The second largest river in China, which rises in the mountains of west central China and flows over 4,830 km (3,000 miles) in a huge semicircle before entering the gulf of Bo Hai.
黄河(中国第二大河,发源于中国中西部的山区,全长4, 830公里,即3, 000英里,呈巨大的半圆形,然后汇入渤海湾;汉语名HUANG HO )
Chinese name Huang Ho
Definition of Yellow River in US English:
Yellow River
proper nounˈˌyelō ˈrivər
The second largest river in China. It rises in the mountains of western central China and flows for more than 3,000 miles (4,830 km) in a huge semicircle before it enters Bo Hai, an inlet of the Yellow Sea.
黄河(中国第二大河,发源于中国中西部的山区,全长4, 830公里,即3, 000英里,呈巨大的半圆形,然后汇入渤海湾;汉语名HUANG HO )