

单词 support

Definition of support in English:


verb səˈpɔːtsəˈpɔrt
[with object]
  • 1Bear all or part of the weight of; hold up.


    the dome was supported by a hundred white columns


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Whenever I am in an elevator, and I am alone, then as soon as the doors close I act as if I am supporting the weight of the thing.
    • Everything one does during the day tests the spine's ability to support body weight.
    • The inspector ran to her, supporting her weight and staring into her eyes.
    • Tractor frames are designed to support the weight and stress of a loader.
    • Keeping your legs straight, raise your body and bottom off the ground until your body is straight and your shoulders and heels are supporting your body weight.
    • Carry heavy objects close to your chest, supporting the weight on your forearms.
    • A corrugated steel roof supported on circular timber columns provides shade.
    • A structural, or load bearing, brick wall is a wall in which brick supports the weight of the structure.
    • The sixty-three-ton dome was also supported by reinforced braces.
    • This brings the centre of gravity directly over the right foot, which supports her weight.
    • They used a steel beam to support the weight of the upstairs ones in an attempt to preserve as many of them as possible.
    • It is the frame that supports the weight of the prop and the child actor, distributing it across the body of the bearer.
    • Slowly raise your body and legs off the ground by a few inches, so that your weight is supported on your elbows, and then lower back to the ground.
    • The main idea is a big roof supported on only four columns.
    • As I took in the movie my index fingers dug hard into my cheekbones, supporting the full weight of my head.
    • Any exercise which involves you supporting the weight of your own body is recommended to build bone mass.
    • Shrubs and the grape arbor, supported on stone columns, give the outdoor room further definition.
    • I do not look like a fat man simply because I am tall and can support a lot of weight.
    • James practically carried me out the elevator, since he was supporting my entire weight.
    • A structure this heavy would require an extremely strong foundation to support its weight.
    hold up, bear, carry, prop up, keep up, bolster up, brace, shore up, underpin, buttress, reinforce
  • 2Give assistance to, especially financially.


    the government gives £2,500 million a year to support the voluntary sector


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The fourth author was supported by a doctoral fellowship from the University of British Columbia.
    • Importantly, the bank is financially supported by the European Union.
    • Both donors have established charitable foundations in their own names, and each has a long history of assisting the needy and supporting the arts.
    • He is hoping the public will support him financially in order to meet the living expenses which he will incur.
    • The work was supported in part by a grant from National Institutes of Health.
    • He added that the Government had financially and politically supported the schemes, the first phase of which would be introduced over the next three years.
    • He thanked all those who had financially supported them throughout the year.
    • Bravo to the organising committee and all those who assisted with and supported this wonderful venture.
    • One of the ways liberals hope to regain that ground is by following the conservative model of running and financially supporting candidates in local races.
    • These people are supported financially and given all assistance to be self-sufficient in our community and this cost a lot of money.
    • We're supporting the club financially to do that.
    • We can't do what we do without our listeners getting behind us and supporting us financially.
    • Thanks to all who took part in the sponsored walk last Friday evening and to everyone who supported the event financially.
    • He's in love with her but is too much of a coward to leave Vanessa, who supports him financially.
    • Embrace your universities and help make them better by supporting them financially.
    • The research was also supported by grants from the McKnight Foundation and the John Merck Fund.
    • The art centre is important as it supports my artists by providing a place to work and a vehicle to collect logs, ochres and barks.
    • How beholden are civic politicians to those who supported them financially?
    • We are supporting it financially in large measure.
    • Do you support any organizations that provide for the less fortunate during the holidays?
    help, aid, assist
    contribute to, give a donation to, give money to, back, underwrite, subsidize, fund, finance, succour
    North American informal bankroll
    back, champion, give help to, help, assist, aid, be on the side of, side with, favour, prefer, abet, aid and abet, encourage
    vote for, ally oneself with, stand behind, fall in with, stand up for, defend, take someone's part, take up the cudgels for
    sponsor, vouch for, second, promote, endorse, sanction, approve of, give one's blessing to, smile on
    informal stick up for, throw one's weight behind
    1. 2.1 Provide with a home and the necessities of life.
      my main concern was to support my family


      Example sentencesExamples
      • They don't show the struggles his parents faced supporting a cobbled-together family of nine on low-wage jobs.
      • He unified his state in order to support an army strong enough to defend it.
      • It also means supporting us and providing for our needs.
      • All my life they have supported me and provided all the necessary things.
      • Men and women had safe, profitable jobs that fed and supported their families.
      • We need to diversify the economy so that a single mother with a job can comfortably support a child.
      • She did have a common law right to be supported and provided with a home, but this was a personal right enforceable against her husband only.
      • Other countries have been perhaps more successful at striking a balance between economic necessities and supporting the family.
      • This means that the added incomes of four farmers were barely enough to support one student for a year.
      • How did we get to a point where none of us can afford to live honestly, earning enough money to support ourselves?
      • Men were dedicated to providing for and supporting their family and raising noteworthy children.
      • His job comfortably supported his pregnant wife and child.
      provide for, provide sustenance for, maintain, sustain, keep, take care of, look after
    2. 2.2 Produce enough food and water for; be capable of sustaining.
      the land had lost its capacity to support life


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Our methods may have changed but we are still trying to grow food to support the community like our ancestors were.
      • Fed by upland streams, its brackish waters supported a wide variety of life.
      • This could signal that Mars, a dry and cold planet, was once an environment friendly enough to support life.
      • Any planet with a stable orbit in that zone might be able to support life long enough for intelligence to evolve.
      • After all, a river that can hold huge carp and catfish should, in theory, have enough food to support some big barbel.
      • There are already more people than our planet can support on an ongoing basis.
    3. 2.3 Give approval, comfort, or encouragement to.
      the proposal was supported by many delegates


