

单词 swear

Definition of swear in English:


verbswore, swears, sworn, swearing swɛːswɛr
  • 1reporting verb Make a solemn statement or promise undertaking to do something or affirming that something is the case.


    with clause Maria made me swear I would never tell anyone


    I swear by all I hold dear that I had nothing to do with it


    with direct speech ‘Never again,’ she swore, ‘will I be short of money’


    with object they were reluctant to swear allegiance


    Example sentencesExamples
    • This is not the country I agreed to support when I swore my allegiance to the Republic, and dedicated my life to its defense.
    • Amanullah and Khan swear allegiance to Karzai's government, but both often act in their own interests.
    • But it's okay, we're allowed to live to excess this week, since on Friday night we will swear allegiance to a new, healthy regime.
    • Hidden in the forest, Von Rothbart had secretly overheard Siegfried's promise, and he swore he would stop this love.
    • The bill is being sponsored by ultra-orthodox Jewish political groups in the wake of claims that hundreds of soldiers in the Israeli army have sworn allegiance to the state on the New Testament.
    • The judge has no interest in the result and has sworn or affirmed an obligation to give justice according to law.
    • Desmond's behaviour has embarrassed the Tory party, to whom he has sworn allegiance.
    • We were told we could choose to say swear or affirm at one point yet no alternative was given for the last line, which is ‘so help me God’.
    • I pretended to be interested - I even learnt the names of some of the players, and eventually was forced to swear allegiance to a team.
    • Their loyalty was to God; they could not swear allegiance to any temporal state.
    • While all the main UK banks swear passionate allegiance to the very British concept of free while in credit banking, costs are inching up on several fronts.
    • Let's forget he had sworn allegiance to Queen Victoria en-route to Oz and fought an odd battle or two for the Poms on the way.
    • Zainal and his followers had to swear allegiance to Sungkar and Bashir and accept their leadership over the community in Australia.
    • The MacDonalds were regarded as extreme supporters of the former Catholic regime of James I who had failed to swear allegiance to the new King William on time.
    • They have not earned our trust, or sworn allegiance to us.
    • I do solemnly swear that I will obey all laws commands and dictates of our leader - for he has lovely teeth.
    • He might curse the existence of the January transfer window, but should instead swear allegiance to it.
    • Serebin has no army to enlist in, no state to swear allegiance to, no cause to fight for.
    • In democratic and successful societies, men and women do not swear allegiance to malcontents and murderers; they turn their hearts and labor to building better lives.
    • Every local politician thereafter swore allegiance to saving neighbourhoods, as though Noreen and her friends had just given voice to the obvious.
    promise, vow, promise under oath, solemnly promise, pledge oneself, give one's word, take an oath, swear an oath, swear on the Bible, give an undertaking, undertake, affirm, warrant, state, assert, declare, aver, proclaim, pronounce, profess, attest, guarantee
    Law depose, make a deposition, bind oneself
    rare asseverate
    insist, avow, be emphatic, pronounce, declare, assert, maintain, contend, aver, emphasize, stress
    invoke, appeal to, call as one's witness
    1. 1.1with object Take (an oath)
      he forced them to swear an oath of loyalty to him


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The oath sworn by new citizens remains the source of some bitterness among traditionalists north of the Border, who claim it ignores Scotland's unique history.
      • Among them the fact that it was the judge and jury who swore an oath to render a true and just decision.
      • He swore a pledge of fidelity, not an easy thing for him.
      • Speaking in Commercial Radio's Tea Cup in a Storm, Leung stressed that should he swear an oath, he would do so with dignity.
      • And if my democratically-elected MP fails to swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen, why will they be barred from entering Parliament to represent me?
      • You stood there with your hand on the bible and swore an oath.
      • Radical plans to require immigrants to swear an oath of allegiance to Britain were yesterday unveiled by the inquiry into the summer riots in Bradford, Oldham and Burnley.
      • That decision caused uproar as the MPs refuse to swear the oath of allegiance to the queen, meaning they cannot take their seats, speak in debates or vote.
      • To start the renunciation procedure, you have to be outside of the United States and swear your oath of renunciation to a U.S. consular officer.
      • Once there, frightened of Injun Joe, they decided to swear an oath that they won't tell anyone what they just witnessed.
      • Kingston's mayor will attend the ceremonies and new citizens will swear the oath of allegiance and make a pledge of citizenship before being given a British nationality certificate.
      • They will swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen, and pledge to respect the UK's laws, rights and freedoms.
      • She's as aware as anyone that the lusty thoughts she inspires are the foundation of her celebrity, yet she's sworn an oath never to show her naughty bits in movies.
      • There were no photographs or transcripts of the testimony, and the two men would not agree to swear an oath, conditions George Bush defended.
      • On 20 January 2001, George W Bush swore the oath of office as the 43rd President of the US.
      • They swore an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
      • Anybody who wants to considered a freeman must swear an oath of loyalty.
      • Many have pointed out the absurdity of asking new citizens to swear an oath to the Queen, when a large number of citizens born here would probably refuse to do the same.
      • Nevertheless, he could have discussed his devotion to the Constitution from some perspective other than the fact that he'd sworn an oath.
      • Spike Milligan was born in India yet denied a British passport because, although he had served and risked his life for King and country, he refused to swear the oath of allegiance.
    2. 1.2with object Take a solemn oath as to the truth of (a statement)
      I asked him if he would swear a statement to this effect


