

单词 wolf

Definition of wolf in English:


nounPlural wolves wʊlfwʊlf
  • 1A wild carnivorous mammal which is the largest member of the dog family, living and hunting in packs. It is native to both Eurasia and North America, but is much persecuted and has been widely exterminated.

    Canis lupus, family Canidae; it is the chief ancestor of the domestic dog

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Among wild dogs and wolves, the cooperative hunting pack includes both males and females, and they provision both pups and a nursing mother.
    • In medieval times the area was a hunting forest, roamed by deer, wild bear and wolves.
    • Returning west, we take the road through middle Skane, where dense pine forests hide wild boar and even wolves.
    • The ability to place young pups as well as older wolves in the wild will inject the population with new genes and increase the numbers of wild wolves.
    • Researchers say that wolves in the coastal region are much more genetically variable than wolves elsewhere in North America.
    • Actually, upon closer examination it seemed to be a cross between a wild boar and a wolf.
    • We saw predatory birds hunting, which is not uncommon as Transylvania also hosts wild boars and wolves.
    • Everything from saber-toothed carnivores and wolves to flying squirrels and anteaters were produced independently.
    • The wolves that remained wild find themselves all but exterminated in the lower forty-eight states.
    • Dogs can be vaccinated against the virus, but it is not feasible to trap and vaccinate all the wild wolves in Yellowstone, park officials say.
    • Inukai suggested that the fate of the wolf and wild dog was tied to that of the deer.
    • Did you know that the last British wolf was shot in Scotland in the Fifteenth Century and that the last wolf living wild in England was trapped and killed nearly a thousand years ago?
    • At each site of historical interest he will guide visitors through local folklore and legend, recreating the era thousands of years ago when wild boar and wolves roamed the moors.
    • Their proposal would allow wolves that attack hunting dogs or livestock outside of fenced areas to be shot.
    • With a blink, his eyes adjusted and decided it was either a wild dog or a wolf or a coyote.
    • The extent of livestock loss to wolves is often overstated, wolves typically prefer their wild prey.
    • It was described as a monster of terrible size but probable only a hungry wolf or wild boar which roamed the area striking terror into the hearts of all the people.
    • Wild dogs, especially the big wild dogs, are famously family oriented, and wolves are no exception.
    • No, it was not a dog's head but probably of one of the wild canines; a wolf or perhaps a jackal.
    1. 1.1 Used in names of mammals similar or related to the wolf, e.g. maned wolf, Tasmanian wolf.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The African wild dog, Lycaon pictus, also called the painted wolf or the Cape hunting dog is the victim mainly of human persecution.
      • Only about 500 Ethiopian wolves remain in the wild, and the species has been ravaged by rabies epidemics at least twice in the recent past.
  • 2Used figuratively to refer to a rapacious, ferocious, or voracious person or thing.


    he calls the media ravening wolves
    Example sentencesExamples
    • Instead, rather intriguingly, it has become a grim battle of the superpowers, both engaged in a hard fight to keep the media wolves from their door.
    • Again Ridge instantly screamed out breathless tales of a terrorist wolf, while the media slobbered at the door.
    • Who do you feed to the media wolves?
    1. 2.1informal A man who habitually seduces women.
      he's the archetypal wolf in Armani threads
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Note that the wolf waits until he gets her into bed before pouncing.
      womanizer, Casanova, Romeo, Don Juan, Lothario, flirt, ladies' man, playboy, philanderer, seducer, rake, roué, libertine, debauchee
      informal skirt-chaser, ladykiller, goat
      informal, dated gay dog
    2. 2.2North American informal A homosexual who habitually seduces men or adopts an active role with a partner.
  • 3A harsh or out-of-tune effect produced when playing particular notes or intervals on a musical instrument, caused either by the instrument's construction or by divergence from equal temperament.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The one sure way of avoiding wolf notes but still keeping 3rds and 5ths almost pure was by increasing the number of notes in the octave.
verb wʊlfwʊlf
[with object]
  • Devour (food) greedily.


