

单词 stuff

Definition of stuff in English:


noun stʌfstəf
mass noun
  • 1Matter, material, articles, or activities of a specified or indeterminate kind that are being referred to, indicated, or implied.


    I prefer to buy stuff in sales
    we all offer to do stuff for each other
    green stuff in stagnant water
    the mud was horrible stuff
    she's good at the technical stuff


    all that running and swimming and stuff


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Growling softly to myself I leant down to pick up my stuff, my papers scattered everywhere.
    • There was a lot of horrible stuff written about me and said about me that was totally inaccurate.
    • There's also some stuff in the article about writing routines and the like.
    • They always sell the same stuff, no matter where you are in the country.
    • It is unusual but because I am at the early stages, I'm just doing the technical stuff.
    • A load of kids are reading stuff and hearing stuff which refers back to Vietnam, and there is a resurgence in interest in the works of Chomsky.
    • The fact that the New Statesman can't find anything more grown-up to publish than this sort of stuff is indicative of its sad decline.
    • They wouldn't realise a thing until they picked up their stuff to go and there'd be a nice sweetie waiting there for them.
    • No matter how bad I feel, a bottle of the orange stuff sorts me out.
    • I said some pretty horrible stuff to her, and it still hurts knowing she may have died with those words still in her head.
    • Did enough of us make a difference for you to put up some of that goofy stuff you were referring to?
    • There was apparently a really big rain in his town and all sorts of horrible stuff ended up in the pipeline.
    • I won't bore you with any more technical stuff other than to say that it is a masterpiece of engineering.
    • But I am getting enough language training at least to master the technical stuff.
    • I was interested in all the technical stuff because films of this nature are, by definition, feats of technology.
    • My question is, when you get to know the little stuff, does the big stuff really matter?
    • Don't fear, though, because you'll find all the good stuff between the disappointing material.
    • He has some rare photos and artwork over there, a message board and all sorts of stuff.
    • It's a trade exhibition for conference and exhibition organising groups and my Dad needed me to pick some stuff up.
    • In the box there would be heritage stuff, the material evidence of the past, as well as history, the wisdom of the past.
    material, fabric, cloth, textile
    matter, substance, medium
    items, articles, objects, goods
    informal things, bits and pieces, bits and bobs, odds and ends
    British informal odds and sods, gubbins
    1. 1.1 A person's belongings, equipment, or baggage.
      he took his stuff and went


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Your stuff has proven it works with my equipment so I am going to need lots of it within the next six months.
      • And so, all Graham's stuff for the trip packed neatly into two soft cases, to bed.
      • But this stuff is being purveyed by the Religious Affairs Department of the Saudi Armed Forces.
      belongings, possessions, personal possessions, effects, property, goods, goods and chattels
      paraphernalia, accoutrements, appurtenances, trappings
      informal gear, things, tackle, kit
      British informal clobber, gubbins
    2. 1.2British dated, informal Worthless or foolish ideas, speech, or writing; rubbish.
      as exclamation stuff and nonsense!


      Example sentencesExamples
      • It doesn't go in for politics or injustice or any such stuff and nonsense.
      • So what are the general public and patients to make of this stuff and nonsense?
      • The problem is, however, that to get to the point where we can afford all this stuff and nonsense, we have to work ridiculously long hours.
      • The lectures were the usual old stuff and nonsense, but it's so easy to make new friends when you just bitch.
      • At first sight such an idea seems outrageous stuff and nonsense.
      rubbish, nonsense, twaddle, balderdash, claptrap, gibberish, drivel
      informal poppycock, tripe, bunk, piffle, bosh, bilge, hot air, hogwash, hooey, baloney, mumbo jumbo
      British informal cobblers, codswallop, tosh
      Scottish &amp Northern English informal havers
      Irish informal codology
      North American informal garbage, flapdoodle, blathers, wack, bushwa, applesauce
      informal, dated tommyrot, rot, bunkum
      vulgar slang bullshit, crap, bollocks, balls
      Australian/New Zealand vulgar slang bulldust
    3. 1.3informal Drink or drugs.
      the islanders get fighting mad on the stuff
      ‘Are you doing stuff, Kevin?’ he asked
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It follows that you need a sufficient quantity to significantly alter your mood, otherwise why drink the bloody stuff?
      • Basically, it's stuff to get drunk with; that is really what alcohol is for.
      • I would not encourage my kids to smoke the stuff, but when they are sixteen, they can if they want.
      • Me and my bros used to drink that stuff like we now drink beer i.e. like there's no tomorrow.
      • Piffle mate, would you go in a car while the driver is smoking the stuff?
      • I slowly went downhill and back on to the heavy stuff like heroin.
      • If they allowed dope to be used, I could grow her stuff, she could smoke it, and her life would be improved.
      • At first money wasn't a problem I had a good job, good house, I sold my house to the drug dealers so they could sell their stuff.
    4. 1.4one's stuff Things in which one is knowledgeable and experienced; one's area of expertise.
      he knows his stuff and can really write


      facts, information, data, subject, discipline
      informal onions
  • 2The basic constituents or characteristics of something or someone.


    Healey was made of sterner stuff


    such a trip was the stuff of his dreams


    Example sentencesExamples
    • I didn't go to school been as I had no education what so ever so Tiger taught me over time teaching me the basic stuff.
    • Back to sleep now, for I deal with the very stuff of dreams, and thus a writer's work can never really be done.
    • If you have a few accessories your basic stuff can be made to look like more of a wardrobe than it is.
    • The idea that you start very strict and ease off later is basic stuff to trainee teachers.
    • We drive, chatting every once in awhile, listening to the radio, pretty basic road trip stuff.
    • It's also possible that I could program some of the more basic stuff - no, that won't happen.
    • No specific predictions have ever been made, it's all your basic general could-apply-to-anything stuff.
    • It's very, very easy for me to eat when I'm at home because I like very, very basic stuff.
    • At both the Players Championship and the Masters this year he played some sterling stuff.
    • I think the Wexler model, the constituent outreach stuff, was ahead of its time.
    • To see them grab a hammer and head up to the roof is character building stuff.
  • 3British dated Woollen fabric, especially as distinct from silk, cotton, and linen.


