

单词 swot

Definition of swot in English:


verbswotted, swotting, swots swɒtswɑt
[no object]British informal
  • 1Study assiduously.


    kids swotting for GCSEs


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Learning to drive is getting more difficult, especially today with so much paperwork and swotting to do for separate practical and theory tests.
    • Graduate Michael Angliss spent three years swotting for his degree - only to be told to dumb down when it came to getting a job.
    • Once you have located the source of potential trouble, your next step is to go, not to the doctor, but to the bookshop to swot up your symptoms in a health manual.
    • I suppose I should be swotting madly to be prepared for the big meeting with the supervisor tomorrow, however.
    • This is your opportunity to get involved and find your best young speller so the sooner you register, the sooner your children can start swotting!
    • Then he swotted and got his limited electrician's licence.
    • Bill comes for the meal, but he then goes to his room to swot.
    • He got on a flight, flew to Dunedin, swotted all night, sat his paper the next morning and flew to Rotorua to join the band for a concert that night.
    • This means I would no longer be returning from Paris around 1 am on Friday 21 May with at least three more days to swot up.
    • Unlike exams, you can't swot up for psychometric tests, but if you think you're likely to come across them in your hunt for a job try to familiarise yourself with the process.
    • If the idea of quitting office life sounds appealing, make sure you swot up first, advises Dave Houlden
    • But he is still a bright spark when it comes to maths and English because he swots up with the help of a special tutor who teaches him on the ward.
    • All over the country, school and university students have their heads down to swot for summer exams, and anxiety levels shoot up.
    • Just last week the wonderfully named teenager Seb Clover sailed solo across the Atlantic at a time when most of his peers are swotting for exams.
    • I hope it restores a little bit of national pride. It was also a huge surprise. I didn't have time to swot up so I just breezed in and did the best I could.
    • Most players will only get one 21 game a year, possibly none if swotting for examinations.
    • Serves me right for reading the Economist when I should have been swotting for my year 2 exams.
    study, studying, education, schooling, tuition, teaching, academic work, instruction, training
    1. 1.1swot up on Study (a subject) intensively, especially in preparation for something.
      swot up on the country's driving laws before you go
      with object I've always been interested in old furniture and I've swotted it up a bit