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Your loving partner supports you through troubled waters.
      • Your spouse is there to comfort and support you so depend on him or her a little.
      • These nurses are already in post, caring for and supporting patients and their families from the point of diagnosis throughout their treatment.
      • At all times you must support, encourage and help your child but even more so when they are being bullied.
      • Thank you to my colleagues who have supported and tolerated me.
      • We will do our best to comfort and support them in every way while you do your duty.
      • Luke's family are now being supported by our bereavement care team.
      give moral support to, give strength to, be a source of strength to, comfort, bring comfort to, sustain, encourage, buoy up, hearten, fortify, console, solace, give sympathy to, reassure, succour, soothe
      informal buck up
      advocate, promote, further, champion, back, be on the side of, espouse, espouse the cause of, be in favour of, recommend, defend, subscribe to
    4. 2.4 Be actively interested in and concerned for the success of (a particular sports team)
      fans should always support their team fully, no matter what
      Example sentencesExamples
      • As a child Jamie had been a football fan but had never supported a particular team.
      • He is really a Spurs fan but believes it is good to support the local team.
      • There is no feeling like that of attending Croke Park or Lansdowne Road or Semple Stadium on a day when you are supporting your own team.
      • The degree to which an alum or member goes out and actively supports the team or association is an important measure of active loyalty.
      • I also feel that the people who are watching the cricket from their gardens and balconies are supporting our teams and showing enthusiasm for their progress in the different leagues.
      • Win or lose, we're always there, supporting the team.
      • For those of us who support teams outside the Premiership, the road to success looks farther way than ever before.
      • The tournament has again drawn huge interest and a large cohort of the student body supports their teams every Tuesday and Wednesday lunchtime.
      • Those fans went to support the team they adore and did just that.
      • He also thanked all those in attendance and all who supported the team in any way.
      • There were cheers and tears among many of the City fans who have supported the team through good times and bad.
      • That was because this guy could only see how things affected his team whereas I could see the bigger picture because I wasn't supporting either team.
      • It all means that in the past couple of weeks, Germany fans have been supporting their team and others, too.
      • Whether you wear what the athletes wear, join the fan club that supports the Team, or just cheer from your living room, your support is appreciated by every athlete set to compete in Athens!
      • It is hoped that a large contingent of fans will make the trip to Croke Park to support the team.
      • I've always supported the Indian team whenever they are here.
      • Parents are asked to attend games, particularly home games, to support the team.
      • When you support a team you always want them to do really well and when you actually get to pull the shirt on it is fantastic.
      • They have both played for Newcastle and I support the team, so being impartial was always going to be a challenge.
      • The FAI has a system in place that rewards fans who travel on a constant basis to support the team.
    5. 2.5as adjective supporting (of an actor or role) of secondary importance to the leading roles in a play or film.
      the production's greatest successes are in the main supporting roles
      Example sentencesExamples
      • This facilitation role requires careful management as the key account manager has to be seen in a supporting role to the relationship and not a dominant role.
      • He will soon be cast as a supporting actor in a film.
      • His big break came in 1986 when he landed a supporting role in the film Youngblood.
      • Very few stars will agree to cut their salaries to play a supporting role in a film - Bruce Willis is one of the few who has consistently done so.
      • Warden is both gruff and gentle, and his performance is probably the most important supporting role in the movie.
      • The supporting actor nominees are another bunch who can be equally hopeful.
      • There are panoramic sweeps of China's deserts and canyons, a huge roster of supporting actors - and plenty of violent battle sequences.
      • As with any epic event, the recognised stars will be backed up by a host of willing extras who will also play their supporting role to perfection.
      • A supporting actor in nearly every role he takes, he routinely outshines those who share the screen with him.
      • Memorable performances were also given by some of the supporting actors.
      • Surprisingly, it was the supporting actors who managed to steal the show.
      • A range of supporting roles both in television and film have ensured Hughes has not disappeared from view.
      • Now she knows what she wants, her career has become secondary - thus her choice of supporting roles in ensemble films such as Ocean's Eleven, Ocean's Twelve and Full Frontal.
      • The supporting actors' talents are wasted in standard-issue roles.
      • Why do they have supporting actor categories for film, but not for television?
      • Your family plays an important supporting role, and the transplant team also will assess this.
      • Angela Lansbury picked up her second nomination as a supporting actress for another spooky film, The Picture of Dorian Gray.
      • It's tough because as Truman becomes more solitary the film loses delightful supporting actors who could have lent it a light.
      • Protein and unsaturated fat reign, but complex carbs have an important supporting role.
      • In the whole process of planning a new book, distribution plays an important supporting role.
    6. 2.6 (of a pop or rock group or performer) function as a secondary act to (another) at a concert.
  • 3Suggest the truth of; corroborate.


    the studies support our findings


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The data presented in the study supports this suggestion.
    • This study supports several researchers who suggest using the neutral zone and no-touch technique to reduce the risk of injuries during surgical procedures.
    • His answers are at times surprising, but well supported by fact.
    • This suggestion is supported by studies on the endocytotic pathway of tumor cells performed by other authors.
    • Acculturation theory was partially supported by the finding that assimilation tendencies are linked to finding full employment.
    • However, time and again these claims are not supported in literature.
    • The authors add that this study supports the current recommendations for use of diuretics in elderly patients with hypertension.
    • These suggestions are indirectly supported by spinal microdialysis study.
    • The Department of Health said the report contained no new evidence and its conclusions were not fully supported by evidence.
    • The results also support hypothesis 5, that positive emotional contagion will lead to less group conflict.
    • Our results strongly support the hypothesis of a refolding of the unraveled keratin molecules.
    • No evidence could be found to support any suggestion he had been the victim of an attack before the first impact.
    • Recent analysis of the Drosophila genome sequence supports previous suggestions of strong parallels between many fly and vertebrate cell cycle regulators.
    • The herb's ability to improve vein health is well supported by human studies.
    • Taken together, our data strongly support the biased gene conversion hypothesis of GC-content evolution.
    • Plenty of research supports that eating enough carbohydrate foods before a race will improve performance.
    • This finding agrees with other studies and supports the suggestion of sending a reminder to those who have not provided a specimen.
    • That is an undeniable truth with stupendously large bodies of study to support it.
    • This study supports previous studies in the health professions that suggest student moral reasoning can be enhanced during professional education.
    • The above view is strongly supported by the ion flux data.
    substantiate, back up, give force to, give weight to, bear out, corroborate, confirm, attest to, verify, prove, validate, authenticate, endorse, ratify, document
  • 4(of a computer or operating system) allow the use or operation of (a program, language, or device)


    the new versions do not support the graphical user interface standard


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Axiom's products are now supported under Linux.
    • What's interesting about this is that the 3.06GHz Pentium 4 was the first P4 to officially support Hyper-Threading.
    • All Intel chipsets supporting 533MHz system bus do support Hyper-Threading.
    • One problem with FAT maintenance is the proliferation of implementations that should be supported under Linux.
    • The thing doesn't support Hyper-Threading in its current BIOS version.
  • 5Endure; tolerate.


