A program used to find phone numbers that connect to a modem, often used by someone seeking to access the computers of others without permission.
Example sentencesExamples
Using ‘war dialers,’ Ambersail specializes in tracking down rogue modems, counting some of the world's largest companies and financial institutions among its clients.
Cyberthieves and terrorists have a number of dangerous tools at their fingertips, such as port scanners, information sniffers, and war dialers, all of which exploit weaknesses in network architectures.
The practice of random dialing to determine if a number is a fax number is against federal regulations and we demanded these war dialers be pulled and put out of commission.
Land-based war dialers can find unapproved modems in your networks… War Driving does the same thing to identify rogue network connections.
The war dialers are programmed to randomly dial the numbers of the phones assembled on the stage.
By dialing all numbers within the targeted range, the war dialer identifies which numbers are for computer modems and determines certain characteristics of those modems.
They are also never recorded as modem answered calls by war dialers or other monitoring systems.
The piece is based on an eight channel recording of a set of war dialers cycling through a random sets of numbers.
The war dialer will wait for dialtone and begin with the next call.
war dialing
In that film, war dialing is the act of using a modem attached to a computer to dial an entire exchange of phone numbers to locate any computers with modems attached to them.
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Another simple security measure against war dialing is configuring the modem to let it ring for 5 times or more before answering, as the tools used for war dialing usually move on to the next number before that.
However, throughout the underground Internet war driving, formerly known as war dialing, seems to be of real concern to many wireless network users.
I believe they actually were derived from the term ‘war dialing’, the process of sequentially dialing a range of phone numbers in search of a modem connect tone.
Back in the modem days, connection-hungry nerds with time on their hands engaged in war dialing.
Definition of war dialer in US English:
war dialer
A program used to find phone numbers that connect to a modem, often used by someone seeking to access the computers of others without permission.
Example sentencesExamples
The practice of random dialing to determine if a number is a fax number is against federal regulations and we demanded these war dialers be pulled and put out of commission.
The war dialer will wait for dialtone and begin with the next call.
They are also never recorded as modem answered calls by war dialers or other monitoring systems.
Using ‘war dialers,’ Ambersail specializes in tracking down rogue modems, counting some of the world's largest companies and financial institutions among its clients.
Cyberthieves and terrorists have a number of dangerous tools at their fingertips, such as port scanners, information sniffers, and war dialers, all of which exploit weaknesses in network architectures.
By dialing all numbers within the targeted range, the war dialer identifies which numbers are for computer modems and determines certain characteristics of those modems.
The war dialers are programmed to randomly dial the numbers of the phones assembled on the stage.
Land-based war dialers can find unapproved modems in your networks… War Driving does the same thing to identify rogue network connections.
The piece is based on an eight channel recording of a set of war dialers cycling through a random sets of numbers.