Thailand, Hong Kong needed to be on the alert, aware and in communication with the mainland and other neighbouring countries.
    • Effective communication encourages routine exchange of data and information.
    • Simple improvements such as good direct communication between the receiving hospital and the ambulance crew have yet to be achieved.
    • I shall use the same medium of communication as I believe that the information I give will reach the wider public.
    transmission, imparting, conveying, reporting, presenting, passing on, handing on, relay, conveyance, divulgence, divulgation, disclosure
    1. 1.1 A letter or message containing information or news.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘We do communications, messaging and distribution,’ said Moloney.
      • The intensive sessions are focused around special themes, including official letters, administrative reports, and professional communications.
      • In an email communication he quoted to me the following.
      • News, views and communications can be interesting and revealing.
      • If you fail to respond to this letter and the pending communications from my legal representatives, you have one other option.
      • They received several communications from the alleged person.
      • He began communicating a year ago sending packages and communications to local media and to the police.
      • Important visitors, messages and communications from overseas can be expected.
      • Businesses depend upon e-mail for basic communications and transfer of information.
      • Voters receive frequent campaign communications during the closing days of the campaign.
      • But Downing Street last night insisted any communications received by him had no bearing on his appointments to the government benches, which were made on merit.
      • While it will be relatively straightforward to inform employees of monitoring, it will be more difficult to inform those sending communications from outside.
      • By working over distributed areas, IT can bring remote offices back into the content fold and make sure to produce consistent messages and communications.
      • Make certain a communication is genuine and information accurate before using it in a story.
      • At an earlier hearing he pleaded guilty to sending an electronic communication with intent to cause distress.
      • Mary told the meeting she had also received a lot of communications about this planning application and confirmed that there were many people very much against the proposed mast.
      • Finally, I get very few postal mail communications from merchants.
      • Such messages may be brief notes, communications like traditional letters, or electronic files.
      • The tenor of these personal communications was reflected in letters to newspapers and by the anchor men on call back radio who invited their listeners to take sides over Dr. Ashrawi's selection.
      • Fourth, they won unusually complete access to sources of information, including e-mail communications among major participants.
      message, statement, announcement, report, dispatch, communiqué, letter, bulletin, correspondence, news, word, information, intelligence, instruction
    2. 1.2 The successful conveying or sharing of ideas and feelings.
      there was a lack of communication between Pamela and her parents


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The letter itself is a good communication about the purpose and the goals of ACT, and why people should rejoin.
      • I will not share any private communication I've had with my friend Katie.
      • Their communication by letters had been strong until he had gotten out of prison last year.
      • A decade on, they're still active feminists concerned with challenging hierarchies, disseminating ideas and opening the channels of communication between women.
      • Deb says family meeting is a vital component of successful communication, but I don't know what that means.
      • I believe that I have said on this medium that communication between human beings is one of the world's biggest problems.
      • Indeed good communication skills can help successful endeavors while poor communication can stifle and hamper progress.
      • There were also a number of communications by letter and fax, and telephone discussions.
      • The officer must have experience that demonstrates possession of the skills necessary for successful communication across cultural boundaries.
      • You are gifted on all levels of communication and express brilliant ideas and plans to achieve professional success today.
    3. 1.3 Social contact.
      she gave him some hope of her return, or at least of their future communication


      Example sentencesExamples
      • To be fair, had I been in possession of my PowerBook I might have propped it up on the bar and avoided all communication and eye contact with the bartender.
      • The interests of the two countries have been intertwined, based on frequent communication and contacts among their people.
      • Social bonding and communication also occurs through touch.
      • Children in welfare homes living in a group usually find it hard to form such an attachment so they will possibly have emotional barriers in social communication and self-control.
      • Meaning and knowledge are seen as being created through social communication with others.
      • I also created it to improve contact and communication within this group of female artists.
      • Broadcasting, after all, is an essential vehicle for social communication.
      • We can't live in a world void of contact or communication.
      • Man does not stand in awe of man, nor is his genius admonished to stay at home, to put itself in communication with the internal ocean, but it goes abroad to beg a cup of water of the urns of other men.
      contact, dealings, relations, connection, association, communion, socializing, intercourse, social intercourse, social relations, interface, interchange, correspondence, dialogue, talk, conversation, discussion, speaking, talking, chatting, meeting, getting in touch
  • 2communicationsMeans of sending or receiving information, such as telephone lines or computers.