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Nowadays, an unmarried father may become joint guardian of his children by swearing a statutory declaration.
      • People swear statutory declarations about all sorts of things.
      • The solicitor in question has also sworn an affidavit on 21 September 2004.
      • Did you have a copy of that statement at the time you swore this affidavit?
      • Notwithstanding this claim, Solhi testified on cross-examination that he swore his affidavit on behalf of all the respondents.
      • He swore a statutory declaration 26 March 1993 to say the companies were being deregistered.
      • The appellant's solicitor swore an affidavit as to why the witnesses were not called at the trial.
      • The claimant's solicitor had sworn an affidavit in which she explained the difficulties that her firm was encountering in trying to ascertain the defendant's whereabouts.
      • If the child's mother agrees, the father may become a guardian by swearing a joint declaration with the mother.
      • Finally, a member of defence counsel's staff swore an affidavit in which she deposed.
      • In future, all directors will have to swear a statement that they are satisfied that the company has obeyed all reporting and auditing regulations.
      • In support of this development project, affidavits were sworn concerning the lot calculations.
      • If the parents swear a statutory declaration, the only record of the procedure is the document itself, which may be lost or destroyed, by accident or deliberately.
      • All you have to do is swear a statutory declaration in front of a judge and that's it.
      • The Attorney General provided sworn affidavits from pharmacy directors and purchasers at hospitals in Harris, Dallas and Grayson counties.
      • If both parents agree, the father may become a joint guardian by swearing a joint declaration.
      • Ms. Bauer earns an annual income of approximately $77, 902 according to her financial statement sworn a week before trial.
      • Do you swear the testimony you're about to give before this subcommittee is the truth, the whole truth and nothing about the truth, so help you God?
      • Do you swear the testimony you will give today will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
      • The worker is the Commissioner that swore the declaration.
    3. 1.3with object Make (someone) promise to observe a certain course of action.
      I've been sworn to secrecy


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Though he is sworn to secrecy, Larry, stricken with guilt over offending a friend, spills the beans.
      • He's sworn to keep his vigil for ‘as long as it takes’.
      • I have a great deal of power over them, but, like one of those comic-book heroines, I am sworn to use it only for good.
      • I wish I could tell you more but I am sworn to secrecy.
      • After all, these millions belong to the stockholders, and board members are sworn to protect their money.
      • It is the kind of thing you're sworn to secrecy over.
      • Okay, I'll tell you, but you are severely sworn to secrecy.
      • It's odd that his mother works for the corporation his father is sworn to take down, yet neither of them cares to know or catches on.
      • We were all sworn to secrecy, and even if you did retire like Mr. Huang did, you had to be somehow connected to Area 51.
      • Wonderful news was imparted, but only on the understanding that he was sworn to secrecy.
      • When we see fellow officers die, we have someone very close to us die doing something that we're sworn to do as well.
      • She is sworn to secrecy about which major character dies.
      • There's a great deal more that I wish could say, but I am sworn to secrecy.
      • She was sworn to look after me, an honourbond, but she also had to find you.
      • All the boys are sworn to secrecy and won't divulge anything to me.
      • It is not to be allowed that any son of a burgess sit down or remain at a common council of the town if he is not sworn to conceal the counsel and secrets of the town.
      • Dear readers, I wish I could reveal more but I am sworn to secrecy.
      • I didn't say anything, as I am sworn to both of their confidences.
      • I am sworn to fulfill my mandate to serve as president.
      • The heir to the throne you are sworn to may be in danger, and you will do nothing?
  • 2no object Use offensive language, especially as an expression of anger.


    Peter swore under his breath


    Example sentencesExamples
    • All those the Evening Press spoke to said they were surprised that any MP would think about swearing at a voter, no matter what their political persuasion.
    • Actually your average policeman already has the power to arrest you on the flimsiest of pretexts, from jay-walking to swearing at him.
    • Anyway, we all had fun and left with a strong urge to swear excessively and use offensive and completely inappropriate analogies.
    • Intersting that 10% of people think the word God is swearing or very offensive language.
    • But the main problem is noise nuisance from large gatherings of youths, with some shouting abuse at passers-by or swearing at them.
    • They were calling him names and swearing at him.
    • Mr Cooper alleges the police had continually failed to respond to calls from him about youths pressing the buzzer to his flat, banging on his windows and swearing at him from outside.
    • Dent started to walk away, but was arrested after swearing at police. He had already been fined for two other drunken episodes in April.
    • Sometimes he would call them into his office to tell them off and, after shouting and swearing at them, would begin touching them while they cried in terror, the jury heard.
    • Damn it was the mildest thing that came to mind as he pressed the answer button, mentally cursing and swearing at the distraction from his work.
    • You have to be there to appreciate fully the effect of an old grey poet and a big grey cat swearing at one another in a language mix that's far from suitable for polite company.
    • Last week's session ended up in mayhem, with deputies expelled and the rest hurling insults and swearing at each other.
    • But he hates bad language and he can't stand people swearing at him.
    • She says incidents of a staff member swearing at patients have gone without any disciplinary action.
    • Yesterday the irate father of one of the alleged victims was in court, cursing and swearing at the accused.
    • In April he was fined after swearing at a match official.
    • A frustrated Ord was then ordered to leave the visitors' dugout and squirted the referee with a water bottle before swearing at young supporters on his way to the changing-room.
    • I get offended, and upset, by children running around, out of control, by their mothers shouting at them, smacking them or swearing at them, should I call for a ban on that too?
    • Get your hormones under control and remember that all the anger you are pointing at your fellow posters is about as productive as swearing at yourself in the mirror.
    • Nearly everything you wanted to know about bad language, swearing, cursing, foul-mouthed expression - you get the picture - is here.
    curse, blaspheme, utter profanities, utter oaths, be foul-mouthed, use bad/foul language, be blasphemous, take the Lord's name in vain, swear like a trooper, damn
    informal cuss, turn the air blue, eff and blind
    archaic execrate
    bad language, foul language, strong language
    profanity, obscenity, cursing, blaspheming, blasphemy, vilification, imprecation, curses, oaths, expletives, swear words, profanities, insults
    technical coprolalia
    informal cussing, effing and blinding, four-letter words


  • swear blind

    • informal Affirm something emphatically.


