

单词 wane


verb weɪnweɪn
[no object]
  • 1(of the moon) have a progressively smaller part of its visible surface illuminated, so that it appears to decrease in size.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I knew Sarah would come in the same way I knew the moon would grow and wane in cycles.
    • Tory tried to see her reflection, but the moon was waning, the stars obscured by clouds.
    • Tonight and for the next week or so while the moon is waning with the brightest appearance next Tuesday night.
    • By the time the moon wanes and Ramadan begins, some of the young men we are searching for might be under a different night sky and under bombardment from American aircraft.
    • On the 30th, at 10: 31 P.M., the Moon wanes to last quarter for the second time in August.
    disappear, decrease, diminish, dwindle
  • 2(of a state or feeling) decrease in vigour or extent; become weaker.


    confidence in the dollar waned


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Then we heard that the water was opening for pike fishing, so the trout interest waned somewhat.
    • Martin Lee thinks his party's public support remains firm, even as China fears wane.
    • The gush of oil enthusiasm waned and it was 20 years before any further real interest was shown in the Moturoa field.
    • Any pups in the pack would show interest in the collar, however this interest would wane to none after 7-10 days.
    • Sympathy is waning all ready before a tenth of the bodies have been pulled out.
    • All the lands were grey and still; and ever the shadows deepened before them, and hope waned in every heart.
    • Those who attack the veil often do so, not out of republican passion, but because that passion has waned.
    • He has rightly suggested Ascot, who would welcome the move as they hold a lingering suspicion that interest is waning in steeplechasing.
    • There was a point when I felt that my enthusiasm was waning, but the act of writing this diary reminds me of all the great things that are happening.
    • It's all very well to have a decent sex scene here and there, but when it's pretty much only that surrounded by an extremely meagre plot, I find my interest wanes rather quickly.
    • If, for any reason, dollar confidence wanes these holders could move to ‘hedge’ or liquidate holdings.
    • This is much like a futures contract, an exchange traded forward agreement, that starts off hot with growing open interest, but then interest wanes with the contract's eventual delisting.
    • My joy waned as I was greeted by the bright faces of Trevor and Simon looking up at me from the front of the card.
    • As a result, the Commonwealth's powers have waxed and the residual ones of the states have waned.
    • Your Aries child will display a great deal of enthusiasm in his or her day to day life - but be warned that this enthusiasm can wane very quickly as the child moves on to the next interest.
    • I know I am being harsh but I have watched two out of th the three hours thus far aired and my interest is already waning.
    • I wonder if the present enthusiasm may wane over time for this recommendation.
    • Though my friend's interest waned and our friendship failed, my interest in the Craft only grew stronger.
    • When his political aspirations waned, he thought the video would serve as social commentary.
    • Interest had waned over time although expectations were high that the site clean-up might re-awaken it.
    decrease, decline, diminish, dwindle, shrink, contract, taper off, tail off, subside, slacken, droop, sink, ebb, dim, fade (away), grow faint, lessen, dissolve, peter out, wind down, fall off, attenuate, be on the way out, abate, fail, recede, slump, flag, atrophy, become weak, weaken, give in, give way, melt away, deteriorate, crumble, wither, disintegrate, degenerate, evaporate, collapse, go downhill, draw to a close, vanish, die out
    rare evanesce, remit


  • on the wane

    • Becoming weaker or less extensive.


