

单词 switch

Definition of switch in English:


noun swɪtʃswɪtʃ
  • 1A device for making and breaking the connection in an electric circuit.


    the guard hit a switch and the gate swung open


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Apparently they take similar steps with the switches for the electric chair too.
    • By adding switches to their electrical circuits, the students were able to understand how circuits can be broken to determine its on and off status.
    • And the only reason I can fathom for putting the electric window switches on the centre console is that it's cheaper.
    • To her surprise, the power switch was on and when she moved the mouse, the screen lit up.
    • For example, I feel that all electric outlets and switches should have cover plates on them.
    • With practiced ease, she punched the right button in the maze of buttons, levers, switches, and dials.
    • Like existing car alarm systems, this too can be activated by a switch in the key bunch with the car owner and deactivated.
    • Most doors will open upon walking into them, some are locked, one-way doors, or activated by a switch.
    • In your room, you have three electric switches.
    • Other switches sense the electrical conductivity of the water in the bilge.
    • Setting them down, he flipped the light switch on, and turning around, he began to call out.
    • And all controls are push buttons instead of switches and knobs.
    • So the motors in most refrigerators, for example, control electricity with a switch - you can hear it go on and off.
    • The driver cannot discern the switch between electric and petrol power unless he is watching the clever on-screen graphic.
    • The show includes both banal objects, such as electric switches and sockets, as well as hand-formed clay objects, cast in bronze.
    • The controls work very well and only those not familiar with the car will search for the electric window switches.
    • A switch, preferably a foot switch, is operably connected to the reversible electric motor.
    • One switch releases an electric motor clutch brake and the other signals power to the electric motor for up or down movement of the stabilizer.
    • Solenoids are often important components of circuits and switches in their macroscopic form.
    • Americans flip the switches up for ON and down for OFF, the reverse of the NZ pattern.
    button, handle, lever, key, control, controller, disc, dial, joystick
    circuit breaker
    1. 1.1Computing A program variable which activates or deactivates a certain function of a program.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Many simple things, for example picking up an item, activating a switch or initiating a dialog, can be done with a single mouse click.
      • He pressed the switch to deactivate the program, then his weapons faded and he opened the door.
      • But in spite of these inhibitors, there is a promising development around intelligent switches.
      • If incorrectly configured, extremely complex technologies like operating systems, switches or databases are unreliable.
      • You can change these values with a command-line switch; a full list is available by typing start help.
    2. 1.2Computing A device which forwards data packets to an appropriate part of the network.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Instead they put an 110 network with switches in between the storage subsystems and the server.
      • It will accomplish this by beginning to replace traditional central office switches with packet switches.
      • The pipelined switch operates on several packets in parallel while determining each packet's routing destination.
      • It appears that the attack centered on the big red light and switch that controls the power to the network switches, firewall and internet router.
      • Because the telecom market has been depressed, low-loss optical switches have not yet been a primary focus for these companies.
      • The switch supports synchronous optical network and synchronous digital hierarchy digital data transmission standards.
      • However, to scale for a global network, switches are required to communicate with each other in a packet network.
      • A network switch works by ensuring packets travel directly from their origin to their destination, rather than broadcasting through the entire system.
      • The company's first silicon, expected later this year, will target broadband communications - switches, routers and network interface cards.
  • 2An act of changing to or adopting one thing in place of another.

