these murders should not be allowed to go unavenged
Example sentencesExamples
The Crown Forces decided these murders would not be allowed to go unavenged.
Third platoon was the last to leave and John knew that it was killing the Lieutenant to leave so many of her comrades' deaths unavenged.
They may try some quieting process, but we feel confident, knowing this people as we do, that our fall would not go unavenged.
This day we shall not all perish unavenged.
The innocent blood crimsoning the hall of the priests did not remain unavenged.
He then expelled Thyestes from Argos and the man lived the rest of his days in exile, unavenged.
I would rather remain with my unavenged suffering and unsatisfied indignation, even if I were wrong.
In this symbolic reversal of southern style, injustice, privilege and power are no buffer against an unavenged, incomprehensible death.
For some, Tuesday's attack marks a single reprisal for more than a decade of attacks that have gone unavenged.
No good turn will be forgotten, Joe, and no transgression unavenged.
His story completed, the chilled and weakened Victor Frankenstein died there on the ice-bound ship, unavenged.
The poem ends, appropriately enough, at the tomb of Gunnar, the epic hero of Njal's Saga, whose death at the hands of enemies remains unavenged.
I'll not go unavenged, nor will you rejoice for long.
The wrong done him by David in granting one-half his possessions to Ziba, the slave of Mephibosheth, did not go unavenged.
She prays to the gods and recounts her deeds to them alleging that she dies unavenged as she shoves the sword in her body.
It is hard to escape the feeling that Harding should not go unavenged, that his life should be given some meaning by making sure it never happens again.
The many cold-blooded murders for which Arafat was responsible in the course of his life were politely passed over in silence as they remained entirely unavenged.
An unavenged murder could in extreme cases cause barrenness and crop failure, as in Sophocles ' Oedipus the King.
Why should US Marines die to avenge them, when soldiers who were killed in similiar ways were left unavenged?
Each adventure in which they are involved requires, in the ongoing revision that Sidney undertakes in the New Arcadia, further stories of unrequited love and unavenged death.