    he wolfed down his breakfast


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Their marriage, as well as being a union of celebrities, became the template of an extravagant lifestyle in which one ordered without reflection, wolfed it down without pause and signed the bill without a glance at the total.
    • Champagne, fine wines, smoked salmon and strawberries have been wolfed down in staggering quantities during the five-day Royal Ascot at York festival.
    • Cheryl said the children are often trying certain foods for the first time and, despite an initial reticence, they usually end up wolfing it all down.
    • It was perfect to dip naan bread in, and the pilau rice was wolfed down by Matt who seemed to enthuse about how special the chef's special was with every mouthful.
    • The cops gave him biscuits and gravy and he wolfed them down.
    • Even David noticed the way she wolfed the cake down.
    • Instead of our bodies having to work double-time to sift out the nutrients from food that is wolfed down anxiously, what if we gave our bodies an easier time of it?
    • On the verandah I wolfed dinner as hungry walkers do.
    • Instead, it was pancakes all round at Café Chicco D' Oro, Bertie breaking his in two before wolfing them down.
    • If I'd have been a real man, I would have bought one of the six pound pie beasts, I would not have wolfed my snack in private.
    • But, this morning I made him a scrambled egg sandwich and he wolfed it down.
    • Tossing the pills into the basket, I heard crunching noises as the creature inside greedily wolfed them down.
    • Fufu turns out to be one of Schroeder's favorite dishes; he wolfs his plate down heartily, as does Gherardi.
    • I was operating under the illusion that only I knew how vile this curry was and continued the pretence by enthusiastically wolfing it down.
    • I dug into my food, almost wolfed it down, then a sudden thought occurred to me.
    • I dashed outside and wolfed the meat down as fast as I could.
    • He wolfed food the down, and then drank from the bowl of water that he had.
    • But in order to try it you may have to stop wolfing the smothered pork chops and grits the person on your left is drooling over, or the curried goat with superb succotash that has made the friend on your right fall suddenly silent.
    • I start my running class today, so I want to make sure I eat something good and not terribly heavy, and I don't want to be wolfing it down at the last minute.
    • But as we were wolfing our eclairs I noticed that I seemed to have lost their attention and out of the corner of my eye I saw something in powder blue, and I looked up and there she was again!
    devour greedily, gobble (up), guzzle, gulp down, bolt, cram down, gorge oneself with
    informal pack away, demolish, shovel down, stuff one's face with, stuff oneself with, pig oneself on, pig out on, sink, scoff (down), put away, get outside of
    British informal gollop, shift
    Northern Irish informal gorb
    North American informal scarf (down/up), snarf (down/up), inhale
    rare ingurgitate


  • cry wolf

    • Call for help when it is not needed, with the effect that one is not believed when one really does need help.


      he accused her of crying wolf
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Habitual vilification of governments as being dishonest, lying, or determined to extend their powers improperly are more likely to blind us, on the principle of the boy crying wolf, to genuine abuses when and if they occur.
      • The difficulty is trying to spot something big before it becomes a problem but not crying wolf too often.
      • Whether it is a genuine case of the Prime Minister being paranoid, or a case of his constantly crying wolf to gain cheap political advantage or sympathy, I leave for others to decide.
      • The saying ‘If you cry wolf too many times, eventually no-one will believe you’ springs to mind.
      • With these high-profile, periodic press conferences sort of calling every - all hands on deck, that you do run the risk of crying wolf, and I think that's a danger that the administration faces.
      • If our weather forecasters cry wolf again, we're just not going to believe them next time are we?
      • It's like the little boy that cried wolf, but you have to believe that sooner or later it will happen again.
      • And if anyone other than me cares about my car, the catalytic converter light gracing my dashboard was apparently crying wolf and has consequently been disconnected.
      • Environmental scientists must stop crying wolf: ‘There is a crisis emerging in the scientific community.’
      • If they say something too early then they can be accused of crying wolf and if they wait too long then people ask if they have been asleep.
  • hold (or have) a wolf by the ears

    • Be in a precarious position.


      we may end up holding the wolf by the ears
      Example sentencesExamples
      • America has a wolf by the ears in Iraq.
      • When you're holding a wolf by the ears, it's a dangerous situation and there is no way to escape without injury.
      • China could not disconnect if they wanted to - the regime has a wolf by the ears which it continues to ride only with 8-9% growth rates and an export or die economy.
      • I looked at this and thought of saying about having a wolf by the ears, you can't hold on and you can't let go.
      • Basically, if you are holding a wolf by the ears, there is no way to get out of a situation without getting hurt.
      • I think Thomas Jefferson hit the nail on the head when he likened slavery to holding a wolf by the ears: ‘… we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go.’
      • He that goes by the law (as the proverb is) holds a wolf by the ears.
      • When you have a wolf by the ears, it's as hard to let go, as to hold on.
      • A mind can more easily hold a wolf by the ears than steady itself in spiritual experience.
      • In a moving, tremendously poignant story, Creech weaves her plot with the use of Native American maxims such as, ‘Being a mother is like trying to hold a wolf by the ears,’ and ‘Don't judge a man until you've walked two moons in his shoes.’
  • keep the wolf from the door