    his friends were surprised at his switch from newspaper owner to farmer


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Share prices of six of them had either suffered continuous losses or posted no change since their switch.
    • And for those in the 072 area the change will be greater as it will mean a switch to the 071 prefix as well as the additional digits.
    • Dr Page confirmed that the switch in drugs could cause increased anxiety, and that there had been press reports about the drug increasing suicidal tendencies.
    • Mr Morrissey said oil companies used currency fluctuations to justify price increases but that a switch to euro pricing would put an end to this and bring real benefits for road users.
    • Bishop said she is really surprised by that implication and has difficulty comprehending the sudden switch.
    • I am unlikely to stand as a councillor again next year as I believe the switch to a mayor-run system has changed the job from something I enjoyed to something I find a waste of time.
    • There are dozens of scene switches, a multitude of props, yards of costume changes.
    • The current red home strip, worn by the team for the last two years, had been due for a change even without the switch of manufacturer.
    • Such switches of allegiance are becoming increasingly common in the modern game.
    • So a switch to coal would increase the greenhouse gas effect of fossil fuel usage.
    • Despite McKenzie's bullish predictions about take-up, the switch from NT to Windows 2000 is likely to be a gradual one.
    • Opinion polls show more than half of Britons are opposed to ditching the pound although an increasing number feel the switch is inevitable.
    • Half time changes and a few switches brought some improvement and Wicklow held their own well in the second half.
    • When your attention flags, a switch in tense or change of narrative pace, an amusing anecdote or a crisp scientific explanation draws you in again.
    • Like most authorities, the lion's share of the increases has been made necessary by a massive switch of the burden of taxation from national to local government.
    • With further such switches scheduled, an increased number of powerful medications are likely to become available over the counter.
    • The newspaper said on Friday that the switch would take place on October 16.
    • When that opportunity opened up, he made the switch to full-time business owner.
    • But before you make a radical switch, remember it's best to change gradually, since you may be happier at an intermediate stage.
    • The labour market has also become more flexible with an increasing shift to part-time workers, marking a switch away from the ‘job for life’ culture.
    change, change of direction, move, shift, transition, transformation, diversion
    reversal, turnaround, swerve, U-turn, rowback, changeover, transfer, conversion, substitution, exchange, interchange
    British about-turn
    exchange, swap, trade, substitution, interchange, replacement, rotation
  • 3A slender, flexible shoot cut from a tree.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I've been hit with slippers, with a dustpan, with a switch cut from the cherry tree in our backyard.
    • She wanted a whippy switch off a willow tree in the front yard.
    • The students are lined up in somewhat orderly rows by their class leaders while a few of the teachers oversee the process, swishing small switches recently torn from nearby eucalyptus trees.
    branch, twig, shoot, stick, rod
  • 4North American A set of points on a railway track.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • It also eliminated the time-consuming need to stop and align switches to enter and leave sidings.
    • Investigators say someone tampered with a locked switch on October 20th so that trains would go the wrong way.
    • In later years private contractors installed the siding while the railway installed the switch.
    • The following two years, 1961 and 1962, were used to lay the more than 90 miles of track and 311 switches.
    • I heard that there were switch problems - they could not line up a switch to allow us onto Track 1, so we would have to run on Track 2 for a bit.
    • Up ahead, track switches on steel box beams 78 m long elastically bent and locked to allow the train to cross without a break.
    • Imagine for a moment you are standing at a railway switch.
    • Those improvements include adding a second ‘lane’ of track in some sections and upgrading signals and switches.
    • Life-expired signalling equipment and related trackwork, switches and crossings will be replaced.
    • More complicated ones throw railway switches, open and close circuit breakers, and adjust valve flow in lots of different pipelines.
    • Five track gangs maintained the 72 miles of track, including over 700 switches and repaired the high priority derailment damage.
    • Ten miles are being reballasted, 30 switches and crossings renewed, and the track layout at Longport, near Stoke, remodelled.
    • The first fortnight will see closure of Slade Lane Junction to replace signalling equipment and trackwork, including switches and crossings.
    • Once our train had cleared the switches at the end of the St. Charles Air Line, we began a backward movement off the BNSF and around into Chicago Union Station.
    • We very seldom go the speed limit because of signals and switches through town.
    • It is passing a recently constructed switch, which will be installed near MP 31 in Newark, CA.
    • We were obviously on the wrong track and had to backup past a switch that would put us on the right track for heading up the Hudson line for Albany.
    • Had this switch been left aligned for the passing track until the switch at the opposite end of the passing track was opened, a red signal would have been displayed.
    • The westbound train could not leave the station either and get out of our way, as we were blocking the switches he needed to get over to track 1.
    • We came to a stop briefly before the siding where the station platform is; no doubt a switch had to be hand-thrown.
  • 5A tress of false or detached hair tied at one end, used in hairdressing to supplement natural hair.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He also collected strands of their hair that had fallen out to make a switch.
    • On an impulse, Katherine reached up with her other hand and flicked her hood off of her head, revealing her long switch of hair.
    • The long, silken switch of hair was cut carefully into four or five shorter sections.
verb swɪtʃswɪtʃ
[with object]
  • 1Change the position, direction, or focus of.


