

单词 tradition

Definition of tradition in English:


noun trəˈdɪʃ(ə)ntrəˈdɪʃ(ə)n
  • 1mass noun The transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way.


    members of different castes have by tradition been associated with specific occupations


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The break with tradition has generated a heated debate on Internet fans' forums over the weekend, with supporters divided on the proposed name change.
    • The bride, who was by tradition slightly late for the ceremony, faltered as she spoke in front of family, friends and celebrities.
    • As parents, the Imperial couple generally abided by tradition, albeit with a few big changes triggered by the war.
    • Significantly, her decision not to vote with the consensus view marked a break with tradition among those attending their first meeting and may signal an appetite for a fight.
    • Let's not be hidebound by tradition and calendars.
    • The denizens, be they peers or peasants, are weighed down by tradition and inertia, living out their lives according to exactly the same patterns as their ancestors.
    • A Caliph is the civil and religious leader of a Muslim state; a successor of Muhammad and by tradition always male.
    • At the level of scholarship their writings certainly show that Chinese thought was then by no means as bound by tradition as is generally thought.
    • In many ways, the two incumbents are past their sell-by dates, preserved as majors not by reality, but by tradition and maudlin sentimentality.
    • By tradition the Conservative leader emerged after consultation among senior party figures.
    • In a break with tradition, several professors at the academy have established a memorial prize to honor the young man who was anything but traditional.
    • In any case people can no longer afford to celebrate the many festivals handed down to them by tradition and for many it is just a day to rest tired and aching limbs.
    • The Royal Family and the Army are inextricably bound up by tradition and personal links.
    • By definition, a legend is an unverified story handed down by tradition.
    • Riches are now measured in human attitudes and aptitudes - things heavily influenced by tradition.
    • This marked a notable break with tradition as the convention was always held in Dunmore before this.
    • Either by tradition or practice, these widows have been denied their fundamental rights of equitable justice.
    • They are required to by tradition and tribal law passed down by generations of swing elders.
    • Do they have the guts to break with tradition, to govern for all, especially for the economically dispossessed and socially displaced?
    • The fact that you have not been seemingly bound by tradition in either format or construction of this journal is certainly refreshing.
    historical convention, unwritten law, oral history, heritage
    lore, folklore, old wives' tales
    1. 1.1count noun A long-established custom or belief that has been passed on from one generation to another.
      Japan's unique cultural traditions


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The age old customs and traditions of the Tamils are held in high esteem by Keralites and they are preserved in modern Kerala.
      • Their labels and names represent both villages and families, with generations of winemaking traditions.
      • Hardy wrote of country habits and traditions which had passed away but, though historical in form, the novels had a contemporary overtone.
      • The excellence of the collection can be demonstrated by the way she deals with supernatural belief traditions.
      • Basotho are a nation that has solid traditions, beliefs and customs.
      • Now even its own people are abandoning their traditions and beliefs.
      • Customs and traditions are handed down from generation to generation but that does not make them right.
      • Many immigrants preserve their cultural traditions for multiple generations, with art playing a key role.
      • Such traditions generate belief, allowing future rituals to produce placebo effects.
      • Apparently we must now dilute our own customs and traditions and deny our religion.
      • You may feel oppressed by traditions and traditional people in the family if you allow them to interfere in your life.
      • She was devoted to her family and had a great fondness for the traditions and customs which were part of her upbringing.
      • Did you see a lot of those cultural beliefs or traditions going on while you were there, or was it more medical?
      • This has also resulted in many folk beliefs and cultural traditions being turned upside down.
      • Women are subject to this discourse both in the name of religion as well as in the name of age-old customs and traditions.
      • Such a state of confusing dilemma caused heavy blow to the age-old traditions and beliefs of these cultures.
      • This hindered the ability to pass on whaling traditions to future generations.
      • He also had a great attachment to the folklore and cultural traditions of the general Irishtown area.
      • Lanna folkdances are unique and colorful traditions that are passed on through generations.
      • Passing on Hindu traditions to the younger generation has always been a duty of parents.
      custom, practice, convention, ritual, ceremony, observance, wont, routine, way, rule, usage, habit
      institution, principle, belief
      formal praxis
    2. 1.2in singular An artistic or literary method or style established by an artist, writer, or movement, and subsequently followed by others.
      visionary works in the tradition of William Blake


