A law that automatically terminates a regulatory agency, board, or function of government on a certain date, unless renewed.
in accordance with the state sunset law, the act sets the expiration date for the committee three years after the date of its creation
Example sentencesExamples
A federal sunset law could help bring that same healthy process of renewal to the government sector.
Since 1981, sunset laws have been repealed in eight of 36 states with such statutes and suspended in four others.
Historically, sunset laws have cleared out a good deal of agency deadwood over the last quarter century.
Not only would a sunset law help to curtail the growth of state bureaucracy, it would abolish useless and inefficient agencies, boards, and commissions which cost the taxpayers money.
By the 1990s, however, several states had ceased using the sunset laws because of various logistical and political hindrances.