    at work during the day I could support the grief


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Grief can be supported and facilitated, and depression can be treated.
    endure, bear, put up with, tolerate, stand, abide, suffer, stomach, brook, sustain, shoulder, weather
noun səˈpɔːtsəˈpɔrt
  • 1A thing that bears the weight of something or keeps it upright.


    the best support for a camera is a tripod


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Other buildings lurched under top-heavy weight as key supports on the first floors had been torn out.
    • Remember also that you cannot cut any of the intermediate supports or braces that help support the roof structure, so you'll need to work around them.
    • The supports were standing like great steel palm trees rising sixty metres into the sky.
    • Because plants grow from numerous basal stems that rise directly from the roots, heavy-gauge grow-through supports or support rings are ideal.
    • A wall is now propped up with supports, the pavement has disappeared and one man's house is beginning to show cracks.
    • He climbed off the concrete supports for the trestle and onto the rocky island shore.
    • That was the night she had walked by herself for the first time without braces or supports or a walker.
    • The functional requirements of a toast-rack are far less stringent, and this is one of a series of designs in which Dresser plays with different geometrical possibilities for creating a row of upright supports.
    • Its 300-year-old pillars are propped up by iron supports.
    • With the roof largely gone, a new roof was constructed using lightweight steel truss supports instead of beams.
    • The glazed edge of the structure is borne by slender steel supports.
    • Officers called to the scene found the old-style red cast iron phone kiosk in smithereens with just the four corner upright supports still standing.
    • Fallen pillars and supports littered the streets, and all that could be heard was the sound of the wind gently blowing across the marshes.
    • The eastern monolith had then been pulled over a rock-cut pit onto two masonry trestle supports, one at each end of the stone.
    • However, we advised against roof supports and column supports in the same assembly in order to avoid differential deflection problems.
    • Install supports like stakes, trellises, and tomato cages at planting time.
    • Thick wooden supports braced the wall every few yards, and even the gaps in between the logs were filled with a mesh of sticks and branches interlaced like a rough basket weave.
    • If it's a small target, like the upright supports of a bridge or the mouth of a cave, you need a bomb that will land within ten feet of where you aim it.
    pillar, post, prop, underprop, underpinning, base, substructure, foundation
    brace, buttress, abutment, bolster, upright, stay, stand, trestle, crutch, plinth
    1. 1.1mass noun The action of supporting something or someone or the state of being supported.
      she clutched the sideboard for support


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Matthew grabbed her arm, but she remained upright without his support.
      • Rolling over is when she is placed on her stomach and lifts her head and shoulders high, using her arms for support.
      • He was leaning on the back of the sofa for support and wearing a satisfied smirk.
      • Sheila found herself clutching the sideboard for support as a surge of vertigo threatened to overcome her.
      • He seems none the worse for wear, despite momentarily leaning on his scythe for support.
  • 2mass noun Material assistance.


    the bank provided unstinting financial support
    air operations in support of British forces


    Example sentencesExamples
    • As a result, it is short of sufficient financial and material support to develop any further.
    • She said positions at risk were mainly those of support staff and teaching assistants.
    • We had two footlockers and no promise of material support, but it began a fifty-year ministry in Brazil.
    • It is not possible to vote no without giving material support to those who wish to put an end to the idea of a more united Europe.
    • The Covenanters did not lack military support when Charles sent an army north to curb their revolt in 1639.
    • They have no back up system, no organisation to which they can turn to for support and financial assistance.
    • It is true that Ankara is asking for foreign financial support in order to carry out such a mission properly.
    • The intelligence is used to help choke off financial support to international terrorist organisations.
    • To help him with his achievements, he also looks up to the Chief Minister for support and financial aid.
    • He added that he would soon seek foreign financial support to ensure that safety is restored at the site.
    • She complained that many regularly send financial support to their relatives in Turkey.
    • The onslaught of mobile IT is threatening to send overworked support staff over the edge.
    • If it represents this, it needs the financial support and backing of the businesses.
    • I hope that the public, on whom these bodies depend for material support, will note this attitude.
    • We enjoyed strong financial support from our universities.
    • This threat was later followed through with material support to the IRA.
    • Behavioural support staff are helping to keep a watchful eye on troublemakers at a Swindon school.
    • Many heads have said they cannot afford support staff to cover for teachers and may have to send children home to avoid breaking the law.
    • References will be required and generous financial support available.
    • Surrey Police already gets less financial support than any other force in the country.
    maintenance, keep, sustenance, subsistence
    food and accommodation
    contributions, backing, donations, money, subsidy, funding, funds, finance, capital
    backing, help, assistance, aid, votes, endorsement, sanction, approval, blessing, patronage
    advocacy, backing, promotion, championship, espousal, defence, recommendation, recommending, argument for, arguing for
    1. 2.1 Approval, encouragement, or comfort.
      the paper printed many letters in support of the government