    satellite communications


    as modifier a communications network


    Example sentencesExamples
    • All communications went down and roads were blocked.
    • Whether they could do so through Sweden depended on the state of the railways, roads, and telegraph communications.
    • Also, some satellites send and receive telephone, fax, and computer communications.
    • He controls a worldwide satellite network, as well as radio and phone communications.
    • According to him, all communications and emergency phone lines have been inspected and prepared for a large number of calls.
    • All conferences use exclusively closed communications lines.
    • All communications including phone lines to and from Punjab are cut.
    • They are expected to be used when satellite communications go down, computer links are broken or the enemy is thought to be intercepting radio conversations.
    • Businesses increasingly rely upon mission-critical information, financial and other data services being delivered through their computer and communications networks.
    • Roads became impassable, communications were cut off and life in rural districts came to a standstill.
    • Shaw has been working on building computer communications for the oil industry.
    • The fallen tree pulled down electricity and telephone lines, plunging the entire area into darkness and cutting off land line communications.
    • Also they ‘promote computer communications as a medium for strengthening and building organised labour’.
    • In an emergency, reliance on digital communications or even telephone lines is unacceptable.
    • They lost control of the south, their supply and communications lines were cut, and they even lost control of most of the capital for a while.
    • Technical security mechanisms to guard data transmitted over a communications network so that it cannot easily be intercepted or accessed.
    • Sparks received radio communications from the supply ship that they would be at least sixteen hours late due to high seas.
    • This extensive effort to keep communications lines open is one thing that is a major difference from the storms that happened earlier this year.
    • However, as soon as computer to computer communications became important, the rigidity and expense of circuit switched voice networks became apparent.
    • I had to get hold of the other satellite communications radio, which is on the right side of the vehicle closest to the enemy fire.
    1. 2.1treated as singular The field of study concerned with the transmission of information by various means.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • She graduates with a joint major in communications and Latin American studies.
      • She will study communications at university this fall.
      • Most of the articles are drawn from the field of communications, and while the work includes a range of theoretical approaches, most of the authors draw from their work.
      • Having been rejected by Glasgow School of Art, the then teenager briefly studied communications in Falkirk.
      • Miss Mayo stated that her future goals are for attending graduate school in the field of communications.
      • In his opening remarks, Kolev said it was of paramount importance for Bulgaria to have an infusion of the latest technology in the fields of IT and communications as quickly as possible.
      • In 1999, she left there and began studying communications at Montreal's John Abbott College.
      • After studying communications and political science, he was soon ready for more wanderings.
      • I thought that studying communications would lead me to a career in journalism.
      • She stated that her future goals are to attend graduate school, and study in the field of communications.
      • After the course, Lewis is going to the University of Gloucester to do media communications and film studies.
      • He pursued his doctoral studies in development and communications at the University of the Philippines at Los Banos.
      • She has taken courses in maths, English, computers, gardening and communications, which involved 30 hours of studying.
      • He currently serves on the board of directors for the Canadian Institute for Telecommunications, a network of centres for research in the field of communications.
      • These include fields such as marketing, finance, management, information systems, communications and environmental studies
      • We give them a practical grounding in subjects like computers, maths and communications as well as workshops related to the transition to third level.
      • In the course, we learned communications and computer skills, as well as business skills needed to run a successful eco-tourism business.
  • 3communicationsThe means of traveling or of transporting goods, such as roads or railroads.