    as modifier her dark stuff gown


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Of course people have noticed before that Matisse posed his models in flimsy, filmy harem pants on divans and cushions covered with flowered or striped stuffs against fabric screens and curtains.
    • His library was dukedom large enough, and here on the island he has, besides rich garments, linen stuffs and necessaries, volumes that he prizes above his dukedom.
    • The earliest woven stuffs were made for use or ornament, before refinements in spinning and weaving permitted textiles malleable enough to clothe the body.
  • 4North American (in sport) spin given to a ball to make it vary its course.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • Both are left-handers who rely on command and control more than raw speed or stuff.
    • He rarely hits the upper 80s on his fastball, so he relies on his off-speed stuff to get outs.
    • I think Greinke's stuff will get better, it got better as last year went along.
    • His stuff was impressive in his short stint in Detroit, as well as his 26 innings in Arizona.
    • RHP Rolando Arrojo has good stuff, uses a multitude of arm angles and mixes his pitches well.
    1. 4.1Baseball A pitcher's ability to produce spin on a ball or control the speed of delivery of a ball.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • His stuff is similar to that of Kerry Wood, the player whom I am speaking of above.
      • Ramirez struggles with his control at times but has much better stuff and is more durable than Reynolds.
      • He says he hasn't changed anything in his delivery - he just isn't trusting his stuff.
      • Bernero has savvy and changes speeds, but hitters sometimes sit on his off-speed stuff.
verb stʌfstəf
[with object]
  • 1Fill (a receptacle or space) tightly with something.


    an old teapot stuffed full of cash


    figurative his head has been stuffed with myths and taboos


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The deposit box is also stuffed with money in various currencies and a gun.
    • Each of the pouches was stuffed with bizarre and unexplainable tools or devices.
    • Nights of stuffing this sculpture with kapok, a new substance for the job, sent me into bouts of itching.
    • When you walked away from the conference the bins all over Blackpool were stuffed full of these bags.
    • The two tea rooms were stuffed with damp holiday makers, all tucking into cake and cream and scones and cream and strawberry jam and cream.
    • But then these rooms are stuffed with things of beauty, as the deputy curator of the collection, Martin Clayton, enthusiastically points out.
    • Your suitcase will be stuffed full of them, too, so you can bring a Joyeux Noël back with you.
    • ‘We're stuffed full of confidence that we will continue to grow the bank faster than any other bank in the UK,’ he says.
    • While we were stuffed full of learning about other parts of the world, the school system left us utterly clueless about our won history.
    • Samantha, 25, said: " The wallet was stuffed full of pictures, letters, keepsakes and prayer cards.
    • Now my servants are frantically boarding the windows and stuffing sandbags.
    • Once more the little blue Ford was stuffed full of boxes and bags and off we set on the return journey.
    • In this competitive world, education has to be stuffed with subjects, which prepare the students to face any challenge.
    • Government today is stuffed full of political appointees who are highly influential, dedicated and powerful special advisers with a direct ear to ministers.
    • He caught chipmunks whose cheek pouches were so stuffed with lodgepole pine seeds that not one more would fit.
    • Its portfolio is stuffed full of some of Britain's best know pantry products.
    • My samosa was a monster - it looked more like a Cornish pastie than the small crispy triangles you usually get - and was stuffed with vegetables.
    • The food basket was stuffed with savory meat pies, potato salad and a wonderful deep-dish apple pie for dessert.
    • There wasn't anything in there but a folder that was stuffed full of papers.
    • Adjoining the visitors shop is Hartlepool Museum, which is stuffed full of artefacts telling the story of the town, particularly its maritime heritage.
    fill, pack, pad, line, wad, upholster
    1. 1.1 Force or cram (something) tightly into a receptacle or space.
      he stuffed a thick wad of notes into his jacket pocket


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Vincent was a little worried that Kass would drag the book into his house, but the clever boy stuffed it inside the glove compartment.
      • Christy removed her hat and gloves and stuffed them into her coat pocket.
      • She smiled back and went to the sink, where she wedged a rubber cap past the pile of dishes and stuffed it onto the drain.
      • She shoved supplies into her pack, stuffing it nearly to the point that it could rip the seams.
      • The bags of cash were much too large to hide, but they were stuffed underneath the back seats as tightly as possible.
      • I muttered and began to adjust the black leather jacket and stuffed it in my bag, before overlooking the boxes.
      • Removing his gloves, Charles stuffs them in the pocket of his gray woolen coat before walking away from the table.
      • He gathered his homework into a pile and stuffed it into his book-bag.
      • As she rolled her clothes up tightly and stuffed them in securely, she tried to recall what it was that she missed the most.
      • I was stuffing a pair of gloves in his pockets when he walked into the room.
      • Quickly, they put coats, boots, hats, scarves and gloves on, stuffing cookie into their mouths as quickly as possible.
      • I kept folding up the wads of twenties and stuffing them in the pocket of my shorts.
      • She grabbed some latex gloves and stuffed them in her pocket along with the transmitter enclosed in a bag, with fingerprints already removed.
      • He then tore off his white gloves, and stuffed the garments into his knapsack as he drew closer to a pub near the outskirts of Firith.
      • My hand was unexpectedly clutching the stone tightly as I stuffed the paper back in the bottle.
      • Hundreds of drawings are stuffed into piles of plastic carrier bags, and on the bed a punk Teddy bear, complete with badges, safety pins and a torn ear, lies on his own little pillow.
      • Once inside the man quickly tied her wrists together behind her back and stuffed a thick cloth into her mouth and tied it tightly behind her head, gagging her.
      • It was unbelievable how much junk was stuffed into the small space.
      • I stuffed the bottle with scraps of paper and tinder-dry sticks of which there was a plentiful supply.
      • Shoving students into lectures is like stuffing sausage meat into one end of a sausage machine but ignoring the copious waste that spills out half way through the process.
      shove, thrust, push, ram, cram, squeeze, press, force, compress, jam, wedge
      pack, crowd, stow, pile, stick
    2. 1.2informal Hastily force (something) into a space.
      Sadie took the coin and stuffed it in her coat pocket


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Lucas hastily stuffed his drawings back into their folder and the folder disappeared into his backpack again.
      • I hastily stuffed everything into my backpack, crushing many important math assignments… whoops!
      • He read it hastily before stuffing it in his pocket.
      • He produced a bread knife and ordered the women to open the safe and then lie on the ground before he stuffed notes and coins into a black holdall.
      • I hastily stuffed the blouse and skirt into the plastic bag Terry brought.
      • She packed up her books and hastily stuffed them in her bag, walked out the hall and headed straight for the door.
      • Hastily, she stuffed her feet into a pair of sneakers and ran downstairs to where her grandfather was waiting for her.
      • Hastily, Gwen stuffed her cell phone in her purse, and got on the computer where she checked her email.
      • He laughed while hastily stuffing the paper in his binder, still cracking up about his ‘little joke’.
      • She hastily scribbled something down, and then stuffed the pad into a drawer in the kitchen.
      • Hastily, I stuffed the Oreo boxes into a large duffel bag.
      • I asked Sarza as she hastily stuffed water bottles, napkins, and granola bars into a tote bag.
      • Cane picked up the coins and stuffed them in his pockets; there were perhaps two hundred, so soon his pockets were full.
      • I hastily stuffed three more forkfuls in my mouth, waiting for him to answer.
      • Young and the others hastily stuffed a purifier into each nostril and inhaled some much needed fresh air.
      • He went to his locker, snagged some of his things and stuffed them hastily inside his large duffel bag.
      • I meekly stuffed the meter with pound coins to the maximum permitted amount and we commenced shifting boxes and bags.
      • I pulled out the piece of paper from my pocket where I had hastily stuffed it.
      • Schilling hastily stuffed a box full of items for her to auction at the tournament.
      • I copied down the words and hastily stuffed the paper in my pocket.
    3. 1.3 Fill out the skin of (a dead animal) with material to restore the original shape and appearance.
      he took the bird to a taxidermist to be stuffed