      she's been through a bad time and needs our support


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Nervous observers sketched doomsday scenarios, but the president received widespread bipartisan support.
      • In fact, the smaller party's support has actually increased since the last poll in May.
      • There were 14 letters of support for the scheme and eight letters of objection.
      • He has received widespread bipartisan support from those who know him and know his record.
      • Letters of support for the proposal were being collected to present to council at a future meeting.
      • It represents family carers and advocates greater awareness and support for their work.
      • The council said it had received 444 objections and seven letters of support for the application.
      • He needs to do so to affirm popular and Congressional support for an arduous campaign.
      • Polls in Japan show support for whaling is dwindling among the mainstream public.
      • They put out their message on radio, television, and in the newspapers and gained widespread popular support.
      • In fact, I have been extremely encouraged by the high level of support for the theatre that your article has generated.
      • The strikers have won overwhelming public support for their campaign to escape poverty.
      • Finally, I have contacted colleagues who were only too happy to give their support for this letter.
      • I will keep on writing letters to the paper in support for a hospital for Trowbridge.
      • That has created deep wells of bitterness and a collapse in support for mainstream parties.
      • It is still illegal in South Korea to advocate support for North Korea or its regime.
      • The lack of mainstream support for parents has yet to be addressed.
      • There's no doubt that this support has come from the middle class Labour vote.
      • They are to act as spokespersons, as well as mobilise community support for the initiative.
      • Due to a lack of support, many women give up and switch to bottle feeding.
      moral support, friendship, strengthening, strength, encouragement, buoying up, heartening, fortification, consolation, solace, succour, relief, easement
      informal bucking up
      comfort, help, assistance, tower of strength, prop, backbone, mainstay
    2. 2.2count noun A source of comfort or encouragement.
      he was a great support when her father died
      Example sentencesExamples
      • We are learning something about the range of supports offered to fathers in Early Head Start programs.
      • Participation in center programs seemed also to be helpful to fathers through providing emotional supports to them when they needed it.
      • Health professionals can help men identify these supports and encourage them to reach out, suggests Courtenay.
      • It is evident that the father has no substantial supports.
      moral support, friendship, strengthening, strength, encouragement, buoying up, heartening, fortification, consolation, solace, succour, relief, easement
      comfort, help, assistance, tower of strength, prop, backbone, mainstay
    3. 2.3 Technical help given to the user of a computer or other product.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • I do not, like those people at tech support, have a desk to hit my head on and no one can tell.
      • Some users pay a fee for technical support, but free support is available on internet message boards.
      • It will be responsible for desktops, mail systems, network, intranet and website support.
      • This gentlemen was having a problem on his computer and decided to call tech support.
      • To beat these claims, Kingston provides server customers with free back-up memory and tech support.
      • In the area of technical helpdesk support, Fraser is also looking to win up to four new clients each year.
      • That is done by officers, backed by effective technical and personal support.
      • Parts and labour were covered, but delivery and call centre support were not.
      • Even Microsoft has jumped into this with both feet, and not just for home user support.
      • All of the pre-configured bundles include software training and three years of support.
      • My main objection regarding Microsoft's whole licensing scheme is the lack of decent home user support.
    4. 2.4 A secondary act at a pop or rock concert.
      as modifier a support band
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Once the record was out, we started to do gigs as a support act to bands like A Certain Ratio and Inspiral Carpets.
      • The two support bands were there as well, waiting until it was their turn to sound check.
      • At least normally when the support band's dull you can chat or go to the bar.
      • The promoters didn't need to know that Mac themselves were the support band.
      • Eventually he shuffled off leaving half the crowd blissfully unaware there had even been a support act.
      • When the Beatles came to Scotland for their first tour, Soul Band was the support act.
      • I arrived a little late, after problems parking, but managed to catch around half of the support act.
      • Roger hopes to arrange for local rock bands to play support during each Keighley concert.
      • On the world stage, Galea has worked in Vegas as a support act for Nancy Sinatra.
      • Second support band Mistress had small problems with feedback, but that aside proved to be a good set of guys.
      • With typical lateness, NoiseMonkey again arrived just in time to see a support act leave the stage.
      • He was joined for a drink by sundry members of the support band during the Criminals set.
      • One thing The Sleepy Jackson has done though, is pick a quality support act, in the shape of The Delays.
      • She screamed abuse at her managers after the support band finished its set.
      • The review also completely failed to mention the support band, The Surf Sluts.
      • The Evil Men Do had just taken on Blessed Burning as their second support act for the US tour.
      • The band have asked me to call on their behalf to offer your band Anavrin a support slot on their upcoming European tour.
      • The girls are going to be the support band, so I may try to take some more photos for their website.
      • We were quite late, so the support band were already playing by the time we had pushed our way as far forward as we could.
      • Performing at the dance will be the Irish band Seamus Moore and his JCB Band plus a support band.
  • 3mass noun Evidence that serves to corroborate something.


    the study provides support for both theories


    Example sentencesExamples
    • To speak differently, such support is provided by the general fact that neurons are causal.
    • However, the evidence is insufficient to lend strong support to a hypothesis of positive selection.
    • The prosecution point principally but not solely to the telephone evidence as providing such support.
    • Two independent lines of evidence provide support for our conclusion.
    • Old evidence provides support only within the context of competition between hypotheses.
    proof, confirmation, verification, substantiation, corroboration, affirmation, authentication, attestation, documentation


  • supportability

  • noun
    • This article advocates that an afloat option has sufficient merit across the spectrum of readiness, responsiveness, supportability, and cost to make it the better choice over the land-basing strategy.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It will entail improvements to self-defence and war-fighting capabilities and enhancement to the ship's reliability, maintainability, availability and supportability.
      • The reliability, maintainability, and supportability of systems, along with improved munitions, fuel efficiencies, and vehicle-produced potable water, are crucial to having a right-sized sustainment footprint.
      • With advanced planning and scheduling software, managers will be able to generate automated reports on demand for review of asset supportability in daily, monthly, quarterly, and even yearly outlooks.
      • It's a fantastic opportunity for us to look at and learn about the aircraft's supportability and employability, certainly in hot conditions, and in humid conditions a long way from base.
  • supportable

  • adjective səˈpɔːtəb(ə)lsəˈpɔrdəb(ə)l
    • They agreed that Indian assimilation was a supportable goal but believed that it should happen in a voluntary manner and at a deliberate speed without a specific timeline.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The court said that although the government's effort to crack down on the evasion of active duty is supportable, the four defendants cannot be punished under the current law.
      • All these things look well reasoned and supportable when doing the analysis.
      • The advice will probably be reasonably logical, supportable, and hard to dispute.
      • It was a very reasoned and thoroughly supportable suggestion.
  • supportably

  • adverb
  • supportingly

  • adverb
  • supportless

  • adjective
    • I am stuck in the supportless warranty void and tech support wants to charge me for help!
      Example sentencesExamples
      • They work more and more often in the supportless phase and find interesting concluding elements.
      • According to officials, the parabolic curve dome, with its supportless span spread over 30 by 45 metres, is an architectural marvel.
      • In routine tests, the gauges were pasted to the loading elements in order to avoid errors connected with supportless fracture under all loading conditions and for all types of impact testing machines.


