The great age of exploration in the 1500s witnessed the creation of its own folklore: sea serpents, unicorns and unipeds, the Fountain of Youth and the Seven Cities of Cibola.
The uniped skipped away and back north, and Karlsefni and his men gave chase, catching sight of him every now and again.
On to the blankness, they unravelled myths - immortal Hyperboreans, unipeds bouncing on the snow.
It should be remembered that the same saga tells us about corpses sitting up in bed, about two Scotsmen who could run faster than deer, about unipeds hopping around shooting arrows.
The Premiership is fast becoming like a squash league containing two, maybe three, able-bodied players and a residue of unipeds.
Early 19th century: from uni- 'one' + pes, ped- 'foot'.