    • Have enough money to avert hunger or starvation (used hyperbolically)


      I work part-time to pay the mortgage and keep the wolf from the door


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A Yorkshire smallholder kept the wolf from the door after her business was wiped out by foot and mouth by selling the fleeces of rare breed sheep over the Internet.
      • His real ambition was to write, but a chap's got to eat, and teaching seemed like a not entirely uncivilised way of keeping the wolf from the door.
      • I was brought up to believe it is rather vulgar to talk about money, but I do make a very good living - nowhere near the top professionals today, but enough certainly to keep the wolf from the door.
      • If enough of you buy it, he may be able to give up whatever absurd activities he undertakes during the day to keep the wolf from the door, and become a full time writer, with no excuse for failing to update his web journal several times each week.
      • It was that kind of week for me but mustn't grumble, at least we got some each way money to keep the wolf from the door.
      • Having made enough money to keep the wolf from the door I am concerned with making the world a better place, like many other people.
      • I think every writer scribbles away in the hope that they will come up with a play that will keep the wolf from the door and get a little pension from them.
      • I had to have it, so I just bashed away and worked in bookstores to keep the wolf from the door.
      • Work kept the wolf from the door, but it also improved the human condition because it contributed to the greater good.
      • The firefighters just turn up every day because it keeps the wolf from the door and it pays the mortgage.
  • throw someone to the wolves

    • Leave someone to be roughly treated or criticized without trying to help or defend them.


      power brokers are biding their time before throwing him to the wolves
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Meanwhile, outraged victims attack innocent priests for attempting to defend themselves against their bishop's eagerness to throw them to the wolves in order to save their own sorry butts.
      • Quickmatches allow you to set the parameters of your battles, including the number of bots, type of game, and other variants before throwing you to the wolves.
      • Basically, throwing Rummy to the wolves may slow the haemorrhage, but it may not stop it.
      • So my theory is that someone higher than Sanchez is throwing him to the wolves.
      • Friends of a York woman who died after falling from a window have lashed out at the mental health support system, claiming it ‘threw her to the wolves’.
      • For it, I was later accused of purposely throwing her to the wolves.
      • I mean, what's stopping them from throwing us to the wolves once they've got us?
      • I love Mother and everything, but what was she thinking, throwing you to the wolves like this?
      • Officer Friendly was returned to duty, but had been so traumatized by his department throwing him to the wolves that he felt he could no longer effectively function in law enforcement.
  • a wolf in sheep's clothing

    • A person or thing that appears friendly or harmless but is really hostile.


      the widespread belief that any British proposal was a wolf in sheep's clothing
      Example sentencesExamples
      • You are a wolf in sheep's clothing and everyone else knows it.
      • Although few would have suspected that Page was actually a wolf in sheep's clothing, the presenter is set to stop his fee payments this month in protest at what he claims is a BBC bias against rural Britain.
      • It isn't, therefore, that community policing is a better way to package draconian measures, like a wolf in sheep's clothing.
      • Vancouverites have quickly cottoned on to the fact they'd been fooled into electing a wolf in sheep's clothing in their rush to promote the former cop to the top political office in the City.
      • Although heavily involved in the creation of the Human Rights Watch program, this man is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
      • Now they need our vote; now they coming to us smiling and laughing in our face, like a wolf in sheep's clothing.
      • But, alas, he had proved to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.
      • They say this is a wolf in sheep's clothing or something, and you then say to yourself, ‘What did the valuation have to do with the case?’
      • When we say someone is a wolf in sheep's clothing, we don't literally mean that he's a large land mammal related to a dog, wearing wool.
      • But the third and potentially worst problem of all is that Dorothea is a wolf in sheep's clothing, and we divers appear to be exceedingly gullible!


  • wolf-like

  • adjective
    • It's a big new mammal: a wolf-like creature of massive proportions with a bone-crunching jaw a metre long.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Nobu may have wolf-like tendencies, but underneath she is a sweet dog and a good friend.
      • There flourished a very wolf-like breed, the stout husky, reined in as it is to provide human transport by hauling sledges across frozen tundra.
      • Wreathed in flame with its fiery eyes flashing, the giant wolf-like creature uttered one long, deafening howl and began advancing slowly, menacingly.
      • ‘Excellent,’ said Atra, her wolf-like eyes upturning in a smile.
      • Game rangers set traps to snare the wolf-like animals.