Middle English (originally in the sense 'tolerate'): from Old French supporter, from Latin supportare, from sub- 'from below' + portare 'carry'.


abort, apport, assort, athwart, aught, besought, bethought, bort, bought, brought, caught, cavort, comport, consort, contort, Cort, court, distraught, escort, exhort, export, extort, fort, fought, fraught, import, methought, misreport, mort, naught, nought, Oort, ought, outfought, port, Porte, purport, quart, rort, short, snort, sort, sought, sport, swart, taught, taut, thought, thwart, tort, transport, wart, wrought

Definition of support in US English:


[with object]
  • 1Bear all or part of the weight of; hold up.


    the dome was supported by a hundred white columns


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I do not look like a fat man simply because I am tall and can support a lot of weight.
    • The sixty-three-ton dome was also supported by reinforced braces.
    • Whenever I am in an elevator, and I am alone, then as soon as the doors close I act as if I am supporting the weight of the thing.
    • Slowly raise your body and legs off the ground by a few inches, so that your weight is supported on your elbows, and then lower back to the ground.
    • Shrubs and the grape arbor, supported on stone columns, give the outdoor room further definition.
    • They used a steel beam to support the weight of the upstairs ones in an attempt to preserve as many of them as possible.
    • It is the frame that supports the weight of the prop and the child actor, distributing it across the body of the bearer.
    • A corrugated steel roof supported on circular timber columns provides shade.
    • The main idea is a big roof supported on only four columns.
    • Keeping your legs straight, raise your body and bottom off the ground until your body is straight and your shoulders and heels are supporting your body weight.
    • Carry heavy objects close to your chest, supporting the weight on your forearms.
    • James practically carried me out the elevator, since he was supporting my entire weight.
    • Everything one does during the day tests the spine's ability to support body weight.
    • Tractor frames are designed to support the weight and stress of a loader.
    • A structure this heavy would require an extremely strong foundation to support its weight.
    • The inspector ran to her, supporting her weight and staring into her eyes.
    • A structural, or load bearing, brick wall is a wall in which brick supports the weight of the structure.
    • Any exercise which involves you supporting the weight of your own body is recommended to build bone mass.
    • This brings the centre of gravity directly over the right foot, which supports her weight.
    • As I took in the movie my index fingers dug hard into my cheekbones, supporting the full weight of my head.
    hold up, bear, carry, prop up, keep up, bolster up, brace, shore up, underpin, buttress, reinforce
  • 2Give assistance to, especially financially; enable to function or act.


    the government gives $2.5 billion a year to support the activities of the voluntary sector


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Importantly, the bank is financially supported by the European Union.
    • He is hoping the public will support him financially in order to meet the living expenses which he will incur.
    • These people are supported financially and given all assistance to be self-sufficient in our community and this cost a lot of money.
    • Thanks to all who took part in the sponsored walk last Friday evening and to everyone who supported the event financially.
    • Bravo to the organising committee and all those who assisted with and supported this wonderful venture.
    • We are supporting it financially in large measure.
    • He added that the Government had financially and politically supported the schemes, the first phase of which would be introduced over the next three years.
    • Do you support any organizations that provide for the less fortunate during the holidays?
    • How beholden are civic politicians to those who supported them financially?
    • The work was supported in part by a grant from National Institutes of Health.
    • The art centre is important as it supports my artists by providing a place to work and a vehicle to collect logs, ochres and barks.
    • The fourth author was supported by a doctoral fellowship from the University of British Columbia.
    • The research was also supported by grants from the McKnight Foundation and the John Merck Fund.
    • One of the ways liberals hope to regain that ground is by following the conservative model of running and financially supporting candidates in local races.
    • We can't do what we do without our listeners getting behind us and supporting us financially.
    • Embrace your universities and help make them better by supporting them financially.
    • He's in love with her but is too much of a coward to leave Vanessa, who supports him financially.
    • Both donors have established charitable foundations in their own names, and each has a long history of assisting the needy and supporting the arts.
    • We're supporting the club financially to do that.
    • He thanked all those who had financially supported them throughout the year.
    help, aid, assist
    back, champion, give help to, help, assist, aid, be on the side of, side with, favour, prefer, abet, aid and abet, encourage
    1. 2.1 Provide with a home and the necessities of life.
      my main concern was to support my family


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We need to diversify the economy so that a single mother with a job can comfortably support a child.
      • This means that the added incomes of four farmers were barely enough to support one student for a year.
      • His job comfortably supported his pregnant wife and child.
      • Other countries have been perhaps more successful at striking a balance between economic necessities and supporting the family.
      • She did have a common law right to be supported and provided with a home, but this was a personal right enforceable against her husband only.
      • He unified his state in order to support an army strong enough to defend it.
      • How did we get to a point where none of us can afford to live honestly, earning enough money to support ourselves?
      • Men and women had safe, profitable jobs that fed and supported their families.
      • All my life they have supported me and provided all the necessary things.
      • Men were dedicated to providing for and supporting their family and raising noteworthy children.
      • It also means supporting us and providing for our needs.
      • They don't show the struggles his parents faced supporting a cobbled-together family of nine on low-wage jobs.
      provide for, provide sustenance for, maintain, sustain, keep, take care of, look after
    2. 2.2 Produce enough food and water for; be capable of sustaining.
      the land had lost its capacity to support life


      Example sentencesExamples
      • After all, a river that can hold huge carp and catfish should, in theory, have enough food to support some big barbel.
      • Any planet with a stable orbit in that zone might be able to support life long enough for intelligence to evolve.
      • This could signal that Mars, a dry and cold planet, was once an environment friendly enough to support life.
      • There are already more people than our planet can support on an ongoing basis.
      • Fed by upland streams, its brackish waters supported a wide variety of life.
      • Our methods may have changed but we are still trying to grow food to support the community like our ancestors were.
    3. 2.3 Give approval, comfort, or encouragement to.
      the proposal was supported by many delegates