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Many are truly beautiful and dazzling, in the tradition of a Ray Bradbury novel, but merely the beginning.
      • In the tradition of folk artists everywhere, Nana taught her to sew and knit, instilling in her the sense of the art in the handcrafted.
      • This follows in the tradition of the Pre-Raphaelites, the Romantics and, most intriguingly, the British neo-Romantics of the 1940s.
      • To art historians trained in the Warburgian tradition this method would seem as old as art history itself, but it was a novelty for the history of Dutch painting.
      • She continues writing articles, and curating exhibitions in the tradition of experimental art.
      • The ‘shadow poet laureate’ places himself in the tradition of great anti-establishment poets like Byron, Shelley and Blake.
      • In the tradition of Goya - and with genuine skill - he has painted the camp cadavers.
      • But this Southerner first came into his own as a northern Expressionist in the tradition of Edvard Munch.
      • Inspired by his mother's deep love for it's poetry, he wrote lyric poems in the tradition of Hölderlin and Rilke.
      • And I think there's a tradition of writers from Defoe to Burgess who see the business of writing as communicating, and turn their hands to different forms.
      • This poem is rooted in the tradition of many Scottish artists of looking confidently and ambitiously to the future of Scotland.
      • Cornelius's works, essentially linear in the tradition of Dürer, avoid painterly composition or colour.
      • Additionally, her characters have exotic and sometimes grotesque attributes that bring to mind the Surrealist tradition.
      • This profound analysis was entirely in the tradition of the method of Marxist analysis whose supreme exponent was Leon Trotsky.
      • By nature he is a social realist in the tradition of Upton Sinclair, whose novels he reveres along with those of social satirist Evelyn Waugh.
      • His first pictorial works were in the tradition of the renaissance.
      • Roman comic dramatist who wrote in the tradition of the New Comedy, popular in 4th-century Greece and exemplified by the work of Menander.
      • Witty, flamboyant and scandalous, he was also a diarist in the tradition of Samuel Pepys.
      • In philosophical terms, deconstruction is a form of relativist scepticism in the tradition of Nietzsche.
      • The artist claims that, in the tradition of modernism, her work is no more than visible surface.
      style, movement, method
  • 2Theology
    A doctrine believed to have divine authority though not in the scriptures.


    1. 2.1mass noun (in Christianity) doctrine not explicit in the Bible but held to derive from the oral teaching of Christ and the Apostles.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Their approach fails to engage the width and breadth of the Christian moral tradition.
      • First, though, let us review the ironic neglect of Spirit in our Western Christian tradition.
      • They dictate that to be a Roman Catholic is to be loyal to the Pope and the institution alone, regardless of the teachings of Jesus Christ and the tradition of the Church.
      • One conspicuous tradition within Christianity says boldly that people are saved only by and in faith in Jesus Christ.
      • Within the Christian tradition, the Eucharist has become the great way of thanksgiving.
    2. 2.2 (in Judaism) an ordinance of the oral law not in the Torah but held to have been given by God to Moses.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Jewish tradition emphasizes that the Torah was given not to angels but to human beings.
      • Its logic isn't drawn so much from the traditions of Judaism and its reliance on Torah, however.
      • To what extent do reasonably well established Jewish traditions command us?
      • Jewish tradition says that Kaddish is so powerful that the whole world is maintained because of it.
      • Jewish tradition teaches that each and every Jew is responsible for one another.
      • Every member of the Sanhedrin must be ordained, following a tradition from Moses.
    3. 2.3 (in Islam) a saying or act ascribed to the Prophet but not recorded in the Koran.
      See Hadith
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Thus the incidental killing of women and children has the sanction in the traditions of the Prophet.
      • His father was a Sufi Muslim, devoted to a tolerant, mystical tradition of Islam.
      • One tradition indicates that Muhammad was performing the noon prayer at the mosque of Banu Salama in Medina when he changed direction in the middle of the prayer.
      • I speak of Muslim women in history and women as explained in the Qur'an and in the tradition of the Prophet.
      • There is a tradition of the Prophet which shows that he considered knowledge as his weapon.
      • In the report, he also alleged interrogators ridiculed the Muslim religion, its traditions and the Koran.


  • traditionary

  • adjective
    • The demonstration plot obtained better yield and better quality compared with the traditionary yield.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The Muslims, likewise, have been held in the bondage of traditionary forms and ceremonials.
      • Many other traditionary genealogies of chiefs might be given, but let the above suffice as a specimen of the rest.
      • The implications of such claims, needless to say, are a far cry from traditionary assumptions about romance being a tissue of impossible fantasies and history being a discourse of empirical truth.
      • The recognition, naming or guessing of a supernatural being is one of the examples of traditionary control.
  • traditionist

  • noun
    • I am a traditionist but hey, this place is very very good and well worth under £40 per head including drinks.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It correctly perceived a shift in interpretative focus away from the Bible's literal narrative and toward the authors and traditionists behind or below that narrative.
      • The sources suggest that his reputation as a traditionist went far beyond those circles and groups that are identified with him.
      • However, the historians and traditionists are unanimous that the official codex was adopted under the third Caliph Uthman.
      • To traditionists, yellow gold brings more luck than white gold.
  • traditionless

  • adjective
    • Consequently an organized faction finds it easier to challenge the authority of the leaders, for in a traditionless society all articulate men are equal.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But from the point of view of certain strands of Protestantism that became very dominant, it was a traditionless Christianity.
      • This characteristic functions as the tradition (for a notoriously traditionless people) of accountability.
      • In one sense East Bengal is a traditionless country.


