A compound able to inhibit the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms, used as a medical disinfectant and preservative for biological products.
Chemical formula: C₉H₉O₂SHgNa
Example sentencesExamples
The removal of the mercury-based preservative, thiomersal, comes weeks after researchers in the US suggested that it could be linked to the development of autism.
This was strengthened a few weeks ago when US researchers suggested a mercury-based preservative, thiomersal used in the vaccine for whooping cough could be linked to the development of the condition.
The third change is that the new vaccine does not contain the mercury-based preservative thiomersal.
We are told that the mercury-based preservative thiomersal will no longer be used in the whooping cough vaccine ‘as part of a worldwide aim of reducing exposure to the element.’
The vaccine does not contain the mercury-based preservative thiomersal, unlike the existing version.