      I like to visit her to support her


      Example sentencesExamples
      • These nurses are already in post, caring for and supporting patients and their families from the point of diagnosis throughout their treatment.
      • We will do our best to comfort and support them in every way while you do your duty.
      • Your spouse is there to comfort and support you so depend on him or her a little.
      • Thank you to my colleagues who have supported and tolerated me.
      • At all times you must support, encourage and help your child but even more so when they are being bullied.
      • Your loving partner supports you through troubled waters.
      • Luke's family are now being supported by our bereavement care team.
      give moral support to, give strength to, be a source of strength to, comfort, bring comfort to, sustain, encourage, buoy up, hearten, fortify, console, solace, give sympathy to, reassure, succour, soothe
      advocate, promote, further, champion, back, be on the side of, espouse, espouse the cause of, be in favour of, recommend, defend, subscribe to
    4. 2.4 Be actively interested in and concerned for the success of (a particular sports team).
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is hoped that a large contingent of fans will make the trip to Croke Park to support the team.
      • That was because this guy could only see how things affected his team whereas I could see the bigger picture because I wasn't supporting either team.
      • They have both played for Newcastle and I support the team, so being impartial was always going to be a challenge.
      • There were cheers and tears among many of the City fans who have supported the team through good times and bad.
      • As a child Jamie had been a football fan but had never supported a particular team.
      • The tournament has again drawn huge interest and a large cohort of the student body supports their teams every Tuesday and Wednesday lunchtime.
      • Win or lose, we're always there, supporting the team.
      • For those of us who support teams outside the Premiership, the road to success looks farther way than ever before.
      • The degree to which an alum or member goes out and actively supports the team or association is an important measure of active loyalty.
      • He is really a Spurs fan but believes it is good to support the local team.
      • It all means that in the past couple of weeks, Germany fans have been supporting their team and others, too.
      • Parents are asked to attend games, particularly home games, to support the team.
      • The FAI has a system in place that rewards fans who travel on a constant basis to support the team.
      • Those fans went to support the team they adore and did just that.
      • There is no feeling like that of attending Croke Park or Lansdowne Road or Semple Stadium on a day when you are supporting your own team.
      • When you support a team you always want them to do really well and when you actually get to pull the shirt on it is fantastic.
      • I've always supported the Indian team whenever they are here.
      • I also feel that the people who are watching the cricket from their gardens and balconies are supporting our teams and showing enthusiasm for their progress in the different leagues.
      • Whether you wear what the athletes wear, join the fan club that supports the Team, or just cheer from your living room, your support is appreciated by every athlete set to compete in Athens!
      • He also thanked all those in attendance and all who supported the team in any way.
    5. 2.5as adjective supporting (of an actor or a role) important in a play or film but subordinate to the leading parts.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • There are panoramic sweeps of China's deserts and canyons, a huge roster of supporting actors - and plenty of violent battle sequences.
      • Your family plays an important supporting role, and the transplant team also will assess this.
      • His big break came in 1986 when he landed a supporting role in the film Youngblood.
      • Very few stars will agree to cut their salaries to play a supporting role in a film - Bruce Willis is one of the few who has consistently done so.
      • A range of supporting roles both in television and film have ensured Hughes has not disappeared from view.
      • Memorable performances were also given by some of the supporting actors.
      • He will soon be cast as a supporting actor in a film.
      • The supporting actor nominees are another bunch who can be equally hopeful.
      • As with any epic event, the recognised stars will be backed up by a host of willing extras who will also play their supporting role to perfection.
      • The supporting actors' talents are wasted in standard-issue roles.
      • Surprisingly, it was the supporting actors who managed to steal the show.
      • Warden is both gruff and gentle, and his performance is probably the most important supporting role in the movie.
      • Why do they have supporting actor categories for film, but not for television?
      • Now she knows what she wants, her career has become secondary - thus her choice of supporting roles in ensemble films such as Ocean's Eleven, Ocean's Twelve and Full Frontal.
      • A supporting actor in nearly every role he takes, he routinely outshines those who share the screen with him.
      • Angela Lansbury picked up her second nomination as a supporting actress for another spooky film, The Picture of Dorian Gray.
      • In the whole process of planning a new book, distribution plays an important supporting role.
      • It's tough because as Truman becomes more solitary the film loses delightful supporting actors who could have lent it a light.
      • This facilitation role requires careful management as the key account manager has to be seen in a supporting role to the relationship and not a dominant role.
      • Protein and unsaturated fat reign, but complex carbs have an important supporting role.
    6. 2.6 (of a pop or rock group or performer) function as a secondary act to (another) at a concert.
  • 3Suggest the truth of; corroborate.


    the studies support our findings


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The results also support hypothesis 5, that positive emotional contagion will lead to less group conflict.
    • His answers are at times surprising, but well supported by fact.
    • This study supports several researchers who suggest using the neutral zone and no-touch technique to reduce the risk of injuries during surgical procedures.
    • That is an undeniable truth with stupendously large bodies of study to support it.
    • Our results strongly support the hypothesis of a refolding of the unraveled keratin molecules.
    • The herb's ability to improve vein health is well supported by human studies.
    • Plenty of research supports that eating enough carbohydrate foods before a race will improve performance.
    • No evidence could be found to support any suggestion he had been the victim of an attack before the first impact.
    • Recent analysis of the Drosophila genome sequence supports previous suggestions of strong parallels between many fly and vertebrate cell cycle regulators.
    • The data presented in the study supports this suggestion.
    • This study supports previous studies in the health professions that suggest student moral reasoning can be enhanced during professional education.
    • This suggestion is supported by studies on the endocytotic pathway of tumor cells performed by other authors.
    • The Department of Health said the report contained no new evidence and its conclusions were not fully supported by evidence.
    • Acculturation theory was partially supported by the finding that assimilation tendencies are linked to finding full employment.
    • However, time and again these claims are not supported in literature.
    • These suggestions are indirectly supported by spinal microdialysis study.
    • The authors add that this study supports the current recommendations for use of diuretics in elderly patients with hypertension.
    • The above view is strongly supported by the ion flux data.
    • Taken together, our data strongly support the biased gene conversion hypothesis of GC-content evolution.
    • This finding agrees with other studies and supports the suggestion of sending a reminder to those who have not provided a specimen.
    substantiate, back up, give force to, give weight to, bear out, corroborate, confirm, attest to, verify, prove, validate, authenticate, endorse, ratify, document
  • 4(of a computer or operating system) allow the use or operation of (a program, language, or device)


    the new versions do not support the graphical user interface standard


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The thing doesn't support Hyper-Threading in its current BIOS version.
    • What's interesting about this is that the 3.06GHz Pentium 4 was the first P4 to officially support Hyper-Threading.
    • All Intel chipsets supporting 533MHz system bus do support Hyper-Threading.
    • One problem with FAT maintenance is the proliferation of implementations that should be supported under Linux.
    • Axiom's products are now supported under Linux.
  • 5Endure; tolerate.


