Thanks Paul, I was beginning to think there were no unoffended readers left. - Editor
I believe there are none dearer to the heart of God than those who can pass through the deepest depths of furnace suffering and yet retain an unoffended spirit toward Him who allows to be administered to the parched lips the bitter cup of anguish, yes, even the wormwood and the gall.
The others laughed, and Chelsea was surprised to find Calvin unoffended by the comment on his girlfriend's school.
Quite what Voison thought of the name Citrohan is anyone's guess, but the car maker was clearly unoffended as he lent Le Corbusier cars in succeeding years.
Duke Senior, unoffended, invited Orlando to sit down and join them.
He looked incredulous, unoffended by her tart tone.
Mr Ferman presumably wanted a line of defence when the Daily Mail went into hysterics (as it duly did) and a wall of unoffended disabled people must have seemed as good a bulwark to hide behind as any.