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Graham is still swotting up on bicycles and has got to the stage where he's constantly muttering technical-sounding buzzwords.
      • The interview came to an end with the shrewd question of the examining professor: ‘Are you acquainted with the transcripts of the Party Congresses?’ and my humble reply: ‘I swotted up on them’.
      • Thankfully, Najah had been swotting up on the news.
      • The new site offers visitors not just information on the school, but a chance to swot up on subjects as well.
      • With the contest now under way, this DVD is an opportunity to swot up on one of cricket's and sport's most ancient rivalries.
      • Hobbs, who left school at 16 without a qualification to his name, defied his detractors by swotting up on what makes a successful health club.
      • Hundreds of Bolton residents are learning new tricks and swotting up on old skills through free learning sessions.
      • Michelle Leiper is swotting up on exotic species of aquatic life.
      • One, who chose a college in northwest London to swot up on his GCSE science over Easter, found himself in a class of 30.
      • To try and sum up a potential candidate in 10 minutes is a waste of time for you and even more of a waste of time for the candidate who has to swot up on the company, preen themselves, find your office and then wait for you to decide to show.
      • Clearly too Leighton has being swotting up on the dynamic events of the past decade in Scotland's art world.
      • She likes Charles Dickens' novels - Nicholas Nickleby is her favourite - and after choosing her specialist subject she then had a fortnight to swot up on the writer.
      • Children who wish to take part will have the whole summer to swot up on their spelling using these informative and educational packs and from September the national spelling event begins.
      • The election of Britain's first Green Party MP would make a tangible difference: on 6 May, every Labour MP would begin nervously to swot up on climate change.
      • Already swotting up on their German with their World Cup tickets safely in the bag after Saturday's penultimate round of European zone qualifiers are the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, England, Poland and Croatia.
      • He insists he is an ordinary child and prefers following his beloved Aston Villa to swotting up on schoolwork.
      • The 19-year-old added: ‘I watch England whenever they play but will have to definitely swot up on my Arsenal knowledge.’
      revise, read up, go over, refresh one's memory of, relearn, cram, study, learn
nounPlural swots swɒtswɑt
British derogatory, informal
  • A person who studies very hard.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • You will know the answer to this so give someone else a chance you swot!
    • Sue listed his academic achievements and Boris admitted he was a colossal swot - he strongly recommended boning up.
    • In the same way a hard-working employee can annoy his more laid-back colleagues by showing them up, so a swot tends to annoy his less bright, less studious classmates.
    • That speech confirms what many people feel and fear about politicians: that they were the most despised classmates at school - the swot, the precocious prat, the political trainspotter.
    • She attended the local comprehensive school, where by her own admission she was a bit of a swot.
    • Cook is the school swot whose achievements in politics have not surprised anyone who sat with him in a classroom or opposite him in any debating chamber.
    • To call them outsiders is like saying the school swot is from another planet.
    • Brown's memory of himself at this time is not as a swot but as an all-rounder, ‘very keen on sports’.
    • Even in Shakespeare's day, school was for girlie swots rather than naughty boys.
    • They are the culinary equivalent of girlie swots.
    • I have a first class honours degree in biochemistry and I won the prize for being the top swot.
    • He is dressed in black, wearing glasses designed to make him look like the class swot, and has a solemn expression.
    • British sports writing - in contrast to the American variety - often has the feel of the class swot trying to impress the lads with his newly discovered fascination for footie.
    • The unloved school swots of the 20th century have blossomed into the alpha group of the 21st.
    • Besides, these days a cool pair of glasses is seen as a fashion plus, and I'm less likely to be called ‘four eyes’ today than when I was the speccy swot at school.
    • And everyone looks at the floor, until the swot comes in with an answer that he hopes will impress the teachers.
    • That history master happened also to be a County cricketer and a notable rugger player, so his remarks were discounted by the swots in the back row as the sort of thing he would say, wouldn't he?
    • And for some reason, academic success meant nothing in my school - there was no praise for doing well - only jeers from other pupils, or teachers who called me a swot in front of the rest of the class.
    • None of us, even the swots, knew what was going on.
    • At the time, I would rather have had a detention; didn't really enjoy being the school swot.
    study, get up, read up, cram


  • swotty

  • adjectiveswottier, swottiest
    British informal
    • It used to be perceived as a really swotty thing to enjoy reading but authors such as her have made books more accessible and made reading enjoyable.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • When he read the book on the recommendation of his daughter Eleanor, he was especially drawn to Harry's swotty classmate Hermione, the character Rowling has said is most closely based on herself.
      • Tony was the sporty one and Henry was the swotty one, but despite the differences they remained friends throughout the years.
      • What if I saw one of my old teachers and they found out their swotty student has amounted to naught?
      • But, at the same time, I wouldn't deliberately go looking for an institution that churned out swotty kids who took their A-levels at 12.


Mid 19th century: dialect variant of sweat.

  • A variation of sweat (Old English) that started life as army slang. Swot was first ‘studying, school, or college work’, and referred especially to mathematics. This led to its use to describe someone who studies hard or excessively.


allot, begot, Bernadotte, blot, bot, capot, clot, cocotte, cot, culotte, dot, forgot, garrotte (US garrote), gavotte, got, grot, hot, jot, knot, lot, Mayotte, motte, not, Ott, outshot, plot, pot, rot, sans-culotte, Scot, Scott, shallot, shot, slot, snot, sot, spot, squat, stot, swat, tot, trot, undershot, Wat, Watt, what, wot, yacht

Definition of swot in US English:


[no object]British informal
  • Study assiduously.


