

单词 Brahman

Definition of Brahman in English:


nounPlural Brahmansˈbrɑːmənˈbrɑmən
  • 1A member of the highest Hindu caste, originally that of the priesthood.


    as modifier a Brahman family
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It gives them an identity that neither Western Science nor Western thought has yet provided, because caste is not just a matter of being a Brahmin or a Harijan: it is also a kinship system.
    • In the Vedic Yoga system Brahmins used various breathing exercises, which are still in use today.
    • Atharva Veda is also known as Brahma Veda, because it is still used as a manual by Hindu priests and Brahmins.
    • When a boy is born, a family Brahman (member of the highest social class) records details for the infant's horoscope.
    • The food of the Brahmins is very light and vegetarian, and then there are the Hindus who are not Brahmins, who will eat non-veg.
    • In Hyderabad, the emperor in the name of purifying it and ridding it of infidel Hindu Brahmins condoned heinous activities.
    • At the top of this hierarchy were the first two estates or castes: the Brahmin priests and, as so clearly described by the Rig-Veda as the arms of society, the Ksatriya or warrior nobility.
    • I don't know whether Satish had read the Bhagavad Gita, but he was a Hindu, a high-born Brahmin at that.
    • Kshatriyas, the ruling class, and the priestly class of Brahmins began to exert pressure on the society and the caste system became more systematized.
    • The highest category of castes are those people called Brahmins in the Hindu system; they were traditionally priests and intellectuals.
    • This distinction mirrors the Hindu separation between the Brahman and those in lower castes.
    • The applicant is a citizen of India and a high caste Hindu Brahmin.
    • In case your Hinduism is a little rusty, the Brahmans are the priest caste in traditional Hindu society.
    • During a recent visit, I found liberals and intellectuals, jet-setters and slum dwellers, men and women, Brahmins and untouchables expressing this Hindu pride.
    • The direct evidence is that these low caste and untouchables performed exactly the same ceremony, of dipping in the holy waters, as any Brahmin or Hindu sage.
    • This means nobody is a Brahmin or Kshatriya or Vysya or Sudra throughout his or her life.
    • The deification of the cow was undoubtedly linked with the rise of the priestly Brahmin caste in early Hinduism.
    • People even of the very lowest caste may become wealthy; and a Brahmin priest in a little rural temple will almost certainly be very poor indeed.
    • Caste was invented by the Hindu Brahmin or priestly group some 2,000 years ago.
    • The Islamic rulers discriminated between Brahmins and other castes in levying of taxes and this naturally led to disgruntlement.
  • 2mass noun The ultimate reality underlying all phenomena in the Hindu scriptures.


    Brahman is formless but is the birthplace of all forms in visible reality
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It says Brahman is that ultimate ‘world’ which we gain access to by distilling the world down to its inmost content, or the furthest stop from where we get off by travelling backwards in time-space.
    • He realizes that he was looking for something tangible and definite in his quest to find Atman and Brahman within himself and to understand the meaning of life.
    • When the three letters are joined together to form the syllable Aum, that syllable should be used as the symbol of Brahman, or the Cosmic Reality.
    • Finally he wrote his books on the subject of Atman and Brahman.
    • Yoga means union with Supreme Reality or Brahman.
    • This Reality as all pervading Consciousness is also called as Brahman, Atman, and even God.
    • Understanding that the true Self within must identify with Brahman - the ultimate cosmic reality or essential basis of the Universe - the goal of the thinkers in the Upaniads is moka or release from the world of physical phenomena.
    • Each god is a manifestation of Brahman; in the ultimate world there are no differentiations of I and thou, subject and object.
    • It is very similar to what the Hindus call atman Brahman.
    • The sense of presence, ecstasy and dread in the presence of a reality - called nirvana, the One, Brahman or God - seems to be a state of mind and a perception that is natural and endlessly sought by human beings.
    • In Vedic literature it is said that everything is Brahman and nothing else.
    • Atman or Brahman has been called eternal, all pervading.
    • Very much like the Hindu concept of Brahman, Taoism conceives of the concept of Tao, which is the underlying metaphysics of all that is being and non-being.
    • The diversity which we see and experience in terms of discrete entities has to be viewed against the total background of reality, Brahman.
    • Truth is within us and the Atman and Brahman are one and the same, which can be discovered with introspection.
    • Mostly straightforwardly, the expression atman is Brahman unequivocally identifies essential self with cosmos, ultimately not two things but one.
    • Guided by a realized guru and avowed to the unreality of the world, the initiate meditates on himself as Brahman, Absolute Reality, to break through the illusion of maya.
    • Ultimate reality in Advaita Vedanta is Brahman.
    • Although seen to be present in all its material manifestations, Brahman is understood best as the knowing subject within us.
    • It also represents to us the one life, what they call in Sanskrit Brahman which is that reality, that spiritual reality which pervades the whole universe, which is imminent in the whole universe, and not separate from it.
  • 3