Old English wulf, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch wolf and German Wolf, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin lupus and Greek lukos. The verb dates from the mid 19th century.

  • The Indo-European root of wolf also gave rise to Greek lukos and Latin lupus, the source of lupine (mid 17th century), ‘like a wolf’. The Greek word gave us lycanthropy (mid 16th century), the mythical transformation of a person into a wolf or werewolf (Old English): the were- part of werewolf is probably from wer, the Old English word for ‘man’ or ‘person’, just as the second half of the Greek comes from anthropos ‘man’ (see world).

    The story of the shepherd boy who thought it would be funny to cause a panic by falsely crying ‘wolf!’ is one of the fables of Aesop, the Greek storyteller of the 6th century bc. To keep the wolf from the door is to have enough money to avoid starvation: the phrase has been used since the 15th century. To throw someone to the wolves, or leave them to be roughly treated, is surprisingly recent though, being recorded only from the 1920s. The image here is of travellers on a sledge who are set upon by a pack of wolves, and decide to throw out one of their number to lighten the load and allow themselves to make their escape. A wolf in sheep's clothing is a person or thing that appears friendly or harmless but is really hostile. This comes from the Sermon on the Mount, as recounted in the Gospel of Matthew, when Jesus says: ‘Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's cloth, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.’

Definition of wolf in US English:


  • 1A wild carnivorous mammal of the dog family, living and hunting in packs. It is native to both Eurasia and North America, but has been widely exterminated.

    Canis lupus, family Canidae; it is the chief ancestor of the domestic dog

    Example sentencesExamples
    • Their proposal would allow wolves that attack hunting dogs or livestock outside of fenced areas to be shot.
    • Returning west, we take the road through middle Skane, where dense pine forests hide wild boar and even wolves.
    • It was described as a monster of terrible size but probable only a hungry wolf or wild boar which roamed the area striking terror into the hearts of all the people.
    • Among wild dogs and wolves, the cooperative hunting pack includes both males and females, and they provision both pups and a nursing mother.
    • The ability to place young pups as well as older wolves in the wild will inject the population with new genes and increase the numbers of wild wolves.
    • With a blink, his eyes adjusted and decided it was either a wild dog or a wolf or a coyote.
    • In medieval times the area was a hunting forest, roamed by deer, wild bear and wolves.
    • Everything from saber-toothed carnivores and wolves to flying squirrels and anteaters were produced independently.
    • Did you know that the last British wolf was shot in Scotland in the Fifteenth Century and that the last wolf living wild in England was trapped and killed nearly a thousand years ago?
    • Actually, upon closer examination it seemed to be a cross between a wild boar and a wolf.
    • Researchers say that wolves in the coastal region are much more genetically variable than wolves elsewhere in North America.
    • We saw predatory birds hunting, which is not uncommon as Transylvania also hosts wild boars and wolves.
    • The wolves that remained wild find themselves all but exterminated in the lower forty-eight states.
    • Dogs can be vaccinated against the virus, but it is not feasible to trap and vaccinate all the wild wolves in Yellowstone, park officials say.
    • Wild dogs, especially the big wild dogs, are famously family oriented, and wolves are no exception.
    • At each site of historical interest he will guide visitors through local folklore and legend, recreating the era thousands of years ago when wild boar and wolves roamed the moors.
    • No, it was not a dog's head but probably of one of the wild canines; a wolf or perhaps a jackal.
    • The extent of livestock loss to wolves is often overstated, wolves typically prefer their wild prey.
    • Inukai suggested that the fate of the wolf and wild dog was tied to that of the deer.
    1. 1.1 Used in names of mammals similar or related to the wolf, e.g. maned wolf, Tasmanian wolf.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Only about 500 Ethiopian wolves remain in the wild, and the species has been ravaged by rabies epidemics at least twice in the recent past.
      • The African wild dog, Lycaon pictus, also called the painted wolf or the Cape hunting dog is the victim mainly of human persecution.
  • 2Used in similes and metaphors to refer to a rapacious, ferocious, or voracious person or thing.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Again Ridge instantly screamed out breathless tales of a terrorist wolf, while the media slobbered at the door.
    • Who do you feed to the media wolves?
    • Instead, rather intriguingly, it has become a grim battle of the superpowers, both engaged in a hard fight to keep the media wolves from their door.
    1. 2.1informal A man who habitually seduces women.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Note that the wolf waits until he gets her into bed before pouncing.
      womanizer, casanova, romeo, don juan, lothario, flirt, ladies' man, playboy, philanderer, seducer, rake, roué, libertine, debauchee
  • 3A harsh or out-of-tune effect produced when playing particular notes or intervals on a musical instrument, caused either by the instrument's construction or by divergence from equal temperament.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The one sure way of avoiding wolf notes but still keeping 3rds and 5ths almost pure was by increasing the number of notes in the octave.
[with object]
  • Devour (food) greedily.