    kids swotting for exams


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I suppose I should be swotting madly to be prepared for the big meeting with the supervisor tomorrow, however.
    • This means I would no longer be returning from Paris around 1 am on Friday 21 May with at least three more days to swot up.
    • Once you have located the source of potential trouble, your next step is to go, not to the doctor, but to the bookshop to swot up your symptoms in a health manual.
    • Graduate Michael Angliss spent three years swotting for his degree - only to be told to dumb down when it came to getting a job.
    • Most players will only get one 21 game a year, possibly none if swotting for examinations.
    • If the idea of quitting office life sounds appealing, make sure you swot up first, advises Dave Houlden
    • This is your opportunity to get involved and find your best young speller so the sooner you register, the sooner your children can start swotting!
    • Serves me right for reading the Economist when I should have been swotting for my year 2 exams.
    • Then he swotted and got his limited electrician's licence.
    • All over the country, school and university students have their heads down to swot for summer exams, and anxiety levels shoot up.
    • He got on a flight, flew to Dunedin, swotted all night, sat his paper the next morning and flew to Rotorua to join the band for a concert that night.
    • Learning to drive is getting more difficult, especially today with so much paperwork and swotting to do for separate practical and theory tests.
    • I hope it restores a little bit of national pride. It was also a huge surprise. I didn't have time to swot up so I just breezed in and did the best I could.
    • Unlike exams, you can't swot up for psychometric tests, but if you think you're likely to come across them in your hunt for a job try to familiarise yourself with the process.
    • Bill comes for the meal, but he then goes to his room to swot.
    • But he is still a bright spark when it comes to maths and English because he swots up with the help of a special tutor who teaches him on the ward.
    • Just last week the wonderfully named teenager Seb Clover sailed solo across the Atlantic at a time when most of his peers are swotting for exams.
    study, studying, education, schooling, tuition, teaching, academic work, instruction, training
British derogatory, informal
  • A person who studies hard, especially one regarded as spending too much time studying.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The unloved school swots of the 20th century have blossomed into the alpha group of the 21st.
    • She attended the local comprehensive school, where by her own admission she was a bit of a swot.
    • That history master happened also to be a County cricketer and a notable rugger player, so his remarks were discounted by the swots in the back row as the sort of thing he would say, wouldn't he?
    • He is dressed in black, wearing glasses designed to make him look like the class swot, and has a solemn expression.
    • I have a first class honours degree in biochemistry and I won the prize for being the top swot.
    • Sue listed his academic achievements and Boris admitted he was a colossal swot - he strongly recommended boning up.
    • In the same way a hard-working employee can annoy his more laid-back colleagues by showing them up, so a swot tends to annoy his less bright, less studious classmates.
    • At the time, I would rather have had a detention; didn't really enjoy being the school swot.
    • That speech confirms what many people feel and fear about politicians: that they were the most despised classmates at school - the swot, the precocious prat, the political trainspotter.
    • And everyone looks at the floor, until the swot comes in with an answer that he hopes will impress the teachers.
    • They are the culinary equivalent of girlie swots.
    • To call them outsiders is like saying the school swot is from another planet.
    • None of us, even the swots, knew what was going on.
    • Besides, these days a cool pair of glasses is seen as a fashion plus, and I'm less likely to be called ‘four eyes’ today than when I was the speccy swot at school.
    • Brown's memory of himself at this time is not as a swot but as an all-rounder, ‘very keen on sports’.
    • Even in Shakespeare's day, school was for girlie swots rather than naughty boys.
    • You will know the answer to this so give someone else a chance you swot!
    • And for some reason, academic success meant nothing in my school - there was no praise for doing well - only jeers from other pupils, or teachers who called me a swot in front of the rest of the class.
    • Cook is the school swot whose achievements in politics have not surprised anyone who sat with him in a classroom or opposite him in any debating chamber.
    • British sports writing - in contrast to the American variety - often has the feel of the class swot trying to impress the lads with his newly discovered fascination for footie.
    study, get up, read up, cram

Phrasal Verbs

  • swot up on

    • Study (a subject) intensively, especially in preparation for something.


      teachers spend their evenings swotting up on jargon


      I've always been interested in old furniture and I've swotted it up a bit


      revise, read up, go over, refresh one's memory of, relearn, cram, study, learn


Mid 19th century: dialect variant of sweat.





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