

单词 stump

Definition of stump in English:


noun stʌmpstəmp
  • 1The bottom part of a tree left projecting from the ground after most of the trunk has fallen or been cut down.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He found that 300 coniferous tree stumps had not been treated with urea, which was the normal practice.
    • They climbed on to a tree stump and squeezed through barbed wire to get over a concrete fence next to their hideout.
    • Helicopter bounces forward and keels over on to one side at a 45 degree angle as it comes to rest on a tree stump.
    • Dried flowers, leaves and even tree stumps can be treated, preserved and arranged artfully, giving a simple, but elegant look to the interiors.
    • It shows a charred stump of a tree with the ground around it burnt.
    • There he closed his eyes and invoked his magic, changing himself into a tree stump so that no one would recognize him.
    • Removing tree stumps and shifting of pipelines and cables by utility agencies took time.
    • In addition the tree covered quite a large area which, once the stump has been ground out and the soil improved, will offer an exciting opportunity for redesign and new plantings.
    • Before you reach Baldi, you see tree stumps dotting the landscape.
    • It's best to set the board up off the ground - on a tree stump, for instance, or anchored to a limb.
    • There were already other children, no older than fifteen, already seated on logs and tree stumps, drinking their stew.
    • She stands on a tree stump with two gnomes, four fairies, a raven, an owl, two hares, a rooster, squirrels, rabbits, mice, hedgehogs, toads and a fox.
    • Once the site is logged, he and his crew recycle the leftovers: tree limbs, saplings, logs, and tree stumps.
    • For a while we sat on tree stumps next to the grain storage barn, talking with her parents and passing around a bottle of her father's homemade rakia to keep our blood flowing.
    • They found large piles of sawdust and tree stumps cut to ground level.
    • I first assume that snag density is a function of snag formation from living trees and snag deterioration to stumps and fallen logs.
    • They have these little statoliths or balance organs in the back of their head and we can section those and look under a microscope and have daily rings just like tree rings in a tree stump.
    • The area was full of tree stumps and held little interest for farmers.
    • Zander tend to spawn on submerged tree stumps, branches and reeds, although it is suspected that they can also spawn on plants and even canal pilings.
    • He caught his foot on a tree stump at high speed, leaving him in severe pain with badly bruised and swollen toes and in doubt as to whether he could continue with the competition.
    chunk of wood, branch, tree trunk, bole
    1. 1.1 The small projecting remnant of something that has been cut or broken off or worn away.
      the stump of an amputated arm


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Most haunting is a frostbite victim's stump of an arm, newly amputated after he had fallen asleep in temperatures of minus 40C while he was on a vodka binge.
      • The nerve, however, is severed at the preformed autotomy breakage plane and the nerve stub retracts into the coxal stump.
      • And so, on 1 February, his arm was in plaster, the stumps of his torn-off fingers were bleeding and shrapnel was digging into his legs.
      • The team has developed an ultrasensitive neural network that can pick up multiple nerve signals sent to muscles near the stump of an amputated arm.
      • The blastemal cells are derived locally from the mesenchymal tissues of the stump, close to the site of amputation.
      • Elsewhere the remnants are more mundane and ambiguous, like a shattered stump of bone which may point to the giant moa.
      • A German article 10 addressed stump breakdown following traumatic amputation in children.
      • Today 27 stones remain standing along with the stumps and fragments of another nine.
      • Nowadays, between scraps of undulating green parkland, there are stumps of surviving Victorian tenements.
      • Umbilical granulomas are common inflammatory reactions to the resolving umbilical stump.
      • The only break in the smoothness of the wing's design was the fragmented stump at the back, which may have been a tailfin before the plane crashed.
      • All I was able to do was to put antiseptic on the remaining stumps and stand by with the morphine in case it was needed.
      • A stump remained where his arm had been.
      • They'd torn my shirt off and used rags of that to staunch the blood trickling from the remaining stump of my little finger where it'd been severed at the last joint.
      • However, the pillar has been chipped away by pilgrims and is now reduced to a stump.
      • In 1988, a recurrent nodule was detected at the above-the-knee amputation stump site.
      • The cold air would become extremely painful on his amputation stumps.
      • The carbon flakes were not transported across the turbinectomy stump.
      • Between the foc'sle store and the hold are the remnants of a mast stump, with the hole in the decking above still clearly identifiable.
      • These symptoms could be secondary to a cystic duct remnant or cystic duct stump from the patient's prior surgery.
      stub, end, tail end, remnant, remains, remainder, butt
      piece, part, segment
      informal fag end, dog end
  • 2Cricket
    Each of the three upright pieces of wood which form a wicket.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Prior looked every inch an England prospect for his work behind the stumps and with the bat.
    • Kiddy Cricket is a popular spectacular featured during international matches, with the youngsters engaged in games using rubber balls, plastic bats and stumps.
    • Blakey soon recovered to take over behind the stumps but the game remained a constant headache for the 6,500 crowd who had been let in free of charge.
    • Only 20 runs were added in nine more overs and Inzamam's approach caused his dismissal, the ball going off bat and pad onto the stumps.
    • If a batsman breaks his bat when striking the ball, and a piece of the bat hits the stumps, how is he out?
    1. 2.1stumps Close of play in a cricket match.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Thurstan batting the second time scored 155 for the loss of 3 wickets when stumps were drawn.
      • Then to rub salt in the wounds, the home team took a slender five-run lead with three wickets down by stumps to set themselves up for a considerable first innings lead.
      • With Border having to bowl 20 overs before the close of play, Easterns played defensively and this may have contributed to their losing four wickets by stumps.
      • The day got better for Haryana when they snapped up two Jharkhand wickets in the four overs that they got before stumps.
      • The last four wickets added 263 and by stumps England were 58 for 3.
  • 3Art
    A cylinder with conical ends made of rolled paper or other soft material, used for softening or blending marks made with a crayon or pencil.