      the epidemic was on the wane


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Today this is on the wane but it still remains; it still flexes its muscles to India while it seems to ignore the begging-bowl in its other hand.
      • The age-old convention of the church wedding is on the wane.
      • These days the beard seems to be on the wane in the West, except of course among increasing numbers of fundamentalist young Muslims, mullahs and rabbis.
      • Wait until after dinner, when rush hour has ended and ozone is on the wane.
      • Doctors say the mysterious outbreak is apparently on the wane and apparently confined to Seven Oaks Home for the Aged.
      • Although exploration in the North Sea is on the wane, Wood does not believe Aberdeen will decline as an oil centre.
      • The boss of the district's own low cost airline today scorned suggestions the sector was on the wane after rival Ryanair announced a profit slump.
      • Predictably, there are now encouraging signs that the epidemic is on the wane as sales slowly begin to pick up again.
      • On one particular bridge you'll find a couple small signs that serve as a public service announcement to those on the wane.
      • With Colin Montgomerie's star seemingly on the wane, the European assault on the majors will again be headed by Lee Westwood and Darren Clarke.
      declining, on the decline, decreasing, diminishing, dwindling, shrinking, contracting, tapering off, tailing off, subsiding, slackening, drooping, sinking, ebbing, dimming, fading away, growing faint, lessening, dissolving, petering out, winding down, falling off, attenuating, on the way out, abating, failing, receding, slumping, in a slump, in remission, flagging, atrophying, weakening, giving way, melting away, deteriorating, in a state of deterioration, crumbling, withering, disintegrating, degenerating, evaporating, collapsing, drawing to a close, vanishing, dying out, obsolescent, moribund


Old English wanian 'lessen', of Germanic origin; related to Latin vanus 'vain'.

  • wax from Old English:

    An old English verb weaxan ‘grow, increase’ is now restricted to only a few contexts. We use it to mean ‘become’ in expressions such as ‘he waxed lyrical’, and we use it for ‘to grow’ when we talk of the moon waxing and waning. It is possible that the wax that bees make comes from the same root, in the sense of what grows in the hive, but no one is certain. Waist (Late Middle English) seems to come from the same root, perhaps with reference to childbirth. Wane (Old English) is from Old English wanian ‘lessen’.


abstain, appertain, arcane, arraign, ascertain, attain, Bahrain, bane, blain, brain, Braine, Cain, Caine, campaign, cane, cinquain, chain, champagne, champaign, Champlain, Charmaine, chicane, chow mein, cocaine, Coleraine, Coltrane, complain, constrain, contain, crane, Dane, deign, demesne, demi-mondaine, detain, disdain, domain, domaine, drain, Duane, Dwane, Elaine, entertain, entrain, explain, fain, fane, feign, gain, Germaine, germane, grain, humane, Hussein, inane, Jain, Jane, Jermaine, Kane, La Fontaine, lain, lane, legerdemain, Lorraine, main, Maine, maintain, mane, mise en scène, Montaigne, moraine, mundane, obtain, ordain, Paine, pane, pertain, plain, plane, Port-of-Spain, profane, rain, Raine, refrain, reign, rein, retain, romaine, sane, Seine, Shane, Sinn Fein, skein, slain, Spain, Spillane, sprain, stain, strain, sustain, swain, terrain, thane, train, twain, Ujjain, Ukraine, underlain, urbane, vain, vane, vein, Verlaine, vicereine, wain, Wayne


noun weɪnweɪn
  • The amount by which a plank or log is bevelled or falls short of a squared shape.


    I cut the log into slabs without removing the outside wane


  • waney

  • adjective
    • But now that they are in a production mode, they can make commitments to purchase set amounts of waney lumber.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It can be supplied in all thicknesses with the option of waney edged, square edged or prepared boards.
      • The invention makes use of waney lumber to make composite edge-glued wood products.


Mid 17th century: from wane1.


[no object]
  • 1(of the moon) have a progressively smaller part of its visible surface illuminated, so that it appears to decrease in size.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Tory tried to see her reflection, but the moon was waning, the stars obscured by clouds.
    • On the 30th, at 10: 31 P.M., the Moon wanes to last quarter for the second time in August.
    • I knew Sarah would come in the same way I knew the moon would grow and wane in cycles.
    • By the time the moon wanes and Ramadan begins, some of the young men we are searching for might be under a different night sky and under bombardment from American aircraft.
    • Tonight and for the next week or so while the moon is waning with the brightest appearance next Tuesday night.
    disappear, decrease, diminish, dwindle
    1. 1.1 (especially of a condition or feeling) decrease in vigor, power, or extent; become weaker.
      confidence in the dollar waned


