

单词 unqualified

Definition of unqualified in English:


adjective ʌnˈkwɒlɪfʌɪdˌənˈkwɑləˌfaɪd
  • 1(of a person) not officially recognized as a practitioner of a particular profession or activity through having satisfied the relevant conditions or requirements.


    no company would permit an unqualified accountant to audit its books
    he was totally unqualified for his job as a senior house doctor
    Example sentencesExamples
    • The new policy addressed the concern of patronage appointments of unqualified people to the governing boards of post-secondary institutions, but stopped short of creating a fully elected board.
    • Professional members seeking mandatory licensing argue that their scope of practice must be defined broadly to prevent unqualified people from engaging in any aspect of their practice.
    • Eventually too, the economy will suffer as there will be too many unqualified people in top posts.
    • Not only is this a fiscal travesty but, more importantly, our health care decisions are being made by unqualified persons with purely fiscally based agendas.
    • More seriously, the quality of Taiwan's human resources has become polarized - on one hand we saw the quantity of talent grow, while we also saw the number of unqualified people still prevails.
    • Use of antituberculosis drugs by unqualified persons or alternative medicine practitioners in bizarre regimens for inadequate periods is an important problem in our country.
    • A short term goal of 13% would be appropriate without running the risk of hiring unqualified people.
    • No costs in respect of anything done by an unqualified person acting as a solicitor shall be recoverable by him… in any action suit or matter.
    • It is politics that hires the unqualified person to do a job that requires a highly seasoned person, skilled in design, who can make sound design decisions.
    • Predictions that the introduction of nurse practitioners would entail ‘misuse of potent drugs by unqualified staff’ have not materialised, to date.
    • There are few doctors and hospitals, and many unqualified persons practice a form of medicine at private facilities, especially in Mogadishu and other cities.
    • Sometimes a qualified and an unqualified person can bid for the same vacancy, but one finds the unqualified person is recruited without us knowing why.
    • At present, there is an unqualified person, with no uniform, no safety gear of any kind, including fire extinguisher on the truck, trying to satisfy a bunch of boat owners who want their fuel at a minimum of inconvenience to them.
    • Much the thinking, in fact, behind the plethora of ‘helplines’ springing up all over the place, manned by wholly unqualified people exorcising their own grief by immersion in that of strangers.
    • Do you want totally unqualified people to continue offering the same services as you offer, while some very well qualified people can't even be registered in Ontario?
    • But, worse than that, many people are working beyond the 20 half-days allowed for unqualified persons to work in schools, and the council has no ability to do anything about it.
    • Since the pass rate for the California exam is quite low, there is concern about whether unqualified individuals are now practicing.
    • A leading member of the NUT said pupils in Manchester's primary schools are already being taught by untrained and unqualified staff when teachers are sick.
    • If anything, it's closer to Andy Warhol's obsession with self-conscious celebrity, a world where apparently unqualified people could be turned into media icons.
    • It had 10 beds and 22 nursing staff (ratio of 3: 2 for qualified to unqualified nurses, no special training required).
    uncertificated, unlicensed, unchartered, untrained, inexperienced
    1. 1.1usually with infinitive Not competent or sufficiently knowledgeable to do something.
      I am singularly unqualified to write about football


