A person who has more taste buds than normal and is very sensitive to particular tastes.
Example sentencesExamples
But more than 35 papillae indicates that you are a supertaster - as are many professional tasters and chefs.
However, supertasters may also snub vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower, because they can detect a slight bitterness in their flavor as well.
There is a wide variation in flavour awareness in the population, from those with a constitution of iron to normal people, to gourmets and supertasters, and food sensitive people who are also supersmellers.
In comparisons to nontasters, supertasters tasted more sweetness in table sugar, more bitterness in foods and beverages such as black coffee, and more sourness in fruits.
She and her students discovered that some individuals, known as supertasters, are born with an unusually large number of taste buds.
She has found that among men with a history of ear infections, supertasters are especially likely to be very overweight.
He isn't convinced that supertasters exist, but he plans to investigate whether the gene variants his group identified can help resolve that issue.