These working dogs, much larger than today's Yorkies, were adept at catching rats and other small mammals.
After which I had the excitement of giving my Yorkies a clipping.
I've just had another phone call off daughter #2 to say that the grandson has been diagnosed as allergic to animals so she can't dog sit my Yorkies while I'm away on holiday in 2 weeks time.
How did wolves transform into today's greyhounds, pugs, and Yorkies?
King Charles, Yorkies and Labradors tend to go missing.
It is rather like trying to turn a German shepherd into a Yorkie.
I've got two Yorkies, a Jack Russell and a Dyson.
Tom is one of my Yorkies.
Before going to their house, we stopped at the dog groomers and picked up their adorable Yorkie named Rusty.
You just wouldn't credit how difficult it is to take two little Yorkies out on leads.
The Yorkies were done when they were 6 months old as were my previous dogs.
Definition of Yorkie in US English:
See also Yorkshire terrier
Example sentencesExamples
After which I had the excitement of giving my Yorkies a clipping.
I've just had another phone call off daughter #2 to say that the grandson has been diagnosed as allergic to animals so she can't dog sit my Yorkies while I'm away on holiday in 2 weeks time.
It is rather like trying to turn a German shepherd into a Yorkie.
Tom is one of my Yorkies.
How did wolves transform into today's greyhounds, pugs, and Yorkies?
These working dogs, much larger than today's Yorkies, were adept at catching rats and other small mammals.
You just wouldn't credit how difficult it is to take two little Yorkies out on leads.
The Yorkies were done when they were 6 months old as were my previous dogs.
King Charles, Yorkies and Labradors tend to go missing.
Before going to their house, we stopped at the dog groomers and picked up their adorable Yorkie named Rusty.