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Truant soon discovers that there is no such film, and even if there were, Zampano was unqualified to write a critique: He was blind.
      • That's why he's egregiously unqualified for the job.
      • One thing people may not realize about Arnold is that he is peculiarly unqualified for office even by Hollywood standards.
      • Does this make me unqualified to write this review?
      • But, he was a very religious man so everyone had to shut up and let him have a job he was abjectly unqualified for because to do otherwise would be theocratically incorrect.
      • I feel completely unqualified to write on that subject as I am still answering that question myself.
      • It was only natural that she would step up to the plate for the top job - although she was completely unqualified for the position.
      • ANYONE.) There is the question of how he got such an incredible job that he's so unqualified for.
      • One might be tempted to disregard my relatively unqualified opinion had it not found reiteration in several critical writings.
      • It soon became apparent, however, that I was grossly unqualified for the position.
      • Blair is uniquely unqualified for such a task because he is a warring faction.
      • What are you going to say, ‘I don't think that people do think that they can do things they're obviously unqualified for.’
      • Price admits to being unqualified to write about football, and others would agree about his lack of credentials, but some of his descriptions of action and events on the field are superb.
      • I'm horrendously unqualified for this sort of job, but I reckon it'd be a real laugh having a gay introductions agency.
      unsuitable, unfit, ineligible, incompetent, unable, inadequate, incapable, unequipped, ill-equipped, unprepared, unfitted, inapt, not equal/up to, not cut out, insufficient
  • 2Without reservation or limitation; total.


    the experiment was not an unqualified success


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The point is driven home by the emergence of Mr Duncan Smith, whose first political utterance as leader of the Opposition was to pledge unqualified support to Mr Blair when he pledged unqualified support to Mr Bush.
    • It was just as well that the maintenance of total secrecy was the one unqualified success of the landings, as this resulted in their being largely unopposed.
    • By the time he was done, the first four cups were a bit cool, but the operation was, in essence, a completely unqualified success.
    • As far as we are concerned, this week has been nothing but an unqualified success.
    • Al Qaeda and its Indonesian friends are well aware of Canberra's unqualified support for America's ‘war on terror’ and controversial US plans to invade Iraq.
    • For truth in this sense could presumably be ascribed with as much justification to the convictions of an atheist as to those of a theist if the former's attachment to his atheism was sufficiently profound and unqualified.
    • The ‘New York Times’ is now backing away from its unqualified support of her position and Miller is on leave with no word on when she will return to the paper or what she will do there.
    • The commander in charge called it an unqualified and absolute success.
    • There is some truth in all of these views and any portrayal of the conferences either as an unqualified success or a total waste of time simply overlooks the complexity of the exercises themselves and of the contexts in which they take place.
    • Mr Howard had described Professor Flint's failure to disclose his letters to Alan Jones as something he should regret, and for a good month, Mr Howard's office has failed to give him unqualified support.
    • And for most of today's black intellectuals, there can be only one legitimate stance on racial preferences: unqualified support, now and forever.
    • Dr Rowan Williams, our recently appointed Archbishop of Canterbury, does not enjoy the unqualified support of the media - partly because it's quite difficult to make out what he is saying half the time.
    • The event has already raised over 73000 for 13 different charities and organiser Michael Hegarty is confident that this year's event will be another unqualified success.
    • This is a film guaranteed to succeed only to the degree that people find the puppets believable and on that count Strings is an absolute, unqualified success.
    • Like Wallace, the operation was said to be an unqualified success but he now faces a period of total rest before undertaking a special rehabilitation programme over several weeks.
    • Under no circumstances should State support be unqualified and unconditional.
    • Deliverance was solid, but Damnation was an unqualified success.
    • We know she will make a great success of this venture, as she has the unqualified support of her family and friends.
    • Maannnn… it was a 100%, fantastic, blue-skied, smiley-faced, big massive lump of an absolutely unqualified success.
    • The town of Charlestown can be rightly proud of its St Patrick's Day Parade as it was without doubt an unqualified and total success.
    unconditional, unreserved, unlimited, without reservations, categorical, unequivocal, unambiguous, unrestricted, wholehearted, positive, unmitigated, unadulterated, undiluted, unalloyed, unvarnished, unstinting
    complete, absolute, downright, entire, undivided, solid, thorough, thoroughgoing, total, utter, outright, out-and-out
    archaic arrant