      Example sentencesExamples
      • As well as early fossils, there are displays of stuffed animals and birds, including a male and female Great Bustard.
      • Poppino nurtures his student in the black arts of stuffing dead animals and soon Valerio has given up his job and his girlfriend to pursue this new calling.
      • The dead elephant was stuffed and exhibited, and it stood in Vienna until Maximilian sent it to Munich.
      • Hefty wooden tables and benches are situated on two levels and stuffed birds and animals stare down at diners from under the high ceiling's wooden beams.
      • Last week I had the rare opportunity to shoot a panorama inside a museum diorama animal display filled with stuffed animals large and small.
      • We also saw a variety of stuffed animals, birds and the full body size skins of the bear and the moose.
      • This room was packed full of fishing, game and stuffed animals and game birds.
      • My neighbor is sitting beside me at a drum kit, with a stuffed hound dog between us.
      • They've got stuffed beasts, stuffed birds, stuffed fish, and a huge historic rifle collection.
      • Several Irish talk show hosts have been filling the air waves with information about stuffing your dead pets.
      • The prize for the final event, the best overall bird, is that it will be stuffed free of charge by local taxidermist Gerry Lundy.
      • But Ron says there is still a place for stuffed or freeze-dried animals and birds.
      • Phar Lap, a famous Aussie racehorse, was stuffed and standing in a corner.
      • The Rivington otter has been sent to a Liverpool taxidermist to be stuffed.
      • He brought the ladder under a light gray stuffed Husky dog, climbed up the three steps and took down the dog.
      • Why would there even be such a museum filled with stuffed versions of animals who are not extinct?
      • But doesn't this collection of stuffed, damaged, dead animals upset Singer, even though she has put her heart into giving them a purpose?
      • What appears to be a very strange place with large bird cages and freaky stuffed animals wasn't manufactured on a sound stage but was in fact exactly how his house looked every day!
      • Then they come to a taxidermist's shop with stuffed animals in the window.
      • One thing unites the animals: they are all dead but stuffed by taxidermists at Edinburgh's Royal Museum on Chambers Street.
    4. 1.4 Fill (the cavity of an item of food) with a savoury or sweet mixture, especially before cooking.
      chicken stuffed with mushrooms and breadcrumbs


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The burrito was stuffed with a mess of subtly-spiced smooth black beans, chunks of nicely roasted vegetables and molten cheese.
      • It may be eaten in the form of tamales, the dough stuffed with savoury or sweet mixtures and steamed in maize or banana leaves.
      • The game hen was light, savory and the chestnut stuffing slightly sweet, and deliciously spiced.
      • But I fancied the savoury pancakes stuffed with mushrooms, tomatoes and onions, and covered in a creamy cheese sauce.
      • I've stuffed the ravioli with a thick paste or pesto of rocket and crunchy pine nuts for a really punchy flavour and texture, ready for a thin coating of rich tomato sauce.
      • The chicken breasts can be stuffed in advance and popped in the steamer when you get in from work.
      • Try the skewered shiitake mushrooms stuffed with minced chicken or handmade buckwheat noodles.
      • Whole wheat tortillas are stuffed with refried black beans, real cactus leaves and cheddar cheese.
      • The thick slices of roast duck are stuffed into peeled fresh lychees, which are then laid in a sauce of lime, honey and osmanthus paste.
    5. 1.5informal Fill (oneself) with large amounts of food.
      he stuffed himself with Parisian chocolates


      Example sentencesExamples
      • We stuffed ourselves with hot dogs, corn dogs, funnel cakes, and everything else that we couldn't draw ourselves away from.
      • I added a carton of milk and a dessert to my tray and turned to look at the sea of faces already stuffing themselves with their lunch.
      • The picture of you stuffing yourself with nachos in a fairy costume is not the best one to post on the Internet.
      • I, at this point in time, was stuffing myself with so many biscuits that I was finding it hard to keep them inside my face.
      • When everybody finally stuffed themselves full of food, Mr. Kaufman led us as we checked the exits hoping that they were unlocked.
      • After they stuffed themselves with pizza and soda, they walked the short distance to the motel.
      • After losing my supper thanks to those cursed waves last night, I stuffed myself with plain crackers this morning to settle my stomach.
      • Needless to say my ticket's already paid for and will be waiting for me at the box office tomorrow night after I've stuffed myself with turkey.
      • Imitating their elders on such occasions, they stuffed themselves with a lot of food and drink, and roared with merriment to the bemusement of all the diners around.
      • On busy weekends, most tables are overlooked by a high-chair in which a small, food-covered being is stuffing itself with penne by the fistful.
      • Staff dressed up in football shirts, raffled prizes and stuffed themselves with cake all in the aid of three local charities.
      • Sales of sandals, swimwear and ice cream have fallen and we're stuffing ourselves with comfort food to warm up after getting drenched.
      • Meanwhile, while Holly stuffed herself with food and downed the coffee, someone put their hands over her eyes.
      • This is a lovely event which appeals to all the couch potatoes who stuffed themselves with Christmas Turkey on the day before and who now need considerable exercise to work it off!
      • There may be a large birthday cake but, by the time everyone's stuffed themselves with turkey and pudding, nobody can ever face eating even a small slice of it.
      • After we had stuffed ourselves with pasta and salad, the six of us decided on a few games at the bowling alley.
      • For that few minutes, we were all silent, as we stuffed ourselves with the delicious food.
      • We had stopped off at one of the many abandoned convenience stores on the way, and stuffed ourselves with what little was left.
      • We then watched Fungus the Bogeyman whilst stuffing ourselves with fruit pastilles.
      • Jeremy had lit the fire earlier and I was lying beside it now, basking in the heat and stuffing myself with food.
      fill, cram, gorge, overindulge, satiate
      gobble, devour, wolf, guzzle
      informal pig, pig out, make a pig of oneself, stuff oneself to the gills
      Northern Irish informal gorb
    6. 1.6be stuffed upinformal Have one's nose blocked up with catarrh as a result of a cold.
      when I woke up that morning I was totally stuffed up and my throat was sore
      block, stop, bung
      congest, obstruct, choke
    7. 1.7informal Fill (envelopes) with identical copies of printed matter.
      they spent the whole time in a back room stuffing envelopes