    the company switched the boats to other routes


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Their turnaround is immediate and they lose no time in switching directions.
    • Now, the event has been switched to different venues, and will be played on a different surface, at a different time of the year and with an increased eligibility.
    • Hitler had already made one bad mistake, when he'd switched his tactic to focus on the bombing of British cities, just at the time when he was winning the air battle over England.
    • Eventually I managed to switch the conversation to them and their lives and we spent the rest of our dinner conversation spotlighting them.
    • I switched directions and headed for the basement.
    • In simply switching the focus of public conjecture he may have done enough to let the question slide, at least for the duration of the campaign.
    • Suddenly, the wind switched directions and started to blow violently as the sky started to cloud.
    • He says the Opposition has switched its focus away from the amendment which he said was unworkable.
    • Officers switched the focus of their investigation after receiving information following a Crimewatch TV appeal.
    • He switched direction in the mid-80s, spotting the potential of brownfield sites for development.
    • The families of 24 children have called on the ministers for education and healthcare to reverse a recent trend to switch its focus away from health services.
    • Still with the blade in hand, the man also ran towards a group of children before he switched direction.
    • But after graduation she switched directions and became a businesswoman.
    • He switched his direction and headed towards her locker.
    • Have you ever noticed how, when an uncomfortable topic comes up in conversation, the focus is sometimes switched to avoid the important issue that just came up?
    • When a submarine radar signal is detected the system is switched to direction finding mode and the received signals are characterised.
    • The American travel writer switches his focus to popular science
    • We've merely switched our focus from our parents to our spouses.
    • The deflection diverted it and Gordon had to switch direction to get a hand to it and palm it away.
    • A brilliant historian, he switched his academic focus from French civilisation to human emotions, and has even been a novelist.
    • Mobile phone operators are switching their focus from customer acquisition to improvements in average revenue per user.
    • Montgomery then switched the focus of attack to the north.
    change, shift, convert, divert, redirect
    informal chop and change
    1. 1.1 Adopt (something different) in place of something else; change.
      she's managed to switch careers


      no object she worked as a librarian and then switched to journalism


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Remember, if you wish to switch lenders mid-term different exit penalties may apply.
      • The Government says the accounts will comprise low cost, easy access investment schemes, which allow workers who switch jobs or take career breaks save in a flexible way.
      • There is a chance for some of you to switch careers.
      • A sparky couple who switched careers in their 40s, they would put a refreshing spin on those programmes about midlifers running off to breed alpacas in Peru.
      • He said that his present machine was an Apple, but that he was planning in switching to a different brand for a new machine. I answered that yes, I was happy with the Dell.
      • The story switches location as if to match the shift in Brunetti's mood.
      • I was so awed by my experience that I decided to switch careers.
      • They are cleaning up, and could make even more money if they switched to a different cash crop.
      • A lump sum is paid and they switch to a different type of mortgage.
      • Some of you may switch to a different profession.
      • Hall has applied the same theory to his career, switching paths and changing routes whenever things start to become a little too comfortable for him.
      • The most important thing is to act as soon as possible and consider switching to a different kind of mortgage possibly a straight repayment mortgage with separate life cover.
      • Saxophonist Stanley Turrentine often switched styles during his career, sometimes losing a few fans in the process.
      • But if for any reason he wishes to switch to a different career, he certainly has what it takes in other ways.
      • Regular collection is vital on hygiene grounds and Mrs Carter has vowed to switch to a different contractor once the row has been resolved.
      • In the late 1980s, Leakey switched careers to take over as head of Kenya's Wildlife Service, working to protect all endangered wildlife and eco-systems.
      • Cars seem to come from all directions, switching lanes like dodgem cars and it's not just cars but bicycles and scooters too.
      • He was a teacher and a coach at one time, but then switched careers and joined the Army.
      • Trained as a librarian, he switched careers to begin work as a museum assistant at the old railway museum in Faringdon Road.
    2. 1.2 Substitute (two items) for each other; exchange.
      after ten minutes, listener and speaker switch roles