  • unqualifiedly

  • adverb
    • as submodifier the situation is unqualifiedly and unredeemably wicked
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is always necessary to praise this venture pretty much unqualifiedly, for alone of British festivals it opens a panorama of the international compositional scene.
      • The more cosmopolitan among us may have spent time living on the Air Force base in Wiesbaden; and the very best of us have spent time completely unqualifiedly teaching English as a foreign language.
      • As a result of popular indifference and neglect, he says, all guns were made into ‘the property of the state, subject to storage in central storehouses,’ so thoroughly regulated that ‘no gun ever belonged unqualifiedly to an individual.’
      • Well, certainly the national security and managing the economy are unqualifiedly national issue, they're federal issues and even our critics will acknowledge that we've done a good job with the economy.
      • One reason we are proud to be Israel's friend is that we think the United States has no more unqualifiedly pro-American ally in the world than Israel.



Definition of unqualified in US English:


  • 1(of a person) not officially recognized as a practitioner of a particular profession or activity through having satisfied the relevant conditions or requirements.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • More seriously, the quality of Taiwan's human resources has become polarized - on one hand we saw the quantity of talent grow, while we also saw the number of unqualified people still prevails.
    • But, worse than that, many people are working beyond the 20 half-days allowed for unqualified persons to work in schools, and the council has no ability to do anything about it.
    • Use of antituberculosis drugs by unqualified persons or alternative medicine practitioners in bizarre regimens for inadequate periods is an important problem in our country.
    • No costs in respect of anything done by an unqualified person acting as a solicitor shall be recoverable by him… in any action suit or matter.
    • Since the pass rate for the California exam is quite low, there is concern about whether unqualified individuals are now practicing.
    • A short term goal of 13% would be appropriate without running the risk of hiring unqualified people.
    • It is politics that hires the unqualified person to do a job that requires a highly seasoned person, skilled in design, who can make sound design decisions.
    • A leading member of the NUT said pupils in Manchester's primary schools are already being taught by untrained and unqualified staff when teachers are sick.
    • Sometimes a qualified and an unqualified person can bid for the same vacancy, but one finds the unqualified person is recruited without us knowing why.
    • If anything, it's closer to Andy Warhol's obsession with self-conscious celebrity, a world where apparently unqualified people could be turned into media icons.
    • Do you want totally unqualified people to continue offering the same services as you offer, while some very well qualified people can't even be registered in Ontario?
    • The new policy addressed the concern of patronage appointments of unqualified people to the governing boards of post-secondary institutions, but stopped short of creating a fully elected board.
    • It had 10 beds and 22 nursing staff (ratio of 3: 2 for qualified to unqualified nurses, no special training required).
    • There are few doctors and hospitals, and many unqualified persons practice a form of medicine at private facilities, especially in Mogadishu and other cities.
    • Much the thinking, in fact, behind the plethora of ‘helplines’ springing up all over the place, manned by wholly unqualified people exorcising their own grief by immersion in that of strangers.
    • At present, there is an unqualified person, with no uniform, no safety gear of any kind, including fire extinguisher on the truck, trying to satisfy a bunch of boat owners who want their fuel at a minimum of inconvenience to them.
    • Eventually too, the economy will suffer as there will be too many unqualified people in top posts.
    • Not only is this a fiscal travesty but, more importantly, our health care decisions are being made by unqualified persons with purely fiscally based agendas.
    • Predictions that the introduction of nurse practitioners would entail ‘misuse of potent drugs by unqualified staff’ have not materialised, to date.
    • Professional members seeking mandatory licensing argue that their scope of practice must be defined broadly to prevent unqualified people from engaging in any aspect of their practice.
    uncertificated, unlicensed, unchartered, untrained, inexperienced
    1. 1.1usually with infinitive Not competent or sufficiently knowledgeable to do something.
      I am singularly unqualified to write about football


