The string lines are often braided aircraft cable supported on pins set 25 feet or less apart.
They will move the string lines a few millimetres to the right or left, backward or forward, by trial and error, to be square.
Regular checks against a measuring tape and a string line insure straight coursing and even spacing.
Had we not had this system we would have done it the old-fashioned way, pulling a string line and checking at every station.
Traditionally anchor bolts are located by string line and tape measures.
Make sure your tiles fit snugly into the corner and line up with the border reference string lines.
Experienced masons keep their string lines taut to help them lay straight courses.
If you have a long run of fencing, or if it will be making any changes of direction, add intermediate stakes as needed to keep the string line accurate.
Every 4’ or so, use a perpendicular string line to check your progress.
Once they've got the grading and stone down, we'll come in and set the string line, pour the new curb, and base pave the roads.
Dibler adds that by using stringless technology for grade preparation, Millstone eliminated 60% of the string line setting on this project.
Then all she had to do was trace the string line with her putter head, taking it straight back and straight through.
One idea was paving most of the work without string lines using a Guntert & Zimmerman S - 850 Quadra 4-track paver.
Castle Rock set pins for the string lines at 5-foot intervals on the outside radius and at 3-foot intervals on the inside radius.
Now approaching the job site, he was lugging a worn canvas bag jammed with his favorite trowels, string lines, and other tools in his left hand.