Late Middle English: from Old French tradicion, or from Latin traditio(n-), from tradere 'deliver, betray', from trans- 'across' + dare 'give'.

  • A tradition is something passed on and comes from Latin from tradere ‘deliver’ formed from trans- ‘across’ and dare ‘give’. The abbreviation trad dates from the 1950s, usually in the context of jazz. Traitor (Middle English), someone who hands over things to the enemy, and treason (Middle English) the act of handing over, are from the same root.

Definition of tradition in US English:


  • 1The transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way.


    every shade of color is fixed by tradition and governed by religious laws
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The break with tradition has generated a heated debate on Internet fans' forums over the weekend, with supporters divided on the proposed name change.
    • Either by tradition or practice, these widows have been denied their fundamental rights of equitable justice.
    • A Caliph is the civil and religious leader of a Muslim state; a successor of Muhammad and by tradition always male.
    • The bride, who was by tradition slightly late for the ceremony, faltered as she spoke in front of family, friends and celebrities.
    • By tradition the Conservative leader emerged after consultation among senior party figures.
    • This marked a notable break with tradition as the convention was always held in Dunmore before this.
    • In many ways, the two incumbents are past their sell-by dates, preserved as majors not by reality, but by tradition and maudlin sentimentality.
    • The fact that you have not been seemingly bound by tradition in either format or construction of this journal is certainly refreshing.
    • Significantly, her decision not to vote with the consensus view marked a break with tradition among those attending their first meeting and may signal an appetite for a fight.
    • Do they have the guts to break with tradition, to govern for all, especially for the economically dispossessed and socially displaced?
    • By definition, a legend is an unverified story handed down by tradition.
    • Let's not be hidebound by tradition and calendars.
    • The Royal Family and the Army are inextricably bound up by tradition and personal links.
    • As parents, the Imperial couple generally abided by tradition, albeit with a few big changes triggered by the war.
    • Riches are now measured in human attitudes and aptitudes - things heavily influenced by tradition.
    • At the level of scholarship their writings certainly show that Chinese thought was then by no means as bound by tradition as is generally thought.
    • The denizens, be they peers or peasants, are weighed down by tradition and inertia, living out their lives according to exactly the same patterns as their ancestors.
    • They are required to by tradition and tribal law passed down by generations of swing elders.
    • In a break with tradition, several professors at the academy have established a memorial prize to honor the young man who was anything but traditional.
    • In any case people can no longer afford to celebrate the many festivals handed down to them by tradition and for many it is just a day to rest tired and aching limbs.
    historical convention, unwritten law, oral history, heritage
    1. 1.1 A long-established custom or belief that has been passed on from one generation to another.
      Japan's unique cultural traditions


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Did you see a lot of those cultural beliefs or traditions going on while you were there, or was it more medical?
      • Lanna folkdances are unique and colorful traditions that are passed on through generations.
      • She was devoted to her family and had a great fondness for the traditions and customs which were part of her upbringing.
      • Apparently we must now dilute our own customs and traditions and deny our religion.
      • Such a state of confusing dilemma caused heavy blow to the age-old traditions and beliefs of these cultures.
      • This hindered the ability to pass on whaling traditions to future generations.
      • He also had a great attachment to the folklore and cultural traditions of the general Irishtown area.
      • Such traditions generate belief, allowing future rituals to produce placebo effects.
      • Customs and traditions are handed down from generation to generation but that does not make them right.
      • You may feel oppressed by traditions and traditional people in the family if you allow them to interfere in your life.
      • Hardy wrote of country habits and traditions which had passed away but, though historical in form, the novels had a contemporary overtone.
      • Now even its own people are abandoning their traditions and beliefs.
      • Many immigrants preserve their cultural traditions for multiple generations, with art playing a key role.
      • The excellence of the collection can be demonstrated by the way she deals with supernatural belief traditions.
      • The age old customs and traditions of the Tamils are held in high esteem by Keralites and they are preserved in modern Kerala.
      • Passing on Hindu traditions to the younger generation has always been a duty of parents.
      • Their labels and names represent both villages and families, with generations of winemaking traditions.
      • This has also resulted in many folk beliefs and cultural traditions being turned upside down.
      • Women are subject to this discourse both in the name of religion as well as in the name of age-old customs and traditions.
      • Basotho are a nation that has solid traditions, beliefs and customs.
      custom, practice, convention, ritual, ceremony, observance, wont, routine, way, rule, usage, habit
    2. 1.2in singular An artistic or literary method or style established by an artist, writer, or movement, and subsequently followed by others.
      visionary works in the tradition of William Blake