      his informant swore blind that the weapons were still there


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Tony is a huge Patriots fan, a guy who swore up and down at the Super Bowl in New Orleans a few years back that New England was going to shock the world.
      • He told me all about it, when he was finished, and swore blind he was never going to mess with mysterious strangers again.
      • It falls into the category of ‘edgy’ family movies, where the kids swore up and down and some violence was to be had.
      • Naomi, as you'll know equally well, swore blind that unlike some models one wouldn't care to mention, she didn't take drugs.
      • The fortune teller swore up and down on her husband's grave that the star had not been there the night before.
      • More than that, have I dropped it in favour of working in London, which I swore blind I would never do while I was still at university.
      • From personal experience, every single one of my male and female friends who swore up and down that they'd never have children is now raising at least one kid, if not two.
      • He swore up and down that it was all necessary for controling ones power but Scarlet knew he was just trying to get payback.
      • She swore up and down that she never would come here, that it was too much of a mess for her to drive all the way from Queens and back in midday traffic.
      • In fact, she swore up and down that she didn't have anyone in mind, but Jane knew her better than that.

Phrasal Verbs

  • swear by

    • Have or express great confidence in the use, value, or effectiveness of.


      Iris swears by her yoga


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The 24-year-old once swore by the smart boutiques of Princes Square, one of Glasgow's premier league shopping destinations.
      • Long before call centres adopted the ‘Customer is king’ policy, hotel management personnel swore by it.
      • Dhupia swears by the on-screen chemistry of the two actors.
      • A guard swore by his honor, his faith and his love for his children that no one would be executed.
      • Whether in the tenements of Mumbai or in the villages around Ayodhya, I found Hindus and Muslims who lived and ate together and swore by each other even in times of crisis.
      • Now, please place your right hand on your chests and swear by whatever you believe in.
      • Apparently my aunt swore by it with my cousin and told mum who told nan who told my other aunt and it was the whole family's solution whilst we were babies.
      • Although there are definite pros and cons, particularly regarding the safety of riding with strangers, everyone who swears by hitch-hiking will agree on one point: it guarantees an adventure.
      • J.P. Krishna of Chennai has been painting hoardings for films and political meetings for 15 years now and still swears by the gada cloth and his art.
      • The farmer owns six cows and swears by a herbal potion made from tree bark and salt, handed down from generation to generation here.
      • The family swears by Shiv Dharma, the new religion which is expected to give an impetus to the ‘Brahminetar’ (non-Brahmin) movement in Maharashtra.
      • But Dr Phillip Anthony McMillan, a UK-trained doctor, who specialises in Botox treatment, swears by this drug for the treatment of wrinkles and a number of neurological conditions.
      • Wilson swears by the importance and value of a good oil analysis program.
      • In a country where women swore by their gold, a shift in taste and preference is seen.
      • The troupe swears by novelty and is a big crowd puller.
      • I have friends who also swear by Iyengar yoga, which is a variant of Hatha (as is Ashtanga).
      • Are there doctors who swear by values that made medicine a profession quite different from others?
      • And according to those who swear by its effects, unlike gymnastics, you don't have to do somersaults in this event.
      • For every sprightly old lady who swears by non-smoking, teetotal spinsterhood, there's another who boozed the evenings away with each of her seven husbands after a hard day's work in the tobacco-testing factory.
      • I enjoy and take life as it comes,’ says Aditi, who swears by vegetarianism and is into yoga.
      express confidence in, have faith in, put one's faith in, trust, have every confidence in, believe in
  • swear someone in

    • Admit someone to a particular office or position by directing them to take a formal oath.


      he was sworn in as president on 10 July


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Another former premier - the Free State's Winkie Direko - was not appointed to an executive position although she was sworn in as a national MP last week.
      • She did not speak, but nodded her head when told by the clerk that she could object to any of the jurors before they were sworn in.
      • South Australian Annette Hurley will be sworn in as a Senator after July the 1st.
      • Spectators danced and sang as President Thabo Mbeki was sworn in for a second term in office.
      • Once they were sworn in, however, they discovered that policing had changed dramatically while they had been off the scene.
      • They didn't ask for this when they were sworn in, but you're doing a heck of a job.
      • As Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was sworn in to office as the country's fifth premier, Anwar said Mahathir's projects have caused a huge financial burden for his successor.
      • Theodore Roosevelt was sworn in at Buffalo, New York, close to where President McKinley had been assassinated.
      • We were there while they were sworn in to become American citizens.
      • His argument is that it would be unlawful for the Legco clerk to refuse to swear him in if he presents his own oath of allegiance, and he wants a judicial review of the clerk's refusal.
      • President Thabo Mbeki will be sworn in, as part of official celebrations in Pretoria.
      • Angela Merkel was sworn in today as the country's first female chancellor.
      • All councillors are given a copy of the constitution immediately they are sworn in.
      • Kenneth Wang will be sworn in as an MP tomorrow and we've got a few issue-based campaigns ticking along.
      • The first official act I had as secretary was to call the governor of California the day after I was sworn in to office and offer our help.
      • But we know one thing for certain: a new Commission will be sworn in at some point, relatively soon.
      • Many Sudanese refugees in Kenya were ready to return home after Garang was sworn in as vice president.
      • A brief statement issued by Goh's office said Lee will be sworn in at a ceremony at 8 p.m. on the day at the presidential palace.
      • Accepting the position after she was sworn in by Eastern Cape judge-president Cecil Somyalo, Balindlela paid tribute to her predecessors, Raymond Mhlaba and Makhenkesi Stofile, who were both in the chamber.
      install, instate, induct, invest, inaugurate, introduce, admit into office, institute, initiate
  • swear off

    • Promise to abstain from.