      Example sentencesExamples
      • She grabbed one of his hands and forcibly stuffed the sealed envelope into it.
      • Those envelopes looked expertly stuffed and labelled.
      • Zines needed to be physically copied, taken down to the local alternative music shop, or stuffed in envelopes and mailed.
      • The company printed a map and stuffed copies into envelopes carrying the legend ‘map inside’.
      • While it may have stuffed one enormous envelope through the SEC's door, that isn't quite enough for Nasdaq.
      • Other employees stuffed 1,700 envelopes for the event on state time, the affidavit said.
      • For now, all of his value can be typed onto an application and stuffed in a Manila envelope to be scanned in fifteen minutes by a member of the admissions department.
    8. 1.8North American Place bogus votes in (a ballot box).
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Supporters held my opponents at gunpoint while they stuffed the ballot boxes.
      • EU observers say they also saw incidents of Kagame's supporters tampering with voter lists and stuffing ballot boxes.
      • As you can see, TSN's team came in fourth even without stuffing the ballot box and telling relatives to vote for our team.
      • I asked for your votes to christen the small, flightless bird formerly known as Moderately Evil Penguin, and you stuffed the ballot box in your droves.
      • The right to vote can neither be denied outright nor destroyed by alteration of ballots nor diluted by stuffing ballot-boxes.
      • I'm not normally one to encourage people to stuff the ballot box, but you might want to vote in this poll twice.
      • Professor Lightbody would tell you that indifference ensures that no one stuffs the ballot box.
      • Maybe a whole lot of liberals just discovered the contest, and maybe someone stuffed the ballot box.
      • A team of journalists also saw ballot boxes being stuffed with ‘yes’ votes by an official at one polling station in Rawalpindi.
      • I should also note that he did a fine job of stuffing the ballot box with phony phone calls to Smith to make him look he supported the draft.
      • Although Democrats easily won the election by stuffing ballot boxes, they wanted revenge.
      • Am I bothered by the results of a popularity contest where it would be oh-so-easy to stuff the ballot box?
      • You don't need to stuff ballot boxes here; you don't need to put dead people on the voter rolls.
      • Allegations of vote rigging and stuffing of the stuffing the ballot boxes ensued.
      • It looks like some liberals are trying to stuff the ballot box in the early going.
      • As long as you are not actually caught publicly stuffing the ballot box, how could Google possibly suggest that you are doing so?
      • Zagat tries to make sure that the ballot box isn't stuffed by chefs and restaurateurs eager for a high rating.
      • The opposition claims the Movement for Multiparty Democracy stuffed ballot boxes and tampered with the count.
  • 2British informal usually in imperative Used to express indifference towards or rejection of (something)

    〈英,非正式〉 表示漠不关心或拒绝见鬼吧,去死吧

    stuff the diet!


  • 3British informal Defeat heavily in sport.


    Town got stuffed every week


    defeat utterly, beat hollow, win a resounding victory over, annihilate, drub, rout, give someone a drubbing, crush, overwhelm, bring someone to their knees
    trounce, defeat utterly, beat hollow, win a resounding victory over, annihilate, drub, rout, give someone a drubbing, crush, overwhelm, bring someone to their knees
  • 4British vulgar slang (of a man) have sexual intercourse with (a woman).



  • get stuffed

    • informal usually in imperativeSaid in anger to tell someone to go away or as an expression of contempt.

      〈英,非正式〉 表示生气或轻视滚开,去你的

      she wanted to join his mob but he told her to get stuffed
      go away, depart, leave, take off, get out, get out of my sight
  • not give a stuff

    • informal Not care at all.

      I couldn't give a stuff what they think


      Example sentencesExamples
      • There's always the possibility that it doesn't actually kill the pain but makes you so much more relaxed that you don't give a stuff about it.
      • The blame lies with parents who don't give a stuff.
      • The last election proved this to be the case, namely that the main plank of the Tory campaign, Europe, most of the public didn't give a stuff about, relatively speaking.
      • We're to pretend we're concerned, when the reality is that we don't give a stuff.
      • Most of them didn't give a stuff about the job, and so we'd have a good laugh and bitching session every lunchtime in the Dog And Trumpet or the Shakespeare's Head at the top of Carnaby Street.
      • Suddenly, it's summer, and the ratings meters are turned off, which means stations don't give a stuff because their previous advertising revenues aren't affected.
      • MPs don't know the facts and 90 per cent of British people don't give a stuff whether hunting is banned or not because it doesn't affect them.
      • Not everybody sees it that way, she said, nodding in the direction of Upstairs, but she doesn't give a stuff.
      • Plumley said he wouldn't mind a bit and didn't give a stuff who was in power.
      • So far, I have a shredded palm and a wet floor - plus two damp kittens who don't give a stuff.
  • stuff it

    • informal Said to express indifference, resignation, or rejection.

      〈英,非正式〉 表示漠不关心或拒绝见鬼吧,去死吧

      Stuff it, I'm 61, what do I care?


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘If I had been asked to resign, I would have told the BBC to stuff it,’ he added.
      • My friends and I just thought, stuff it, why not?
      • At the most, he should have told them to stuff it.
      • So I was working my way down the entertainment scale, about to pick up a book, when I thought stuff it, I'll go for a walk on the beach.
      • And if someone tells you to go stuff it, don't be offended, just do it.
      • I've always believed in the when in Rome philosophy but if it means I can't go out for an innocent drink, stuff it.
      • I hope that they tell the religionists to stuff it.
      • A few limits on it, of course - the whole thing about not being related leaps to mind, and minimum ages are generally a good idea - but stuff it, let's just go for it.
  • that's the stuff

    • informal Said in approval of what has just been done or said.

      〈英,非正式〉 表示赞扬这就对了!好啊!

      Example sentencesExamples
      • Vice magazine, though, that's the stuff right there.

Phrasal Verbs

  • stuff up (or stuff something up)

    • Handle a situation badly.

      stupid people always blame others for their mistakes, rather than admitting they stuffed up
      she stuffed up just about everything she got involved in
      Example sentencesExamples
      • He should have started a new thread, but he's not the sharpest Redditor in the drawer, so he's stuffed it up.
      • Just one instance is enough to stuff up any pretence of formal equality, or democratic rights.
      • The media is desperate for content and acting ministers are prone to stuff up.
      • How could he have stuffed it up so badly?
      • It would be appallingly bad management if we were to stuff up those advantages.
      • Even the developers admitted they stuffed up.
      • Bottom line, the little guys always pay regardless of who stuffed it up.
      • It leaves you wondering why we're so keen to stuff up this planet.
      • The media's on to me - you've really stuffed up this time.
      • "I stuffed up there," she conceded.
      • They were running out of chances with the gauntlets, they couldn't afford to stuff up again.
      • It would require some determination to stuff up a server configuration quite that badly.