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘A good manager should be able to switch roles at any time,’ he said.
      • By switching roles it is also possible to create better empathy and more accurate recognition of danger signs in oneself and in others when the power balance is getting out of hand in real life.
      • He switches roles easily from being a stage actor to shooting ad films or coordinating the New York shooting of films from big banners in Bollywood.
      • They switched roles, and the chauffeur delivered the lecture flawlessly.
      • These actions happened very shortly after switching roles from pilot flying to pilot not flying.
      • She can switch roles as quick as a chameleon but this one was something that needed a little more than a deft flick of the wrist and a witty turn of phrase.
      • Our roles had been switched and I was now the one who took care of the helpless sister.
      • The two switched roles in December while the team was in the midst of its worst stretch of the season.
      • I don't know when it started, but she and I switched roles at school and home.
      • ‘Once a year we reward the ladies for their efforts by switching roles with the men donning their aprons to provide a Ladies Lunch,’ said Gordon.
      • By switching the sibling roles and darkening their relationship, Chéreau found echoes of the emotional distance he feels from his own brother.
      • The two of us decided this was a good time to switch roles; he would be the hoist operator, and I would be the swimmer.
      • Okay, now switch roles and pretend you are the declarer.
      • The next day, they are out on the street corner comparing their presents and neither is happy, so they switch gifts with each other.
      • Well, this time, we've switched the roles: Now it's the student who is the teacher, and the instructor tries the tip.
      • Fox further blurs distinctions between news and opinion by having anchors and political commentators switch roles from one day to the next.
      • The speakers and channels were switched between trials.
      • It's almost as though the two actors switched roles and no one noticed.
      • At the end of the exercise, the groups will switch roles.
      • Either way, this week, we decided to switch roles.
      exchange, swap, interchange, trade, substitute, cause to change places, replace, rotate
  • 2archaic Beat or flick with or as if with a switch.


    hit, beat, flog, whip, horsewhip, scourge, lash, flagellate, flail, strap, birch, cane, belt, leather

Phrasal Verbs

  • switch off

    • Cease to pay attention.


      as he waffles on, I switch off


      Example sentencesExamples
      • That's ideal if you come here to switch off, since you enjoy attentive service without any hassle.
      • It is quite clear that the pro-Union electorate are switching off in droves, with each election indicating a downturn in registration and voting.
      • Once again Rovers players showed how mentally fragile they are by switching off at key moments and accepting second best all too easily.
      • And switching off for a few hours is a very good thing indeed.
      • Particularly I'm going to switch off or stop reading when I recognise signs of distress in myself.
      • Others try to limit the expectations of their boss or family by taking longer to reply, or switching off.
      • Many just switch off, saying that they'll pay attention when there is real danger.
      • She thought it was cool to be more radical than her parents by switching off from politics, but now she feels guilty - which is why she has been on three demonstrations in the past two weeks.
      • I've received a steady stream of emails from readers saying they're switching off, retiring to their veggie patches, disengaging.
  • switch something off (or on)

    • Turn an electrical device off (or on)


      she switched on the kettle
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Shortly afterwards the power was switched off by electricity company Powergen.
      • Outside of rush hour, the lights could be switched off.
      • The power at the station was switched off immediately, which disrupted train services for more than an hour in the area as she was rescued.
      • Firefighters were called to the scene while passengers were escorted along the railway track back into the station after the electric current had been switched off between Eastleigh and Fareham.
      • He added that the lights in the toilets were switched off at midnight and that the issue of the heater had been raised before and it was currently on to prevent frozen pipes.
      • Only about 20% ensure that all electrical appliances are switched off and a similarly low figure check that the cooker is off.
      • Revenue from flash memory, which stores data when devices like cell phones are switched off, was little changed.
      • The bridge is expected to be opened in August, when lights will be switched on to illuminate the arch at night.
      • The work will start this summer and the first set of new street lights will be switched on from December.
      • The lights are switched on when the operator stops projection to change the spools.
      • The lights were switched off for the first time at about 7am yesterday.
      • Fairy lights were switched on and music played.
      • The nation's televisions use £190 million worth of electricity while they are switched off.
      • The traffic lights were switched off, a helicopter hovered overhead, and along came a glare of headlights.
      • I felt tense as the lights were switched off inside the plane as it came into land and flares were released to deflect anti - aircraft fire.
      • They lights were switched on to a musical fanfare earlier this month and locals said they were proud their village was putting on such a good show.
      • I would doubt if one extra minute has been saved by public service vehicles since the lights were switched on.
      • There were no safety barriers, the walkway power was not switched off and emergency brakes on the walkway were not working properly.
      • The project had to take place late at night so that the power could be switched off on the railway line.
      • In some cases, the electricity had been switched off at the mains and telephones disabled; in others, light bulbs were removed before the attack.
      turn on, put on, flick on, activate, power up, start off, set going, get going, trigger off, set in motion, operate, initiate, actuate, boot up, initialize, energize
      turn off, shut off, flick off, stop working, cut, power down, stop, halt, deactivate


