

单词 unspotted

Definition of unspotted in English:


  • 1Not marked with spots.


    it has an unspotted white throat
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Their victim status in murder mysteries does not mean that women enjoy unspotted reputations in railway crime fiction.
    • The body of her whose virginity remained unspotted in childbirth, was preserved in its incorruption and was taken to a better place.
    • Parentals exhibiting either the spotted or unspotted phenotype, along with F 1 progeny, were used in a series of 29 crosses.
    • The eastern cougar is a large, unspotted, long-tailed cat.
    • For years Dorian lived in cruel joy; yet he kept the look of one unspotted by the world.
    • Persons of the most unspotted character in private life have been seen to adopt unfair means to be successful in their schemes.
    • The pelvic fins similarly were unspotted and yellowish in ground colour, with a white leading edge, and either no black colour or a light, blackish smudge of colour proximally in some individuals.
    • Their practical religion of caring for others and keeping themselves unspotted from the world was what I had seen and admired in my father.
    • One day the purpose and the plan will shine in all its unspotted glory and wisdom.
    • Some characters turn out to be better than we initially thought, some worse, but no character emerges unspotted.
    • Shriver, an attractive young man with an unspotted record, could not make his case to primary voters in Maryland, who knocked off his bid for Congress.
    • He looked with curiosity at the girl standing quietly among her hysterical schoolmates in her unspotted white dress, and she returned his gaze calmly.
    • Few happy days are entirely unspotted by melancholy.
    • They differ about what is most worth preserving in a world of imperfect choices - economic growth or an unspotted landscape, American power or American purity - and thus what must be sacrificed in pursuit of the good energy society.
    • In her attiring room the great mirror stood intact in its frame of ivory, and the wicker chairs were arranged in precise symmetry on the unspotted floor.
    • Maiden primarily means unspotted, unpolluted, and innocent; thus Hubert says to the king.
    • Females produce a clutch of 9-13 light green unspotted eggs in an open but concealed nest on dry ground near a body of water.
    washed, scrubbed, cleansed, cleaned, polished
  • 2Unnoticed.

    the network of avian enthusiasts ensures that no rarity goes unspotted
    Example sentencesExamples
    • He's probably in bed by now, we can leave unspotted.
    • But the majority of cases go unspotted and therefore remain untreated or poorly treated.
    • I was camouflaged amongst the benches and remained unspotted.
    • There exists an informal network among avian enthusiasts geared towards insuring that no rarity goes unspotted.
    • Vickery was lucky to escape a caution following a high and late challenge on Traille, which went unspotted by Irish referee Alain Rolland but prompted a brief all-in skirmish.


besotted, carotid

Definition of unspotted in US English:


  • 1Not marked with spots.


    it has an unspotted white throat
    Example sentencesExamples
    • One day the purpose and the plan will shine in all its unspotted glory and wisdom.
    • The body of her whose virginity remained unspotted in childbirth, was preserved in its incorruption and was taken to a better place.
    • They differ about what is most worth preserving in a world of imperfect choices - economic growth or an unspotted landscape, American power or American purity - and thus what must be sacrificed in pursuit of the good energy society.
    • In her attiring room the great mirror stood intact in its frame of ivory, and the wicker chairs were arranged in precise symmetry on the unspotted floor.
    • Persons of the most unspotted character in private life have been seen to adopt unfair means to be successful in their schemes.
    • Some characters turn out to be better than we initially thought, some worse, but no character emerges unspotted.
    • Few happy days are entirely unspotted by melancholy.
    • Their victim status in murder mysteries does not mean that women enjoy unspotted reputations in railway crime fiction.
    • Shriver, an attractive young man with an unspotted record, could not make his case to primary voters in Maryland, who knocked off his bid for Congress.
    • Females produce a clutch of 9-13 light green unspotted eggs in an open but concealed nest on dry ground near a body of water.
    • For years Dorian lived in cruel joy; yet he kept the look of one unspotted by the world.
    • The pelvic fins similarly were unspotted and yellowish in ground colour, with a white leading edge, and either no black colour or a light, blackish smudge of colour proximally in some individuals.
    • The eastern cougar is a large, unspotted, long-tailed cat.
    • Maiden primarily means unspotted, unpolluted, and innocent; thus Hubert says to the king.
    • Parentals exhibiting either the spotted or unspotted phenotype, along with F 1 progeny, were used in a series of 29 crosses.
    • Their practical religion of caring for others and keeping themselves unspotted from the world was what I had seen and admired in my father.
    • He looked with curiosity at the girl standing quietly among her hysterical schoolmates in her unspotted white dress, and she returned his gaze calmly.
    washed, scrubbed, cleansed, cleaned, polished
  • 2Unnoticed.

    the network of avian enthusiasts ensures that no rarity goes unspotted
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Vickery was lucky to escape a caution following a high and late challenge on Traille, which went unspotted by Irish referee Alain Rolland but prompted a brief all-in skirmish.
    • He's probably in bed by now, we can leave unspotted.
    • But the majority of cases go unspotted and therefore remain untreated or poorly treated.
    • There exists an informal network among avian enthusiasts geared towards insuring that no rarity goes unspotted.
    • I was camouflaged amongst the benches and remained unspotted.




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