Far better for society's conscience, then, that a bum should fall through the cracks and freeze to death on a park bench, than that he should live an unpicturesque life in an SRO, within the bounds of society.
Hilary Mantel was born in 1952 and brought up in an unpicturesque village in Derbyshire, in the northwest of England.
When he depicts a bridge, as he frequently does, he chooses an unpicturesque bridge, which offers an excuse for making a striking pattern of light and shade.
It is a changeover from the charm of backwardness to unpicturesque, unmagical modernization; and it was more or less total across the thirty-two counties, so that now a cottage with the thatch still on it is a rare sight.
Representing France, Jean-Marc Bustamante conjures a ‘Pavilion of the Amazons,’ which centers on four large color photographs of solitary, unsmiling young women standing in resolutely unpicturesque landscapes.
Although viewers typically want to be seduced by Impressionism, this show also contains some paintings that are admirably unpicturesque.