  • switchable

  • adjective
    • The three separately switchable, compact fluorescent lamps in red, green and blue, not only produce these primary colours, but also three secondary-colour pastel shades and one shade of white.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Consider, for instance, how the interior windows, glass balustrades, and switchable partitions create both a sense of openness and the ability to zone spaces for specific uses and privacy.
      • Even though this is a few steps down from the top spec car, it still comes with air conditioning, switchable between driver and passenger, a CD player, electric windows, and alloy wheels.
      • Where a change is desired, switchable materials can provide glare reduction, privacy, daylight and solar control, and reduction of ultraviolet transmission.
      • I love the switchable interface between perspectives
      • The lower portion of these same windows feature switchable glass, which changes from clear to opaque at the touch of a button.
      • Both styles are available in red and silver, and they each have heavy duty straps and switchable stabilizers.


Late 16th century (denoting a thin tapering riding whip): probably from Low German.


bewitch, bitch, ditch, enrich, fitch, flitch, glitch, hitch, itch, kitsch, Mitch, pitch, quitch, rich, snitch, stitch, titch, twitch, which, witch

Definition of switch in US English:


  • 1A device for making and breaking the connection in an electric circuit.


    the guard hit a switch and the gate swung open


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Apparently they take similar steps with the switches for the electric chair too.
    • With practiced ease, she punched the right button in the maze of buttons, levers, switches, and dials.
    • A switch, preferably a foot switch, is operably connected to the reversible electric motor.
    • Like existing car alarm systems, this too can be activated by a switch in the key bunch with the car owner and deactivated.
    • In your room, you have three electric switches.
    • Solenoids are often important components of circuits and switches in their macroscopic form.
    • For example, I feel that all electric outlets and switches should have cover plates on them.
    • Most doors will open upon walking into them, some are locked, one-way doors, or activated by a switch.
    • To her surprise, the power switch was on and when she moved the mouse, the screen lit up.
    • One switch releases an electric motor clutch brake and the other signals power to the electric motor for up or down movement of the stabilizer.
    • And all controls are push buttons instead of switches and knobs.
    • The show includes both banal objects, such as electric switches and sockets, as well as hand-formed clay objects, cast in bronze.
    • By adding switches to their electrical circuits, the students were able to understand how circuits can be broken to determine its on and off status.
    • Setting them down, he flipped the light switch on, and turning around, he began to call out.
    • The controls work very well and only those not familiar with the car will search for the electric window switches.
    • Americans flip the switches up for ON and down for OFF, the reverse of the NZ pattern.
    • Other switches sense the electrical conductivity of the water in the bilge.
    • The driver cannot discern the switch between electric and petrol power unless he is watching the clever on-screen graphic.
    • And the only reason I can fathom for putting the electric window switches on the centre console is that it's cheaper.
    • So the motors in most refrigerators, for example, control electricity with a switch - you can hear it go on and off.
    button, handle, lever, key, control, controller, disc, dial, joystick
    1. 1.1Computing A program variable which activates or deactivates a certain function of a program.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He pressed the switch to deactivate the program, then his weapons faded and he opened the door.
      • But in spite of these inhibitors, there is a promising development around intelligent switches.
      • If incorrectly configured, extremely complex technologies like operating systems, switches or databases are unreliable.
      • You can change these values with a command-line switch; a full list is available by typing start help.
      • Many simple things, for example picking up an item, activating a switch or initiating a dialog, can be done with a single mouse click.
  • 2An act of adopting one policy or way of life, or choosing one type of item, in place of another; a change, especially a radical one.