      I'd sworn off alcohol


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He did all the right things by financial markets - swore off acquisitions, started paying dividends.
      • With her as my first girlfriend, you should be glad I never swore off women altogether.
      • To be part of the movement it was sufficient to swear off reproducing any more children.
      • You will probably swear off drinking for the rest of your life and promise your first-born if you could just feel better.
      • A drunken farm worker sells his wife and daughter to a sailor, then sobers up, swears off the booze and slowly builds a respectable life, rising to become mayor.
      • So far, swearing off boys seems to be paying off.
      • I swore off it back then, and indulged in various other people, while looking over my shoulder for a while.
      • This year I swore off booze, vowing to drink casually and infrequently.
      • Interestingly, they don't swear off drugs despite those claiming more rock deaths than helicopters - in fact, we can't actually think of any rock star who died in a chopper crash at all.
      • Teetering on heels on a wintry night in Glasgow has Kathleen Morgan swearing off girlie sophistication forever
      • If anyone's having a two-martini lunch in Baltimore, they'll swear off after this.
      • Similarly, in 1996 post-apartheid South Africa agreed to swear off the use of DDT in favour of insecticides that environmental groups claimed were more benign.
      • Remember using it once, getting that job without air conditioning, licking envelopes in Grimsby, then swearing off co-op entirely and stashing it in the very back of the back of your closet?
      • Then you said you could pay for the electric bill by swearing off fancy-pants coffee every other weekend.
      • You swore off colas when newspapers said they contained pesticides.
      • If the popular kids are publicly swearing off sex, there's an absence of social norms for condom use.
      • Then, they are going to declare in front of total strangers that they will swear off all forms of sex until they are married.
      • As much as I crave the mini doughnuts, the horrible crowds in front of the juicer demonstration and the pure animal magnetism of the carnies, I'm swearing off it all.
      • Later when he swore off smoking, he took up whittling wood.
      • Maybe later I'll be hurt and I'll bawl my eyes out and I'll rant and rage against men and swear off them again and decide again on lesbianism or something other half-hearted swearing, like celibacy.
      renounce, forswear, forgo, abjure, abstain from, go without, shun, avoid, eschew, steer clear of, give a wide berth to, have nothing to do with
  • swear something out

    • Obtain the issue of a warrant for arrest by making a charge on oath.


  • swear to

    • usually with negativeExpress one's assurance that something is the case.


      I couldn't swear to it, but I'm pretty sure it's his writing


      Example sentencesExamples
      • One well-known local trainer drops in with a lorry full of runners at least every ten days, swearing to the benefits of the facility, while a number closer to Duninga use the gallops on a daily basis.
      • During this trip Norman writers maintain that he swore to support William's claim to the English throne.
      • But he swears to this day that one crucial piece of evidence was planted - a half-kilo of a highly restricted chemical found in a wall vent of his house.
      • According to Pam, Jack admitted it and swore to never lay a hand on the girl again.
      • The republican edifice you swore to tear down is severely weakened.
      • I left halfway through, swearing to myself that I would never ever show up to this class without checking to make sure we're doing something new.
      • Tommy swore to prove him wrong and went on to win the world exhibition dancing title in Paris and the regional British championship six years running.
      • Each swears to wring the neck of the other and the result is a bloody one-to-one within the prison walls.
      • Rather than regret those choices, I swore to myself I would learn from their consequences.
      • When Allan went to jail on fraud and theft charges, Elna swore to wear black every day until his release.
      • Saakashvili swore to achieve ‘integrity, reconstruction, unification’ for Georgia.
      • It is actually part of a response Hamlet makes to an exclamation of Horatio's, after Hamlet has talked with his father's ghost, and before Horatio swears to keep the secret of the ghost.
      • She swore, and swears to this day, that there was no man involved.
      • He was only allowed to return to India when he swore to the authorities that he would not indulge in any political activities there.
      • Already his followers are swearing to avenge his death and I shudder to think of the next group of victims.
      • I ask all of you that are against this war to keep supporting our troops who are doing their duty as they swore to do.
      • Remember when you clutched your loved ones and swore to live each day to the fullest and be thankful for life and everything in it?
      • I honestly worked hard and put my reputation on the line, swearing to my referrals that this was not a scam.
      • By this, an individual swears to renounce foreign allegiances, support the constitution and serve the US - including fighting in the armed forces if necessary.
      • As the occupation in the south continued, she swore to marry a fighter one day - a severely wounded fighter.
      certify, corroborate, confirm, verify, substantiate, document, authenticate, give proof of, provide evidence of, evidence, demonstrate, evince, display, exhibit, show, manifest, prove, endorse, back up, support, guarantee


  • swearer

  • noun ˈswɛːrəˈswɛrər
    • He was an accomplished bushman, a great drinker and swearer, short-tempered and generous-hearted, a man not to be contained by parliamentary etiquette.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He uses them as adjectives and is the second best swearer I have encountered.
      • Ramsay is a prolific, near-conversational swearer, but the disgusting state of Tim's kitchen raises his ire to new heights.
      • The most profane swearer call refrain from his oaths, while in the presence of a person whom he fears, and to whom he knows it would be displeasing.
      • Hulton said that when the pipes were laid in the ground nine years before he was told navvies were hard workers, hard drinkers, hard swearers, and hard kickers, but he did not believe it.
  • sweary

  • adjective ˈswɛːriˈswɛri
    British informal
    • Containing or using offensive or obscene language.

      she sent him a rather sweary text following her departure
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Only those with low tolerance to sweary words should look away.
      • Somehow, it turned into an Arsenal site, featuring sweary match reports for the interested Gooner in your life.
      • I was particularly taken with Barry White loosing it like a sweary trooper during a trailer recording.


Old English swerian of Germanic origin; related to Dutch zweren, German schwören, also to answer.