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Your Aries child will display a great deal of enthusiasm in his or her day to day life - but be warned that this enthusiasm can wane very quickly as the child moves on to the next interest.
      • All the lands were grey and still; and ever the shadows deepened before them, and hope waned in every heart.
      • When his political aspirations waned, he thought the video would serve as social commentary.
      • Those who attack the veil often do so, not out of republican passion, but because that passion has waned.
      • Interest had waned over time although expectations were high that the site clean-up might re-awaken it.
      • Sympathy is waning all ready before a tenth of the bodies have been pulled out.
      • He has rightly suggested Ascot, who would welcome the move as they hold a lingering suspicion that interest is waning in steeplechasing.
      • There was a point when I felt that my enthusiasm was waning, but the act of writing this diary reminds me of all the great things that are happening.
      • It's all very well to have a decent sex scene here and there, but when it's pretty much only that surrounded by an extremely meagre plot, I find my interest wanes rather quickly.
      • Any pups in the pack would show interest in the collar, however this interest would wane to none after 7-10 days.
      • Then we heard that the water was opening for pike fishing, so the trout interest waned somewhat.
      • The gush of oil enthusiasm waned and it was 20 years before any further real interest was shown in the Moturoa field.
      • This is much like a futures contract, an exchange traded forward agreement, that starts off hot with growing open interest, but then interest wanes with the contract's eventual delisting.
      • I wonder if the present enthusiasm may wane over time for this recommendation.
      • My joy waned as I was greeted by the bright faces of Trevor and Simon looking up at me from the front of the card.
      • Though my friend's interest waned and our friendship failed, my interest in the Craft only grew stronger.
      • Martin Lee thinks his party's public support remains firm, even as China fears wane.
      • If, for any reason, dollar confidence wanes these holders could move to ‘hedge’ or liquidate holdings.
      • As a result, the Commonwealth's powers have waxed and the residual ones of the states have waned.
      • I know I am being harsh but I have watched two out of th the three hours thus far aired and my interest is already waning.
      decrease, decline, diminish, dwindle, shrink, contract, taper off, tail off, subside, slacken, droop, sink, ebb, dim, fade, fade away, grow faint, lessen, dissolve, peter out, wind down, fall off, attenuate, be on the way out, abate, fail, recede, slump, flag, atrophy, become weak, weaken, give in, give way, melt away, deteriorate, crumble, wither, disintegrate, degenerate, evaporate, collapse, go downhill, draw to a close, vanish, die out


  • on the wane

    • Becoming weaker, less vigorous, or less extensive.


      the epidemic was on the wane


      Example sentencesExamples
      • On one particular bridge you'll find a couple small signs that serve as a public service announcement to those on the wane.
      • Predictably, there are now encouraging signs that the epidemic is on the wane as sales slowly begin to pick up again.
      • The age-old convention of the church wedding is on the wane.
      • With Colin Montgomerie's star seemingly on the wane, the European assault on the majors will again be headed by Lee Westwood and Darren Clarke.
      • Wait until after dinner, when rush hour has ended and ozone is on the wane.
      • The boss of the district's own low cost airline today scorned suggestions the sector was on the wane after rival Ryanair announced a profit slump.
      • Today this is on the wane but it still remains; it still flexes its muscles to India while it seems to ignore the begging-bowl in its other hand.
      • Doctors say the mysterious outbreak is apparently on the wane and apparently confined to Seven Oaks Home for the Aged.
      • These days the beard seems to be on the wane in the West, except of course among increasing numbers of fundamentalist young Muslims, mullahs and rabbis.
      • Although exploration in the North Sea is on the wane, Wood does not believe Aberdeen will decline as an oil centre.
      declining, on the decline, decreasing, diminishing, dwindling, shrinking, contracting, tapering off, tailing off, subsiding, slackening, drooping, sinking, ebbing, dimming, fading away, growing faint, lessening, dissolving, petering out, winding down, falling off, attenuating, on the way out, abating, failing, receding, slumping, in a slump, in remission, flagging, atrophying, weakening, giving way, melting away, deteriorating, in a state of deterioration, crumbling, withering, disintegrating, degenerating, evaporating, collapsing, drawing to a close, vanishing, dying out, obsolescent, moribund


Old English wanian ‘lessen’, of Germanic origin; related to Latin vanus ‘vain’.


  • The amount by which a plank or log is beveled or falls short of a squared shape.


    I cut the log into slabs without removing the outside wane


Mid 17th century: from wane.





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