

单词 suggestive

Definition of suggestive in English:


adjective səˈdʒɛstɪvsə(ɡ)ˈdʒɛstɪv
  • 1Tending to suggest an idea.


    there were various suggestive pieces of evidence


    Example sentencesExamples
    • As part of some larger argument or larger body of evidence this might be suggestive evidence.
    • In fact, these failures to replicate provide suggestive evidence on the conditions under which the interaction will or will not appear.
    • There is some suggestive evidence that it causes some people to have suicidal thinking and some suicidal behavior.
    • But Walsh believes the sheer volume of suggestive evidence makes it convincing.
    • Thus, there is some suggestive evidence consistent with our second hypothesis, although there have been no direct tests.
    • The normalized deviate of the ratio trait also demonstrated suggestive evidence of linkage in this region with a LOD of 2.63.
    • It may well be that contact with oriental cosmology and theology helped to liberate their imagination; it certainly gave them many suggestive ideas.
    • Another suggestive piece of evidence is comparison with dogs that remain on the other side of the long vanished Asia-North America land connection.
    • Their essays highlight the extent to which politics was in flux during this period, a point reinforced by Christophe Prochasson in his suggestive piece.
    • Powers sifts psychological and historical evidence in a suggestive but inconclusive search for convincing connections.
    • There was suggestive but inconclusive evidence that predation rates also declined with increasing wave forces.
    • The regulations adopted in Shanghai will provide suggestive ideas for national AIDS legislation.
    • Every once in a while it is refreshing to put aside detailed academic monographs in favor of shorter studies that are full of suggestive concepts and ideas.
    • The researchers also found suggestive but inconclusive evidence that erythropoietin may improve overall survival.
    • However, much of the evidence remains suggestive rather than conclusive because all studies are based on natural matings.
    • Accordingly, there is suggestive evidence that intentions, and factors associated with the growth intention, may vary by gender.
    • But hard evidence for this human contribution simply does not exist; the evidence we have is suggestive at best.
    • The piece is suggestive rather than explicit, and passive in the way it interacts with or on the audience.
    • Since then, studies in transgenic mice have produced suggestive evidence that a link exists.
    • Both nonspecialists and specialists in Tillich's theology will find here ideas suggestive for contemporary teaching and preaching.
    1. 1.1 Indicative or evocative.
      flavourssuggestive of coffee and blackberry


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Low-dose treatment should not be used in patients with symptoms suggestive of temporal arteritis.
      • Symptoms suggestive of LV failure are related primarily to pulmonary edema, and include a persistent cough and dyspnea.
      • The very word ‘automatic’ is suggestive of control being wrested from human beings and surrendered to the machine.
      • Laurence Eastwood's set, elegant and subtly suggestive of its inhabitant's character, also deserves a mention.
      • The fragmented pieces of captured text are projected onto a blank white wall to create subtly shifting images suggestive of bygone worlds.
      • Baseline information included questions about symptoms suggestive of asthma as well as any confirmed diagnosis of the condition.
      • There is also a splendid view from Cave Hill over the lough to the south shore where there are mountains more suggestive of volcanic Polynesia than Cultra and Holywood.
      • Diagnostic genetic testing refers to the use of a gene test in a patient who has symptoms suggestive of Huntington's disease, with or without a family history.
      • The canker is suggestive of the character weaknesses, hurtful habits and secret sins that lurk below the surface of our respectability until exposed by extreme stress.
      • Steel cables are more typically found on boats and the hanging spheres are suggestive of the ingenious way the small spaces in cabins are kitted out.
      • Patients were instructed to report to the clinic immediately when they had symptoms suggestive of an acute pulmonary exacerbation.
      • The alternate names chosen for the three characters are suggestive of the values depicted by the original roles in tune with Ramayana.
      • Electrolyte levels should be monitored, and patients should report any signs or symptoms suggestive of electrolyte imbalance.
      • Several patients continued taking alendronate after the occurrence of symptoms suggestive of esophageal irritation.
      • The majority of patients have symptoms suggestive of an infection of the upper respiratory tract at the onset of the episodes.
      • She paints objects, often in an enlarged or abstracted way, that are suggestive of ‘guides’ that shape our lives.
      • The lyrics are merely picturesque and somewhat reminiscent and suggestive of far-away places.
      • Her photographs are staged and suggestive of narrative and literature, focusing mainly on female characters.
      • These indications were suggestive of six previous hybridization events between the two native carnivores.
      • The palatial swagger of Vanbrugh's Castle Howard is suggestive of its patron's pride in the lineage of the Howard family and its place in history.
      redolent, evocative, reminiscent
      characteristic, indicative, symptomatic, typical
      peculiar to, exclusive to
    2. 1.2 Making someone think of sexual matters.
      a suggestive remark