  • 4North American Used in relation to political campaigning.


    his jibes at his opponents may have won him some support on the stump early in his campaign
    as modifier an inspiring stump speaker


    Example sentencesExamples
    • At about this time in the last month of the campaign, his stump speech changed.
    • The boyish-looking Edwards fought Kerry well in the primary campaign, serving up the best stump speech of any candidate.
    • In addition, the budgetary mathematics he weaves into his basic stump speech have been challenged on network television.
    • Edwards gave a speech which drew very heavily on his stump speech.
    • Instead, it boiled down to here's my stump speech, he's wrong, so vote for me.
    • She doesn't have a stump speech - or, for that matter, any set speeches.
    • The candidate's central stump speech is the heart of the campaign.
    • It's more likely to be a recitation of the candidates' stump speeches and campaign promises.
    • He's trotted out today not only a new ad, but also a new stump speech, really focusing not only on his record of accomplishment but on a broad vision for the future.
    • But even after a two-month stump campaign, the Bush plan for private Social Security accounts is sputtering.
    • He then launches into his stump speech - he wants health care.
    • There is plenty of time for our patented 10-point-plan yawner of a stump speech as we move into the next election cycle.
    • They know the players, they've heard all the stump speeches, and there's not much that happens that they haven't seen before.
    • I think it's fair to say that it's the stump speech in his prospective campaign for Norm Coleman's senate seat in 2008.
    • Without any prompting from Pettitt, he was feverishly muttering snippets from his stump speech in the middle of the frantic gesturing.
    • On the other hand, Gephardt often comes across as wooden on the campaign stump.
    • And we're hearing a little new wrinkle in his stump speech, and that has to do with taking a swipe at John.
    • He has had barely a month on the campaign stump, but Wesley K. Clark is giving his fellow Presidential contenders a run for their money.
    • Lincoln's skill as a stump speaker, enhanced by his six-foot-four-inch height, contributed to his political rise.
    • Since they last met the polls are tighter, the stump speeches sharper and election day, eight days closer.
verb stʌmpstəmp
[with object]
  • 1informal (of a question or problem) be too hard for; baffle.