    a city providing excellent road and rail communications


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Because of the isolation of Almeria, with its lack of road and railway communications, economic and demographic growth was based on the natural resources of the province.
    • And York, he said, was also the natural choice of venue for the north not just because of its high tech credentials, but also because it was nationally central, with good road communications.
    • Amongst these was overmanning, poor marketing knowledge, poor communications by road and rail and lack of modern manufacturing methods.
    • In times of dearth, body snatchers would try other sources: country churchyards further afield would be raided if they were on good communications routes - road, canal, or sea.
    • This is related to the improvement of road communications with its nearest and most important rival, and the as yet unimproved condition of the main roads.
    • The former German capital had been left deep in the heart of the Soviet zone of occupation, and in June 1948 Stalin sought to resolve its status by severing road and rail communications.
    • There is no road communications and the only way to stay with the race is by push aeroplane or a snow machine.
    • Beijing is planning to invest billions of yuan in three major railway projects to boost communications and trade along the coast and strengthen economic links with its neighbours.
    • Rail, road and river communications came to a halt during the strike and businesses, schools were closed.
    • Air attacks wreaked havoc on German road and rail communications, though in such a way that the invasion sector was not especially favoured.
    • In the rest of Alberta, highways and private transportation using automobiles and trucks began to challenge the older communications network based on railways.
    • Furthermore a new transportation ministry replaced the previous communications and railway ministries.
    • Southampton also has almost unrivalled transport communications providing a hub for road, rail and air travel together with the cruise port which welcomes visitors from around the world.
    • By the first week in June, French rail and road communications had been seriously degraded.
    • They has won a five-year government contract to fly to the Christmas and Cocos Islands maintaining vital communications and transport links with the two territories.
    links, connections, services, routes


  • lines of communication

    • 1The connections between an army in the field and its bases.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The Resistance forces moved quickly and in a well-organized manner to carry out the orders on guarding roads and protecting lines of communication.
      • The U.S. force operated with minimal reliance on ground lines of communication for sustainment.
      • The garrison troops manning the regional bases of operation will facilitate local stability, maintain the lines of communication, and provide logistical support.
      • The complex organization, which equipped and supplied the army, and maintaining lines of communication, was the real basis of its success.
      • Another frustrating aspect of Germany's security efforts was the susceptibility of German lines of communication to partisan attack.
      • The experience of past wars and local conflicts shows that the state of lines of communication and transportation assets largely determines success in war.
      • Commanders pooled together forces from different services and different combat arms and learned how to control them in the face of extended lines of communication.
      • Overall, it made more than 6,000 sorties, of which almost 3,000 were directed at disrupting the enemy sea lines of communication.
      • When enemy lines of communication are disrupted, naval forces may pursue a tactical operation against separate convoys sailing along the coast.
      • Well-placed enemy units were exploiting the long lines of communication, delaying resupply efforts of much needed ammunition to the frontline troops.
      1. 1.1Any system for communicating information or ideas.
        bureaucracies are characterized by established lines of communication
        Example sentencesExamples
        • ‘What is clear is the need for dialogue and lines of communication to remain open,’ he said.
        • Companies with good communication records are those which have open lines of communication between the car park attendant and the chairman of the board.
        • This will include clear lines of communication through Tourist Information Centres and the Yorkshire Tourist Board so that people are aware of the area's attractions.
        • The criminal then controls the lines of communication between the bank and its customer, and can ask for millions of pounds to be transferred to their own account.
        • The lines of communication between me and my players are wide open and the intention is to improve the whole team by each one of us giving our best.
        • To establish clear lines of communication between senior leaders to reduce chances of miscommunication and miscalculation.
        • One of the biggest challenges that faced the area was the need to open lines of communication among communities that are geographically separate and also different in racial and cultural backgrounds.
        • This will benefit the centers since it will inject new lines of communication and bring new ways of thinking into the system.
        • The Society uses a mentoring aspect to open lines of communication between leaders to share knowledge with subordinates.
        • Building new lines of communication over evaluation results, registration information, and expectations of firms has all required patience from the firms.


Late Middle English: from Old French comunicacion, from Latin communicatio(n-), from the verb communicare ‘to share’ (see communicate).





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