      Example sentencesExamples
      • If he persists, however, in hitting on you and continuing with the suggestive remarks, then, indeed, you have a harassment case.
      • The couple had stepped into the gallery briefly and the suggestive subject matter of the art on the walls caused an abrupt about face.
      • They claimed the poster was ‘indecent, sexually suggestive and demeaning to men’.
      • Exposing children to the sexually suggestive gyrations seen in most film songs is actually sex abuse in the case of a child, says Dr. John.
      • The Texas House of Representatives, struggling to find ways of filling their days, passed a bill that would outlaw sexually suggestive cheerleading.
      • But Davis is said to have continued his harassment by sending a sexually suggestive letter to the officer from his new prison.
      • This guy sitting behind me in one of my classes always makes suggestive remarks.
      • She opens the letter to reveal a series of photographs of herself, taken in suggestive positions and compromising sexual activities around the house.
      • A driver who left a woman passenger terror stricken when he drove her past her home also lost his licence, as did a driver who made sexually suggestive remarks to a passenger.
      • Through Lowson's kitchen window we see an anatomically suggestive, sexually charged landscape, and so it is with many of these poems.
      • Sexually suggestive graffiti was also scrawled on the school walls.
      • A suggestive remark such as that would usually make me smack the person on the face.
      • Explicitly sexual lyrics and suggestive dancing have sparked scathing newspaper columns and local judges have banned minors from attending the dances.
      • The Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland differentiates between nudity and suggestive sexual imagery.
      • Of course, no matter how suggestive his lyrics, Kelly is entitled to the presumption of innocence.
      • She gives him a playfully sexually suggestive smile.
      • She describes these rages as often provoked by strangers on the street who whistle at her or make some sexually suggestive remark.
      • In October, WDIA and several other large popular music radio stations ban several songs for their sexually suggestive lyrics.
      • Films oscillate between sensuality and vulgarity, between suggestive sexuality and indecent exposure.
      indecent, indelicate, improper, unseemly, titillating, provocative, sexual, sexy, off colour, smutty, dirty, ribald, bawdy, racy, blue, risqué, juicy, lewd, vulgar, coarse, salacious, prurient
      informal naughty, near the knuckle, spicy


  • suggestively

  • adverbsəˈdʒɛstɪvli
    • Ghuroub, a suggestively Buddhist-like land, is where Fattouma meets a holy man who tries to prepare him for the journey to Gebel.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In one notorious scene a barmaid strokes a beer pump suggestively while a customer croons his heart out.
      • Apparently nothing says mobile business data services like two hot chicks suggestively gazing into a cellphone.
      • His boss can take even a hackneyed phrase and let it dangle suggestively in the air until a dozen meanings reveal themselves.
      • She made her way to a platform in the middle of the court and gyrated suggestively in front of a wind machine.
  • suggestiveness

  • noun səˈdʒɛstɪvnəssə(ɡ)ˈdʒɛstɪvnəs
    • Many of the pictures here failed to be included in the calendars simply because they crossed a subtle line - one that went beyond suggestiveness into the realm of erotica.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Clifton thinks it is because burlesque offers ‘the kind of suggestiveness that women appreciate.’
      • This suggestiveness gives his work an accessibility and popular appeal rare in contemporary art.
      • Their sexual repression may have caused them ludicrously to see suggestiveness in the legs of a piano, so that they might cover them up.
      • Indeed, the lines of his drawings are often minimal and suggestive, forcing the viewer to focus on the object to imagine the undrawn lines; their very suggestiveness creates essence.

Definition of suggestive in US English:


  • 1Tending to suggest an idea.


    there were various suggestive pieces of evidence


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The researchers also found suggestive but inconclusive evidence that erythropoietin may improve overall survival.
    • There was suggestive but inconclusive evidence that predation rates also declined with increasing wave forces.
    • Another suggestive piece of evidence is comparison with dogs that remain on the other side of the long vanished Asia-North America land connection.
    • The regulations adopted in Shanghai will provide suggestive ideas for national AIDS legislation.
    • However, much of the evidence remains suggestive rather than conclusive because all studies are based on natural matings.
    • As part of some larger argument or larger body of evidence this might be suggestive evidence.
    • Thus, there is some suggestive evidence consistent with our second hypothesis, although there have been no direct tests.
    • But Walsh believes the sheer volume of suggestive evidence makes it convincing.
    • Accordingly, there is suggestive evidence that intentions, and factors associated with the growth intention, may vary by gender.
    • Since then, studies in transgenic mice have produced suggestive evidence that a link exists.
    • In fact, these failures to replicate provide suggestive evidence on the conditions under which the interaction will or will not appear.
    • Their essays highlight the extent to which politics was in flux during this period, a point reinforced by Christophe Prochasson in his suggestive piece.
    • There is some suggestive evidence that it causes some people to have suicidal thinking and some suicidal behavior.
    • Every once in a while it is refreshing to put aside detailed academic monographs in favor of shorter studies that are full of suggestive concepts and ideas.
    • Both nonspecialists and specialists in Tillich's theology will find here ideas suggestive for contemporary teaching and preaching.
    • The piece is suggestive rather than explicit, and passive in the way it interacts with or on the audience.
    • But hard evidence for this human contribution simply does not exist; the evidence we have is suggestive at best.
    • Powers sifts psychological and historical evidence in a suggestive but inconclusive search for convincing connections.
    • The normalized deviate of the ratio trait also demonstrated suggestive evidence of linkage in this region with a LOD of 2.63.
    • It may well be that contact with oriental cosmology and theology helped to liberate their imagination; it certainly gave them many suggestive ideas.
    1. 1.1 Indicative or evocative.
      flavorssuggestive of coffee and blackberry