  • This first meant ‘to make a solemn declaration’. The use of swear in connection with bad language came later, around the 15th century, as an extension of the idea of using a sacred name in an oath. Someone who swears a lot can be said to swear like a trooper. A trooper was originally a private soldier in a cavalry unit. By the 18th century these soldiers had developed a reputation for coarse behaviour and bad language. In his novel Pamela (1739–40), Samuel Richardson wrote: ‘She curses and storms at me like a Trooper.’ Answer (Old English) comes from the same root, and originally meant to rebut an accusation.


affair, affaire, air, Altair, Althusser, Anvers, Apollinaire, Astaire, aware, Ayer, Ayr, bare, bear, bêche-de-mer, beware, billionaire, Blair, blare, Bonaire, cafetière, care, chair, chargé d'affaires, chemin de fer, Cher, Clair, Claire, Clare, commissionaire, compare, concessionaire, cordon sanitaire, couvert, Daguerre, dare, debonair, declare, derrière, despair, doctrinaire, éclair, e'er, elsewhere, ensnare, ere, extraordinaire, Eyre, fair, fare, fayre, Finisterre, flair, flare, Folies-Bergère, forbear, forswear, foursquare, glair, glare, hair, hare, heir, Herr, impair, jardinière, Khmer, Kildare, La Bruyère, lair, laissez-faire, legionnaire, luminaire, mal de mer, mare, mayor, meunière, mid-air, millionaire, misère, Mon-Khmer, multimillionaire, ne'er, Niger, nom de guerre, outstare, outwear, pair, pare, parterre, pear, père, pied-à-terre, Pierre, plein-air, prayer, questionnaire, rare, ready-to-wear, rivière, Rosslare, Santander, savoir faire, scare, secretaire, share, snare, solitaire, Soufrière, spare, square, stair, stare, surface-to-air, Tailleferre, tare, tear, their, there, they're, vin ordinaire, Voltaire, ware, wear, Weston-super-Mare, where, yeah

Definition of swear in US English:


  • 1reporting verb Make a solemn statement or promise undertaking to do something or affirming that something is the case.


    with clause Maria made me swear I would never tell anyone


    I swear by all I hold dear that I had nothing to do with it


    with direct speech “Never again,” she swore, “will I be short of money”


    with object they were reluctant to swear allegiance


    with infinitive he swore to obey the rules


    Example sentencesExamples
    • But it's okay, we're allowed to live to excess this week, since on Friday night we will swear allegiance to a new, healthy regime.
    • Hidden in the forest, Von Rothbart had secretly overheard Siegfried's promise, and he swore he would stop this love.
    • He might curse the existence of the January transfer window, but should instead swear allegiance to it.
    • Every local politician thereafter swore allegiance to saving neighbourhoods, as though Noreen and her friends had just given voice to the obvious.
    • Their loyalty was to God; they could not swear allegiance to any temporal state.
    • Let's forget he had sworn allegiance to Queen Victoria en-route to Oz and fought an odd battle or two for the Poms on the way.
    • They have not earned our trust, or sworn allegiance to us.
    • I do solemnly swear that I will obey all laws commands and dictates of our leader - for he has lovely teeth.
    • We were told we could choose to say swear or affirm at one point yet no alternative was given for the last line, which is ‘so help me God’.
    • The bill is being sponsored by ultra-orthodox Jewish political groups in the wake of claims that hundreds of soldiers in the Israeli army have sworn allegiance to the state on the New Testament.
    • In democratic and successful societies, men and women do not swear allegiance to malcontents and murderers; they turn their hearts and labor to building better lives.
    • Zainal and his followers had to swear allegiance to Sungkar and Bashir and accept their leadership over the community in Australia.
    • Amanullah and Khan swear allegiance to Karzai's government, but both often act in their own interests.
    • While all the main UK banks swear passionate allegiance to the very British concept of free while in credit banking, costs are inching up on several fronts.
    • Desmond's behaviour has embarrassed the Tory party, to whom he has sworn allegiance.
    • I pretended to be interested - I even learnt the names of some of the players, and eventually was forced to swear allegiance to a team.
    • The judge has no interest in the result and has sworn or affirmed an obligation to give justice according to law.
    • The MacDonalds were regarded as extreme supporters of the former Catholic regime of James I who had failed to swear allegiance to the new King William on time.
    • This is not the country I agreed to support when I swore my allegiance to the Republic, and dedicated my life to its defense.
    • Serebin has no army to enlist in, no state to swear allegiance to, no cause to fight for.
    promise, vow, promise under oath, solemnly promise, pledge oneself, give one's word, take an oath, swear an oath, swear on the bible, give an undertaking, undertake, affirm, warrant, state, assert, declare, aver, proclaim, pronounce, profess, attest, guarantee
    insist, avow, be emphatic, pronounce, declare, assert, maintain, contend, aver, emphasize, stress
    invoke, appeal to, call as one's witness
    1. 1.1with object Take (an oath)
      he forced them to swear an oath of loyalty to him


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Once there, frightened of Injun Joe, they decided to swear an oath that they won't tell anyone what they just witnessed.
      • Many have pointed out the absurdity of asking new citizens to swear an oath to the Queen, when a large number of citizens born here would probably refuse to do the same.
      • Radical plans to require immigrants to swear an oath of allegiance to Britain were yesterday unveiled by the inquiry into the summer riots in Bradford, Oldham and Burnley.
      • Nevertheless, he could have discussed his devotion to the Constitution from some perspective other than the fact that he'd sworn an oath.
      • You stood there with your hand on the bible and swore an oath.
      • They will swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen, and pledge to respect the UK's laws, rights and freedoms.
      • Spike Milligan was born in India yet denied a British passport because, although he had served and risked his life for King and country, he refused to swear the oath of allegiance.
      • He swore a pledge of fidelity, not an easy thing for him.
      • She's as aware as anyone that the lusty thoughts she inspires are the foundation of her celebrity, yet she's sworn an oath never to show her naughty bits in movies.
      • On 20 January 2001, George W Bush swore the oath of office as the 43rd President of the US.
      • Anybody who wants to considered a freeman must swear an oath of loyalty.
      • They swore an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
      • Speaking in Commercial Radio's Tea Cup in a Storm, Leung stressed that should he swear an oath, he would do so with dignity.
      • To start the renunciation procedure, you have to be outside of the United States and swear your oath of renunciation to a U.S. consular officer.
      • And if my democratically-elected MP fails to swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen, why will they be barred from entering Parliament to represent me?
      • Among them the fact that it was the judge and jury who swore an oath to render a true and just decision.
      • That decision caused uproar as the MPs refuse to swear the oath of allegiance to the queen, meaning they cannot take their seats, speak in debates or vote.
      • Kingston's mayor will attend the ceremonies and new citizens will swear the oath of allegiance and make a pledge of citizenship before being given a British nationality certificate.
      • There were no photographs or transcripts of the testimony, and the two men would not agree to swear an oath, conditions George Bush defended.
      • The oath sworn by new citizens remains the source of some bitterness among traditionalists north of the Border, who claim it ignores Scotland's unique history.
    2. 1.2with object Take a solemn oath as to the truth of (a statement)
      I asked him if he would swear a statement to this effect