    at work during the day I could support the grief


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Grief can be supported and facilitated, and depression can be treated.
    endure, bear, put up with, tolerate, stand, abide, suffer, stomach, brook, sustain, shoulder, weather
  • 1A thing that bears the weight of something or keeps it upright.


    the best support for a camera is a tripod


    Example sentencesExamples
    • That was the night she had walked by herself for the first time without braces or supports or a walker.
    • The glazed edge of the structure is borne by slender steel supports.
    • The supports were standing like great steel palm trees rising sixty metres into the sky.
    • A wall is now propped up with supports, the pavement has disappeared and one man's house is beginning to show cracks.
    • Other buildings lurched under top-heavy weight as key supports on the first floors had been torn out.
    • Officers called to the scene found the old-style red cast iron phone kiosk in smithereens with just the four corner upright supports still standing.
    • The functional requirements of a toast-rack are far less stringent, and this is one of a series of designs in which Dresser plays with different geometrical possibilities for creating a row of upright supports.
    • With the roof largely gone, a new roof was constructed using lightweight steel truss supports instead of beams.
    • Install supports like stakes, trellises, and tomato cages at planting time.
    • Thick wooden supports braced the wall every few yards, and even the gaps in between the logs were filled with a mesh of sticks and branches interlaced like a rough basket weave.
    • The eastern monolith had then been pulled over a rock-cut pit onto two masonry trestle supports, one at each end of the stone.
    • Because plants grow from numerous basal stems that rise directly from the roots, heavy-gauge grow-through supports or support rings are ideal.
    • Its 300-year-old pillars are propped up by iron supports.
    • Remember also that you cannot cut any of the intermediate supports or braces that help support the roof structure, so you'll need to work around them.
    • He climbed off the concrete supports for the trestle and onto the rocky island shore.
    • However, we advised against roof supports and column supports in the same assembly in order to avoid differential deflection problems.
    • If it's a small target, like the upright supports of a bridge or the mouth of a cave, you need a bomb that will land within ten feet of where you aim it.
    • Fallen pillars and supports littered the streets, and all that could be heard was the sound of the wind gently blowing across the marshes.
    pillar, post, prop, underprop, underpinning, base, substructure, foundation
    1. 1.1 The action or state of bearing the weight of something or someone or of being so supported.
      she clutched the sideboard for support


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Rolling over is when she is placed on her stomach and lifts her head and shoulders high, using her arms for support.
      • Matthew grabbed her arm, but she remained upright without his support.
      • He was leaning on the back of the sofa for support and wearing a satisfied smirk.
      • He seems none the worse for wear, despite momentarily leaning on his scythe for support.
      • Sheila found herself clutching the sideboard for support as a surge of vertigo threatened to overcome her.
  • 2Material assistance.


    he urged that military support be sent to protect humanitarian convoys


    as modifier support staff
    Example sentencesExamples
    • It is not possible to vote no without giving material support to those who wish to put an end to the idea of a more united Europe.
    • We had two footlockers and no promise of material support, but it began a fifty-year ministry in Brazil.
    • She complained that many regularly send financial support to their relatives in Turkey.
    • They have no back up system, no organisation to which they can turn to for support and financial assistance.
    • I hope that the public, on whom these bodies depend for material support, will note this attitude.
    • This threat was later followed through with material support to the IRA.
    • We enjoyed strong financial support from our universities.
    • He added that he would soon seek foreign financial support to ensure that safety is restored at the site.
    • It is true that Ankara is asking for foreign financial support in order to carry out such a mission properly.
    • Many heads have said they cannot afford support staff to cover for teachers and may have to send children home to avoid breaking the law.
    • As a result, it is short of sufficient financial and material support to develop any further.
    • Behavioural support staff are helping to keep a watchful eye on troublemakers at a Swindon school.
    • To help him with his achievements, he also looks up to the Chief Minister for support and financial aid.
    • The intelligence is used to help choke off financial support to international terrorist organisations.
    • If it represents this, it needs the financial support and backing of the businesses.
    • The onslaught of mobile IT is threatening to send overworked support staff over the edge.
    • She said positions at risk were mainly those of support staff and teaching assistants.
    • The Covenanters did not lack military support when Charles sent an army north to curb their revolt in 1639.
    • References will be required and generous financial support available.
    • Surrey Police already gets less financial support than any other force in the country.
    maintenance, keep, sustenance, subsistence
    contributions, backing, donations, money, subsidy, funding, funds, finance, capital
    backing, help, assistance, aid, votes, endorsement, sanction, approval, blessing, patronage
    advocacy, backing, promotion, championship, espousal, defence, recommendation, recommending, argument for, arguing for
    1. 2.1 Approval, encouragement, or comfort.
      the paper printed many letters in support of the government


