There will also be plenty to tempt those who are watching their waistlines - from potters, photographers, painters, toymakers, silversmiths and woodworkers.
A Japanese toymaker claims to have developed a gadget that translates dog barks into human language.
The suddenly orphaned 15-year-old Melanie and her siblings are shunted off to live in south London with their mysterious Uncle Philip, a toymaker who rules his family, including his mute wife and her Irish brothers, with a rod of iron.
While toymakers and TV broadcasters have made billions from marketing anime characters, most studios are run by artists who rose through the ranks of animators but have little experience in management.
This very readable book contains a series of articles on aspects of ‘the American West’ as mythologised in literature, art, Hollywood, television, on the Internet, and even by toymakers.
The toy shop shows the toymaker making Pinocchio toys.
The classical ballet Coppelia looks at a toymaker and the children who cause mayhem in his workshop.
Demand outstrips supply and in 1934 he goes to the toymakers Parker Brothers who turn him down on the grounds that it contains 52 ‘fundamental errors’.
Importers ranging from clothiers and toymakers to auto factories could find themselves empty-handed as goods from overseas languish at 29 West Coast ports.
Meanwhile, Japanese toymakers have been producing robotic toys intended for the country's elderly.
But some American toymakers have survived and they are fighting back.
Although records show that some toymakers sold their own wares at the large trade fairs held in Frankfurt, Leipzig, and Dresden, this practice did not become common.
The toymaker's loss is our gain, because years later, when Toshie was rediscovered long after his death of cancer in London in 1928 at the age of 60, the design was put into production.
You go follow the link to see what the creative toymaker is into these days.
To help gain entry into new outlets, toymakers are developing more exclusive products and packaging.
By 1400 there were professional toymakers in Germany.
Her beautifully crafted cake features Pinocchio sitting on the knee of the toymaker Gepetto.
Birmingham Royal Ballet returns on March 27-29 to perform the classic ballet Coppelia about a toymaker who dreams of bringing his favourite creation to life.
In the yellow corner, a rising sense of frustration crossed the already weathered features of Hales, the toymaker from the West Midlands.
Even a 25 percent increase in the value of the yuan, which few say they expect, would still allow many toymakers to successfully export a wide range of products from China.