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Notwithstanding this claim, Solhi testified on cross-examination that he swore his affidavit on behalf of all the respondents.
      • The claimant's solicitor had sworn an affidavit in which she explained the difficulties that her firm was encountering in trying to ascertain the defendant's whereabouts.
      • Do you swear the testimony you will give today will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
      • Do you swear the testimony you're about to give before this subcommittee is the truth, the whole truth and nothing about the truth, so help you God?
      • If the parents swear a statutory declaration, the only record of the procedure is the document itself, which may be lost or destroyed, by accident or deliberately.
      • The Attorney General provided sworn affidavits from pharmacy directors and purchasers at hospitals in Harris, Dallas and Grayson counties.
      • Did you have a copy of that statement at the time you swore this affidavit?
      • All you have to do is swear a statutory declaration in front of a judge and that's it.
      • People swear statutory declarations about all sorts of things.
      • If both parents agree, the father may become a joint guardian by swearing a joint declaration.
      • The appellant's solicitor swore an affidavit as to why the witnesses were not called at the trial.
      • If the child's mother agrees, the father may become a guardian by swearing a joint declaration with the mother.
      • Finally, a member of defence counsel's staff swore an affidavit in which she deposed.
      • In support of this development project, affidavits were sworn concerning the lot calculations.
      • The worker is the Commissioner that swore the declaration.
      • The solicitor in question has also sworn an affidavit on 21 September 2004.
      • Nowadays, an unmarried father may become joint guardian of his children by swearing a statutory declaration.
      • Ms. Bauer earns an annual income of approximately $77, 902 according to her financial statement sworn a week before trial.
      • He swore a statutory declaration 26 March 1993 to say the companies were being deregistered.
      • In future, all directors will have to swear a statement that they are satisfied that the company has obeyed all reporting and auditing regulations.
    3. 1.3with object Make (someone) promise to observe a certain course of action.
      I've been sworn to secrecy


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Dear readers, I wish I could reveal more but I am sworn to secrecy.
      • She was sworn to look after me, an honourbond, but she also had to find you.
      • It is the kind of thing you're sworn to secrecy over.
      • She is sworn to secrecy about which major character dies.
      • It's odd that his mother works for the corporation his father is sworn to take down, yet neither of them cares to know or catches on.
      • I didn't say anything, as I am sworn to both of their confidences.
      • Wonderful news was imparted, but only on the understanding that he was sworn to secrecy.
      • We were all sworn to secrecy, and even if you did retire like Mr. Huang did, you had to be somehow connected to Area 51.
      • All the boys are sworn to secrecy and won't divulge anything to me.
      • After all, these millions belong to the stockholders, and board members are sworn to protect their money.
      • The heir to the throne you are sworn to may be in danger, and you will do nothing?
      • I wish I could tell you more but I am sworn to secrecy.
      • There's a great deal more that I wish could say, but I am sworn to secrecy.
      • I have a great deal of power over them, but, like one of those comic-book heroines, I am sworn to use it only for good.
      • Though he is sworn to secrecy, Larry, stricken with guilt over offending a friend, spills the beans.
      • When we see fellow officers die, we have someone very close to us die doing something that we're sworn to do as well.
      • I am sworn to fulfill my mandate to serve as president.
      • He's sworn to keep his vigil for ‘as long as it takes’.
      • Okay, I'll tell you, but you are severely sworn to secrecy.
      • It is not to be allowed that any son of a burgess sit down or remain at a common council of the town if he is not sworn to conceal the counsel and secrets of the town.
  • 2no object Use offensive language, especially as an expression of anger.