      she's been through a bad time and needs our support


      Example sentencesExamples
      • In fact, the smaller party's support has actually increased since the last poll in May.
      • It represents family carers and advocates greater awareness and support for their work.
      • I will keep on writing letters to the paper in support for a hospital for Trowbridge.
      • There's no doubt that this support has come from the middle class Labour vote.
      • Finally, I have contacted colleagues who were only too happy to give their support for this letter.
      • He needs to do so to affirm popular and Congressional support for an arduous campaign.
      • Polls in Japan show support for whaling is dwindling among the mainstream public.
      • They are to act as spokespersons, as well as mobilise community support for the initiative.
      • The strikers have won overwhelming public support for their campaign to escape poverty.
      • They put out their message on radio, television, and in the newspapers and gained widespread popular support.
      • Letters of support for the proposal were being collected to present to council at a future meeting.
      • In fact, I have been extremely encouraged by the high level of support for the theatre that your article has generated.
      • He has received widespread bipartisan support from those who know him and know his record.
      • Nervous observers sketched doomsday scenarios, but the president received widespread bipartisan support.
      • The lack of mainstream support for parents has yet to be addressed.
      • The council said it had received 444 objections and seven letters of support for the application.
      • Due to a lack of support, many women give up and switch to bottle feeding.
      • There were 14 letters of support for the scheme and eight letters of objection.
      • It is still illegal in South Korea to advocate support for North Korea or its regime.
      • That has created deep wells of bitterness and a collapse in support for mainstream parties.
      moral support, friendship, strengthening, strength, encouragement, buoying up, heartening, fortification, consolation, solace, succour, relief, easement
      comfort, help, assistance, tower of strength, prop, backbone, mainstay
    2. 2.2 A source of comfort or encouragement.
      he was a great support when her father died
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It is evident that the father has no substantial supports.
      • Participation in center programs seemed also to be helpful to fathers through providing emotional supports to them when they needed it.
      • We are learning something about the range of supports offered to fathers in Early Head Start programs.
      • Health professionals can help men identify these supports and encourage them to reach out, suggests Courtenay.
      moral support, friendship, strengthening, strength, encouragement, buoying up, heartening, fortification, consolation, solace, succour, relief, easement
      comfort, help, assistance, tower of strength, prop, backbone, mainstay
    3. 2.3 Technical help given to the user of a computer or other product.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • To beat these claims, Kingston provides server customers with free back-up memory and tech support.
      • Even Microsoft has jumped into this with both feet, and not just for home user support.
      • My main objection regarding Microsoft's whole licensing scheme is the lack of decent home user support.
      • Parts and labour were covered, but delivery and call centre support were not.
      • In the area of technical helpdesk support, Fraser is also looking to win up to four new clients each year.
      • All of the pre-configured bundles include software training and three years of support.
      • I do not, like those people at tech support, have a desk to hit my head on and no one can tell.
      • It will be responsible for desktops, mail systems, network, intranet and website support.
      • This gentlemen was having a problem on his computer and decided to call tech support.
      • Some users pay a fee for technical support, but free support is available on internet message boards.
      • That is done by officers, backed by effective technical and personal support.
    4. 2.4 A secondary act at a pop or rock concert.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • The Evil Men Do had just taken on Blessed Burning as their second support act for the US tour.
      • On the world stage, Galea has worked in Vegas as a support act for Nancy Sinatra.
      • Performing at the dance will be the Irish band Seamus Moore and his JCB Band plus a support band.
      • I arrived a little late, after problems parking, but managed to catch around half of the support act.
      • At least normally when the support band's dull you can chat or go to the bar.
      • She screamed abuse at her managers after the support band finished its set.
      • Eventually he shuffled off leaving half the crowd blissfully unaware there had even been a support act.
      • When the Beatles came to Scotland for their first tour, Soul Band was the support act.
      • One thing The Sleepy Jackson has done though, is pick a quality support act, in the shape of The Delays.
      • We were quite late, so the support band were already playing by the time we had pushed our way as far forward as we could.
      • He was joined for a drink by sundry members of the support band during the Criminals set.
      • Roger hopes to arrange for local rock bands to play support during each Keighley concert.
      • The band have asked me to call on their behalf to offer your band Anavrin a support slot on their upcoming European tour.
      • Once the record was out, we started to do gigs as a support act to bands like A Certain Ratio and Inspiral Carpets.
      • With typical lateness, NoiseMonkey again arrived just in time to see a support act leave the stage.
      • The promoters didn't need to know that Mac themselves were the support band.
      • The two support bands were there as well, waiting until it was their turn to sound check.
      • Second support band Mistress had small problems with feedback, but that aside proved to be a good set of guys.
      • The girls are going to be the support band, so I may try to take some more photos for their website.
      • The review also completely failed to mention the support band, The Surf Sluts.


  • in support of

    • 1Giving assistance to.


      air operations in support of the land forces


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The earlier doctrines were written for urban operations in support of conventional forces.
      • Some users may require other centralized utility systems in support of their operations.
      • The army, however, wanted the air force to operate primarily in support of land operations.
      • Substantial numbers of police officers preserve the peace in support of operational police colleagues.
      • Its role was to provide simple communications centres in the field in support of air operations.
      • The helicopter had been flying in support of military operations in al-Anbar province.
      • The German Luftwaffe exercised their doctrine of joint operations in support of ground forces to great effect.
      • It happened as the chopper was flying in support of security operations outside of the city of Ramadi.
      • The day war broke out we were flown to a meeting to plan operations in support of an amphibious landing.
      • Its role is to provide information and training in support of UK and international operations.
      1. 1.1Showing approval of.
        the paper printed many letters in support of the government


        Example sentencesExamples
        • Feel free to send us letters and e-mails in support of the cause and we'll make sure we forward them to the Hall.
        • I read all letters in support of keeping this wonderful old building and despair about what can be done.
        • The club's owner has received four letters in support of his bid, one in opposition.
        • He accompanied his testimony with a letter in support of Mr Turner.
        • So far, she has received over 3,100 letters in support of her campaign and has publicised it widely on radio and through the press.
        • His wife submitted a letter in support of her husband, vowing to stand by him.
        • The next step is to write letters in support of all politicians and reporters who speak this truth.
        • The Minister tells us that she received a letter in support of her work only this year.
        • His work says they are backing him and will write a letter in support of him.
        • All council workers will also be written to, asking them to write individual letters to their MPs in support of Metrolink.
      2. 1.2Attempting to promote or obtain.
        a strike in support of an 8.5% pay raise


        Example sentencesExamples
        • A union spokesman said the strike was mainly in support of demands for job security.
        • Local government workers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland voted to strike in support of a six-per-cent pay claim.
        • The strike was in support of a demand for wage increases of between 106 and 150 percent.
        • They have been barred from taking strike action in support of political, social and environmental causes.
        • They have been on strike for four months in support of a demand for higher salaries.
        • The strike is in support of a demand for higher salaries to meet the escalating cost of living in Zimbabwe.
        • The strike and protests are in support of a wage increase and the ongoing stalemate over fresh presidential elections.
        • They have been on strike since early July in support of a 10-percent pay rise.
        • The drivers had been on strike for three weeks in support of their demand for better cartage rates.
        • He added that people would be able to find out more details about the scheme at the exhibition and he was hoping residents would sign a letter in support of the bypass.


Middle English (originally in the sense ‘tolerate’): from Old French supporter, from Latin supportare, from sub- ‘from below’ + portare ‘carry’.





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