    he wolfed down his breakfast


    Example sentencesExamples
    • But, this morning I made him a scrambled egg sandwich and he wolfed it down.
    • Even David noticed the way she wolfed the cake down.
    • On the verandah I wolfed dinner as hungry walkers do.
    • Their marriage, as well as being a union of celebrities, became the template of an extravagant lifestyle in which one ordered without reflection, wolfed it down without pause and signed the bill without a glance at the total.
    • If I'd have been a real man, I would have bought one of the six pound pie beasts, I would not have wolfed my snack in private.
    • Fufu turns out to be one of Schroeder's favorite dishes; he wolfs his plate down heartily, as does Gherardi.
    • But in order to try it you may have to stop wolfing the smothered pork chops and grits the person on your left is drooling over, or the curried goat with superb succotash that has made the friend on your right fall suddenly silent.
    • The cops gave him biscuits and gravy and he wolfed them down.
    • I dug into my food, almost wolfed it down, then a sudden thought occurred to me.
    • I dashed outside and wolfed the meat down as fast as I could.
    • Instead, it was pancakes all round at Café Chicco D' Oro, Bertie breaking his in two before wolfing them down.
    • I start my running class today, so I want to make sure I eat something good and not terribly heavy, and I don't want to be wolfing it down at the last minute.
    • He wolfed food the down, and then drank from the bowl of water that he had.
    • Cheryl said the children are often trying certain foods for the first time and, despite an initial reticence, they usually end up wolfing it all down.
    • I was operating under the illusion that only I knew how vile this curry was and continued the pretence by enthusiastically wolfing it down.
    • Tossing the pills into the basket, I heard crunching noises as the creature inside greedily wolfed them down.
    • Champagne, fine wines, smoked salmon and strawberries have been wolfed down in staggering quantities during the five-day Royal Ascot at York festival.
    • It was perfect to dip naan bread in, and the pilau rice was wolfed down by Matt who seemed to enthuse about how special the chef's special was with every mouthful.
    • But as we were wolfing our eclairs I noticed that I seemed to have lost their attention and out of the corner of my eye I saw something in powder blue, and I looked up and there she was again!
    • Instead of our bodies having to work double-time to sift out the nutrients from food that is wolfed down anxiously, what if we gave our bodies an easier time of it?
    devour greedily, gobble, gobble up, guzzle, gulp down, bolt, cram down, gorge oneself with


  • cry wolf

    • Call for help when it is not needed, with the effect that one is not believed when one really does need help.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Whether it is a genuine case of the Prime Minister being paranoid, or a case of his constantly crying wolf to gain cheap political advantage or sympathy, I leave for others to decide.
      • With these high-profile, periodic press conferences sort of calling every - all hands on deck, that you do run the risk of crying wolf, and I think that's a danger that the administration faces.
      • The saying ‘If you cry wolf too many times, eventually no-one will believe you’ springs to mind.
      • The difficulty is trying to spot something big before it becomes a problem but not crying wolf too often.
      • And if anyone other than me cares about my car, the catalytic converter light gracing my dashboard was apparently crying wolf and has consequently been disconnected.
      • Habitual vilification of governments as being dishonest, lying, or determined to extend their powers improperly are more likely to blind us, on the principle of the boy crying wolf, to genuine abuses when and if they occur.
      • It's like the little boy that cried wolf, but you have to believe that sooner or later it will happen again.
      • If our weather forecasters cry wolf again, we're just not going to believe them next time are we?
      • If they say something too early then they can be accused of crying wolf and if they wait too long then people ask if they have been asleep.
      • Environmental scientists must stop crying wolf: ‘There is a crisis emerging in the scientific community.’
  • hold (or have) a wolf by the ears