    his friends were surprised at his switch from newspaper owner to farmer


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Mr Morrissey said oil companies used currency fluctuations to justify price increases but that a switch to euro pricing would put an end to this and bring real benefits for road users.
    • The current red home strip, worn by the team for the last two years, had been due for a change even without the switch of manufacturer.
    • The newspaper said on Friday that the switch would take place on October 16.
    • So a switch to coal would increase the greenhouse gas effect of fossil fuel usage.
    • I am unlikely to stand as a councillor again next year as I believe the switch to a mayor-run system has changed the job from something I enjoyed to something I find a waste of time.
    • Dr Page confirmed that the switch in drugs could cause increased anxiety, and that there had been press reports about the drug increasing suicidal tendencies.
    • Like most authorities, the lion's share of the increases has been made necessary by a massive switch of the burden of taxation from national to local government.
    • When that opportunity opened up, he made the switch to full-time business owner.
    • Such switches of allegiance are becoming increasingly common in the modern game.
    • With further such switches scheduled, an increased number of powerful medications are likely to become available over the counter.
    • But before you make a radical switch, remember it's best to change gradually, since you may be happier at an intermediate stage.
    • Despite McKenzie's bullish predictions about take-up, the switch from NT to Windows 2000 is likely to be a gradual one.
    • When your attention flags, a switch in tense or change of narrative pace, an amusing anecdote or a crisp scientific explanation draws you in again.
    • And for those in the 072 area the change will be greater as it will mean a switch to the 071 prefix as well as the additional digits.
    • Half time changes and a few switches brought some improvement and Wicklow held their own well in the second half.
    • Share prices of six of them had either suffered continuous losses or posted no change since their switch.
    • Bishop said she is really surprised by that implication and has difficulty comprehending the sudden switch.
    • There are dozens of scene switches, a multitude of props, yards of costume changes.
    • Opinion polls show more than half of Britons are opposed to ditching the pound although an increasing number feel the switch is inevitable.
    • The labour market has also become more flexible with an increasing shift to part-time workers, marking a switch away from the ‘job for life’ culture.
    change, change of direction, move, shift, transition, transformation, diversion
    exchange, swap, trade, substitution, interchange, replacement, rotation
  • 3A slender, flexible shoot cut from a tree.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I've been hit with slippers, with a dustpan, with a switch cut from the cherry tree in our backyard.
    • The students are lined up in somewhat orderly rows by their class leaders while a few of the teachers oversee the process, swishing small switches recently torn from nearby eucalyptus trees.
    • She wanted a whippy switch off a willow tree in the front yard.
    branch, twig, shoot, stick, rod
  • 4North American A junction of two railroad tracks, with a pair of linked tapering rails that can be moved laterally to allow a train to pass from one line to the other.

    Example sentencesExamples
    • More complicated ones throw railway switches, open and close circuit breakers, and adjust valve flow in lots of different pipelines.
    • We very seldom go the speed limit because of signals and switches through town.
    • Those improvements include adding a second ‘lane’ of track in some sections and upgrading signals and switches.
    • Investigators say someone tampered with a locked switch on October 20th so that trains would go the wrong way.
    • We were obviously on the wrong track and had to backup past a switch that would put us on the right track for heading up the Hudson line for Albany.
    • Life-expired signalling equipment and related trackwork, switches and crossings will be replaced.
    • Had this switch been left aligned for the passing track until the switch at the opposite end of the passing track was opened, a red signal would have been displayed.
    • The following two years, 1961 and 1962, were used to lay the more than 90 miles of track and 311 switches.
    • Once our train had cleared the switches at the end of the St. Charles Air Line, we began a backward movement off the BNSF and around into Chicago Union Station.
    • In later years private contractors installed the siding while the railway installed the switch.
    • Five track gangs maintained the 72 miles of track, including over 700 switches and repaired the high priority derailment damage.
    • It also eliminated the time-consuming need to stop and align switches to enter and leave sidings.
    • Ten miles are being reballasted, 30 switches and crossings renewed, and the track layout at Longport, near Stoke, remodelled.
    • The westbound train could not leave the station either and get out of our way, as we were blocking the switches he needed to get over to track 1.
    • The first fortnight will see closure of Slade Lane Junction to replace signalling equipment and trackwork, including switches and crossings.
    • We came to a stop briefly before the siding where the station platform is; no doubt a switch had to be hand-thrown.
    • Up ahead, track switches on steel box beams 78 m long elastically bent and locked to allow the train to cross without a break.
    • It is passing a recently constructed switch, which will be installed near MP 31 in Newark, CA.
    • I heard that there were switch problems - they could not line up a switch to allow us onto Track 1, so we would have to run on Track 2 for a bit.
    • Imagine for a moment you are standing at a railway switch.
  • 5A tress of false or detached hair tied at one end, used in hairdressing to supplement natural hair.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He also collected strands of their hair that had fallen out to make a switch.
    • On an impulse, Katherine reached up with her other hand and flicked her hood off of her head, revealing her long switch of hair.
    • The long, silken switch of hair was cut carefully into four or five shorter sections.
[with object]
  • 1Change the position, direction, or focus of.


