At this point, for reasons unguessable, the teachers gleefully shout obscenities at the car, giving their young charges a vocabulary lesson that their parents probably won't appreciate.
The room was filled with sophisticated electronic gear, all or most of it of unguessable purpose.
The unreasoning, regular arrival of the stuff convinces me that only people who had turned themselves into loathsome machines for unguessable reasons could be behind it.
Most experts gloomily predict temperatures rising unabated until 2100, when the world will be warmer by six degrees than it is today, an increase with almost unguessable consequences.
And you slump back, exhausted and bewildered, facing another wait of unguessable duration, and the pain and the fear continue.
I wish she'd told me so I could give her some kind of comfort, but as she'd said, the repercussions were unguessable.
Then she turned to face him, her eyes dark wells of unguessable pain.
To find it at its rather unguessable URL, click here.
It made a sharp turn to the left at the house, and went on to meander away to unguessable destinations.
It was an odd sensation, feeling as though one were sitting still, though simultaneously moving at some unguessable speed that could have been a snail's pace or free fall in a void.
Yet another unguessable variable is the fact that the present situation is highly out of the ordinary.
They found themselves in a dark unlighted space of unguessable size, but Jack judged by the sound of their echoing feet that it was a large chamber.