    • Be in a precarious position.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A mind can more easily hold a wolf by the ears than steady itself in spiritual experience.
      • He that goes by the law (as the proverb is) holds a wolf by the ears.
      • In a moving, tremendously poignant story, Creech weaves her plot with the use of Native American maxims such as, ‘Being a mother is like trying to hold a wolf by the ears,’ and ‘Don't judge a man until you've walked two moons in his shoes.’
      • China could not disconnect if they wanted to - the regime has a wolf by the ears which it continues to ride only with 8-9% growth rates and an export or die economy.
      • When you have a wolf by the ears, it's as hard to let go, as to hold on.
      • I looked at this and thought of saying about having a wolf by the ears, you can't hold on and you can't let go.
      • Basically, if you are holding a wolf by the ears, there is no way to get out of a situation without getting hurt.
      • When you're holding a wolf by the ears, it's a dangerous situation and there is no way to escape without injury.
      • I think Thomas Jefferson hit the nail on the head when he likened slavery to holding a wolf by the ears: ‘… we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go.’
      • America has a wolf by the ears in Iraq.
  • keep the wolf from the door

    • Have enough money to avert hunger or starvation (used hyperbolically)


      I work part-time to pay the mortgage and keep the wolf from the door


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Having made enough money to keep the wolf from the door I am concerned with making the world a better place, like many other people.
      • I had to have it, so I just bashed away and worked in bookstores to keep the wolf from the door.
      • The firefighters just turn up every day because it keeps the wolf from the door and it pays the mortgage.
      • I was brought up to believe it is rather vulgar to talk about money, but I do make a very good living - nowhere near the top professionals today, but enough certainly to keep the wolf from the door.
      • A Yorkshire smallholder kept the wolf from the door after her business was wiped out by foot and mouth by selling the fleeces of rare breed sheep over the Internet.
      • I think every writer scribbles away in the hope that they will come up with a play that will keep the wolf from the door and get a little pension from them.
      • If enough of you buy it, he may be able to give up whatever absurd activities he undertakes during the day to keep the wolf from the door, and become a full time writer, with no excuse for failing to update his web journal several times each week.
      • It was that kind of week for me but mustn't grumble, at least we got some each way money to keep the wolf from the door.
      • His real ambition was to write, but a chap's got to eat, and teaching seemed like a not entirely uncivilised way of keeping the wolf from the door.
      • Work kept the wolf from the door, but it also improved the human condition because it contributed to the greater good.
  • throw someone to the wolves

    • Leave someone to be roughly treated or criticized without trying to help or defend them.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Friends of a York woman who died after falling from a window have lashed out at the mental health support system, claiming it ‘threw her to the wolves’.
      • I mean, what's stopping them from throwing us to the wolves once they've got us?
      • Officer Friendly was returned to duty, but had been so traumatized by his department throwing him to the wolves that he felt he could no longer effectively function in law enforcement.
      • I love Mother and everything, but what was she thinking, throwing you to the wolves like this?
      • Basically, throwing Rummy to the wolves may slow the haemorrhage, but it may not stop it.
      • So my theory is that someone higher than Sanchez is throwing him to the wolves.
      • For it, I was later accused of purposely throwing her to the wolves.
      • Quickmatches allow you to set the parameters of your battles, including the number of bots, type of game, and other variants before throwing you to the wolves.
      • Meanwhile, outraged victims attack innocent priests for attempting to defend themselves against their bishop's eagerness to throw them to the wolves in order to save their own sorry butts.
  • a wolf in sheep's clothing

    • A person or thing that appears friendly or harmless but is really hostile.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But the third and potentially worst problem of all is that Dorothea is a wolf in sheep's clothing, and we divers appear to be exceedingly gullible!
      • It isn't, therefore, that community policing is a better way to package draconian measures, like a wolf in sheep's clothing.
      • Although heavily involved in the creation of the Human Rights Watch program, this man is a wolf in sheep's clothing.
      • Vancouverites have quickly cottoned on to the fact they'd been fooled into electing a wolf in sheep's clothing in their rush to promote the former cop to the top political office in the City.
      • Now they need our vote; now they coming to us smiling and laughing in our face, like a wolf in sheep's clothing.
      • But, alas, he had proved to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.
      • Although few would have suspected that Page was actually a wolf in sheep's clothing, the presenter is set to stop his fee payments this month in protest at what he claims is a BBC bias against rural Britain.
      • You are a wolf in sheep's clothing and everyone else knows it.
      • When we say someone is a wolf in sheep's clothing, we don't literally mean that he's a large land mammal related to a dog, wearing wool.
      • They say this is a wolf in sheep's clothing or something, and you then say to yourself, ‘What did the valuation have to do with the case?’


Old English wulf, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch wolf and German Wolf, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin lupus and Greek lukos. The verb dates from the mid 19th century.





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