A "bubbling chamber" is a flask where uncondensed gases are derived during the process of synthesis.
This primordial energy is "free" or in an uncondensed state.
Condensed DNA binds ligands more strongly than the uncondensed ones.
The quantity of uncondensed steam rejected from the cylinder, per pound of steam supplied, is, therefore, 76.531.
A very powerful solar wind swept the uncondensed gas out of the Solar System and into the interstellar medium.
Fig. 6A shows the fraction of uncondensed DNA in solution.
The return of the uncondensed steam would involve not only the return of the charge of heat contained in that steam, but also the return of all the energy which the vapor had yielded during its expansion.
Uncondensed exhaust gas may be routed from first collection vessel 470 through heated tempered glass tubing to a second collection vessel 475.
2Not shortened or compressed; whole.
the uncondensed edition
Example sentencesExamples
I referred to my 968-page, 2-pound, 5-ounce "Condensed Materia Medica" (I wonder what the uncondensed edition weighs!)
I just rediscovered an amazing, lengthy (with 21 parts) "uncondensed history" of the station that's located on the KUOI website.
There is way too much material to wade through in LaFave's uncondensed volume.
You should see the uncondensed version.
The poems are also insistently personal, at times extended and uncondensed.
In Shakespeare's uncondensed edition the killing is done by dispatched assassins.