    education chiefs were stumped by some of the exam questions


    Example sentencesExamples
    • As a boy he reputedly solved an architectural problem that had stumped a group of builders.
    • But I was stumped about how I might contribute anything that would add to the festivities.
    • If you're stumped, start by answering the following questions in your journal and look for rules in your answers.
    • Irwin is not only a great Islamic scholar, he is an exciting writer who gets the facts right - or is ready to admit when he (like everybody else) is stumped for more than a reasonably informed guess.
    • After five years in the business, I still go there every few weeks to learn new microscopy techniques, or when someone stumps me with a tough question.
    • But the 58-year-old, who has worked for Ladbrokes for more than 30 years, says he is stumped as to why he should have beaten more than 750 applicants to reach the final.
    • Well, if you're stumped about what to get for that hard to buy somebody on your list, we've got some amazing ideas for you.
    • Occasionally I set a question that I think will stump you all and then someone gets it within about 5 minutes, and it's usually Pat.
    • Ms. Olynyk complains that ‘after quoting two paragraphs from the press kit, Ms. Barratt is stumped for something to say.
    • But when the time came to confer with our local suppliers to translate the questionnaire into Spanish / Portuguese, we were stumped.
    • James Irving is a travel professional, but even he was stumped when his cousin issued a challenge.
    • Jeb Bush was stumped by a math problem that reportedly was on the state's standardized test for high school students.
    • When the speaker is stumped by a question there is nothing but deathly silence as they consulted their notes.
    • You can go here to the bulletin board on Jeopardy and read some game recaps and see which rare questions stumped Ken.
    • We were sure the last question would stump them and leave us with great video footage.
    • Hm, you know, looking back, I wish I had said all that stuff and more in the job interview, instead of getting stumped by that trap of a question.
    • The electrician was stumped as far as how to go about restoring power to the lower level of our abode.
    • We both like to read inscriptions and puzzle over symbols, but this one stumped us.
    • This innocent-sounding question has stumped mathematicians from Cantor's time to the present.
    • Women get attacked in public bathrooms all the time, and if the cops could not remove men who were in there they were stumped about what they were going to do.
    baffle, perplex, puzzle, confuse, confound, bewilder, mystify, nonplus, defeat
    be too much for, put at a loss, bring up short
    informal flummox, fox, be all Greek to, throw, floor, discombobulate
    archaic wilder, gravel, maze
    rare obfuscate
    1. 1.1be stumped Be at a loss; not know what to do or say.
      detectives are stumped for a reason for the attack


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But when she got a National award for the song, they were stumped.
      • McAuliffe was stumped when Hannity asked him whether Kerry was lying when he said he spent Christmas in Cambodia.
      • But the question stumped both MPs, who each confessed to their audience in the Dante Suite at York Racecourse that they had not heard of the scheme.
      • Only one question stumped him: ‘Which tree has the most leaves?’
      • If you are stumped by a question and draw a blank, don't panic, simply state that the question is a tough one and ask for a little extra time to consider your response.
      • But when Mr. Bush was asked if the United States was prepared with such an early warning system, he appeared stumped by the question.
      • He asked me if I knew how the tradition of men opening doors for women started and I was stumped.
      • The organizers were stumped as to what to do with the food, and finally said we could just take the stuff home.
      • While police were stumped in their investigation, they got lucky after arresting John for shoplifting.
      • But she was stumped on the £32,000 question when she was asked who Roy Rogers married in 1947 (answer: Dale Evans).
      • Her questions stumped me, but Noelle had an answer ready.
      • By now he's quite refreshed by his meal and primed by a good deal of political conversation, and this question momentarily stumps him.
      • Visitors were stumped by simple questions testing their knowledge of the syndrome.
      • When the interviewer asked him what was the highest score by an individual in Test cricket, the candidate was stumped.
      • There was only one question that stumped me initially: When I was asked how I thought the Magistracy should support the police I couldn't think of an answer.
      • Each examined him separately but they, too, were stumped.
      • He was stumped and he said, ‘You give me a minute to explain.’
      • When challenged to name a single person who holds these supposedly widespread views, the person who headed up the task force was stumped.
      • As usual we were largely stumped by questions that needed the year of release.
      • For example, the press agents were stumped when asked to explain the rules and legal implications of the Wi-Fi Internet waves.
  • 2no object, with adverbial of direction Walk stiffly and noisily.


    he stumped away on short thick legs


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Bader was stumping in carrying suitcases, and the boy rushed to help.
    • I hope these socks keep Miss Phoebe's feet warm, as she is stumping around her house already.
    • I jumped when I heard thunder and kids stumping and running around in the other room.
    • Haley walked into the kitchen and two minutes later Trevor came stumping into the kitchen.
    • All at once, I saw two figures: one a little man who was stumping along eastward at a good walk, and the other a girl of maybe eight or ten who was running as hard as she was able down a cross street.
    stomp, stamp, clomp, clump, lumber, trudge, plod
    thump, thud, bang, thunder
    Scottish &amp Northern Irish sprauchle
  • 3Cricket
    (of a wicketkeeper) dismiss (a batsman) by dislodging the bails with the ball while the batsman is out of the crease but not running.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Then Mark Boucher, who smashed two fours and one massive six in his 24, was coolly stumped by Sangakkara.
    • Sangakkara then stumped new batsman Justin Ontong off the bowling of Chandana for seven, leaving South Africa on 119 for five.
    • Burn opener Stuart Nesbitt had reached 54 when stumped by opposing wicketkeeper Dave Greenway, who snapped up a further two chances.
    • The Alice team were given good service by their wicketkeeper, V Makapela, who stumped two batsmen and caught one.
    • Easts wicket keeper Dale Box did well with the gloves, stumping two batsmen, one off the bowling of Jobson and another off David Wells.
  • 4North American Travel around (a district) making political speeches.


