Flavin's great success, like his kindred artistic spirit Donald Judd, arises from the complex spatial awareness he creates with such industrial, apparently unartistic means.
What kind of a message does this send out to the cretins who ruin the town with their pathetic unartistic scribbles?
When Raphael painted the Coronation of Charlemagne on the walls of the Vatican stanzas, was he being unartistic?
In only three terms they have proven that one of the most notoriously unartistic faculties has what it takes to stage consistently entertaining theatre.
Although Gilbert and George are promoting a reassuringly pedestrian and unartistic view of art, Higgs and Noble nonetheless do them something of a disservice here.
It was the most unartistic house imaginable and there was a dreadful pergola that hung over the front door.
Saying magical thinking is unscientific is as much of an error as discounting science as unartistic.
I find that the speeches made by the Opposition are entirely negative, totally uncreative, and totally unartistic.
I'm completely unartistic, but doing it in the semi-dark means I can let go of my self-consciousness long enough to have fun.
uninspired, uninventive, unoriginal, uncreative, commonplace, pedestrian, mundane, matter-of-fact, ordinary, usual, routine, humdrum, prosaic, workaday, run of the mill, vanilla, plain vanilla