The state of having his papers mislabeled and unpreserved was anything but rigorous.
The hull breach had contaminated the galley stores and ruined most of the unpreserved food.
The supermarket is a huge store full of food in cans, bags, and "fresh", that is, unpreserved but stuffed with disgusting steroids and grown in artificial fertilizer.
Because of the unpleasant nature of dissection on unpreserved and often decomposing material, both anatomy and practitioners followed a somewhat chequered course.
That which goes unrecorded goes unpreserved except in the vanishing moment of our individual lives.
Spoiling by bacteria or oxidation are two risks inherent in unpreserved wine.
Specimens stored unpreserved at ambient temperature yielded unacceptable standard deviations for pH, ammonia, creatinine, and osmolality.
Sadly, many audio collections remain unpreserved or uncatalogued for lack of money or lack of institutional interest.
One possible explanation is that previously bound electrolytes became free over time, increasing more rapidly with the elevated pH levels found in the unpreserved samples.
Even in this era there are still many unpreserved films.
Most of the film from the 1920s and 1930s is not commercially exploited, which means most of the film from the 1920s and 1930s sits unpreserved and rotting away.
In some cases when food is uncooked, unpreserved, and no oxygen is present, anaerobic bacteria, like the one that causes botulism, can flourish.
newly harvested, garden-fresh, not stale, crisp, firm, unwilted, unfaded