    there is no chance that he will be well enough to stump the country


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The campaign is pretty excited about what they call a Democratic rock star that's going to be out there stumping for them.
    • While stumping in Denver, John Kerry took a few pot shots at President Bush's scientific policy and expressed how he'd be different.
    • Call me silly, but I just don't care whether or not a candidate lugs a spouse along while he or she is stumping for votes.
    • Bryan stumped for the ‘little guy,’ a slogan echoed by Gore's ‘the people versus the powerful’ in 2000.
    • Senator John Kerry on the day after the first debates, stumping for votes in Florida, a place that's been difficult to get to of late because of all the hurricanes that blasted through that state.
    • Dean has most of the Hollywood glamour; both Martin Sheen and Rob Reiner were here stumping for him in recent days.
    • In early 1996, he crisscrossed the state, stumping for an environmental bond act, which his polls showed that voters supported.
    • For the first time this year the former First Lady, adored by the Republican faithful, is stumping on behalf of her son George W, the Texas governor, to try and bridge the gender gap.
    • California Governor Gray Davis is stumping in Santa Monica, faced with new evidence that he may indeed be voted out of office next week.
    • Warren Beatty and Rob Reiner were stumping against Arnold, too, but, when polled against Arnold, don't run as well as Angelides and Westly.
    • The two were stumping together for the first time as running mates in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida, showcasing their newfound camaraderie and putting aside past differences.
    • John Edwards is stumping in Ohio and Illinois - the latter hosting a fundraising bash for the DNC.
    • President Bush stumping in Columbus, Ohio, also, John Kerry, John Edwards stumping in Saint Louis, Missouri.
    • He's out there simultaneously denouncing the attack on Kerry's service record while he stumps for the President.
    • The chief Minister, Oommen Chandy, stumped the District Collectors at their two-day annual conference here on Monday.
    • In the 2000 primary Wellstone also opposed Gore, stumping for candidate Bill Bradley.
    • He's not stumping for Kerry, he's not running for office.
    • Max is now stumping for his friend and fellow veteran, John Kerry.
    • But, y'see, the thing is, she's stumping for Kerry and coming off like Marie Antoinette is just a bad way to win hearts and minds.
    • Mr Bush was stumping in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Iowa and New Mexico today, before a crowning home-state rally in Dallas and a night at his Crawford ranch.
  • 5Art
    Use a stump on (a drawing, line, etc.).



  • up a stump

    • informal In a situation too difficult to manage.


      he was up a stump if his animals got sick
      Example sentencesExamples
      • But we never came to an asylum - so I was up a stump, as you may say.

Phrasal Verbs

  • stump something up

    • Pay a sum of money.


      a buyer would have to stump up at least £8.5 million for the site


      Example sentencesExamples
      • A settlement, based on the companies collectively stumping up £200m for a compensation scheme, was expected to be announced on Friday but was delayed at the last minute.
      • The BBC is now stumping up £489,000 to pay for four 60-minute documentaries, while Scottish Screen, a quango which funds film projects, is paying out £311,000.
      • You will have to stump it up and hope you can claim it back in court.
      • Yorkshire will, therefore, be stumping up a total of £350,000 for this year's Test match and the one-day international but the Test is expected to gross £1.2million.
      • I still haven't stumped it up yet, I think I'vegot till the end of the month to find 10 k behind my sofa.
      • If Aer Lingus doesn't come to market the state will be forced to dig deep to accommodate Willie Walsh's expansion plans for the airline, stumping up about €300m to fund its new fleet.
      • I would add the bond amount if you are going to rent (I know its refundable but you still have to stump it up, up front) and the connection charges for electricity/ phone/ internet.
      • The festive scheme, a nationwide first, is sponsored by electricity provider npower, which is stumping up £30,000 towards the cost of the lights.
      • The membership surge ensured the Trust, which last week announced it was stumping up the cash to keep the Minstermen running for the next four weeks, banked almost £5,500 on the night.
      • But the railway will not be able to use the Harry Potter name in other events unless it stumps up large amounts of cash.
      pay, pay up, hand over, part with, give, put in, contribute, donate


Middle English (denoting a part of a limb remaining after an amputation): from Middle Low German stump(e) or Middle Dutch stomp. The early sense of the verb was 'stumble'.