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Additionally, her characters have exotic and sometimes grotesque attributes that bring to mind the Surrealist tradition.
      • By nature he is a social realist in the tradition of Upton Sinclair, whose novels he reveres along with those of social satirist Evelyn Waugh.
      • But this Southerner first came into his own as a northern Expressionist in the tradition of Edvard Munch.
      • Cornelius's works, essentially linear in the tradition of Dürer, avoid painterly composition or colour.
      • His first pictorial works were in the tradition of the renaissance.
      • This follows in the tradition of the Pre-Raphaelites, the Romantics and, most intriguingly, the British neo-Romantics of the 1940s.
      • Witty, flamboyant and scandalous, he was also a diarist in the tradition of Samuel Pepys.
      • Roman comic dramatist who wrote in the tradition of the New Comedy, popular in 4th-century Greece and exemplified by the work of Menander.
      • She continues writing articles, and curating exhibitions in the tradition of experimental art.
      • In the tradition of Goya - and with genuine skill - he has painted the camp cadavers.
      • This poem is rooted in the tradition of many Scottish artists of looking confidently and ambitiously to the future of Scotland.
      • To art historians trained in the Warburgian tradition this method would seem as old as art history itself, but it was a novelty for the history of Dutch painting.
      • The artist claims that, in the tradition of modernism, her work is no more than visible surface.
      • In the tradition of folk artists everywhere, Nana taught her to sew and knit, instilling in her the sense of the art in the handcrafted.
      • Many are truly beautiful and dazzling, in the tradition of a Ray Bradbury novel, but merely the beginning.
      • And I think there's a tradition of writers from Defoe to Burgess who see the business of writing as communicating, and turn their hands to different forms.
      • In philosophical terms, deconstruction is a form of relativist scepticism in the tradition of Nietzsche.
      • Inspired by his mother's deep love for it's poetry, he wrote lyric poems in the tradition of Hölderlin and Rilke.
      • The ‘shadow poet laureate’ places himself in the tradition of great anti-establishment poets like Byron, Shelley and Blake.
      • This profound analysis was entirely in the tradition of the method of Marxist analysis whose supreme exponent was Leon Trotsky.
      style, movement, method
  • 2Theology
    A doctrine believed to have divine authority though not in the scriptures.


    1. 2.1 (in Christianity) doctrine not explicit in the Bible but held to derive from the oral teaching of Jesus and the Apostles.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • First, though, let us review the ironic neglect of Spirit in our Western Christian tradition.
      • They dictate that to be a Roman Catholic is to be loyal to the Pope and the institution alone, regardless of the teachings of Jesus Christ and the tradition of the Church.
      • Their approach fails to engage the width and breadth of the Christian moral tradition.
      • One conspicuous tradition within Christianity says boldly that people are saved only by and in faith in Jesus Christ.
      • Within the Christian tradition, the Eucharist has become the great way of thanksgiving.
    2. 2.2 (in Judaism) an ordinance of the oral law not in the Torah but held to have been given by God to Moses.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Its logic isn't drawn so much from the traditions of Judaism and its reliance on Torah, however.
      • To what extent do reasonably well established Jewish traditions command us?
      • Every member of the Sanhedrin must be ordained, following a tradition from Moses.
      • Jewish tradition emphasizes that the Torah was given not to angels but to human beings.
      • Jewish tradition says that Kaddish is so powerful that the whole world is maintained because of it.
      • Jewish tradition teaches that each and every Jew is responsible for one another.
    3. 2.3 (in Islam) a saying or act ascribed to the Prophet but not recorded in the Koran.
      See Hadith
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I speak of Muslim women in history and women as explained in the Qur'an and in the tradition of the Prophet.
      • Thus the incidental killing of women and children has the sanction in the traditions of the Prophet.
      • One tradition indicates that Muhammad was performing the noon prayer at the mosque of Banu Salama in Medina when he changed direction in the middle of the prayer.
      • In the report, he also alleged interrogators ridiculed the Muslim religion, its traditions and the Koran.
      • There is a tradition of the Prophet which shows that he considered knowledge as his weapon.
      • His father was a Sufi Muslim, devoted to a tolerant, mystical tradition of Islam.


Late Middle English: from Old French tradicion, or from Latin traditio(n-), from tradere ‘deliver, betray’, from trans- ‘across’ + dare ‘give’.





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