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ANYONE.) There is the question of how he got such an incredible job that he's so unqualified for.
      • That's why he's egregiously unqualified for the job.
      • It was only natural that she would step up to the plate for the top job - although she was completely unqualified for the position.
      • Does this make me unqualified to write this review?
      • But, he was a very religious man so everyone had to shut up and let him have a job he was abjectly unqualified for because to do otherwise would be theocratically incorrect.
      • One thing people may not realize about Arnold is that he is peculiarly unqualified for office even by Hollywood standards.
      • I'm horrendously unqualified for this sort of job, but I reckon it'd be a real laugh having a gay introductions agency.
      • Price admits to being unqualified to write about football, and others would agree about his lack of credentials, but some of his descriptions of action and events on the field are superb.
      • Truant soon discovers that there is no such film, and even if there were, Zampano was unqualified to write a critique: He was blind.
      • It soon became apparent, however, that I was grossly unqualified for the position.
      • I feel completely unqualified to write on that subject as I am still answering that question myself.
      • What are you going to say, ‘I don't think that people do think that they can do things they're obviously unqualified for.’
      • Blair is uniquely unqualified for such a task because he is a warring faction.
      • One might be tempted to disregard my relatively unqualified opinion had it not found reiteration in several critical writings.
      unsuitable, unfit, ineligible, incompetent, unable, inadequate, incapable, unequipped, ill-equipped, unprepared, unfitted, inapt, not equal to, not up to, not cut out, insufficient
  • 2Without reservation or limitation; total.


    the experiment was not an unqualified success


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The ‘New York Times’ is now backing away from its unqualified support of her position and Miller is on leave with no word on when she will return to the paper or what she will do there.
    • Dr Rowan Williams, our recently appointed Archbishop of Canterbury, does not enjoy the unqualified support of the media - partly because it's quite difficult to make out what he is saying half the time.
    • We know she will make a great success of this venture, as she has the unqualified support of her family and friends.
    • The event has already raised over 73000 for 13 different charities and organiser Michael Hegarty is confident that this year's event will be another unqualified success.
    • This is a film guaranteed to succeed only to the degree that people find the puppets believable and on that count Strings is an absolute, unqualified success.
    • Like Wallace, the operation was said to be an unqualified success but he now faces a period of total rest before undertaking a special rehabilitation programme over several weeks.
    • As far as we are concerned, this week has been nothing but an unqualified success.
    • The point is driven home by the emergence of Mr Duncan Smith, whose first political utterance as leader of the Opposition was to pledge unqualified support to Mr Blair when he pledged unqualified support to Mr Bush.
    • By the time he was done, the first four cups were a bit cool, but the operation was, in essence, a completely unqualified success.
    • And for most of today's black intellectuals, there can be only one legitimate stance on racial preferences: unqualified support, now and forever.
    • Mr Howard had described Professor Flint's failure to disclose his letters to Alan Jones as something he should regret, and for a good month, Mr Howard's office has failed to give him unqualified support.
    • Al Qaeda and its Indonesian friends are well aware of Canberra's unqualified support for America's ‘war on terror’ and controversial US plans to invade Iraq.
    • There is some truth in all of these views and any portrayal of the conferences either as an unqualified success or a total waste of time simply overlooks the complexity of the exercises themselves and of the contexts in which they take place.
    • Under no circumstances should State support be unqualified and unconditional.
    • For truth in this sense could presumably be ascribed with as much justification to the convictions of an atheist as to those of a theist if the former's attachment to his atheism was sufficiently profound and unqualified.
    • The town of Charlestown can be rightly proud of its St Patrick's Day Parade as it was without doubt an unqualified and total success.
    • Deliverance was solid, but Damnation was an unqualified success.
    • The commander in charge called it an unqualified and absolute success.
    • It was just as well that the maintenance of total secrecy was the one unqualified success of the landings, as this resulted in their being largely unopposed.
    • Maannnn… it was a 100%, fantastic, blue-skied, smiley-faced, big massive lump of an absolutely unqualified success.
    unconditional, unreserved, unlimited, without reservations, categorical, unequivocal, unambiguous, unrestricted, wholehearted, positive, unmitigated, unadulterated, undiluted, unalloyed, unvarnished, unstinting




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