  • One sense of stump refers to part of a limb remaining after an amputation, and this was the original meaning of the noun. The verb was initially ‘to stumble over an obstacle’, especially over a tree stump. The sense ‘to baffle’, was first used in American English in the early 19th century and probably arose from the idea of coming across stumps in ploughing which obstruct the progress of the plough. The Australian phrase beyond the black stump means ‘beyond the limits of settled, and therefore civilized, life’. It comes from the custom of using a fire-blackened stump of wood as a marker when giving directions to travellers. To be on the stump is to go about the country making political speeches, a usage that originated in rural America in the late 18th century, when a person making a speech would often use a tree stump as an impromptu platform. The Democratic politician Adlai Stevenson said of Richard Nixon that he was ‘the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, and then mount the stump, and make a speech on conservation’. To stump up a tree is to dig it up by the roots. This gives the meaning ‘to pay up, especially reluctantly’, from the image of digging deep into your pocket.


bump, chump, clump, crump, dump, flump, frump, gazump, grump, jump, lump, outjump, plump, pump, rump, scrump, slump, sump, thump, trump, tump, ump, whump

Definition of stump in US English:


  • 1The bottom part of a tree left projecting from the ground after most of the trunk has fallen or been cut down.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • For a while we sat on tree stumps next to the grain storage barn, talking with her parents and passing around a bottle of her father's homemade rakia to keep our blood flowing.
    • Once the site is logged, he and his crew recycle the leftovers: tree limbs, saplings, logs, and tree stumps.
    • It shows a charred stump of a tree with the ground around it burnt.
    • Before you reach Baldi, you see tree stumps dotting the landscape.
    • They climbed on to a tree stump and squeezed through barbed wire to get over a concrete fence next to their hideout.
    • The area was full of tree stumps and held little interest for farmers.
    • They found large piles of sawdust and tree stumps cut to ground level.
    • In addition the tree covered quite a large area which, once the stump has been ground out and the soil improved, will offer an exciting opportunity for redesign and new plantings.
    • Dried flowers, leaves and even tree stumps can be treated, preserved and arranged artfully, giving a simple, but elegant look to the interiors.
    • Zander tend to spawn on submerged tree stumps, branches and reeds, although it is suspected that they can also spawn on plants and even canal pilings.
    • There were already other children, no older than fifteen, already seated on logs and tree stumps, drinking their stew.
    • He caught his foot on a tree stump at high speed, leaving him in severe pain with badly bruised and swollen toes and in doubt as to whether he could continue with the competition.
    • Removing tree stumps and shifting of pipelines and cables by utility agencies took time.
    • He found that 300 coniferous tree stumps had not been treated with urea, which was the normal practice.
    • There he closed his eyes and invoked his magic, changing himself into a tree stump so that no one would recognize him.
    • Helicopter bounces forward and keels over on to one side at a 45 degree angle as it comes to rest on a tree stump.
    • It's best to set the board up off the ground - on a tree stump, for instance, or anchored to a limb.
    • She stands on a tree stump with two gnomes, four fairies, a raven, an owl, two hares, a rooster, squirrels, rabbits, mice, hedgehogs, toads and a fox.
    • I first assume that snag density is a function of snag formation from living trees and snag deterioration to stumps and fallen logs.
    • They have these little statoliths or balance organs in the back of their head and we can section those and look under a microscope and have daily rings just like tree rings in a tree stump.
    chunk of wood, branch, tree trunk, bole
    1. 1.1 The small projecting remnant of something that has been cut or broken off or worn away.
      the stump of an amputated arm