  • stuffer

  • noun
    • in combination a sausage-stuffer
      Example sentencesExamples
      • In addition to TV commercials, Aykroyd appears in print and radio ads, billboards and bill stuffers.
      • Instead of anything this interesting, we just get the same old boring, contrived, generic mailbox stuffers with the candidate's mugshot, political party, electorate name and supposed attributes hastily slapped together.
      • Today, his company, the Wings of Autumn, has a reputation of being the finest animal stuffers in town.
      • Information on the Web can be more timely, he adds, and cuts down the lead time the network needs for preparing bill stuffers and ad slicks.
      • But most mornings were spent taking boxes of envelopes to and from the stuffers (as I affectionately referred to them) and making various deliveries to small businesses on the new industrial estates.


Middle English (denoting material for making clothes): shortening of Old French estoffe 'material, furniture', estoffer 'equip, furnish', from Greek stuphein 'draw together'.

  • Stuff originally meant the material for making clothes. It is a shortening of Old French estoffe ‘material or furniture’, which is related to estoffer ‘to equip, furnish’, the source of the verb stuff. Do your stuff is first recorded in 1663 in the journal of George Fox, founder of the Quakers: ‘A while after, when the priest had done his stuff, they came to the friends again.’ Stuff and nonsense, first found in Tom Jones (1749) by Henry Fielding, is really ‘nonsense and nonsense’—stuff is used in the 16th-century sense ‘nonsense, rubbish’.


bluff, buff, chough, chuff, cuff, duff, enough, fluff, gruff, guff, huff, luff, puff, rough, ruff, scruff, scuff, slough, snuff, Tough, tuff

Definition of stuff in US English:


  • 1Matter, material, articles, or activities of a specified or indeterminate kind that are being referred to, indicated, or implied.


    she's good at the technical stuff


    a pickup truck picked the stuff up


    Example sentencesExamples
    • In the box there would be heritage stuff, the material evidence of the past, as well as history, the wisdom of the past.
    • No matter how bad I feel, a bottle of the orange stuff sorts me out.
    • It's a trade exhibition for conference and exhibition organising groups and my Dad needed me to pick some stuff up.
    • Don't fear, though, because you'll find all the good stuff between the disappointing material.
    • But I am getting enough language training at least to master the technical stuff.
    • My question is, when you get to know the little stuff, does the big stuff really matter?
    • I won't bore you with any more technical stuff other than to say that it is a masterpiece of engineering.
    • There's also some stuff in the article about writing routines and the like.
    • They always sell the same stuff, no matter where you are in the country.
    • I was interested in all the technical stuff because films of this nature are, by definition, feats of technology.
    • There was apparently a really big rain in his town and all sorts of horrible stuff ended up in the pipeline.
    • He has some rare photos and artwork over there, a message board and all sorts of stuff.
    • They wouldn't realise a thing until they picked up their stuff to go and there'd be a nice sweetie waiting there for them.
    • Growling softly to myself I leant down to pick up my stuff, my papers scattered everywhere.
    • Did enough of us make a difference for you to put up some of that goofy stuff you were referring to?
    • There was a lot of horrible stuff written about me and said about me that was totally inaccurate.
    • I said some pretty horrible stuff to her, and it still hurts knowing she may have died with those words still in her head.
    • A load of kids are reading stuff and hearing stuff which refers back to Vietnam, and there is a resurgence in interest in the works of Chomsky.
    • It is unusual but because I am at the early stages, I'm just doing the technical stuff.
    • The fact that the New Statesman can't find anything more grown-up to publish than this sort of stuff is indicative of its sad decline.
    material, fabric, cloth, textile
    items, articles, objects, goods
    1. 1.1 A person's belongings, equipment, or baggage.
      he took his stuff and went


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Your stuff has proven it works with my equipment so I am going to need lots of it within the next six months.
      • And so, all Graham's stuff for the trip packed neatly into two soft cases, to bed.
      • But this stuff is being purveyed by the Religious Affairs Department of the Saudi Armed Forces.
      belongings, possessions, personal possessions, effects, property, goods, goods and chattels
    2. 1.2British dated, informal Worthless or foolish ideas, speech, or writing; rubbish.
      as exclamation stuff and nonsense!


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The lectures were the usual old stuff and nonsense, but it's so easy to make new friends when you just bitch.
      • At first sight such an idea seems outrageous stuff and nonsense.
      • The problem is, however, that to get to the point where we can afford all this stuff and nonsense, we have to work ridiculously long hours.
      • It doesn't go in for politics or injustice or any such stuff and nonsense.
      • So what are the general public and patients to make of this stuff and nonsense?
      rubbish, nonsense, twaddle, balderdash, claptrap, gibberish, drivel
    3. 1.3informal Drink or drugs.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • It follows that you need a sufficient quantity to significantly alter your mood, otherwise why drink the bloody stuff?
      • I would not encourage my kids to smoke the stuff, but when they are sixteen, they can if they want.
      • If they allowed dope to be used, I could grow her stuff, she could smoke it, and her life would be improved.
      • Basically, it's stuff to get drunk with; that is really what alcohol is for.
      • Me and my bros used to drink that stuff like we now drink beer i.e. like there's no tomorrow.
      • At first money wasn't a problem I had a good job, good house, I sold my house to the drug dealers so they could sell their stuff.
      • I slowly went downhill and back on to the heavy stuff like heroin.
      • Piffle mate, would you go in a car while the driver is smoking the stuff?
    4. 1.4one's stuff Things in which one is knowledgeable and experienced; one's area of expertise.
      he knows his stuff and can really write


      facts, information, data, subject, discipline
  • 2The basic constituents or characteristics of something or someone.


