In many situations, this attachment versatility eliminates the need for vessel stay rods.
Trailer of a total weight above 20 tons, and with a height more than 4 metres in ‘road trains’, with a possible total weight of more than 42 tons, are to have stabilizer stay rods.
With the original stay rod in place these units where fitted to hold it in the same position.
So in version three I will change the fabric stay rods for steel ones and create little slits where the elastics (with 2 cm spaced thick knots) can easily click and slide into. and the new elastic
The door stay rod attached to the inside of the door is used to keep the door fully open for easy access.
They come in 52 inch heights, 16 feet long, with the horizontal stay rods 3 inches apart at the top.
The upper top of the stay rod will be for steam outlet to a throttle valve.
The camouflage screen may be attached to the stay rods in any conventional manner.
There are no stay rods to install and no moving parts to adjust or balance.
An alternative would be to set posts 30 feet apart and place two stay rods in the wire between each set of posts.
Water had been leaking through the tell tale hole of the stay rod for several months.
The decks are suspended using arrays of cable stay rods from inclined steel pylons.
The job was stopped and was not resumed even when the stay rod arrived.
This pulling eye accommodates a range of stay rod diameters and provides a rated attachment point for the tensioning device.
The solution was to hang the floors from the upper level using stay rods.
To provide unrestricted vertical motion while allowing for horizontal thermal expansion, stay rods and check rods are used.
Mitchell's redundant timber struts are eliminated entirely, and his metal stay rods are replaced with wire cables.
One of the stay rods supporting the gauge glass is calibrated in division marks that represent either gallons per hour, gallons per day, liters per hour, liters per day, gallons, or liters.
A horizontal guide frame is secured to the horizontal part of the stay rod.
The engine was restrained longitudinally by modified Ford stay rods.