      Example sentencesExamples
      • However, the pillar has been chipped away by pilgrims and is now reduced to a stump.
      • Today 27 stones remain standing along with the stumps and fragments of another nine.
      • And so, on 1 February, his arm was in plaster, the stumps of his torn-off fingers were bleeding and shrapnel was digging into his legs.
      • They'd torn my shirt off and used rags of that to staunch the blood trickling from the remaining stump of my little finger where it'd been severed at the last joint.
      • The team has developed an ultrasensitive neural network that can pick up multiple nerve signals sent to muscles near the stump of an amputated arm.
      • The nerve, however, is severed at the preformed autotomy breakage plane and the nerve stub retracts into the coxal stump.
      • The cold air would become extremely painful on his amputation stumps.
      • Umbilical granulomas are common inflammatory reactions to the resolving umbilical stump.
      • Nowadays, between scraps of undulating green parkland, there are stumps of surviving Victorian tenements.
      • Elsewhere the remnants are more mundane and ambiguous, like a shattered stump of bone which may point to the giant moa.
      • A German article 10 addressed stump breakdown following traumatic amputation in children.
      • A stump remained where his arm had been.
      • Most haunting is a frostbite victim's stump of an arm, newly amputated after he had fallen asleep in temperatures of minus 40C while he was on a vodka binge.
      • These symptoms could be secondary to a cystic duct remnant or cystic duct stump from the patient's prior surgery.
      • The carbon flakes were not transported across the turbinectomy stump.
      • Between the foc'sle store and the hold are the remnants of a mast stump, with the hole in the decking above still clearly identifiable.
      • The only break in the smoothness of the wing's design was the fragmented stump at the back, which may have been a tailfin before the plane crashed.
      • The blastemal cells are derived locally from the mesenchymal tissues of the stump, close to the site of amputation.
      • All I was able to do was to put antiseptic on the remaining stumps and stand by with the morphine in case it was needed.
      • In 1988, a recurrent nodule was detected at the above-the-knee amputation stump site.
      stub, end, tail end, remnant, remains, remainder, butt
  • 2Cricket
    Each of the three upright pieces of wood which form a wicket.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Blakey soon recovered to take over behind the stumps but the game remained a constant headache for the 6,500 crowd who had been let in free of charge.
    • Kiddy Cricket is a popular spectacular featured during international matches, with the youngsters engaged in games using rubber balls, plastic bats and stumps.
    • If a batsman breaks his bat when striking the ball, and a piece of the bat hits the stumps, how is he out?
    • Prior looked every inch an England prospect for his work behind the stumps and with the bat.
    • Only 20 runs were added in nine more overs and Inzamam's approach caused his dismissal, the ball going off bat and pad onto the stumps.
  • 3Art
    A cylinder with conical ends made of rolled paper or other soft material, used for softening or blending marks made with a crayon or pencil.


  • 4North American as modifier Engaged in or involving political campaigning.


    he is an inspiring stump speaker


    Example sentencesExamples
    • He then launches into his stump speech - he wants health care.
    • Without any prompting from Pettitt, he was feverishly muttering snippets from his stump speech in the middle of the frantic gesturing.
    • On the other hand, Gephardt often comes across as wooden on the campaign stump.
    • Lincoln's skill as a stump speaker, enhanced by his six-foot-four-inch height, contributed to his political rise.
    • I think it's fair to say that it's the stump speech in his prospective campaign for Norm Coleman's senate seat in 2008.
    • The boyish-looking Edwards fought Kerry well in the primary campaign, serving up the best stump speech of any candidate.
    • They know the players, they've heard all the stump speeches, and there's not much that happens that they haven't seen before.
    • He's trotted out today not only a new ad, but also a new stump speech, really focusing not only on his record of accomplishment but on a broad vision for the future.
    • At about this time in the last month of the campaign, his stump speech changed.
    • And we're hearing a little new wrinkle in his stump speech, and that has to do with taking a swipe at John.
    • It's more likely to be a recitation of the candidates' stump speeches and campaign promises.
    • But even after a two-month stump campaign, the Bush plan for private Social Security accounts is sputtering.
    • The candidate's central stump speech is the heart of the campaign.
    • In addition, the budgetary mathematics he weaves into his basic stump speech have been challenged on network television.
    • He has had barely a month on the campaign stump, but Wesley K. Clark is giving his fellow Presidential contenders a run for their money.
    • Edwards gave a speech which drew very heavily on his stump speech.
    • Instead, it boiled down to here's my stump speech, he's wrong, so vote for me.
    • Since they last met the polls are tighter, the stump speeches sharper and election day, eight days closer.
    • There is plenty of time for our patented 10-point-plan yawner of a stump speech as we move into the next election cycle.
    • She doesn't have a stump speech - or, for that matter, any set speeches.
[with object]
  • 1be stumpedinformal (of a question or problem) be too hard for; baffle.