    Peter swore under his breath


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Dent started to walk away, but was arrested after swearing at police. He had already been fined for two other drunken episodes in April.
    • I get offended, and upset, by children running around, out of control, by their mothers shouting at them, smacking them or swearing at them, should I call for a ban on that too?
    • You have to be there to appreciate fully the effect of an old grey poet and a big grey cat swearing at one another in a language mix that's far from suitable for polite company.
    • Yesterday the irate father of one of the alleged victims was in court, cursing and swearing at the accused.
    • They were calling him names and swearing at him.
    • Intersting that 10% of people think the word God is swearing or very offensive language.
    • Mr Cooper alleges the police had continually failed to respond to calls from him about youths pressing the buzzer to his flat, banging on his windows and swearing at him from outside.
    • Damn it was the mildest thing that came to mind as he pressed the answer button, mentally cursing and swearing at the distraction from his work.
    • Anyway, we all had fun and left with a strong urge to swear excessively and use offensive and completely inappropriate analogies.
    • Sometimes he would call them into his office to tell them off and, after shouting and swearing at them, would begin touching them while they cried in terror, the jury heard.
    • In April he was fined after swearing at a match official.
    • Actually your average policeman already has the power to arrest you on the flimsiest of pretexts, from jay-walking to swearing at him.
    • All those the Evening Press spoke to said they were surprised that any MP would think about swearing at a voter, no matter what their political persuasion.
    • Last week's session ended up in mayhem, with deputies expelled and the rest hurling insults and swearing at each other.
    • Get your hormones under control and remember that all the anger you are pointing at your fellow posters is about as productive as swearing at yourself in the mirror.
    • But the main problem is noise nuisance from large gatherings of youths, with some shouting abuse at passers-by or swearing at them.
    • She says incidents of a staff member swearing at patients have gone without any disciplinary action.
    • A frustrated Ord was then ordered to leave the visitors' dugout and squirted the referee with a water bottle before swearing at young supporters on his way to the changing-room.
    • Nearly everything you wanted to know about bad language, swearing, cursing, foul-mouthed expression - you get the picture - is here.
    • But he hates bad language and he can't stand people swearing at him.
    bad language, foul language, strong language
    curse, blaspheme, utter profanities, utter oaths, be foul-mouthed, use bad language, use foul language, be blasphemous, take the lord's name in vain, swear like a trooper, damn


  • swear up and down

    • informal Affirm something emphatically.


      he swore up and down they'd never get him up on that stage
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Naomi, as you'll know equally well, swore blind that unlike some models one wouldn't care to mention, she didn't take drugs.
      • She swore up and down that she never would come here, that it was too much of a mess for her to drive all the way from Queens and back in midday traffic.
      • The fortune teller swore up and down on her husband's grave that the star had not been there the night before.
      • He swore up and down that it was all necessary for controling ones power but Scarlet knew he was just trying to get payback.
      • It falls into the category of ‘edgy’ family movies, where the kids swore up and down and some violence was to be had.
      • From personal experience, every single one of my male and female friends who swore up and down that they'd never have children is now raising at least one kid, if not two.
      • In fact, she swore up and down that she didn't have anyone in mind, but Jane knew her better than that.
      • More than that, have I dropped it in favour of working in London, which I swore blind I would never do while I was still at university.
      • Tony is a huge Patriots fan, a guy who swore up and down at the Super Bowl in New Orleans a few years back that New England was going to shock the world.
      • He told me all about it, when he was finished, and swore blind he was never going to mess with mysterious strangers again.

Phrasal Verbs

  • swear by

    • Have or express great confidence in the use, value, or effectiveness of.


      Iris swears by her yoga


      Example sentencesExamples
      • And according to those who swear by its effects, unlike gymnastics, you don't have to do somersaults in this event.
      • Long before call centres adopted the ‘Customer is king’ policy, hotel management personnel swore by it.
      • Dhupia swears by the on-screen chemistry of the two actors.
      • The farmer owns six cows and swears by a herbal potion made from tree bark and salt, handed down from generation to generation here.
      • Apparently my aunt swore by it with my cousin and told mum who told nan who told my other aunt and it was the whole family's solution whilst we were babies.
      • Wilson swears by the importance and value of a good oil analysis program.
      • Now, please place your right hand on your chests and swear by whatever you believe in.
      • For every sprightly old lady who swears by non-smoking, teetotal spinsterhood, there's another who boozed the evenings away with each of her seven husbands after a hard day's work in the tobacco-testing factory.
      • I have friends who also swear by Iyengar yoga, which is a variant of Hatha (as is Ashtanga).
      • I enjoy and take life as it comes,’ says Aditi, who swears by vegetarianism and is into yoga.
      • But Dr Phillip Anthony McMillan, a UK-trained doctor, who specialises in Botox treatment, swears by this drug for the treatment of wrinkles and a number of neurological conditions.
      • Although there are definite pros and cons, particularly regarding the safety of riding with strangers, everyone who swears by hitch-hiking will agree on one point: it guarantees an adventure.
      • Whether in the tenements of Mumbai or in the villages around Ayodhya, I found Hindus and Muslims who lived and ate together and swore by each other even in times of crisis.
      • Are there doctors who swear by values that made medicine a profession quite different from others?
      • The 24-year-old once swore by the smart boutiques of Princes Square, one of Glasgow's premier league shopping destinations.
      • J.P. Krishna of Chennai has been painting hoardings for films and political meetings for 15 years now and still swears by the gada cloth and his art.
      • The troupe swears by novelty and is a big crowd puller.
      • The family swears by Shiv Dharma, the new religion which is expected to give an impetus to the ‘Brahminetar’ (non-Brahmin) movement in Maharashtra.
      • A guard swore by his honor, his faith and his love for his children that no one would be executed.
      • In a country where women swore by their gold, a shift in taste and preference is seen.
      express confidence in, have faith in, put one's faith in, trust, have every confidence in, believe in
  • swear someone in

    • Admit someone to a particular office or position by directing them to take a formal oath.