    Healey was made of sterner stuff


    such a trip was the stuff of his dreams


    Example sentencesExamples
    • At both the Players Championship and the Masters this year he played some sterling stuff.
    • I think the Wexler model, the constituent outreach stuff, was ahead of its time.
    • The idea that you start very strict and ease off later is basic stuff to trainee teachers.
    • To see them grab a hammer and head up to the roof is character building stuff.
    • We drive, chatting every once in awhile, listening to the radio, pretty basic road trip stuff.
    • It's very, very easy for me to eat when I'm at home because I like very, very basic stuff.
    • I didn't go to school been as I had no education what so ever so Tiger taught me over time teaching me the basic stuff.
    • No specific predictions have ever been made, it's all your basic general could-apply-to-anything stuff.
    • If you have a few accessories your basic stuff can be made to look like more of a wardrobe than it is.
    • Back to sleep now, for I deal with the very stuff of dreams, and thus a writer's work can never really be done.
    • It's also possible that I could program some of the more basic stuff - no, that won't happen.
  • 3British dated Woolen fabric, especially as distinct from silk, cotton, and linen.


    as modifier her dark stuff gown


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The earliest woven stuffs were made for use or ornament, before refinements in spinning and weaving permitted textiles malleable enough to clothe the body.
    • His library was dukedom large enough, and here on the island he has, besides rich garments, linen stuffs and necessaries, volumes that he prizes above his dukedom.
    • Of course people have noticed before that Matisse posed his models in flimsy, filmy harem pants on divans and cushions covered with flowered or striped stuffs against fabric screens and curtains.
  • 4North American (in sports) spin given to a ball to make it vary its course.


    Example sentencesExamples
    • RHP Rolando Arrojo has good stuff, uses a multitude of arm angles and mixes his pitches well.
    • Both are left-handers who rely on command and control more than raw speed or stuff.
    • I think Greinke's stuff will get better, it got better as last year went along.
    • His stuff was impressive in his short stint in Detroit, as well as his 26 innings in Arizona.
    • He rarely hits the upper 80s on his fastball, so he relies on his off-speed stuff to get outs.
    1. 4.1Baseball A pitcher's ability to produce spin on a ball or control the speed of delivery of a pitch.
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Bernero has savvy and changes speeds, but hitters sometimes sit on his off-speed stuff.
      • He says he hasn't changed anything in his delivery - he just isn't trusting his stuff.
      • Ramirez struggles with his control at times but has much better stuff and is more durable than Reynolds.
      • His stuff is similar to that of Kerry Wood, the player whom I am speaking of above.
[with object]
  • 1Fill (a receptacle or space) tightly with something.


    an old teapot stuffed full of cash


    figurative his head has been stuffed with myths and taboos


    Example sentencesExamples
    • The two tea rooms were stuffed with damp holiday makers, all tucking into cake and cream and scones and cream and strawberry jam and cream.
    • Samantha, 25, said: " The wallet was stuffed full of pictures, letters, keepsakes and prayer cards.
    • Now my servants are frantically boarding the windows and stuffing sandbags.
    • Once more the little blue Ford was stuffed full of boxes and bags and off we set on the return journey.
    • Adjoining the visitors shop is Hartlepool Museum, which is stuffed full of artefacts telling the story of the town, particularly its maritime heritage.
    • Each of the pouches was stuffed with bizarre and unexplainable tools or devices.
    • Nights of stuffing this sculpture with kapok, a new substance for the job, sent me into bouts of itching.
    • When you walked away from the conference the bins all over Blackpool were stuffed full of these bags.
    • ‘We're stuffed full of confidence that we will continue to grow the bank faster than any other bank in the UK,’ he says.
    • My samosa was a monster - it looked more like a Cornish pastie than the small crispy triangles you usually get - and was stuffed with vegetables.
    • Government today is stuffed full of political appointees who are highly influential, dedicated and powerful special advisers with a direct ear to ministers.
    • Its portfolio is stuffed full of some of Britain's best know pantry products.
    • The deposit box is also stuffed with money in various currencies and a gun.
    • While we were stuffed full of learning about other parts of the world, the school system left us utterly clueless about our won history.
    • In this competitive world, education has to be stuffed with subjects, which prepare the students to face any challenge.
    • But then these rooms are stuffed with things of beauty, as the deputy curator of the collection, Martin Clayton, enthusiastically points out.
    • He caught chipmunks whose cheek pouches were so stuffed with lodgepole pine seeds that not one more would fit.
    • The food basket was stuffed with savory meat pies, potato salad and a wonderful deep-dish apple pie for dessert.
    • Your suitcase will be stuffed full of them, too, so you can bring a Joyeux Noël back with you.
    • There wasn't anything in there but a folder that was stuffed full of papers.
    fill, pack, pad, line, wad, upholster
    1. 1.1 Force or cram (something) tightly into a receptacle or space.
      he stuffed a thick wad of cash into his jacket pocket


      Example sentencesExamples
      • He then tore off his white gloves, and stuffed the garments into his knapsack as he drew closer to a pub near the outskirts of Firith.
      • She smiled back and went to the sink, where she wedged a rubber cap past the pile of dishes and stuffed it onto the drain.
      • My hand was unexpectedly clutching the stone tightly as I stuffed the paper back in the bottle.
      • Shoving students into lectures is like stuffing sausage meat into one end of a sausage machine but ignoring the copious waste that spills out half way through the process.
      • Once inside the man quickly tied her wrists together behind her back and stuffed a thick cloth into her mouth and tied it tightly behind her head, gagging her.
      • Removing his gloves, Charles stuffs them in the pocket of his gray woolen coat before walking away from the table.
      • Christy removed her hat and gloves and stuffed them into her coat pocket.
      • I muttered and began to adjust the black leather jacket and stuffed it in my bag, before overlooking the boxes.
      • She grabbed some latex gloves and stuffed them in her pocket along with the transmitter enclosed in a bag, with fingerprints already removed.
      • Vincent was a little worried that Kass would drag the book into his house, but the clever boy stuffed it inside the glove compartment.
      • Hundreds of drawings are stuffed into piles of plastic carrier bags, and on the bed a punk Teddy bear, complete with badges, safety pins and a torn ear, lies on his own little pillow.
      • Quickly, they put coats, boots, hats, scarves and gloves on, stuffing cookie into their mouths as quickly as possible.
      • It was unbelievable how much junk was stuffed into the small space.
      • I stuffed the bottle with scraps of paper and tinder-dry sticks of which there was a plentiful supply.
      • She shoved supplies into her pack, stuffing it nearly to the point that it could rip the seams.
      • I was stuffing a pair of gloves in his pockets when he walked into the room.
      • He gathered his homework into a pile and stuffed it into his book-bag.
      • As she rolled her clothes up tightly and stuffed them in securely, she tried to recall what it was that she missed the most.
      • I kept folding up the wads of twenties and stuffing them in the pocket of my shorts.
      • The bags of cash were much too large to hide, but they were stuffed underneath the back seats as tightly as possible.
      shove, thrust, push, ram, cram, squeeze, press, force, compress, jam, wedge
    2. 1.2informal Hastily or clumsily push (something) into a space.
      Sadie took the coin and stuffed it in her coat pocket