    education chiefs were stumped by some of the exam questions


    Example sentencesExamples
    • James Irving is a travel professional, but even he was stumped when his cousin issued a challenge.
    • After five years in the business, I still go there every few weeks to learn new microscopy techniques, or when someone stumps me with a tough question.
    • We both like to read inscriptions and puzzle over symbols, but this one stumped us.
    • If you're stumped, start by answering the following questions in your journal and look for rules in your answers.
    • Well, if you're stumped about what to get for that hard to buy somebody on your list, we've got some amazing ideas for you.
    • Occasionally I set a question that I think will stump you all and then someone gets it within about 5 minutes, and it's usually Pat.
    • We were sure the last question would stump them and leave us with great video footage.
    • This innocent-sounding question has stumped mathematicians from Cantor's time to the present.
    • Irwin is not only a great Islamic scholar, he is an exciting writer who gets the facts right - or is ready to admit when he (like everybody else) is stumped for more than a reasonably informed guess.
    • As a boy he reputedly solved an architectural problem that had stumped a group of builders.
    • Hm, you know, looking back, I wish I had said all that stuff and more in the job interview, instead of getting stumped by that trap of a question.
    • But when the time came to confer with our local suppliers to translate the questionnaire into Spanish / Portuguese, we were stumped.
    • But the 58-year-old, who has worked for Ladbrokes for more than 30 years, says he is stumped as to why he should have beaten more than 750 applicants to reach the final.
    • When the speaker is stumped by a question there is nothing but deathly silence as they consulted their notes.
    • Jeb Bush was stumped by a math problem that reportedly was on the state's standardized test for high school students.
    • But I was stumped about how I might contribute anything that would add to the festivities.
    • The electrician was stumped as far as how to go about restoring power to the lower level of our abode.
    • Women get attacked in public bathrooms all the time, and if the cops could not remove men who were in there they were stumped about what they were going to do.
    • You can go here to the bulletin board on Jeopardy and read some game recaps and see which rare questions stumped Ken.
    • Ms. Olynyk complains that ‘after quoting two paragraphs from the press kit, Ms. Barratt is stumped for something to say.
    baffle, perplex, puzzle, confuse, confound, bewilder, mystify, nonplus, defeat
    1. 1.1be stumped Be at a loss; be unable to work out what to do or say.
      detectives are stumped for a reason for the attack


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He asked me if I knew how the tradition of men opening doors for women started and I was stumped.
      • Only one question stumped him: ‘Which tree has the most leaves?’
      • When challenged to name a single person who holds these supposedly widespread views, the person who headed up the task force was stumped.
      • But when Mr. Bush was asked if the United States was prepared with such an early warning system, he appeared stumped by the question.
      • The organizers were stumped as to what to do with the food, and finally said we could just take the stuff home.
      • For example, the press agents were stumped when asked to explain the rules and legal implications of the Wi-Fi Internet waves.
      • Her questions stumped me, but Noelle had an answer ready.
      • As usual we were largely stumped by questions that needed the year of release.
      • But she was stumped on the £32,000 question when she was asked who Roy Rogers married in 1947 (answer: Dale Evans).
      • By now he's quite refreshed by his meal and primed by a good deal of political conversation, and this question momentarily stumps him.
      • But the question stumped both MPs, who each confessed to their audience in the Dante Suite at York Racecourse that they had not heard of the scheme.
      • But when she got a National award for the song, they were stumped.
      • If you are stumped by a question and draw a blank, don't panic, simply state that the question is a tough one and ask for a little extra time to consider your response.
      • When the interviewer asked him what was the highest score by an individual in Test cricket, the candidate was stumped.
      • There was only one question that stumped me initially: When I was asked how I thought the Magistracy should support the police I couldn't think of an answer.
      • Each examined him separately but they, too, were stumped.
      • He was stumped and he said, ‘You give me a minute to explain.’
      • While police were stumped in their investigation, they got lucky after arresting John for shoplifting.
      • Visitors were stumped by simple questions testing their knowledge of the syndrome.
      • McAuliffe was stumped when Hannity asked him whether Kerry was lying when he said he spent Christmas in Cambodia.
  • 2no object, with adverbial of direction Walk stiffly and noisily.


    he stumped away on short thick legs


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I jumped when I heard thunder and kids stumping and running around in the other room.
    • I hope these socks keep Miss Phoebe's feet warm, as she is stumping around her house already.
    • All at once, I saw two figures: one a little man who was stumping along eastward at a good walk, and the other a girl of maybe eight or ten who was running as hard as she was able down a cross street.
    • Bader was stumping in carrying suitcases, and the boy rushed to help.
    • Haley walked into the kitchen and two minutes later Trevor came stumping into the kitchen.
    stomp, stamp, clomp, clump, lumber, trudge, plod
  • 3North American Travel around (a district) making political speeches.


    there is no chance that he will be well enough to stump the country


    no object the two men had come to the city to stump for the presidential candidate


