1A plant of the milkweed family, the follicles of which suggest a swallow with outstretched wings, often becoming a weed.
Several species in the family Asclepiadaceae, in particular the European black swallow-wort (Cynanchum or 'Vincetoxicum' nigrum), and the American Asclepias curassavica
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The purple-flowering black swallow-wort spreads rapidly in open areas and is found in New York's Hudson Valley and on Long Island, and throughout New England.
Black swallow-wort is difficult to control and has been noted to invade prairie areas.
The purple-flowered black swallow-wort prefers open areas and have a foothold in the Hudson Valley, Long Island, southern New York and the New England coast.
Where found in Wisconsin, black swallow-wort has spread widely, creating rapidly growing mats of tangled vines.
Pale swallow-worts invade a wide variety of habitats including old fields, open woodlands, pastures, roadsides, and floodplains.
The fifth edition of Gray's Manual of Botany reports black swallow-wort to be a weed escaping from gardens in the Cambridge Massachusetts area.
This presentation will focus on patterns of host use by these herbivores within the genus Vincetoxicum and address their potential effectiveness as biocontrol agents of swallow-worts in North America.
During the last two decades, the invasive exotic vines pale swallow-wort and black swallow-wort have become a major problem in New York State.
To date, the two thug swallow-worts have spread to at least 20 states and several Canadian provinces.
My current research at Cornell seeks to increase knowledge about the biology/ecology of two introduced species of swallow-wort [pale swallow-wort and black swallow-wort].
Although both swallow-worts share the ominous ‘dog-strangling’ moniker, they're actually a threat to Monarch butterflies.
They found eggshells as evidence of monarch oviposition on black swallow-wort in uncaged field populations of swallow-wort and milkweed.
First up this weekend is an interesting post at Science Notes about the three invasive swallow-worts that are problems in North America.
The key is education so that people can recognize swallow-wort in it's early stages, and awareness about it's devastating effects so that it will be taken seriously.
Research shows that the butterfly will cue into black swallow-wort and lay eggs, but the larvae do not survive.
Two soil types, from areas dominated by pale and black swallow-wort, will be placed in pots and the pH adjusted to one of three different pH conditions.
We are studying the impacts and control of infestations of the swallow-worts (Vincetoxicum nigrum
If you search for black swallow-wort on the Internet, you will find several web sites dedicated to telling you how to rid your property of this plant.
Studies have shown that when the monarchs lay their eggs on pale or black swallow-wort, the larvae die within three days.
This talk will begin by briefly introducing the biology of swallow-worts and the current management techniques used by locals.
2British The greater celandine, formerly believed to be used by swallows to restore their sight.