      Example sentencesExamples
      • I hastily stuffed the blouse and skirt into the plastic bag Terry brought.
      • I meekly stuffed the meter with pound coins to the maximum permitted amount and we commenced shifting boxes and bags.
      • Lucas hastily stuffed his drawings back into their folder and the folder disappeared into his backpack again.
      • She packed up her books and hastily stuffed them in her bag, walked out the hall and headed straight for the door.
      • Young and the others hastily stuffed a purifier into each nostril and inhaled some much needed fresh air.
      • Hastily, she stuffed her feet into a pair of sneakers and ran downstairs to where her grandfather was waiting for her.
      • I copied down the words and hastily stuffed the paper in my pocket.
      • He read it hastily before stuffing it in his pocket.
      • He produced a bread knife and ordered the women to open the safe and then lie on the ground before he stuffed notes and coins into a black holdall.
      • I hastily stuffed three more forkfuls in my mouth, waiting for him to answer.
      • She hastily scribbled something down, and then stuffed the pad into a drawer in the kitchen.
      • Schilling hastily stuffed a box full of items for her to auction at the tournament.
      • He laughed while hastily stuffing the paper in his binder, still cracking up about his ‘little joke’.
      • He went to his locker, snagged some of his things and stuffed them hastily inside his large duffel bag.
      • I pulled out the piece of paper from my pocket where I had hastily stuffed it.
      • Cane picked up the coins and stuffed them in his pockets; there were perhaps two hundred, so soon his pockets were full.
      • Hastily, I stuffed the Oreo boxes into a large duffel bag.
      • Hastily, Gwen stuffed her cell phone in her purse, and got on the computer where she checked her email.
      • I hastily stuffed everything into my backpack, crushing many important math assignments… whoops!
      • I asked Sarza as she hastily stuffed water bottles, napkins, and granola bars into a tote bag.
    3. 1.3 Fill out the skin of (a dead animal) with material to restore the original shape and appearance.
      he took the bird to a taxidermist to be stuffed


      Example sentencesExamples
      • But doesn't this collection of stuffed, damaged, dead animals upset Singer, even though she has put her heart into giving them a purpose?
      • As well as early fossils, there are displays of stuffed animals and birds, including a male and female Great Bustard.
      • The prize for the final event, the best overall bird, is that it will be stuffed free of charge by local taxidermist Gerry Lundy.
      • Phar Lap, a famous Aussie racehorse, was stuffed and standing in a corner.
      • Several Irish talk show hosts have been filling the air waves with information about stuffing your dead pets.
      • We also saw a variety of stuffed animals, birds and the full body size skins of the bear and the moose.
      • Then they come to a taxidermist's shop with stuffed animals in the window.
      • Hefty wooden tables and benches are situated on two levels and stuffed birds and animals stare down at diners from under the high ceiling's wooden beams.
      • The Rivington otter has been sent to a Liverpool taxidermist to be stuffed.
      • The dead elephant was stuffed and exhibited, and it stood in Vienna until Maximilian sent it to Munich.
      • They've got stuffed beasts, stuffed birds, stuffed fish, and a huge historic rifle collection.
      • My neighbor is sitting beside me at a drum kit, with a stuffed hound dog between us.
      • One thing unites the animals: they are all dead but stuffed by taxidermists at Edinburgh's Royal Museum on Chambers Street.
      • This room was packed full of fishing, game and stuffed animals and game birds.
      • He brought the ladder under a light gray stuffed Husky dog, climbed up the three steps and took down the dog.
      • But Ron says there is still a place for stuffed or freeze-dried animals and birds.
      • What appears to be a very strange place with large bird cages and freaky stuffed animals wasn't manufactured on a sound stage but was in fact exactly how his house looked every day!
      • Last week I had the rare opportunity to shoot a panorama inside a museum diorama animal display filled with stuffed animals large and small.
      • Poppino nurtures his student in the black arts of stuffing dead animals and soon Valerio has given up his job and his girlfriend to pursue this new calling.
      • Why would there even be such a museum filled with stuffed versions of animals who are not extinct?
    4. 1.4 Fill (the cavity of an item of food) with a savory or sweet mixture, especially before cooking.
      chicken stuffed with mushrooms and breadcrumbs


      Example sentencesExamples
      • The thick slices of roast duck are stuffed into peeled fresh lychees, which are then laid in a sauce of lime, honey and osmanthus paste.
      • It may be eaten in the form of tamales, the dough stuffed with savoury or sweet mixtures and steamed in maize or banana leaves.
      • But I fancied the savoury pancakes stuffed with mushrooms, tomatoes and onions, and covered in a creamy cheese sauce.
      • The burrito was stuffed with a mess of subtly-spiced smooth black beans, chunks of nicely roasted vegetables and molten cheese.
      • The chicken breasts can be stuffed in advance and popped in the steamer when you get in from work.
      • Try the skewered shiitake mushrooms stuffed with minced chicken or handmade buckwheat noodles.
      • Whole wheat tortillas are stuffed with refried black beans, real cactus leaves and cheddar cheese.
      • I've stuffed the ravioli with a thick paste or pesto of rocket and crunchy pine nuts for a really punchy flavour and texture, ready for a thin coating of rich tomato sauce.
      • The game hen was light, savory and the chestnut stuffing slightly sweet, and deliciously spiced.
    5. 1.5informal Fill (oneself) with large amounts of food.
      he stuffed himself with potato chips


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Jeremy had lit the fire earlier and I was lying beside it now, basking in the heat and stuffing myself with food.
      • Staff dressed up in football shirts, raffled prizes and stuffed themselves with cake all in the aid of three local charities.
      • This is a lovely event which appeals to all the couch potatoes who stuffed themselves with Christmas Turkey on the day before and who now need considerable exercise to work it off!
      • Meanwhile, while Holly stuffed herself with food and downed the coffee, someone put their hands over her eyes.
      • Sales of sandals, swimwear and ice cream have fallen and we're stuffing ourselves with comfort food to warm up after getting drenched.
      • There may be a large birthday cake but, by the time everyone's stuffed themselves with turkey and pudding, nobody can ever face eating even a small slice of it.
      • For that few minutes, we were all silent, as we stuffed ourselves with the delicious food.
      • When everybody finally stuffed themselves full of food, Mr. Kaufman led us as we checked the exits hoping that they were unlocked.
      • After losing my supper thanks to those cursed waves last night, I stuffed myself with plain crackers this morning to settle my stomach.
      • We stuffed ourselves with hot dogs, corn dogs, funnel cakes, and everything else that we couldn't draw ourselves away from.
      • I added a carton of milk and a dessert to my tray and turned to look at the sea of faces already stuffing themselves with their lunch.
      • I, at this point in time, was stuffing myself with so many biscuits that I was finding it hard to keep them inside my face.
      • After we had stuffed ourselves with pasta and salad, the six of us decided on a few games at the bowling alley.
      • On busy weekends, most tables are overlooked by a high-chair in which a small, food-covered being is stuffing itself with penne by the fistful.
      • The picture of you stuffing yourself with nachos in a fairy costume is not the best one to post on the Internet.
      • Needless to say my ticket's already paid for and will be waiting for me at the box office tomorrow night after I've stuffed myself with turkey.
      • After they stuffed themselves with pizza and soda, they walked the short distance to the motel.
      • Imitating their elders on such occasions, they stuffed themselves with a lot of food and drink, and roared with merriment to the bemusement of all the diners around.
      • We had stopped off at one of the many abandoned convenience stores on the way, and stuffed ourselves with what little was left.
      • We then watched Fungus the Bogeyman whilst stuffing ourselves with fruit pastilles.
      fill, cram, gorge, overindulge, satiate
    6. 1.6be stuffed upinformal (of a person) have one's nose blocked up with mucus as a result of a cold.
      block, stop, bung
    7. 1.7informal Fill (envelopes) with identical copies of printed matter.
      they spent the whole time in a back room stuffing envelopes