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In the 2000 primary Wellstone also opposed Gore, stumping for candidate Bill Bradley.
    • Call me silly, but I just don't care whether or not a candidate lugs a spouse along while he or she is stumping for votes.
    • He's not stumping for Kerry, he's not running for office.
    • The chief Minister, Oommen Chandy, stumped the District Collectors at their two-day annual conference here on Monday.
    • The two were stumping together for the first time as running mates in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida, showcasing their newfound camaraderie and putting aside past differences.
    • John Edwards is stumping in Ohio and Illinois - the latter hosting a fundraising bash for the DNC.
    • The campaign is pretty excited about what they call a Democratic rock star that's going to be out there stumping for them.
    • California Governor Gray Davis is stumping in Santa Monica, faced with new evidence that he may indeed be voted out of office next week.
    • For the first time this year the former First Lady, adored by the Republican faithful, is stumping on behalf of her son George W, the Texas governor, to try and bridge the gender gap.
    • Dean has most of the Hollywood glamour; both Martin Sheen and Rob Reiner were here stumping for him in recent days.
    • Bryan stumped for the ‘little guy,’ a slogan echoed by Gore's ‘the people versus the powerful’ in 2000.
    • President Bush stumping in Columbus, Ohio, also, John Kerry, John Edwards stumping in Saint Louis, Missouri.
    • Senator John Kerry on the day after the first debates, stumping for votes in Florida, a place that's been difficult to get to of late because of all the hurricanes that blasted through that state.
    • Mr Bush was stumping in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Iowa and New Mexico today, before a crowning home-state rally in Dallas and a night at his Crawford ranch.
    • In early 1996, he crisscrossed the state, stumping for an environmental bond act, which his polls showed that voters supported.
    • While stumping in Denver, John Kerry took a few pot shots at President Bush's scientific policy and expressed how he'd be different.
    • Max is now stumping for his friend and fellow veteran, John Kerry.
    • He's out there simultaneously denouncing the attack on Kerry's service record while he stumps for the President.
    • But, y'see, the thing is, she's stumping for Kerry and coming off like Marie Antoinette is just a bad way to win hearts and minds.
    • Warren Beatty and Rob Reiner were stumping against Arnold, too, but, when polled against Arnold, don't run as well as Angelides and Westly.
  • 4Art
    Use a stump on (a drawing, line, etc.).



  • up a stump

    • informal In a situation too difficult for one to manage.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But we never came to an asylum - so I was up a stump, as you may say.
  • on the stump

    • informal Engaged in political campaigning.


      Example sentencesExamples
      • On the stump, the candidate's performance displays the Japanese distrust of oratorical polish.
      • That is a success, and he can take credit for that, being part of the Government, and that will be one of many reasons why he is out on the stump, campaigning for the return of a Labour Government.
      • Standing side-by-side on the stump, Gore proudly trumpeted that Rubin is the architect of his ten-year economic blueprint for the country.
      • Bush aides say that over the next 18 days the president's performances out on the stump, out on the campaign trail are going to be crucial.
      • Few politicians on the stump over the last three weeks have felt confident enough about Europe as an issue to make it a central plank of their appeal to voters.
      • But he is a charm-free zone on the stump, and he has offered no galvanizing political philosophy or higher meaning.
      • When I went on the stump during the election campaign, I did not meet one person, apart from the National candidate, who did not back this policy.
      • Kerry's delivery and ease on the stump has become much better.
      • He can connect with millions through the lens uf de cahmera, and he's good on the stump, but maybe he's not the kind of speaker who scales well to an arena.
      • On the stump (as in his speech earlier that day), the vice president can come across as a somewhat uncomfortable orator.

Phrasal Verbs

  • stump something up

    • Pay a sum of money.


      a buyer would have to stump up at least 8.5 million dollars for the site


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But the railway will not be able to use the Harry Potter name in other events unless it stumps up large amounts of cash.
      • If Aer Lingus doesn't come to market the state will be forced to dig deep to accommodate Willie Walsh's expansion plans for the airline, stumping up about €300m to fund its new fleet.
      • The membership surge ensured the Trust, which last week announced it was stumping up the cash to keep the Minstermen running for the next four weeks, banked almost £5,500 on the night.
      • I would add the bond amount if you are going to rent (I know its refundable but you still have to stump it up, up front) and the connection charges for electricity/ phone/ internet.
      • A settlement, based on the companies collectively stumping up £200m for a compensation scheme, was expected to be announced on Friday but was delayed at the last minute.
      • The festive scheme, a nationwide first, is sponsored by electricity provider npower, which is stumping up £30,000 towards the cost of the lights.
      • Yorkshire will, therefore, be stumping up a total of £350,000 for this year's Test match and the one-day international but the Test is expected to gross £1.2million.
      • I still haven't stumped it up yet, I think I'vegot till the end of the month to find 10 k behind my sofa.
      • The BBC is now stumping up £489,000 to pay for four 60-minute documentaries, while Scottish Screen, a quango which funds film projects, is paying out £311,000.
      • You will have to stump it up and hope you can claim it back in court.
      pay, pay up, hand over, part with, give, put in, contribute, donate


Middle English (denoting a part of a limb remaining after an amputation): from Middle Low German stump(e) or Middle Dutch stomp. The early sense of the verb was ‘stumble’.





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