      he was sworn in as president on July 10


      Example sentencesExamples
      • His argument is that it would be unlawful for the Legco clerk to refuse to swear him in if he presents his own oath of allegiance, and he wants a judicial review of the clerk's refusal.
      • As Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was sworn in to office as the country's fifth premier, Anwar said Mahathir's projects have caused a huge financial burden for his successor.
      • Another former premier - the Free State's Winkie Direko - was not appointed to an executive position although she was sworn in as a national MP last week.
      • A brief statement issued by Goh's office said Lee will be sworn in at a ceremony at 8 p.m. on the day at the presidential palace.
      • Spectators danced and sang as President Thabo Mbeki was sworn in for a second term in office.
      • Accepting the position after she was sworn in by Eastern Cape judge-president Cecil Somyalo, Balindlela paid tribute to her predecessors, Raymond Mhlaba and Makhenkesi Stofile, who were both in the chamber.
      • All councillors are given a copy of the constitution immediately they are sworn in.
      • Kenneth Wang will be sworn in as an MP tomorrow and we've got a few issue-based campaigns ticking along.
      • Many Sudanese refugees in Kenya were ready to return home after Garang was sworn in as vice president.
      • South Australian Annette Hurley will be sworn in as a Senator after July the 1st.
      • The first official act I had as secretary was to call the governor of California the day after I was sworn in to office and offer our help.
      • They didn't ask for this when they were sworn in, but you're doing a heck of a job.
      • We were there while they were sworn in to become American citizens.
      • Angela Merkel was sworn in today as the country's first female chancellor.
      • She did not speak, but nodded her head when told by the clerk that she could object to any of the jurors before they were sworn in.
      • Theodore Roosevelt was sworn in at Buffalo, New York, close to where President McKinley had been assassinated.
      • Once they were sworn in, however, they discovered that policing had changed dramatically while they had been off the scene.
      • President Thabo Mbeki will be sworn in, as part of official celebrations in Pretoria.
      • But we know one thing for certain: a new Commission will be sworn in at some point, relatively soon.
      install, instate, induct, invest, inaugurate, introduce, admit into office, institute, initiate
  • swear off

    • Promise to abstain from.


      I'd sworn off alcohol


      Example sentencesExamples
      • You swore off colas when newspapers said they contained pesticides.
      • So far, swearing off boys seems to be paying off.
      • Teetering on heels on a wintry night in Glasgow has Kathleen Morgan swearing off girlie sophistication forever
      • This year I swore off booze, vowing to drink casually and infrequently.
      • Similarly, in 1996 post-apartheid South Africa agreed to swear off the use of DDT in favour of insecticides that environmental groups claimed were more benign.
      • Maybe later I'll be hurt and I'll bawl my eyes out and I'll rant and rage against men and swear off them again and decide again on lesbianism or something other half-hearted swearing, like celibacy.
      • If anyone's having a two-martini lunch in Baltimore, they'll swear off after this.
      • Interestingly, they don't swear off drugs despite those claiming more rock deaths than helicopters - in fact, we can't actually think of any rock star who died in a chopper crash at all.
      • If the popular kids are publicly swearing off sex, there's an absence of social norms for condom use.
      • With her as my first girlfriend, you should be glad I never swore off women altogether.
      • Later when he swore off smoking, he took up whittling wood.
      • As much as I crave the mini doughnuts, the horrible crowds in front of the juicer demonstration and the pure animal magnetism of the carnies, I'm swearing off it all.
      • I swore off it back then, and indulged in various other people, while looking over my shoulder for a while.
      • You will probably swear off drinking for the rest of your life and promise your first-born if you could just feel better.
      • Then, they are going to declare in front of total strangers that they will swear off all forms of sex until they are married.
      • Then you said you could pay for the electric bill by swearing off fancy-pants coffee every other weekend.
      • Remember using it once, getting that job without air conditioning, licking envelopes in Grimsby, then swearing off co-op entirely and stashing it in the very back of the back of your closet?
      • To be part of the movement it was sufficient to swear off reproducing any more children.
      • A drunken farm worker sells his wife and daughter to a sailor, then sobers up, swears off the booze and slowly builds a respectable life, rising to become mayor.
      • He did all the right things by financial markets - swore off acquisitions, started paying dividends.
      renounce, forswear, forgo, abjure, abstain from, go without, shun, avoid, eschew, steer clear of, give a wide berth to, have nothing to do with
  • swear something out

    • Obtain the issue of a warrant for arrest by making a charge on oath.


  • swear to

    • Express one's assurance that something is the case.


      I couldn't swear to it, but I'm pretty sure it's his writing


      Example sentencesExamples
      • During this trip Norman writers maintain that he swore to support William's claim to the English throne.
      • Already his followers are swearing to avenge his death and I shudder to think of the next group of victims.
      • I left halfway through, swearing to myself that I would never ever show up to this class without checking to make sure we're doing something new.
      • When Allan went to jail on fraud and theft charges, Elna swore to wear black every day until his release.
      • Remember when you clutched your loved ones and swore to live each day to the fullest and be thankful for life and everything in it?
      • But he swears to this day that one crucial piece of evidence was planted - a half-kilo of a highly restricted chemical found in a wall vent of his house.
      • As the occupation in the south continued, she swore to marry a fighter one day - a severely wounded fighter.
      • It is actually part of a response Hamlet makes to an exclamation of Horatio's, after Hamlet has talked with his father's ghost, and before Horatio swears to keep the secret of the ghost.
      • I ask all of you that are against this war to keep supporting our troops who are doing their duty as they swore to do.
      • He was only allowed to return to India when he swore to the authorities that he would not indulge in any political activities there.
      • Each swears to wring the neck of the other and the result is a bloody one-to-one within the prison walls.
      • She swore, and swears to this day, that there was no man involved.
      • One well-known local trainer drops in with a lorry full of runners at least every ten days, swearing to the benefits of the facility, while a number closer to Duninga use the gallops on a daily basis.
      • According to Pam, Jack admitted it and swore to never lay a hand on the girl again.
      • The republican edifice you swore to tear down is severely weakened.
      • By this, an individual swears to renounce foreign allegiances, support the constitution and serve the US - including fighting in the armed forces if necessary.
      • I honestly worked hard and put my reputation on the line, swearing to my referrals that this was not a scam.
      • Saakashvili swore to achieve ‘integrity, reconstruction, unification’ for Georgia.
      • Tommy swore to prove him wrong and went on to win the world exhibition dancing title in Paris and the regional British championship six years running.
      • Rather than regret those choices, I swore to myself I would learn from their consequences.
      certify, corroborate, confirm, verify, substantiate, document, authenticate, give proof of, provide evidence of, evidence, demonstrate, evince, display, exhibit, show, manifest, prove, endorse, back up, support, guarantee


Old English swerian of Germanic origin; related to Dutch zweren, German schwören, also to answer.





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