      Example sentencesExamples
      • While it may have stuffed one enormous envelope through the SEC's door, that isn't quite enough for Nasdaq.
      • The company printed a map and stuffed copies into envelopes carrying the legend ‘map inside’.
      • Zines needed to be physically copied, taken down to the local alternative music shop, or stuffed in envelopes and mailed.
      • Those envelopes looked expertly stuffed and labelled.
      • She grabbed one of his hands and forcibly stuffed the sealed envelope into it.
      • For now, all of his value can be typed onto an application and stuffed in a Manila envelope to be scanned in fifteen minutes by a member of the admissions department.
      • Other employees stuffed 1,700 envelopes for the event on state time, the affidavit said.
    8. 1.8North American Place bogus votes in (a ballot box).
      Example sentencesExamples
      • Allegations of vote rigging and stuffing of the stuffing the ballot boxes ensued.
      • EU observers say they also saw incidents of Kagame's supporters tampering with voter lists and stuffing ballot boxes.
      • Maybe a whole lot of liberals just discovered the contest, and maybe someone stuffed the ballot box.
      • The right to vote can neither be denied outright nor destroyed by alteration of ballots nor diluted by stuffing ballot-boxes.
      • I asked for your votes to christen the small, flightless bird formerly known as Moderately Evil Penguin, and you stuffed the ballot box in your droves.
      • As you can see, TSN's team came in fourth even without stuffing the ballot box and telling relatives to vote for our team.
      • I'm not normally one to encourage people to stuff the ballot box, but you might want to vote in this poll twice.
      • Although Democrats easily won the election by stuffing ballot boxes, they wanted revenge.
      • A team of journalists also saw ballot boxes being stuffed with ‘yes’ votes by an official at one polling station in Rawalpindi.
      • It looks like some liberals are trying to stuff the ballot box in the early going.
      • You don't need to stuff ballot boxes here; you don't need to put dead people on the voter rolls.
      • Supporters held my opponents at gunpoint while they stuffed the ballot boxes.
      • The opposition claims the Movement for Multiparty Democracy stuffed ballot boxes and tampered with the count.
      • As long as you are not actually caught publicly stuffing the ballot box, how could Google possibly suggest that you are doing so?
      • I should also note that he did a fine job of stuffing the ballot box with phony phone calls to Smith to make him look he supported the draft.
      • Zagat tries to make sure that the ballot box isn't stuffed by chefs and restaurateurs eager for a high rating.
      • Professor Lightbody would tell you that indifference ensures that no one stuffs the ballot box.
      • Am I bothered by the results of a popularity contest where it would be oh-so-easy to stuff the ballot box?
  • 2British informal usually in imperative Used to express indifference toward or rejection of (something)

    〈英,非正式〉 表示漠不关心或拒绝见鬼吧,去死吧

    stuff the diet!


  • 3British informal Defeat heavily in sport.


    Town got stuffed every week


    defeat utterly, beat hollow, win a resounding victory over, annihilate, drub, rout, give someone a drubbing, crush, overwhelm, bring someone to their knees
    trounce, defeat utterly, beat hollow, win a resounding victory over, annihilate, drub, rout, give someone a drubbing, crush, overwhelm, bring someone to their knees
  • 4British vulgar slang (of a man) have sexual intercourse with (someone).



  • get stuffed

    • informal usually in imperativeSaid in anger to tell someone to go away or as an expression of contempt.

      〈英,非正式〉 表示生气或轻视滚开,去你的

      go away, depart, leave, take off, get out, get out of my sight
  • stuff it

    • informal Said to express indifference, resignation, or rejection.

      〈英,非正式〉 表示漠不关心或拒绝见鬼吧,去死吧

      Stuff it, I'm 61, what do I care?


      Example sentencesExamples
      • ‘If I had been asked to resign, I would have told the BBC to stuff it,’ he added.
      • At the most, he should have told them to stuff it.
      • And if someone tells you to go stuff it, don't be offended, just do it.
      • My friends and I just thought, stuff it, why not?
      • I've always believed in the when in Rome philosophy but if it means I can't go out for an innocent drink, stuff it.
      • I hope that they tell the religionists to stuff it.
      • So I was working my way down the entertainment scale, about to pick up a book, when I thought stuff it, I'll go for a walk on the beach.
      • A few limits on it, of course - the whole thing about not being related leaps to mind, and minimum ages are generally a good idea - but stuff it, let's just go for it.
  • that's the stuff

    • informal Said in approval of what has just been done or said.

      〈英,非正式〉 表示赞扬这就对了!好啊!

      Example sentencesExamples
      • Vice magazine, though, that's the stuff right there.
  • and stuff

    • informal Said in vague reference to additional things of a similar nature to those specified.


      all that running and swimming and stuff


      Example sentencesExamples
      • Without having to spend tons on sets and stuff; just spend the money on animation and voices.
      • I just had a table in my room and I used to buy lots of books at jumble sales and cut them up, and do drawings and stuff.
      • I wonder if they give you a trolley and you just head up and down the aisle buying toys and stuff.
      • The fact is that lots of people just don't bother with car tax and stuff hereabouts, Mr Collinson.
      • Suffice it to say, I was a bit hasty in offering my opinion on threads concerning God and stuff.
      • There's loads of police now, and when I went out there were ambulances and stuff.
      • What's that you're saying about science and moon cycles and the solar system and stuff?
      • I collected my bag, blazer and stuff, and walked straight out of the room without him saying a word.
      • We may not be very good at reading and stuff, but we sure know good litter box liner when we see it.
      • Jessica will be cheaper, leaving more money to spend on invisible cars and space lasers and stuff.


Middle English (denoting material for making clothes): shortening of Old French estoffe ‘material, furniture’, estoffer ‘equip, furnish’, from Greek stuphein ‘draw together’.





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