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Laurence Eastwood's set, elegant and subtly suggestive of its inhabitant's character, also deserves a mention.
      • The lyrics are merely picturesque and somewhat reminiscent and suggestive of far-away places.
      • She paints objects, often in an enlarged or abstracted way, that are suggestive of ‘guides’ that shape our lives.
      • The palatial swagger of Vanbrugh's Castle Howard is suggestive of its patron's pride in the lineage of the Howard family and its place in history.
      • The very word ‘automatic’ is suggestive of control being wrested from human beings and surrendered to the machine.
      • Diagnostic genetic testing refers to the use of a gene test in a patient who has symptoms suggestive of Huntington's disease, with or without a family history.
      • Baseline information included questions about symptoms suggestive of asthma as well as any confirmed diagnosis of the condition.
      • The fragmented pieces of captured text are projected onto a blank white wall to create subtly shifting images suggestive of bygone worlds.
      • Her photographs are staged and suggestive of narrative and literature, focusing mainly on female characters.
      • Electrolyte levels should be monitored, and patients should report any signs or symptoms suggestive of electrolyte imbalance.
      • There is also a splendid view from Cave Hill over the lough to the south shore where there are mountains more suggestive of volcanic Polynesia than Cultra and Holywood.
      • These indications were suggestive of six previous hybridization events between the two native carnivores.
      • Patients were instructed to report to the clinic immediately when they had symptoms suggestive of an acute pulmonary exacerbation.
      • Steel cables are more typically found on boats and the hanging spheres are suggestive of the ingenious way the small spaces in cabins are kitted out.
      • The majority of patients have symptoms suggestive of an infection of the upper respiratory tract at the onset of the episodes.
      • The alternate names chosen for the three characters are suggestive of the values depicted by the original roles in tune with Ramayana.
      • Low-dose treatment should not be used in patients with symptoms suggestive of temporal arteritis.
      • Several patients continued taking alendronate after the occurrence of symptoms suggestive of esophageal irritation.
      • Symptoms suggestive of LV failure are related primarily to pulmonary edema, and include a persistent cough and dyspnea.
      • The canker is suggestive of the character weaknesses, hurtful habits and secret sins that lurk below the surface of our respectability until exposed by extreme stress.
      redolent, evocative, reminiscent
    2. 1.2 Making someone think of sex and sexual relationships.
      a suggestive remark


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland differentiates between nudity and suggestive sexual imagery.
      • She gives him a playfully sexually suggestive smile.
      • She opens the letter to reveal a series of photographs of herself, taken in suggestive positions and compromising sexual activities around the house.
      • Explicitly sexual lyrics and suggestive dancing have sparked scathing newspaper columns and local judges have banned minors from attending the dances.
      • The Texas House of Representatives, struggling to find ways of filling their days, passed a bill that would outlaw sexually suggestive cheerleading.
      • But Davis is said to have continued his harassment by sending a sexually suggestive letter to the officer from his new prison.
      • Sexually suggestive graffiti was also scrawled on the school walls.
      • In October, WDIA and several other large popular music radio stations ban several songs for their sexually suggestive lyrics.
      • A driver who left a woman passenger terror stricken when he drove her past her home also lost his licence, as did a driver who made sexually suggestive remarks to a passenger.
      • If he persists, however, in hitting on you and continuing with the suggestive remarks, then, indeed, you have a harassment case.
      • A suggestive remark such as that would usually make me smack the person on the face.
      • Of course, no matter how suggestive his lyrics, Kelly is entitled to the presumption of innocence.
      • This guy sitting behind me in one of my classes always makes suggestive remarks.
      • Through Lowson's kitchen window we see an anatomically suggestive, sexually charged landscape, and so it is with many of these poems.
      • They claimed the poster was ‘indecent, sexually suggestive and demeaning to men’.
      • Films oscillate between sensuality and vulgarity, between suggestive sexuality and indecent exposure.
      • The couple had stepped into the gallery briefly and the suggestive subject matter of the art on the walls caused an abrupt about face.
      • She describes these rages as often provoked by strangers on the street who whistle at her or make some sexually suggestive remark.
      • Exposing children to the sexually suggestive gyrations seen in most film songs is actually sex abuse in the case of a child, says Dr. John.
      indecent, indelicate, improper, unseemly, titillating, provocative, sexual, sexy, off colour, smutty, dirty, ribald, bawdy, racy, blue, risqué, juicy, lewd, vulgar, coarse, salacious, prurient




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