    US spelling of Brahmin (sense 3)


  • Brahmanic

  • adjectivebrɑːˈmanɪk
    • These Brahmanic ethics, which were perhaps never the norm, seem so remote from our lives in the United States.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The Buddha began his spiritual career during a time of social change, with urban and artisan classes gradually displacing the agrarian order in which the Brahmanic system was entrenched.
      • With the strengthening of Brahmanic Hinduism and orthodox traditions, the Hindu woman's role within the family and community was redefined in the late 19th century.
      • In this descent to the world, Viu comes to support a fusion of bhakti, specifically, devotion to Viu, and dharma, or the orthodox Brahmanic social order that bhakti sometimes appears to challenge.
      • It is a Sanskrit word roughly translatable as music, but in early theoretical treatises meant to embrace a range of practices that included Brahmanic ceremony, song, instrumental music, dance, and certain types of theatre.
  • Brahmanical

  • adjectivebrɑːˈmanɪk(ə)lbrɑˈmænək(ə)l
    • Of or belonging to the highest Hindu caste, originally that of the priesthood.


      Buddhist stupas and Brahminical temples
      Example sentencesExamples
      • If Brahmanical Hindutva had divided the nation into Hindus and non-Hindus to rule the nation, Muslims too should adopt a divide and rule policy if they have any ambition or compulsion to come near the levers of power.
      • The protesters believed that the ancient text is the defining document of Brahmanical Hinduism, and also the key source of gender and caste oppression in India.
      • But the Hinayana, and Brahmanical doctrines from Hinduism were taught here too.


From Sanskrit brāhmaṇa (Brahman (sense 1)), brahman (Brahman (sense 2)).


barman, barmen, Carman, Carmen, shaman, Sharman, Tutankhamen

Definition of Brahman in US English:


(US Brahmin)
  • 1A member of the highest Hindu caste, that of the priesthood.


