

单词 time-worn

Definition of time-worn in English:


  • Damaged or made less interesting or attractive as a result of age or much use.


    the time-worn faces of the veterans


    a time-worn aphorism


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I'm not pressing for new names for time-worn concepts, I'm objecting to the way people treat English grammar as if it were a frozen collection of eternal truths like Pythagorean geometry.
    • When this happens Prime Ministers can fall back on two time-worn responses: relaunches or reshuffles.
    • Having previously had to admit that the ‘children overboard’ claims were false, Howard fell back on his time-worn defence that he acted simply on advice from the military and intelligence agencies.
    • The time-worn argument that conservatives have authoritarian personalities is, more or less, a nasty way of recasting my thesis.
    • Nevertheless, to rehash a time-worn axiom, there's an exception to every rule and that holds true for baseball records even when comparing those for rookies to ones established by veterans.
    • But, to thieve a time-worn phrase, there are probably as many answers to the second question as there are economists.
    • You're outside that time-worn tale in which there is a husband, children and a family.
    • I think your concern is that it may not continue to work in the future, and Georgia represents a threat to you all, that your time-worn strategy just won't hold up in the future.
    • He had then made the time-worn accusation that the pretensions of the courts reduced the kingdom to an aristocracy of magistrates.
    • They rejuvenate their age-old vocal style by breathing new life into some time-worn standards.
    • Predictably, the media shaped the saga of the rescued miners according to time-worn journalistic methods, massaging it into a ‘good news’ story, while working to turn the miners themselves into momentary celebrities.
    • The non-identical twins come from Artemisa, a time-worn colonial town 60 km from Havana.
    • We have a time-worn set of criss-cross paths already, well used the year round and don't require lorry loads of stones or whatever to improve them.
    • An historical city of time-worn beauty doesn't have to worry what other people think.
    • You can say that coaching wins over everything, or stopping the run is essential - time-worn lessons we have embossed into our minds - but the key is to look forward.
    • But not satisfied with mere hypocrisy, they also add this time-worn lie.
    • Think about it before you reel off your time-worn line about using a false premise.
    • This is the stuff formed in the time-worn fabric of family and community.
    • The Congress party has appeared to prefer to adhere to the time-worn and traditional formulations adopted on these issues.
    • Rather, I've come to the diplomatic conclusion that intentionally beat-up production simply complements bands who are bent on re-examining time-worn musical ideas.
    worn out, worn, well worn, old
    thin, holey, moth-eaten, mangy, ragged, frayed, tattered, battered, dog-eared
    decrepit, shabby, scruffy, unkempt
    having seen better days, falling apart at the seams, in shreds, in tatters, falling to pieces, broken-down, ruined, damaged
    informal tatty, ratty, the worse for wear
    North American informal raggedy, raggedy-ass
    Australian informal warby
    rare out at elbows
    old, aged, ancient, weathered, lined, wrinkled, hoary
    hackneyed, trite, banal, vapid, platitudinous, clichéd, cliché-ridden, stock, conventional, unoriginal, derivative, overused, overworked, worn out, threadbare, tired, stale, dull, pedestrian, run-of-the-mill, routine, humdrum, stereotyped
    informal old hat, corny, played out, hacky
    rare truistic, bromidic




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