    the company switched the boats to other routes


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Mobile phone operators are switching their focus from customer acquisition to improvements in average revenue per user.
    • We've merely switched our focus from our parents to our spouses.
    • Officers switched the focus of their investigation after receiving information following a Crimewatch TV appeal.
    • A brilliant historian, he switched his academic focus from French civilisation to human emotions, and has even been a novelist.
    • But after graduation she switched directions and became a businesswoman.
    • The families of 24 children have called on the ministers for education and healthcare to reverse a recent trend to switch its focus away from health services.
    • He says the Opposition has switched its focus away from the amendment which he said was unworkable.
    • Montgomery then switched the focus of attack to the north.
    • Suddenly, the wind switched directions and started to blow violently as the sky started to cloud.
    • Their turnaround is immediate and they lose no time in switching directions.
    • Eventually I managed to switch the conversation to them and their lives and we spent the rest of our dinner conversation spotlighting them.
    • I switched directions and headed for the basement.
    • The deflection diverted it and Gordon had to switch direction to get a hand to it and palm it away.
    • He switched his direction and headed towards her locker.
    • When a submarine radar signal is detected the system is switched to direction finding mode and the received signals are characterised.
    • Hitler had already made one bad mistake, when he'd switched his tactic to focus on the bombing of British cities, just at the time when he was winning the air battle over England.
    • In simply switching the focus of public conjecture he may have done enough to let the question slide, at least for the duration of the campaign.
    • Now, the event has been switched to different venues, and will be played on a different surface, at a different time of the year and with an increased eligibility.
    • Have you ever noticed how, when an uncomfortable topic comes up in conversation, the focus is sometimes switched to avoid the important issue that just came up?
    • Still with the blade in hand, the man also ran towards a group of children before he switched direction.
    • He switched direction in the mid-80s, spotting the potential of brownfield sites for development.
    • The American travel writer switches his focus to popular science
    change, shift, convert, divert, redirect
    1. 1.1 Adopt (something different) in place of something else; change.
      with object she's managed to switch careers


      no object she worked as a librarian and then switched to journalism


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Remember, if you wish to switch lenders mid-term different exit penalties may apply.
      • Hall has applied the same theory to his career, switching paths and changing routes whenever things start to become a little too comfortable for him.
      • The most important thing is to act as soon as possible and consider switching to a different kind of mortgage possibly a straight repayment mortgage with separate life cover.
      • But if for any reason he wishes to switch to a different career, he certainly has what it takes in other ways.
      • Trained as a librarian, he switched careers to begin work as a museum assistant at the old railway museum in Faringdon Road.
      • Cars seem to come from all directions, switching lanes like dodgem cars and it's not just cars but bicycles and scooters too.
      • He said that his present machine was an Apple, but that he was planning in switching to a different brand for a new machine. I answered that yes, I was happy with the Dell.
      • Regular collection is vital on hygiene grounds and Mrs Carter has vowed to switch to a different contractor once the row has been resolved.
      • The Government says the accounts will comprise low cost, easy access investment schemes, which allow workers who switch jobs or take career breaks save in a flexible way.
      • Saxophonist Stanley Turrentine often switched styles during his career, sometimes losing a few fans in the process.
      • A lump sum is paid and they switch to a different type of mortgage.
      • There is a chance for some of you to switch careers.
      • They are cleaning up, and could make even more money if they switched to a different cash crop.
      • I was so awed by my experience that I decided to switch careers.
      • A sparky couple who switched careers in their 40s, they would put a refreshing spin on those programmes about midlifers running off to breed alpacas in Peru.
      • Some of you may switch to a different profession.
      • The story switches location as if to match the shift in Brunetti's mood.
      • In the late 1980s, Leakey switched careers to take over as head of Kenya's Wildlife Service, working to protect all endangered wildlife and eco-systems.
      • He was a teacher and a coach at one time, but then switched careers and joined the Army.
    2. 1.2 Substitute (two items) for each other; exchange.
      after ten minutes, listener and speaker switch roles