    as modifier a Brahman family
    Example sentencesExamples
    • When a boy is born, a family Brahman (member of the highest social class) records details for the infant's horoscope.
    • In the Vedic Yoga system Brahmins used various breathing exercises, which are still in use today.
    • This distinction mirrors the Hindu separation between the Brahman and those in lower castes.
    • The highest category of castes are those people called Brahmins in the Hindu system; they were traditionally priests and intellectuals.
    • The food of the Brahmins is very light and vegetarian, and then there are the Hindus who are not Brahmins, who will eat non-veg.
    • In Hyderabad, the emperor in the name of purifying it and ridding it of infidel Hindu Brahmins condoned heinous activities.
    • The applicant is a citizen of India and a high caste Hindu Brahmin.
    • It gives them an identity that neither Western Science nor Western thought has yet provided, because caste is not just a matter of being a Brahmin or a Harijan: it is also a kinship system.
    • During a recent visit, I found liberals and intellectuals, jet-setters and slum dwellers, men and women, Brahmins and untouchables expressing this Hindu pride.
    • At the top of this hierarchy were the first two estates or castes: the Brahmin priests and, as so clearly described by the Rig-Veda as the arms of society, the Ksatriya or warrior nobility.
    • The Islamic rulers discriminated between Brahmins and other castes in levying of taxes and this naturally led to disgruntlement.
    • The deification of the cow was undoubtedly linked with the rise of the priestly Brahmin caste in early Hinduism.
    • Atharva Veda is also known as Brahma Veda, because it is still used as a manual by Hindu priests and Brahmins.
    • I don't know whether Satish had read the Bhagavad Gita, but he was a Hindu, a high-born Brahmin at that.
    • The direct evidence is that these low caste and untouchables performed exactly the same ceremony, of dipping in the holy waters, as any Brahmin or Hindu sage.
    • Caste was invented by the Hindu Brahmin or priestly group some 2,000 years ago.
    • Kshatriyas, the ruling class, and the priestly class of Brahmins began to exert pressure on the society and the caste system became more systematized.
    • This means nobody is a Brahmin or Kshatriya or Vysya or Sudra throughout his or her life.
    • In case your Hinduism is a little rusty, the Brahmans are the priest caste in traditional Hindu society.
    • People even of the very lowest caste may become wealthy; and a Brahmin priest in a little rural temple will almost certainly be very poor indeed.
  • 2(in Hinduism) the ultimate reality underlying all phenomena.


    Brahman is formless but is the birthplace of all forms in visible reality
    Example sentencesExamples
    • This Reality as all pervading Consciousness is also called as Brahman, Atman, and even God.
    • Guided by a realized guru and avowed to the unreality of the world, the initiate meditates on himself as Brahman, Absolute Reality, to break through the illusion of maya.
    • In Vedic literature it is said that everything is Brahman and nothing else.
    • Mostly straightforwardly, the expression atman is Brahman unequivocally identifies essential self with cosmos, ultimately not two things but one.
    • Yoga means union with Supreme Reality or Brahman.
    • The sense of presence, ecstasy and dread in the presence of a reality - called nirvana, the One, Brahman or God - seems to be a state of mind and a perception that is natural and endlessly sought by human beings.
    • Although seen to be present in all its material manifestations, Brahman is understood best as the knowing subject within us.
    • The diversity which we see and experience in terms of discrete entities has to be viewed against the total background of reality, Brahman.
    • Understanding that the true Self within must identify with Brahman - the ultimate cosmic reality or essential basis of the Universe - the goal of the thinkers in the Upaniads is moka or release from the world of physical phenomena.
    • Very much like the Hindu concept of Brahman, Taoism conceives of the concept of Tao, which is the underlying metaphysics of all that is being and non-being.
    • Atman or Brahman has been called eternal, all pervading.
    • It is very similar to what the Hindus call atman Brahman.
    • He realizes that he was looking for something tangible and definite in his quest to find Atman and Brahman within himself and to understand the meaning of life.
    • Truth is within us and the Atman and Brahman are one and the same, which can be discovered with introspection.
    • Ultimate reality in Advaita Vedanta is Brahman.
    • Each god is a manifestation of Brahman; in the ultimate world there are no differentiations of I and thou, subject and object.
    • It also represents to us the one life, what they call in Sanskrit Brahman which is that reality, that spiritual reality which pervades the whole universe, which is imminent in the whole universe, and not separate from it.
    • When the three letters are joined together to form the syllable Aum, that syllable should be used as the symbol of Brahman, or the Cosmic Reality.
    • Finally he wrote his books on the subject of Atman and Brahman.
    • It says Brahman is that ultimate ‘world’ which we gain access to by distilling the world down to its inmost content, or the furthest stop from where we get off by travelling backwards in time-space.
  • 3An ox of a humped breed originally domesticated in India that is tolerant of heat and drought and is now kept widely in tropical and warm-temperate countries.

    Bos indicus, family Bovidae; now usually included under the name B. taurus with other domestic cattle

    Also called Brahma bull; zebu


From Sanskrit brāhmaṇa ( Brahman (sense 1)), brahman ( Brahman (sense 2)).





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