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It's almost as though the two actors switched roles and no one noticed.
      • The next day, they are out on the street corner comparing their presents and neither is happy, so they switch gifts with each other.
      • At the end of the exercise, the groups will switch roles.
      • ‘A good manager should be able to switch roles at any time,’ he said.
      • By switching the sibling roles and darkening their relationship, Chéreau found echoes of the emotional distance he feels from his own brother.
      • The speakers and channels were switched between trials.
      • Well, this time, we've switched the roles: Now it's the student who is the teacher, and the instructor tries the tip.
      • The two of us decided this was a good time to switch roles; he would be the hoist operator, and I would be the swimmer.
      • I don't know when it started, but she and I switched roles at school and home.
      • By switching roles it is also possible to create better empathy and more accurate recognition of danger signs in oneself and in others when the power balance is getting out of hand in real life.
      • She can switch roles as quick as a chameleon but this one was something that needed a little more than a deft flick of the wrist and a witty turn of phrase.
      • Fox further blurs distinctions between news and opinion by having anchors and political commentators switch roles from one day to the next.
      • These actions happened very shortly after switching roles from pilot flying to pilot not flying.
      • Okay, now switch roles and pretend you are the declarer.
      • He switches roles easily from being a stage actor to shooting ad films or coordinating the New York shooting of films from big banners in Bollywood.
      • The two switched roles in December while the team was in the midst of its worst stretch of the season.
      • They switched roles, and the chauffeur delivered the lecture flawlessly.
      • Either way, this week, we decided to switch roles.
      • ‘Once a year we reward the ladies for their efforts by switching roles with the men donning their aprons to provide a Ladies Lunch,’ said Gordon.
      • Our roles had been switched and I was now the one who took care of the helpless sister.
      exchange, swap, interchange, trade, substitute, cause to change places, replace, rotate
  • 2archaic Beat or flick with or as if with a switch.


    hit, beat, flog, whip, horsewhip, scourge, lash, flagellate, flail, strap, birch, cane, belt, leather

Phrasal Verbs

  • switch something off

    • 1Turn off an electrical device.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Anyhow, switching off your handset for five minutes is all it takes to prevent the risk of any fire hazard, however negligible it may be.
      • Save by switching off appliances with the power button rather than the remote.
      • Islanders traditionally begin Sabbath observance late on Saturday night, switching off televisions and making sure they are home well before midnight.
      • Orders were issued for switching off air-conditioners, to stop power guzzling.
      • Many people think their actions will make no difference but if a million of us all take the same small action such as switching off the TV stand-by there would be a huge saving.
      • Figures show that even as the second tower fell, people were switching off their televisions, complaining they'd seen it all before.
      • There's even a remarkably clear optical viewfinder to help framing if you want to conserve battery power by switching off the 1.6in colour screen.
      • Studiously switching off his mobile and taking the permission of the gathering, he took his seat.
      • There would be no question of switching off any life support machine.
      • To save fuel, some drivers have been switching off air-conditioners despite rising temperatures.
      • Imagine switching off your computer and surfing the web.
      1. 1.1informal Cease to pay attention.
        as he waffles on, I switch off


        Example sentencesExamples
        • Others try to limit the expectations of their boss or family by taking longer to reply, or switching off.
        • Particularly I'm going to switch off or stop reading when I recognise signs of distress in myself.
        • It is quite clear that the pro-Union electorate are switching off in droves, with each election indicating a downturn in registration and voting.
        • And switching off for a few hours is a very good thing indeed.
        • That's ideal if you come here to switch off, since you enjoy attentive service without any hassle.
        • Once again Rovers players showed how mentally fragile they are by switching off at key moments and accepting second best all too easily.
        • I've received a steady stream of emails from readers saying they're switching off, retiring to their veggie patches, disengaging.
        • She thought it was cool to be more radical than her parents by switching off from politics, but now she feels guilty - which is why she has been on three demonstrations in the past two weeks.
        • Many just switch off, saying that they'll pay attention when there is real danger.
  • switch something on

    • Turn on an electrical device.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He came into the house between 6.40 am and 6.46 am and for whatever reason, switched on the computer.
      • I switched on the headlights.
      • She stepped forward and switched on the light in the living room.
      turn on, put on, flick on, activate, power up, start off, set going, get going, trigger off, set in motion, operate, initiate, actuate, boot up, initialize, energize
      turn off, shut off, flick off, stop working, cut, power down, stop, halt, deactivate


Late 16th century (denoting a thin tapering riding whip): probably from Low German.





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